MediaWiki is the name for the Wiki engine that runs the Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects!

Wikipedia was previously using UseMod as its WikiEngine, hence MediaWiki is largely derived from UseMod, with specific enhancements focused on scalability, like a SQL backend, output caching and section editing. Its MediaWikiText markup is very similiar to UseMod's markup.

Its project homepage is at and it is discussed also at

For similarities/differences with MoinMoin, see MoinMoinVsMediaWiki and WikiEngineComparison, MediaWiki feature list and MediaWiki reviews.

MediaWiki plugin

There is a MediaWiki plugin (parser) for MoinMoin named "media4moin" that makes Moin compatible. You can download it at ParserMarket. It enables you to use most of MediaWiki`s markup, but some (like InterWiki support) is missing.

Other resources for moving from one engine to the other are listed on the page on MoinMoin.

MoinMoin: MediaWiki (last edited 2009-01-07 11:32:04 by 79)