Admin2009/ClassStructure contains the details of the implementations.


  1. Make the script do the following things :
    1. Copy folders into 'appropriate' places. Admin2009/SaneInstallDefaults

    2. Set file permissions.
    3. Propose changes to web server configuration
    4. Apply changes to web server configuration
    5. Install wsgi modules?
    6. "Set up the instance" {i} Better off in the admin interface. Avoids unnecessary code duplication

      1. Configuration options of,
      2. Intermediate config layer?
  2. Testing :
    1. Base Install
      1. Linux (Ubuntu 9.04, Debian 5.0 initial. Also, Fedora 10/11, Arch, OpenSUSE <!> , RHEL <!> and SUSE <!> )

      2. Windows (XP, Win7. Also, Vista <!> )

      3. Other operating systems. <!>

      4. May need some volunteers to help with testing for the ones marked <!>

    2. Configuration
      1. Test suite for config conditions


Per File


MoinMoin: Admin2009/InstallScript (last edited 2009-06-24 10:03:44 by ChintalagiriShashank)