Ville-Pekka Vainio
Hi! I'm a free software / open source enthusiast from Helsinki, Finland. I'm a Fedora developer and I translate free / open source software to Finnish, including Moin. I have an M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Helsinki.
Notes on my desktop wiki installation with 1.6 are at /MyDesktopWiki (these may get easily outdated and probably already have...)
GCI 2011
I'm interested in mentoring students who want to work on the Finnish translation of Moin. See the GCI2011 page for more information.
Contact info
Email: <vpvainio AT iki DOT fi>
IRC: My nick is vpv, I'm usually on #moin and #moin-dev, I have an irssi screen on a machine that is usually up all the time
- Time zone: UTC+2/UTC+3 (DST)
I am currently the Fedora Moin package maintainer. All of the supported Fedora releases currently have Moin 1.9. I used to maintain the Moin package in the Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository, but I "orphaned" the package as I don't have any Enterprise Linux installations running so I wasn't really that interested in maintaining an EPEL package.
If you have any questions or suggestions about the Fedora packages, feel free to leave me a message or file a bug report at Fedora's Bugzilla.
My COSS Summercode 2007 project
In the summer of 2007 took part in a Finnish summercode event called COSS Summercode Finland.
My project was about creating a man/info page wiki editor for Fedora. Please see these links:
The project got to a proof-of-concept state. I don't currently have time to work on it, the free OSS contribution time I have I generally use on Fedora development and Finnish translation for various OS software. If someone is interested in working on the code, I could give some instructions...
Important pages in this wiki
These are in no particular order, but the pages names are pretty self-explanatory
MoinMoinExtensions, CodingStyle, MoinDev/CodingStandards, MoinDev/PluginConcept, ApplyingFormatters, MoinDev, MoinDev/CodeStructure, MoinDev/MercurialGuide, DocBook, HelpOnXmlPages
Other resources
man 7 man
Note to self: Always remove db_compiled.dat when having problems with 4suite!
DocBook HTML XSL Stylesheet 1.73 fix for Moin
For some reason, 4suite fails when using the XSLT transformation to get HTML from DocBook with version >= 1.73 of the DocBook stylesheets. Here's a patch proposed by Michael Smith:
--- /home/viltsu/tiedostot/tar/docbook-xsl-1.73.1/html/docbook.xsl 2007-08-09 10:48:42.000000000 +0300 +++ docbook-xsl-1.73.1/html/docbook.xsl 2007-08-22 11:51:31.000000000 +0300 @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ <xsl:include href="chunker.xsl"/> <xsl:include href="html-rtf.xsl"/> <xsl:include href="annotations.xsl"/> -<xsl:include href="../common/stripns.xsl"/> +<!-- <xsl:include href="../common/stripns.xsl"/> --> <xsl:param name="stylesheet.result.type" select="'html'"/> <xsl:param name="htmlhelp.output" select="0"/>
A proper workaround should be in 1.73.2, see
Messages for me
If you have a message for me, for example about the Fedora packages, leave it here, please.
Too bad there's no moin in epel. What fedora package should I use if I want to run moin on RHEL/Centos/Scientific Linux 6? -- Karl O. Pinc 2025-03-03 23:01:45
Had to get rid of the '%if 0%{?fedora} >= 9' construct to get the fc16 moin specfile to build on SL 6. -- Karl O. Pinc 2025-03-03 23:01:45
Thanks for your work on the Fedora/RHEL stuff. Please make sure that people who upgrade from 1.5 to 1.8 by installing some package get some very visible hint that they need to run the migration scripts to convert the data. Debian missed to do that and so lots of users who did not read our docs did the required markup changes manually. -- ThomasWaldmann 2009-06-18 12:47:28
Thomas: Agreed. However, in Fedora or RHEL/CentOS we don't have the possibility of showing a notification screen like Debian could (is it called debconf or something like that...) I am going to add some README items about the upgrade and use the epel-announce mailing list to let people know when the update is expected. The updates are pushed monthly in EPEL, which would mean the new package would spend at least a month in epel-testing before hitting the stable repository, that would give people some time to see the announcements and prepare for the upgrade. Previously the EPEL project has released release notes with the monthly updates but I'm not sure if they do so now, the project is a bit understaffed. We'll do our best given the resources we have... -- VillePekkaVainio 2009-06-18 19:53:01