See also CategoryMarket.
Important Note
These pages have recently been undergoing reorganization by myself, FedericoLorenzi. If you have any comments / notice broken things, could you please add them on my home page.
Converting Parsers Written for MoinMoin 1.6 and Older
Due to changes in the MoinMoin architecture, parsers written for versions older than 1.7 might have to undergo some change in order to work with recent versions of MoinMoin.
For simple parsers, mostly the ones performing simple syntax highlighting, it is only a matter of replacing
at the beginning of the parser source file. Restart MoinMoin and the parser should work now.
Installation Instructions
For generic installation instructions, see ParserMarket/InstallingParsers, else see the specific parser's page.
There are also some UtilityScripts, and you'll find a hint on DavidCollantes on how to install a parser.
Parser |
Author |
Short Description |
Designed For 1 |
wwoast |
Moin-Chess converts a PGN-formatted chess game into a visual chessboard, with menus for navigation. |
1.9 |
muxueqz |
1.9 |
The WikiSNL parser allows Moin to use one CRLF (Newline / Enter) as a paragraph break, instead of two. |
1.5, 1.9 |
Back in the MoinMoin 1.5 days there was an HTML parser that would interpret the HTML and display it as intended. The current HTML parser seems to want to to make the HTML readable, and not actually execute it. I am not the original author of this code, I simply adapted it for use with MoinMoin 1.9.
1.9 |
The Bibtex2 parser allows you to have bibtex code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. For a similar parser, see ParserMarket/Bibtex |
1.9 |
The mathtran parser allows you to have latex code rendered nicely inside Moin. |
1.9 |
The inline_latex parser allows you to have a markup extension for latex formulas inside the MoinMoin wiki parser |
1.9 |
The FlowTable parser allows lists of data to be easily displayed in a arbitrary sized and sorted table. This was originally written as a SimpleTable processor for moin 1.2 and has just been upgraded. |
1.9 |
This extension provides generic access to the GraphViz Graph Visualization Toolset. |
1.5~1.9 |
The Textile parser allows you to have Textile markup code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. It also allows you to create entire pages in Textile. |
1.9 |
The GoogleChart parser allows you to have GoogleCharts rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. This includes QR codes, bar charts, pie charts, net charts etc. |
1.9 |
1.9 |
Embed Graphviz graph vizualizations in wiki pages |
1.8, 1.9 |
Disables CamelCase linking |
1.9 |
Inserts jQuery UI Tabs to wiki page |
1.9 |
Make improved, sortable tables with a more flexible syntax |
1.8, 1.9 |
Simple parser for using |
1.9 |
Definition of extensible Web forms in wiki pages |
1.8, 1.9 |
dossist |
Allows preserved line breaks in default moin syntax. |
1.9 |
Create burn down charts with d3.js |
1.9 |
Embed plantuml diagrams |
1.9 |
Parser |
Author |
Short Description |
Designed For 1 |
The mathtran parser allows you to have latex code rendered nicely inside Moin. |
1.8 |
The inline_latex parser allows you to have a markup extension for latex formulas inside the MoinMoin wiki parser |
1.8 |
The LiterateProgramming parser allows you to have LiterateProgramming decelerations and cross links rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.8 |
The Shell parser allows you to have shell/bash code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. It is based on java parser. |
1.8 |
The Markdown parser allows you to have John Gruber's Markdown rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks and to use it instead of or additionally to the standard Moin syntax. |
1.8 |
Chris Liechti |
ASCII Art to SVG |
1.8 |
Ryota Tomioka |
The simplebibtex parser allows you to have bibtex entries rendered nicely without any additional programs, such as bibtex2html. |
1.8 |
Embed Graphviz graph vizualizations in wiki pages |
1.8, 1.9 |
Make improved, sortable tables with a more flexible syntax |
1.8, 1.9 |
Definition of extensible Web forms in wiki pages |
1.8, 1.9 |
Parser |
Author |
Short Description |
Designed For 1 |
The mathtran parser allows you to have latex code rendered nicely inside Moin. |
1.7.2 |
The inline_latex parser allows you to have a markup extension for latex formulas inside the MoinMoin wiki parser |
