(see http://moinmo.in/DeveloperApplicationTemplate for this template on our wiki.)
Luciano Jesus Palomino Jauregui
- Homepage/blog/wiki URL
Country (born / living in)
Peru, Peru
Academic experience
I am attending the third semester of his career in computer and information Technology Institute Private Continental. I am a member of the Open Technology Research Center of my Institute.
Your current occupation
Currently I am studying and spreading free software
Software projects you have already participated in.
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Localizate OpenOffice.org.
Reference: neosergio@openoffice.org (Coordinador General OpenOffice.org PerĂº)
War Game Simulator Tarapaca-Peruvian Army.(Python, GTK y SQLite)
Reference: alfonsodg@gmail.com (Asesor Tecnologico del Ejercito del PerĂº)
I contributed code to the base Ice3(Python)
Reference: https://launchpad.net/~ice3-developers (Luciano Jesus/jesusjpj)
Experience Level
Please tell us about your experience in some important areas. Try to be honest (if you are not, we will notice it anyway at your work output).
I am a FLOSS folower since 2007 and help with many projects, including military solutions as game wars fully written in Python using GIS tools
Please give approx. date when you started working on the field in question and the approx. number of hours you worked on that field since then:
- Experience in coding in general
- started 2006, nnnn hours
- Experience in Python coding
- started 2007, nnnn hours
- Experience in HTML
- started 2008, nnnn hours
- Experience in CSS
- started 2008, nnnn hours
- Experience in Javascript
- started 2008, nnnn hours
- Your favourite programming language(s), best first
- Python, PHP, Java
- Tools you use for development
- Eclipse, Netbeans, Geany, Bazaar
- Did you already do full day work (8h/5d) over some weeks on some software project yet?
- Yes
Project(s) you apply for and your ideas for them
One of the features that lacks Moin Moin is the possibility of exporting the contents of the wiki and be able to download pdf format. Including the internal links and downloadable structured so that it is a book. This will be particularly useful in the case of Wikibooks. I'm going to adapt the code of reportlab (http://www.reportlab.org/rl_toolkit.html) and integrate with MoinMoin for download in pdf.
The steps that follow are:
Reportlab adjusting for the conversion of a wiki page to pdf. Only the instructions for MoinMoin is not so heavy that the resulting module.
Creation of modules for:
*Extract information for the links to other wiki pages (internal links) and add them to our downloads.
*Structure the collected information and format.
*Other modules that are needed at the time of development
Integration with MoinMoin and Error Correction
messages to me
please join us on #moin-dev chat.freenode.net see http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinChat and answer our questions on your socghop proposal page. And don't forget to subscribe that page -- ReimarBauer 2009-04-08 22:58:41
please note our timezone is utc+2 -- ReimarBauer 2009-04-09 08:43:30