1 """
   2     MoinMoin - Wiki Database Macro.
   4     Copyright (c) 2003 by Nick Trout <trout@users.sf.net>
   5     Changes 2004-2005 by Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>
   6     All rights reserved, see COPYING for details.
   7     (Try contacting me through the Moin user/develop mailing list about this macro)
   9     Macro allowing us to perform simple database functionality. The syntax
  10     and behaviour is loosely based on SQL. This macro is designed for a few
  11     little tasks which suit my needs and I will expand its functionality
  12     as I need. It should be pretty easy and straightforward for anyone to
  13     add functions to DbFunctions. 
  15     To do:
  16         * I18N & _()
  17         * Better error checking and reporting.
  18         * Data insertion - need to sort out forms.
  19         * Sorting.
  20         * Caching table reads for faster access.
  22     Remark of ThomasWaldmann:
  23     In general it is a good idea to use UTC (aka GMT) as internal time representation and
  24     convert to localtime when doing user interface output. This of course needs knowledge
  25     about the time zone of the current user. But that avoids a lot of trouble in an international
  26     context and also off-by-1hour errors when dealing with daylight-saving time.
  28     Revisions:
  29      * 12-Mar-03 - First version released.
  30      * 16-Oct-04 - Add newline at end of warnings.
  31                    Disable wdbtime import (needed for Windows only, it seems - enable there!).
  32      * 26-Aug-05 - hack to (seemingly) work with MoinMoin 1.3.x (pass request to DbTable class).
  33 """
  35 import re, string, time
  36 from MoinMoin.Page import Page
  37 from MoinMoin import wikiutil
  38 from MoinMoin.parser import wiki
  40 # The time module lacks strptime on certain platforms. This is being fixed
  41 # in Python 2.3 apparently by a script. You will need to have the script
  42 # in your Python path for now. It is called "wdbtime.py"
  43 #try:
  44 #    import wdbtime # this is a fix for the lack of strptime on win32
  45 #except ImportError:
  46 #    raise "You need the wdbtime/strptime fix" # until Python 2.3 that is
  48 # $(<var name>) : "<given text>"
  49 re_dollar = re.compile('\$\(([\w:]+)\)')
  50 # strip out column name
  51 re_colinfo = re.compile('(\w+)')
  54 class DbTable:
  55     """ This class represents a database table.
  56         Tables are read from wiki pages
  57     """
  58     def __init__(self, request):
  59         self.request = request
  60         self.rows = [] # list of row data
  61         self.colorder = None
  63     def _getColumnInfo(self, line):
  64         """ Given the first line of a wiki table, pull out the column
  65             name information. Note: Column names are all one word with no
  66             whitespace: eg. "name", "due_date", "day_of_week"
  67         """
  68         colraw = line[2:-2].split('||')
  69         self.colorder = []
  70         for col in colraw:
  71             srch = re_colinfo.search(col)
  72             if not srch:
  73                 name = 'BAD_NAME'
  74             else:
  75                 name = srch.group(1)
  76             self.colorder.append(name)
  78     def readTable(self, wikipage):
  79         """ Really simple wiki table reader.
  80             Note: Tables should not be indented.
  81         """        
  82         # load the page
  83         page = Page(self.request, wikipage)
  85         # iterate over page lines and pull out the table information        
  86         intable = False
  87         for line in page.get_raw_body().split('\n'):
  88             if not intable:
  89                 if line.find('||')==0:
  90                     # first line contains column names
  91                     self._getColumnInfo(line)
  92                     intable = True
  93             else:
  94                 if line.find('||')<0:
  95                     break # end of table
  96                 # convert the row syntax into a dictionary
  97                 colvals = line[2:-2].split('||')
  98                 row = {}
  99                 for col in range(len(colvals)):
 100                     row[self.colorder[col]] = colvals[col].strip()
 101                 self.rows.append(row)
 104 class DbTime:
 105     """ This class represents an instant in time.
 106         setTime and setAsCurrentTime can be used to set the time.
