Help on Storage Configuration


The new storage system introduced in MoinMoin version 2.0 is quite different from the one used up to version 1.9 (which we will call the old storage system). With the new storage system, your content does not necessarily reside on disk as plain text files, but may be stored in any form imaginable that is supported by a storage backend. This does not only allow you to use the backend that best fits your needs, but you can also interchange different storage backends without much effort should your requirements change. You can also use several (different) backends at the same time, each taking care of some part of your wiki. Along with this change there has come a change in terminology: We don't speak of storing 'pages' or 'attachments' anymore but uniformly address them as 'items'. Simplified, an 'item' has a name and - perhaps revisioned - data.

Storage Backends Overview

A backend is a collection of items. There are multiple kinds of storage backends:

Final backends:

Middleware backends:

Special backends:

Starting a new wiki from scratch

Configuring storage backends for a new wiki setup is easy. In its simplest form you just do namespace_mapping = create_simple_mapping('fs:' + data_dir) (the default), which then automatically uses three filesystem backends for data, user and trash storage.

Advanced Configuration

The default configuration is sufficient for many use cases. For more complex usage scenarios, there's much more you can configure, which is the focus of this section.

The namespace_mapping

Let's take a closer look at this powerful configuration value. When MoinMoin performs a storage operation (like getting or creating an item) it usually needs the item name. This name is, for example, provided by some user who tries to delete a wikipage, say 'Fruit/Banana'. Now you, as the admin, may not want all those delete pages to end up in the same data storage backend (e.g. the same folder) alongside your important (and not deleted) business information. There is a simple solution to that: You just select another backend that will store everything below (the so-called 'namespace') 'Fruit/'. You do that in the namespace_mapping (so what you do is 'mapping' a backend to its namespace, hence the name.). Now this is in no way limited to just separating deleted pages from the other content. You can mix backends in the mapping and specify them for every namespace you like. By default, every item is stored in the default backend, unless there is some backend mapped to a namespace matching the beginning of the item's name. The default backend is the backend that is mapped to '' (or '/', since trailing slashes are ignored) which is specified last in the namespace_mapping. 'Fruit/Banana' would hence be stored in the default backend, unless there is another backend mapped to 'Fruit/'.


So you have chosen to set up a more complex storage configuration. Let's look at an example of how you'd do that. What you need to do is provide a namespace_mapping yourself (not using the create_simple_mapping helper). To be precise, what you need define is a list of tuples, each tuple containing the following (in order): A point in the namespace where the backend should be mounted, the backend itself, ACLs to protect the contents of the backend.

The default configuration, manually specified:

   1                     # Namespace,        Backend,                ACL rules
   2 namespace_mapping = [('Trash/',         trash_backend,          content_acl),       # Deleted items end up here.
   3                      ('UserProfile/',   userprofile_backend,    userprofile_acl),   # Private user data (passwords, email) are stored here.
   4                      ('/',              content_backend,        content_acl), ]     # Everything else is stored here.

This is the general structure. For clarity, this uses some values that must have been defined before.

   1 content_acl = dict(default=u'All:read,write,create')   # Everybody should be able to read, modify and create new items
   2 userprofile_acl = dict(before=u'All:')                 # Only accessible by Moin internally
   4 # Define backends. Folders must already exist.
   5 trash_backend = FSBackend('trash_folder')              # All deleted items are moved to this folder
   6 userprofile_backend = FSBackend('userprofile_folder')  # Confidential user profile data is stored in this folder
   7 content_backend = FSBackend('content_folder')          # Folder where everything else is stored

Note that you could, for some or all of the backends, just as well use MercurialBackend in very much the same way.

Storage Backends Detailed

Filesystem Backend (fs)

Backend properties:

To use a filesystem backend you do the following:

   1 # Configuration for filesystem backend
   2 from import FSBackend
   4 my_fs_backend = FSBackend("path/to/the/folder")  # Now you can use my_fs_backend in the namespace_mapping as a backend.

Before running your wiki, make sure the folder you specified does exist, with proper permissions (i.e., writable by the user who runs the wiki/web server).

Mercurial Backend (hg)

Backend properties:

The easiest way to use the Mercurial Backend is provided below. Add this to your wikiconfig:

   1 from import create_simple_mapping
   3 # Use the mapping helper to set up a namespace_mapping with content/, userprofiles/, trash/ in data_dir automatically:
   4 namespace_mapping = create_simple_mapping('hg:' + data_dir)

If you need more fine-grained configuration, you can create MercurialBackends for the namespace_mapping like so:

   1 from import MercurialBackend
   3 # Make sure that the folder exists and that you have the permissions necessary
   4 my_hg_backend = MercurialBackend("path/to/folder")

Backends prerequisites


In order to run this backend you need to have Mercurial installed. This can be achieved various ways depending on your operating system.


If you have setuptools installed, you can always grab latest version from PyPI:

easy_install -U mercurial

Otherwise, if you prefer to install using your systems packages tool, installation instructions depend on distribution you use.



Mercurial installation depends on your Python setup. If you use virtualenv it is better to use setuptools:

 easy_install -U mercurial

If you rather prefer system-wide install use Mac ports:

 port install mercurial


If you already had a wiki running before upgrading, you will already have some content you want to migrate. That content exists in the old storage system's format.

In order to help you migrate your contents, there is a conversion script that can read this old format. All you need to do is specify the paths to your old data and user storage folders (usually '.../data' and '.../data/user') in your new wikiconfig like so:

   1 data_dir_old = 'path/to/your/old/datadir'
   2 user_dir_old = 'path/to/your/old/userdir'  # Can be None if you don't want to migrate users.

Now issue the following command to actually perform the conversion:

moin --config-dir=/path/to/new/config migration backend

Depending on the size of your wiki, conversion may take some time to finnish. Now run your wikiserver and load a page to confirm that it worked. You can remove data_dir_old/user_dir_old now.

That's it! You are now running a wiki on top of the new storage system.

MoinMoin: Storage2009/HelpOnStorageConfiguration (last edited 2009-08-10 19:22:45 by ChristopherDenter)