Semantic Wiki
Implementation of SemanticWeb via WikiWiki. Here, it will be SemanticMoin (MoinMoin as an semantic wiki)
Related Informations
Semantic WikiWikiWeb is (could be?) a WikiWikiWeb including the ideas from SemanticWeb.
c2.comThe Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries. It is a collaborative effort led by W3C with participation from a large number of researchers and industrial partners. It is based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF). See also the separate FAQ for further information.
News & Articles
The German Linux Magazine published some article (07/09)about semantic web and mediawiki. it's maybe interesting to adopt some ideas for a future SemanticMoin read yourself:
>> Um strukturierte Daten erfassen zu können, entwickeln seit 2005 Markus Krötzsch, Denny Vrandecic, Max Völkel und etwa 30 weitere Entwickler mit Unterstützung des AIFB-Instituts der Universität Karlsruhe die Erweiterung Semantic Mediawiki, kurz SMW. Ganz allgemein geht es darum, Wiki-Seiten mit Attributen (»ist Geburtsort«, »ist Homepage«) und deren Werten (»Köln«, »«) zu bereichern. Noch eins draufgesetzt haben Yaron Koren und andere, indem sie eine weitere Extension bauten, mit der sich die strukturierten Daten über Formulare pflegen lassen. << (babelfish translating to English).
Community - The Semantic Wiki Community. Semantic Wikis try to combine the strengths of Semantic Web (machine processable, data integration, complex queries) and Wiki (easy to use and contribute, strongly interconnected, collaborativeness) technologies.
semwiki.orgThe Semantic Web is the extension of the World Wide Web that enables people to share content beyond the boundaries of applications and websites. It has been described in rather different ways: as a utopic vision, as a web of data, or merely as a natural paradigm shift in our daily use of the Web. Most of all, the Semantic Web has inspired and engaged many people to create innovative semantic technologies and applications. is the common platform for this community.
Other Wikis
Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) is a free extension of MediaWiki – the wiki-system powering Wikipedia – that helps to search, organise, tag, browse, evaluate, and share the wiki's content. While traditional wikis contain only texts which computers can neither understand nor evaluate, SMW adds semantic annotations that bring the power of the Semantic Web to the wiki.
semantic-mediawiki.orgIkeWiki is a new kind of Wiki (a Semantic Wiki ) developed by SalzburgResearch that allows users to annotate pages and links between pages with semantic annotations. Such annotations are useful because they give machines a certain amount of "understanding" of the content that goes beyond merely displaying the page. This information can then e.g. be used for context-specific presentation of pages, advanced querying, consistency verification or drawing conclusions. Currently, IkeWiki can make use of some of the knowledge represented in RDFS and OWL schemas to display enhanced navigation tools. Furthermore, we implemented a sample "biology ontology" that automatically displays a taxonomy box for biological objects.