1.7.2 |
Disables CamelCase linking in every page - leaving the default formatting intact. |
1.7 |
Allow to define some code blocs with specials parameters to let the wiki be used with Crunchy |
1.7 |
Using gnuplot, generates charts, similar to old gnuplot. See examples |
1.7 |
The parser can be used to format the InterWikiMap page as a numbered list |
1.7 |
Uses Pygments and MoinMoin's native formatter to colorize code. |
1.7 |
Embed Graphviz graph vizualizations in wiki pages |
1.7 |
Generate charts with matplotlib using ipcontroller/ipengine from ipython |
1.7 |
Thorsten Busse |
Generate (sprint) burn down charts using the google chart api |
1.7 ( + 1.5.3) |
Parser |
Author |
Short Description |
Designed For 1 |
Rafael Weber |
The h_card and v_card parser allows you to have h_card/v_card entriese rendered nicely inside Moin. |
1.6 |
The Abrreviation parser allows you to define abbreviations that will be then expanded on with the <abbr> HTML tag. |
1.6 |
The Frame parser is used to align enclosed wiki markup or split wiki markup in boxes or just to draw a box around some wiki markup. |
1.6, 1.5 |
The Gallery2 parser allows you to show photos inside Moin. |
1.6, 1.5, 1.3 |
The GDL parser allows you to to colorize idl/gdl/pvwave source code inside of code blocks. |
1.6, 1.3 |
The PHP parser allows you to have PHP code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.6, 1.5 |
The Quote parser allows you to create HTML Blockquotes by using Moin code blocks. |
1.6 |
The SortText parser allows you to sort text. |
1.6 |
The ToDo parser allows you to create ToDo lists inside of Moin code blocks. |
1.6, 1.5 |
The latex parser allows you to enter latex formulas into your page |
1.6, 1.5 |
1.6 |
The XML parser allows you to have XML rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.6, 1.5 |
This parsers works like CSV parser, but with the possibility to define colors for a zebra striped tables. |
1.6 |
The OSM parser allows you to have an osm map with markers. |
1.6/1.9 |
Parser |
Author |
Short Description |
Designed For 1 |
The 68hc11 parser allows you to have 68hc11 ASM code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The Agel parser allows you to have various different types of code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
Yun, Jonghyouk |
The AgPics parser is another gallery parser for Moin. |
1.5 |
The BarChart parser allows you to create BarCharts in pure CSS |
1.5 |
The Bibtex parser allows you to have Bibtex code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The Bibtex2 parser allows you to have bibtex code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. For a similar parser, see ParserMarket/Bibtex |
1.5 |
Yoon, SangMin |
The ClientXslt parser allows you to have XML formatted client side, eliminating the need for 4Suite. |
1.5 |
The Diff parser allows you to have diffs rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The FeedBack parser allows you to have a feedback form on your wiki, for guests to leave comments. |
1.5 |
The Fortran90 parser allows you to have Fortran code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The Frame parser is used to align enclosed wiki markup or split wiki markup in boxes or just to draw a box around some wiki markup. |
1.6, 1.5 |
The FreeMind parser allows you to have FreeMind mind maps inside of Moin. |
1.5 |
The Gallery2 parser allows you to show photos inside Moin. |
1.6, 1.5, 1.3 |
The Gobby parser allows you to have Gobby markup rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
This extension provides generic access to the GraphViz Graph Visualization Toolset. |
1.5 |
The HTML parser allows you to have HTML code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5.7 |
The InlineSource parser allows you to show C++ code from files on the harddrive in a Moin wiki. |
1.5 |
The ImageMap parser allows you to create clickable images inside Moin. |
1.5 |
C.K. Wong |
The JavaScript parser allows you to have JavaScript code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The KeyVal parser allows you to create tables by using the format key:value. |
1.5 |
The LiterateProgramming parser allows you to have LiterateProgramming decelerations and cross links rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The LSL parser allows you to have LSL code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The MediaWiki parser allows you to use MediaWiki syntax instead of normal Moin syntax in 1.5. |
