Melita Mihaljevic


<melita.mihaljevic AT gmail DOT com>

Homepage/blog/wiki URL:: ;

Country (born / living in)
Academic experience
  • For the Automata, Formal Languages and Compilers I worked with a group of people on implementing a compiler for the part of C programming languages. I designed and implemented Lexical analysis. The documentation (written in Croatian ) is provided on:

  • studying
  • doing seminary on Selenium
Software projects you have already participated in
  • I didn't have a chance to participate any opensourced or non opensourced project
Other stuff you like to tell here

Experience Level

Experience in coding in general
started 1996,
Experience in Python coding
started 2005, 400 hours
Experience in HTML
started 2002, 300 hours
Experience in CSS
started 2007, 40 hours
Experience in Javascript
started 2006, 150 hours
Your favourite programming language(s), best first

Python,JavaScript, C, HTML, SQL, C#, Prolog,

Tools you use for development
(up to 5, most used first)
  • vim editor
  • firebug
  • gcc
  • dddd
  • web developer
Did you already do full day work (8h/5d) over some weeks on some software project yet?
If not, is your motivation good enough that you think you can do that for MoinMoin?
Y, I'm ready to work hard just to complete my desirable project.

Project pages

Project(s) you apply for and your ideas for them

Project (2 - Extending moin's groups to LDAP and other external sources.)

The goal of the project is to extend group support inside MoinMoin project. I've chosen this particular project because there is still no LDAP or any other kind of centralized ACL management support in the project. I think it's very useful project Adding this would make user, group and ACL management much easier and less error prone. Currently grouping is done only by wiki pages with use of page_group_regex.

At the beginning of development I'm planning to spend 2 weeks for discussion with assigned mentor about possible implementation and gathering additional materials. During that period I'm planning to get familiar with currently moin groupping and start designing a solution for LDAP support. During the project my focus will be on extending moin's groups to LDAP/AD and to database. I plan to discuss with assigned mentor about extending moin's groups to configuration file and possibly implement that. After getting familiar with moin grouping I will start designing and implementing.

As a result of the project I plan to implement api for mapping "read users" from LDAP to moin, and to implement the same for database. Databases that will be supported are MYSQL, Postgress, Sqlite and Oracle. Also my job will be to refactor all the group/dicts/lists code to a more generic approach. My zero task will be refactor and clean-up that code ( I will write unit tests for every stage of my project -py.tests and fix bugs (

I divided the project in 2 stages (stage zero and stage one) and every stage into several tasks.Also I add a possibility of stage two, maybe not as a gsoc part of project but as a part of my project generally. Tasks and brief description what I plan to do and how long will it take to implement and test is listed hereafter:

STAGE ZERO: refactor wikidicts

STAGE ONE: Implement api for mapping "read users" from LDAP to moin and to implement the same for DBs

1. Extend moin's groups to LDAP/AD

2. Extend moin's groups to database

I wouldn't include the stage to into my proposal project for gsoc because it depends on another gsoc project (implementing a new storrage backend), but I will leave a possibility to finish complete project and to make a complete api mapper after the new storage backend project is finished.

STAGE TWO: adding support for storing complete user data to a new storage backend

The result of my project will be groups/dicts/user code and authentication of users in a more generic apprioach and api for storing all reading users from LDAP and databases. The api (plugin) will provide mapping moin - LDAP/databases ACL rules without renaming LDAP definitions or database relations and changing MM regexp definitions. If I got one of the proposal projects I would like to continue doing on them after GSOC. And I'm prepared for sometimes more than 8h/5d work on this project just to me it work properly and not disappoint my assigned mentor. Also , I would like to finish stage two after the gsoc.


Just a question. Does ldap support utf-8? can one use e.g. chinese names?

Messages to me

Hi Melita,

MoinMoin: MelitaMihaljevic (last edited 2008-06-18 20:45:32 by MelitaMihaljevic)