Short description Search all wikis in a farm, or search a different farm wiki that you're currently looking at.

I maintain a wiki farm of about 6-7 subwikis. We usually have a wiki per program, with a Main InfoWiki that contains useful, general information. It would good in the search box to be able to either search all the farm wikis or a syntax like  InfoWiki:<search>  to search just the InfoWiki

The underlying problem is that users type in a search term for a page they think should exist. When they don't find it, they may realize that they should look in another wiki in the farm, but they have to change to that wiki just to get to the search field.

I did some searching in MoinMoin for cross farm searching and didn't find any information.

-- KlausHeinisch 2006-04-29 16:35:50 That's a feature, that i would need in the near Future: Importing a TWiki-Farm with 4 Subwikis to MoinMoin, i need to realize some dedicated instances of MoinMoin. And i am looking for the "FarmSearch-Feature" in this MoinMoin-Wiki...

-- OliverSiemoneit 2006-11-13 21:30:45 I have found only this: WikiRpc should allow to query also other wikis in a farm and allow to retrieve search results from there. May the existing macros TextSearch and FullSearch could be modified accordingly and get a switch to search the whole farm or only a specific wiki. See also MacroMarket/WikiList for some code that could be interesting for rewriting these macros.

-- OliverSiemoneit 2006-11-16 20:52:13 This is a first version of a farm search macro. It the second bit of code I have ever written for Moin. It's not the best solution (bad performance), needs improvment, but might works. However this macro needs testing and I don't have a wikifarm or want to set up one. So please help.


it's always better to show a diff and not a description what to do on a specific line. diff -u old new because code gets changes. -- ReimarBauer 2006-11-16 21:46:31

-- OliverSiemoneit 2006-11-16 22:17:06 Hi Reimar! Thanks for the hint! I don't have a diff on my windows system right now, but I will have to look how I can produce theses diff-files. Do you have any suggestion? Is there some tool for win, which renders the same diff output as I can often find here on this wiki? By the way: Is there also a tool to do it the other way round? Have a diff-file, have and old version and produce an new patched version of the file by patch diff old --> new automatically?

(!) For local farms (sharing the same server / file system), supporting indexed interwiki farm search in xapian search will be the best mid term.


MoinMoin: FeatureRequests/SearchWikiFarm (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:22 by localhost)