If you are not root on a computer, you usually cannot install a webserver and moin. Or maybe you would like to have your own private wiki for various purpose.
For moin < 1.2.x only.
Here is a small script that install moin in the homedir, and launch the webserver with a browser.
# TODO # choose a random port, instead of a fixed one # copy the wiki from another location # CONFIG=~/.moinmoin URL=http://localhost:8080/ PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH=.} export PYTHONPATH=${PYTHONPATH}:${CONFIG} if [ ! -d $CONFIG ]; then ( mkdir -p $CONFIG # TODO ue ln or -l ? cp -ra /usr/share/moin/data $CONFIG cp -ra /usr/share/moin/htdocs/ $CONFIG/wiki-htdocs #rm -Rf $CONFIG/applets/ cp -a /usr/share/moin/cgi-bin/* $CONFIG echo "httpd_docs = '.'" >> $CONFIG/moin_config.py PORT=$(( 9000 + $(id -u))) echo "httpd_port = $PORT " >> $CONFIG/moin_config.py ) 2>/dev/null fi PORT=$(python -c "from MoinMoin import config print config.httpd_port " ) URL=http://localhost:$PORT/ ( cd $CONFIG # adapt it to the correct path # maybe the correct url too ? exec python -u -O /usr/lib/python$(rpm --eval %pyver)/site-packages/MoinMoin/httpdmain.py $* ) 2>/dev/null & SERV_PID=$! # we should wait, but how long sleep 2 # launch a web browser ? $BROWSER $URL kill $SERV_PID