 108         TODO: self.seconds == what? UTC?
 109         Important: mktime() := inverse func of localtime()
 110                           NOT: inverse func of gmtime() !!!
 111     """
 112     WORKING_DAY_END = ' 18:00' # time we end the working day
 114     def __init__(self):
 115         self.timestruct = None
 116         self.seconds = None
 118     def setTime(self, str, format='%d-%b-%y %H:%M'):
 119         """ Set the time from a formatted string. The format is optional
 120             and defaults to day-month-year hours:mins eg. 25-dec-04 18:00
 121         """
 122         self.timestruct = wdbtime.strptime(str, format)
 123         self.seconds = time.mktime(self.timestruct)
 125     def setAsCurrentTime(self):
 126         """ Insert the current time! """
 127         self.timestruct = time.gmtime()
 128         self.seconds = time.mktime(self.timestruct)
 130     def setAsWorkingDayEnd(self, str, format='%d-%b-%y'):
 131         """ Quite often when doing date differences, the end of the working day
 132             is a good point to draw the line in a day count.
 133         """
 134         self.setTime(str+self.WORKING_DAY_END, format+' %H:%M')
 136     def getDayOfWeek(self):
 137         """ Get day of week the time is on. """
 138         return time.strftime('%a', self.timestruct)
 141 class DbPeriod:
 142     """ This class is used to represent and query a period of time.
 143     """
 144     def __init__(self, fromtime, totime):
 145         self.fromtime, self.totime = fromtime, totime
 147     def getDaysBetween(self):
 148         """ Calculate the number of days between two given dates. """
 149         diff = int(self.totime.seconds - self.fromtime.seconds)
 150         return diff/(60*60*24)+1
 152     def getWorkingDaysBetween(self):
 153         """ Calculate the number of working days between two given dates. """
 154         nowsecs = self.fromtime.seconds
 155         days = 0
 156         while nowsecs < self.totime.seconds:
 157             timestruct = time.gmtime(nowsecs)
 158             day = time.strftime('%a', timestruct)
 159             if not day in ('Sat','Sun'):
 160                 days += 1
 161             nowsecs += 60*60*24
 162         return days
 165 class DbFunctions:
 166     """ These are functions called by the queries and formatter.
 168         The fn_<name> are the functions called using $(<name>:<args)
 170         Each function receives row which is a dictionary of the row values in
 171         the form { <column name> : <value> ... } and args, which is a
 172         tuple of the args passed (shown above).
 174         We try and cache objects we create to help performance. We don't want
 175         to create and release objects every time we call a function when we
 176         can reuse them for the duration of the entire query. eg.:
 177           if not 'today' in dir(self): self.today = DbTime()
 178         eg. see fn_days_until() etc. for an example.
 179     """
 180     def __init__(self):
 181         pass
 183     def fn_day_of_week(self, row, args):
 184         """ Return the day of the week that a columns date falls on. """
 185         if not 'day' in dir(self):
 186             self.day = DbTime()
 187         duedate = row[args[0]] # date is read from a column entry
 188         self.day.setTime(duedate, format='%d-%b-%y')
 189         return self.day.getDayOfWeek()
 191     def fn_days_until(self, row, args):
 192         """ Return the number of days until a given date supplied in a column. """
 193         duedate = row[args[0]] # date is read from a column entry
 194         if not 'period' in dir(self):
 195             self.period = DbPeriod(DbTime(), DbTime())
 196             self.period.fromtime.setAsCurrentTime()
 197         self.period.totime.setAsWorkingDayEnd(duedate, format='%d-%b-%y')
 198         return self.period.getDaysBetween()
 200     def fn_working_days_until(self, row, args):
 201         """ Return the number of working days until a given date supplied in a column. """
 202         duedate = row[args[0]] # date is read from a column entry
 203         if not 'period' in dir(self):
 204             self.period = DbPeriod(DbTime(), DbTime())
 205             self.period.fromtime.setAsCurrentTime()
 206         self.period.totime.setAsWorkingDayEnd(duedate, format='%d-%b-%y')
 207         return self.period.getWorkingDaysBetween()
 209     def _substColumn(self, row, argkey):
 210         """ just return a columns value in a given row
 211             Note: this is a private function, not for user
 212         """
 213         return row[argkey]
 216 class DbQuery:
 217     """ This class takes care of data retrieval, searching and formatting.