1.5 |
The Multiline parser allows you to have line breaks in page source. |
1.5.8 |
The MySQL parser allows you to have MySQL code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The Notes parser allows you to paste in from Lotus Notes. |
1.5 |
The OCaml parser allows you to have OCaml code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The OpenRoad parser allows you to have OpenROAD data rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The Perl parser allows you to have Perl code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The Pygments parser allows you to have Python code formated nicely by using the Pygments parser. |
1.5.8 |
MSt |
The Raw parser allows you to enter HTML directly, and have it output as is by Moin. |
1.5 |
The Ruby parser allows you to have Ruby code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The SciLab parser allows you to have Scilab code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The sctable parser allows you to create spreadsheats inside of Moin by using sc syntax. |
1.5 |
The SLchat parser allows you to have Second Life chats formatted nicely inside Moin. |
1.5 |
The SSTable parser allows you to have create spreadsheets inside Moin's code blocks by using just Python. |
1.5 |
The UmlSequence parser allows you to create UML diagrams inside Moin. |
1.5 |
The VisualBasic parser allows you to have VB code rendered nicely inside Moin's code blocks. |
1.5 |
The WikiCWS parser allows you to do almost the same as WikiSNL but removes the spaces between lines. |
1.5 |
The WikiCreole parser allows you to use creole markup instead of or additionally to the standard Moin syntax.
1.5 |
The WikiSpace parser allows you to use wikispace style markup inside Moin. |
1.5 |
If you are looking for parsers for 1.3 / 1.2, you can find them here
If you are looking for parsers for 1.1, you can find them here.
This section has been moved to ParserMarket/ParserRequests
For developers
This is a marketplace for your parsers (See Parser). Please state your name, your email, and the release your parser is developed for (if you used a CVS snapshot, also state the revision number).
The correct way to put your parser on this page is as follows:
Create the sub page /Foo, where Foo is the name, for your parser using the ParserMarketTemplate.
- Fill in all the details on the template. Note, only one simple, clear cut example goes under the example heading. If you wish to add more, create an /Examples subpage.
- Attach your parser to the subpage.
- Add an entry here.
If you are looking for good examples, check out /Gallery2 for a full one or /Quote for a more simple one.
Please make sure that via your parser no arbitrary html code could be injected into a page which could cause cross-site scripting attacks. Use wikiutil.escape or formatter.escapedText to prevent inserting of malicious code.
- Moin has an ouput abstraction built in which enables users to output a page not just in html but also in docbook, word and other office formats. Ouput abstraction is done via so called "formatters". So please do not return in your parser just
request.write('Parser ouput')
request.write(formatter.text('Parser ouput') )
- To ouput raw html: don't do
request.write('<q> Your qoute</q>')
try: request.write(formatter.rawHTML(wikiutil.escape('<q> Your qoute</q>'))) except: request.write(formatter.escapedText('Your quote'))
- Make sure that your parser (if needed) also supports others languages, i.e. parser ouput could be translated with the built-in getText function by using the underscore.
Also useful to know: provides rich functionality for parsing given args strings: see parseArguments and ParameterParser for that.
Have a look at our CodingStyle and MoinDev/CodingStandards
Here we like to collect parsers which were replaced.
Parser |
Author |
Designed for MoinMoin Release |
Sample |
1.3 |
!LaTeX Parser (previous version was a processor) |
Here a certain parsers that are in an unknown state. Things like broken links, etc.
Parser |
Author / Email |
short description |
Designed for MoinMoin Release |
Sample |
Armin Ronacher |
Dokuwiki like parser |
1.5 |
none |
mix up wiki markup, pseudoXML and well formed XML; |
1.5 |
see parser/pseudoXML |