
UPDATE: There will be no BIENE AWARD in 2007! Reason: The organizers want run a scientific study so as to update the award criterias to web 2.0 applications such as wikis (see: http://www.einfach-fuer-alle.de/blog/eintraege.php?id=2073_0_1_0). So we are too fast for BIENE! The contest will be restarted with a conference on "Accessibility on Web 2.0" in spring next year.

BIENE Award 2007

"I have a dream ... a dream that Moin participates at BIENE 2007 ... and wins one of these sought-after awards for their effort to turn their wiki into a really accessible wiki engine .. and thus gain a great publicity effect leading hopefully to more users, programmers, supporters of Moin."

The so called BIENE Award is a famous award for web accessibility mainly in the German speaking countries. However the award is gaining more and more international standing and reputation over the last few years. BIENE is an acronym for "Barrierefreies Internet Eröffnet Neue Einsichten" which means in English "barrier free internet opens up new perspectives" (something like that).

As you might have noticed, some work for this has been already going on since a few months on AccessibleMoin. However we are running short of time now and need some help and support of Moin developpers and other people interested in that topic, people which have a hart of corn, people which want to engage themselves in some human and social stuff.

So here are the hard facts:

Where help is desperately needed

Further questions on BIENE? Please contact OliverSiemoneit.


Feel free to add yourself here as participant in our effort to run for BIENE and tell us, how you can support AccessibleMoin running for BIENE


Biene criterias


MoinMoin: BieneAward2007 (last edited 2012-06-01 08:32:01 by ThomasWaldmann)