 218         We use the "execute" function to execute a query string. The following
 219         is an example query which lists information filtered from the "ListOfJobs"
 220         wiki page table.
 222         select || $(name) || $(due_date) || $(day_of_week:due_date) || $(job_desc) || 
 223         titles || '''Programmer''' || '''Due''' || '''Day''' || '''Job''' || 
 224         from ListOfJobs 
 225         where "$(name)"=="$(1)" 
 226     """
 227     def __init__(self, request):
 228         self.request = request
 229         self.table = None
 230         self.result = []
 231         self.debug = False
 232         self.dbgmsgs = []
 233         self.fns = DbFunctions()
 235     def _dbg(self, msg):
 236         """ If debugging is turned on remember the debug message passed. """
 237         if self.debug:
 238             self.dbgmsgs.append(msg + '\n')
 240     def debugMessages(self):
 241         """ Return a wiki formatted string of all the debug messages. """
 242         return '{{{' + string.join(self.dbgmsgs, ' ') + '}}}\n'
 244     def readTable(self, wikipage):
 245         """ Read a database table from a given wikipage. """
 246         self.table = DbTable(self.request)
 247         self.table.readTable(wikipage)
 248         return True
 250     def _makeSubstDict(self, fmtstr, varargs):
 251         """ Find all the values that will need substituting and make a dictionary
 252             which maps a key name to a function that will supply the replacement
 253             value.
 254             * Where there are arguments, eg. $(1), these are substituted immediately
 255               as they don't change per row.
 256             * Where we have column values, eg. $(name), we can use a simple function
 257               to retrieve a value for them. ie. _substColumn.
 258             * For functions we record the arguments passed and map this to a local
 259               function with prototype: fn_<function>(self, row, <args>)
 260         """
 261         # we're going to look in the DbFunctions class namespace for macro functions
 262         functions = vars(self.fns.__class__)
 264         # this will be { '<key>':func(query,rowdict) ... }
 265         substdict = {}
 267         while 1:
 268             srch = re_dollar.search(fmtstr)
 269             if not srch:
 270                 break # all done
 272             substkey = srch.group(1).lower() # get the key $(<key>)
 273             colon = substkey.find(':') # is this a function?
 275             if colon>0:
 276                 # we found a function ie. $(<function>:<arguments>,...)
 277                 func, args = substkey[:colon], substkey[colon+1:]
 278                 # see if the function exists and call it if it does
 279                 if functions.has_key('fn_' + func):
 280                     replstr = '%%(%s)s' % substkey
 281                     replfunc = functions['fn_' + func]
 282                     replargs = args.split(',')
 283                 else:
 284                     replstr= "'''Bad function: %s'''" % func
 285                     replfunc, replargs = None, None
 287             elif substkey in self.table.colorder:
 288                 # column data is formatted as it changes per row
 289                 # ie. $(col) -> %(col)s
 290                 replstr = '%%(%s)s' % substkey
 291                 replfunc = functions['_substColumn']
 292                 replargs = substkey
 294             elif substkey in ('1','2','3','4','5','6'):
 295                 # if we have arguments their values don't change
 296                 # ie. $(argn) -> <arg value>
 297                 if varargs:
 298                     argn = int(substkey)-1
 299                     if argn<0 or argn>=len(varargs):
 300                         replstr, replfunc, replargs = 'BAD_ARG', None, None
 301                     else:
 302                         replstr, replfunc, replargs = varargs[argn], None, None
 303                 else:
 304                     replstr, replfunc, replargs = 'NO_ARGS', None, None
 306             else:
 307                 # not found!
 308                 replstr, replfunc, replargs = 'BAD_ARGUMENT', None, None
 310             # replace the text in the query formatted string                    
 311             fmtstr = fmtstr.replace('$(%s)' % substkey, replstr)
 313             # record the function that will return us a value to subst in,
 314             # if we need one that is.
