Steve Taylor
<staylor AT SPAMFREE ncf DOT ca>
<staylor AT SPAMFREE hcoop DOT net>
Brief bio
- a self-taught pc user since 1979 (ouch!) start with a DEC os and .dbase.
- progressed through various wp software and the macros that made it easier.
- on the net since about 1996
- studied many languages without full training: perl, oracle (28 week course), shell-scripting or application.
- visual basic code for an automated records system was probably my (you're kidding) high point!
- copy-editing, love of words and English
- wiki-gnoming, trying to, since I discovered wikiwiki, then usemod, etc,
- logic of scripting, flow, if/else, etcetera
- yes I use emacs, don't fight editor wars; vi* is too handy
- moinmoin I like, but still don't know python
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