Debian 1.3.4 packaged...
Great news? Well it would have been, if it did not lead to a bunch of tech support. Debian users trust that debconf does a lot of work behind the scenes, and something important was left out ... in #moin we cannot control that, only provide help to the benighted. So here is how we found out that the package was giving people excedrin headache number 42:
1] has joined #moin
2 15:16 < abentley> Hi all. I'm running Debian, and their recent moin update means my configuration's invalid. Can anyone point me at instructions for upgrading? I think I had 1.2 before.
3 15:17 < xorAxAx> abentley: doesnt README.debian point to the correct pages? if not, file a bug please
4 15:18 < nir> read README.*
5 15:18 < xorAxAx> abentley: in any case, you will need to read HelpOnConfiguration or look at the sample configs
6 15:18 < abentley> Okie.
7 15:19 < nir> in short you will have to copy the new config as explained in the install instructions
8 15:19 < nir> and change the needed options
9 15:19 < nir> and migrate the data dir with only 11 scripts :)
10 15:23 < nir> good night
11 15:23 < starshine> abentley: fancy meeting you here
12 15:23 < xorAxAx> gn nir
13 15:23 < starshine> there are a set of migration scripts for 1.2-> 1.3 transition, described heavily in upstream README.migration
14 15:25 < starshine> .o( I *know* the text I filed with debian maint warned them they'd need postinstall to handle this.
15 15:26 < abentley> Good grief.
16 15:26 < starshine> nn nir
17 15:26 < abentley> These migration instructions are pretty involved.
18 15:26 < starshine> the result of the change is that the "built in" docs are kept seperate of the users' new pages
19 15:26 < starshine> makes it easy to share them on a moin farm
20 15:27 < nir> and make it easy to upgrade
21 15:27 < starshine> and backups can be smarter
22 15:27 < nir> simply replace the underlay dir
23 15:27 < nir> keep underlay locked from changes
24 15:28 < xorAxAx> nir: MEEP, wrong
25 15:28 * starshine takes action item to see what deb's package does and doesn't do, so I can file a better report
26 15:28 < xorAxAx> nir: "What are ACLs?" would have been the right question
27 15:28 < nir> no
28 15:28 < abentley> They include
29 15:28 < starshine> and I have this 1.2.x data tree here to test with..
30 15:29 < xorAxAx> nir: for the last point
31 15:29 < starshine> ideally they should have put up a nice popup box warning people they'd need to migrate.
32 15:29 < nir> its does not help you that you have acl when your pages are mixed with 500 system pages in 10 languages
33 15:29 < xorAxAx> nir: " keep underlay locked from changes"
34 15:29 < nir> moin stuff should be out of your stuff
35 15:29 < xorAxAx> nir: ACLs are doing that
36 15:29 < starshine> nir: or when people have as freely edited help as anything else..
37 15:33 < abentley> When they tell me to back up my MoinMoin directory, do they really mean they want to back up the already-upgraded /usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/MoinMoin ?
38 15:33 < nir> no
39 15:33 < nir> just your data dir
40 15:33 < starshine> heh. they mean your wiki instance
41 15:33 < nir> yea
42 15:34 < abentley> they said backup your MoinMoin/ directory (see sys.path.append at start of
43 15:34 < abentley> moin.cgi or standard location like /usr/lib/python2.x/site-packages)
44 15:34 < nir> strange
45 15:34 < xorAxAx> abentley: who is "they"?
46 15:35 < nir> maybe if you want to go back to your old version
47 15:35 < xorAxAx> abentley: are you talking about the install scripts or README.debian?
48 15:35 < starshine> nir: actually, yes, standard migration directions do say to backup the code as one block, the data dir, and your config file
49 15:35 < xorAxAx> yeah, right
50 15:35 < nir> anyway, to migrate your old wiki, and test the new one, don't touch the old wiki at all
51 15:35 < xorAxAx> and it makes sense because you backup before you continue migration
52 15:36 < nir> don't install the new moin, just extract it somewhere
53 15:36 < nir> then copy your data dir and migrate it
54 15:36 < xorAxAx> but on debian, you trust your debs
55 15:36 < nir> then config a new instance and test everything
56 15:36 < xorAxAx> so you dont have to backup shared code
57 15:37 < nir> only when everything is ok replace the old instance, and maybe install moin
58 15:37 < abentley> nir: At this point, it's a bit late for that.
59 15:38 < starshine> ok. code has been transited. config file can be checked. we just need to get the data dir fixed up.
60 15:38 < abentley> I apt-get updated, and I got config-breaking changes, without any kind of warning or even a note.