 315             if replfunc:
 316                 substdict[substkey] = (replfunc, replargs)
 318         return fmtstr, substdict
 320     def where(self, test, varargs):
 321         if not self.table:
 322             self.result.append("'''No table loaded.'''[[BR]]")
 323             return []
 325         # work out what values are going to be substituted in and how
 326         formattedtest, substdict = self._makeSubstDict(test, varargs)
 327         self._dbg("(where %s)" % formattedtest)
 328         self._dbg(str(substdict))
 330         selected = [] # our selected values
 331         glob, loc = {}, {}
 333         # iterate over the table and find our chosen set
 334         substvals = {}
 335         for row in self.table.rows:
 336             # we need to update the subst values per row
 337             for k in substdict.keys():
 338                 substvals[k] = substdict[k][0](self.fns, row, substdict[k][1])
 340             # swap this rows values into the test
 341             rowtest = formattedtest % substvals            
 342             self._dbg(rowtest)
 344             # execute the test and see if this row passes the criteria            
 345             try:
 346                 rowresult = eval(rowtest, glob, loc)
 347             except:
 348                 self.result.append("'''Bad Test: %s'''[[BR]]" % rowtest)
 349                 rowresult = False
 350             if rowresult:
 351                 selected.append(row)
 353         return selected # return list of rows
 355     def format(self, format, rows, varargs):
 356         # format some table rows with the given format ie. select
 357         # get the substitution format functions
 358         formrow, substdict = self._makeSubstDict(format, varargs)        
 359         self._dbg("(select %s)" % formrow)
 360         self._dbg(str(substdict))
 362         # iterate over each of the rows given and format it        
 363         substvals = {} # our substitute values
 364         for row in rows:
 366             # we need to update the subst values every row
 367             for k in substdict.keys():
 368                 substvals[k] = substdict[k][0](self.fns, row, substdict[k][1])
 370             # use python formatted strings to swap in our values
 371             self.result.append((formrow % substvals) + '\n')
 373     def execute(self, querytext, varargs):
 374         self._dbg("Query:\n%s" % querytext)
 375         format = ''
 376         titles = ''
 377         selected = []
 378         for line in querytext.split('\n'):
 379             words = line.strip().split(' ')
 380             if words[0]=='':
 381                 continue # blank line
 382             if words[0]=='titles':
 383                 titles += string.join(words[1:], ' ')
 384             elif words[0]=='select':
 385                 format += string.join(words[1:], ' ')
 386             elif words[0]=='from':
 387                 self.readTable(words[1])
 388             elif words[0]=='where':
 389                 selected += self.where(string.join(words[1:], ' '),varargs)
 390             else:
 391                 self.result.append("'''Bad Command: %s'''[[BR]]" % words[0])
 392         if len(selected)>0:
 393             if titles:
 394                 self.result.append(titles + '\n')
 395             if format:
 396                 self.format(format, selected, varargs)
 397         else:
 398             self.result.append("'''No results to this query.'''[[BR]]")
 399         return self.result
 402 def execute(macro, args):
 403     request = macro.request
 405     cmds = args.split(',')
 406     if len(cmds)<2:
 407         return "<b>No info</b>\n"
 408     wikipage = cmds[0]
 409     queryname = cmds[1]
 410     if len(cmds)>2:
 411         varargs = cmds[2:]
 412     else:
 413         varargs = None
 414     page = Page(request, wikipage)
 415     # == <queryname> == {{{ <query> }}}
 416     srch = re.compile('=+\s*%s\s+=+\s+{{{([^{]*)}}}' % queryname)
 417     srch = srch.search(page.get_raw_body())
 418     if not srch:
 419         return "<b>Query not found</b>\n"
 420     info = srch.group(1)
 421     query = DbQuery(request)
 422     # query.debug = True # add this to see debug information
 423     result = string.join(query.execute(info, varargs), '')
 424     if query.debug:
 425         result = query.debugMessages() + result
 426     # format the output using a wiki parser
 427     parser = wiki.Parser(result, macro.request)
 428     parser.format(macro.formatter)
 429     return '' # we've already output the result using the parser

MoinMoin: WikiDb/SourceCode (last edited 2007-10-29 19:14:51 by localhost)