macro/ is a macro that I hacked out, based on macro/ by Jeff Kunce. I'm not a Python programmer, but I did manage to get the thing to work to where I'm happy with it.


[ [ AttachmentLink( url to link to, attachment name, optional parameters) ] ]


For example, I've attached a file x.png to this page


If you wanted to build a link to, based on this, for example, you could then put

[ [ AttachmentLink(,x.png,border=0) ] ]

Or if the attachment is on a different page (for example, the FrontPage)

[ [ AttachmentLink(,FrontPage/x.png,border=0) ] ]

August 17, 2003 -- MikeWarot

To make it work with MoinMoin 1.2 change line 101 from

   1         imgsrc = '<img src="%s"%s>'%(AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename,imgurl,0),kwstring)


   1         imgsrc = '<img src="%s"%s>'%(AttachFile.getAttachUrl(pagename,imgurl,macro.request),kwstring)

2004-06-14 -- AnttiKuntsi

MoinMoin: macro/ (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:58 by localhost)