
2024-05-09 02:38:58

Hello Wolfgang,


I run explorer theme 2.2.1 in moinmoin 1.6.3. After restart and using the theme I got the import error:

cannot import name wiki
 *args = ('cannot import name wiki',)
 *message = 'cannot import name wiki'

The problem raised in

2  import re
4  class Parser(wiki.Parser):
6      def __init__(self, raw, request, **kw):

with the message:

 * MoinMoin ''undefined''
 * wiki ''undefined''

The origin was in explorer.py in parseCategories:

1297 format_args=pi['formatargs'],
1298 do_cache=1,
1299 start_line=pi['lines'])
1300 finally:
1301 request.redirect()

Update: I have found the error. Some spaces were missing in "wikiconfig.py". That´s all



2008-02-14 13:47:00

Hello Wolfgang,

I installed the Explorer theme on a new, clean wiki but nothing happend.

These are the facts:

Could you tell me what´s wrong with my configuration, or is it a general problem with the Desktop Edition?
Thanks in advance.

2008-02-14 12:20:00

I have exactly the same error. I have installed MoinMoin completely new and when I want to choose the Explorer Theme in the ComboBox of the Settings page, there is no explorer in it!? Does anyone know why?

Now, I've restartet my wikiserver.py and now it does work. :-) GREAT!!!!!

MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/Explorer/Questions/ProblemsWithDesktopEdition (last edited 2008-09-16 14:02:38 by pr-11-new)