About DocBook IN converter

The converter does not support the whole specification of DocBook. You can check the equivalence page for more details about the different DocBook tag handeld by the converter. However, sometimes the equivalences for the attributes are not always clearly determined.

Ignored tags

If you read the equivalence page, you can see that there is a lot of red line, which describe completely ignored tag for the conversion, so if you use these elements, you won't see any thing in the generated page. To have a clear idea of the current state of the work, here are some explain about these ignored tags. Soem of them will probably be implemented in future version of MoinMoin, some are almost impossible to handle in our context.

Callout elements

Info elements

Info elements are used in DocBook to describe some information about the document. There are usually not supposed to be processed. At this time the support for meta-data, though quite good and extansible, does not manage to extract meta-data from a document during the conversion.

However, we hope to have meta-data extractor in the future version of MoinMoin, then we will naturally use these tags to create the meta-data of the document. Then it can be used to index and retrieve data by a powerful way.

Class information

At this time MoinMoin is noot able to handle complex description like "class" information. Instead of having some mess in your final doccument, we decided to ignore these tags. Further work on the converter, especially on CSS to display nicely data can lead to see the support for this complex data.


Index are not yet supported because it suppose of a mixx between meta-data, and displayed information. Implementing index just to get a messy list is not interesting. Some indexing system for MoinMoin items should be implemented as well as docbook index to be interesting.

Block and inline tags

Unfortunately there is also a lot of yellow line on the equivalences page (and so finally not so many green line). These tags are converted to our DOM tree using our generic tag for inline or block element, respectively span and div.

If the output format support generic inline and block element (like HTML), the information would not be totally lost. So for instance, with HTML as output you can use CSS to style the different element. (It will use the class-db-element-name). For instance you can use box with different background color for the diffeent DocBook block elements.

MoinMoin: DOM DocBook and HTML 2010/DocBook-DOM/HelpDraft (last edited 2010-08-13 09:33:38 by ValentinJaniaut)