61 15:38 < xorAxAx> abentley: but this is not moinmoin issue
62 15:38 < xorAxAx> abentley: i hope that you can understand that
63 15:38 < starshine> *definitely* please file a debian bug on that
64 15:38 < abentley> xorAxAx: I do.
65 15:38 < starshine> I use debian myself though I use moin upstream code. so I'll help as I can..
66 15:39 -!- J-PGuerard [tylor@] has quit ["Argl. Déconnecté| !"]
67 15:39 < ThomasWaldmann> moin
68 15:39 < nir> is there apt-undo? :-)
69 15:40 < Fabi> moin tw
70 15:40 < nir> moin
71 15:41 < starshine> ThomasWaldmann: what are the bad side effects of running moin 1.3.4 across 1.2.4 data tree?
72 15:41 < xorAxAx> starshine: it does not work at all
73 15:41 < starshine> nir: with old deb package you can force-downgrade, but this is not ideal
74 15:42 < starshine> xorAxAx: does not work and does no damage, right?
75 15:42 < xorAxAx> starshine: i am not sure. at least moin should not attempt to delete or destroy data
76 15:42 < ThomasWaldmann> abentley: it makes sense to backup the MoinMoin code dir, but only if you do it before installing new code into it
77 15:42 < ThomasWaldmann> starshine: that nothing will work?
78 15:43 < ThomasWaldmann> i didnt try if it does damage. i think it rather does not.
79 15:44 < starshine> well if I grok abentley's condition here, he should file a Serious bug against the deb package, they upgraded the code and didn't have post-install adjust his wiki instance to work
80 15:44 < starshine> if the omission caused it to hurt his tree, I'd say Grave.
81 15:44 < ThomasWaldmann> that's not that easy
82 15:45 < xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: rewriting the config file? sure.
83 15:45 < xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: migrating data? less ...
84 15:45 < xorAxAx> i think you can write a one-liner sed script to rewrite the config file :)
85 15:45 < ThomasWaldmann> even migrating the data isnt easy
86 15:46 < xorAxAx> yeah, as i said
87 15:46 < nir> maybe we had to publish moin as MoinMoin2
88 15:47 < ThomasWaldmann> twaldmann@thinkmo:/org/de.wikiwikiweb.moinmaster/bin$ grep 404 twistd.log |wc -l
89 15:47 < ThomasWaldmann> 209
90 15:47 < nir> so you can have both version running easily
91 15:47 < ThomasWaldmann> nir: just wait some months :)
92 15:47 < starshine> nir: ugh, I don't wanna hand copy 200ish wiki pages from one to another
93 15:48 < starshine> even tiptoe through the mig scripts is better than *that*
94 15:49 < Vito`> copying files by hand builds character
95 15:49 < xorAxAx> nir: no, with stable interfaces
96 15:49 < nir> we could support both old style config and new
97 15:49 < xorAxAx> Vito`: yeah, without using globbing
98 15:49 < nir> its not that hard
99 15:51 < xorAxAx> DVB-P <g>
100 15:51 < starshine> argh. I have to go.
101 15:51 < xorAxAx> c u starshine
102 15:51 * nir realy going now
103 15:51 < xorAxAx> gn^2 nir
104 15:51 < starshine> abentley: each migration script makes a copy of your tree, have plenty of space and watch the steps, you'll be fine.
107 15:55 < abentley> ThomasWaldmann: Sorry, was filing bug. It's too late for me, and probably too late for all Debian Moin users.
108 15:56 < starshine_away> [not too late, unlikely data dir damage has been done. but I *will* check.]
109 15:56 * starshine_away : gone
110 15:56 < abentley> starshine_away: Too late in the sense that we've got broken wikis, not that we have data loss.
112 16:19 < abentley> Is my data directory supposed to contain a data_dir directory?
114 16:20 < xorAxAx> abentley: no, the ./data/ directory should be set in the data_dir option
115 16:21 < abentley> Well, it is, but the error '"data_dir" does not exists at "/var/local/lib/ooswiki2/data"' isn't too clear.
116 16:22 < xorAxAx> it just says that the data structures are broken
117 16:22 < xorAxAx> did you migrate?
118 16:22 < abentley> It should be more like 'data_dir /var/local/lib/ooswiki2/data does not exist'
119 16:22 < abentley> xorAxAx: Yes.
120 16:24 < xorAxAx> we dont have any native english speakers in the team :-)
121 16:28 < abentley> Ah, well. Being a native english speaker ain't all it's cracked up to be.
122 16:48 < abentley> So my url prefix is '/oos' When I try to get '', this is interpreted as a wiki page.
123 16:59 < abentley> Nevermind.
124 17:01 * mhz BBL
125 17:16 -!- abentley [] has left #moin [""Thanks for the tips""]
126 ~
He then left the channel, thanking us for all the tips. His wiki is working happily now