Project plan - phase 1

Refactor wikidicts

Refactoring wikidicts:

mv wikidicts/
_tests/ to wikidicts/ 

Melita did you done "mv" or "hg mv" that is a big difference if it's done with "mv" you have to undo it please use only "hg mv".

Done hg mv

Please check if there are tests for "member in group" and "list group members" before you start the refactoring. If they are missing you have to add them beforehand.

There are some wikidicts tests, but I also need to put some of them in the backend.

admin_group = set(u'UserName', u'SomeOther', )
editor_group = set(u"JoeDoe", )
groups = {
    u'AdminGroup': admin_group
    u"EditorGroup": editor_group,

Why is that needed (predefined groups)? please reread the discussion of yesterday on #moin-dev

I know, but I had a discussion with Thomas yesterday (should have it on #moin-dev) :

<ThomasWaldmann> btw, before starting to work on the wiki and ldap backends for dicts/groups, you maybe want to have a "config" backend
<ThomasWaldmann> that doesn't exist yet, but it is maybe the easiest of them all:
<ThomasWaldmann> it is just the wiki admin defining some groups and dicts in his wikiconfig
<ThomasWaldmann> you don't have to parse wiki pages or query ldap for this :)
<ThomasWaldmann> e.g. admin_group = set(u'ThomasWaldmann', u'SomeOther', )
<ThomasWaldmann> editor_group = set(u"JoeDoe", )
<ThomasWaldmann> groups = {
<ThomasWaldmann>     u'AdminGroup': admin_group,
<ThomasWaldmann>     u"EditorGroup": editor_group,
<ThomasWaldmann> }
<ThomasWaldmann> then make the backend to use that
<ThomasWaldmann> make the wikidicts code use that (or any other) backend
<ThomasWaldmann> write tests for it

To think about

Ideas - currently will hold high level of code - read groups from ldap and put them - regexp - curently way of reading groups- change groups representation from list to set for both - beckend of dict dict code

All classes and method that the filter=isgroup is in it:

MoinMoin/userform/    isgroup =
MoinMoin/userform/    groupnames = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)
MoinMoin/_tests/        isgroup =
MoinMoin/_tests/        grouppages = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)
MoinMoin/_tests/        isgroup =
MoinMoin/_tests/        grouppages = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)
MoinMoin/wikidicts/        isgroup =
MoinMoin/wikidicts/        grouppages = request.rootpage.getPageList(user='', filter=isgroup)

All classes and methods that the page_group_regex is in it:

MoinMoin/xmlrpc/                      must match the page_group_regex or it won't have effect
MoinMoin/xmlrpc/    # check if groupname matches page_group_regex
MoinMoin/xmlrpc/    if not
MoinMoin/xmlrpc/        return xmlrpclib.Fault(2, "The groupname %s does not match your page_group_regex (%s)" % (
MoinMoin/xmlrpc/                               groupname, self.request.cfg.page_group_regex))
MoinMoin/userform/    isgroup =
MoinMoin/request/_tests/        self.config = self.TestConfig(page_group_regex=r'.+Group')
MoinMoin/    return is not None
MoinMoin/_tests/        self.config = self.TestConfig(page_group_regex=r'.+Group')
MoinMoin/_tests/        isgroup =
MoinMoin/_tests/        isgroup =
MoinMoin/wikidicts/           cfg.page_group_regex
MoinMoin/wikidicts/        isgroup =
MoinMoin/security/        "SomeGroup" is a page name matching cfg.page_group_regex with
MoinMoin/security/        group_re = request.cfg.cache.page_group_regexact
MoinMoin/script/maint/ fit to the page_group_regex variable.
MoinMoin/script/maint/ fit to the page_group_regex variable.
MoinMoin/config/    page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Group)'
MoinMoin/config/        self.cache.page_group_regex = re.compile(self.page_group_regex, re.UNICODE)
MoinMoin/config/        self.cache.page_group_regexact = re.compile(u'^%s$' % self.page_group_regex, re.UNICODE)
MoinMoin/config/            'page_group_regex', 'page_template_regex', 'page_license_page',
wiki/config/    page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Group)'
wiki/config/wikifarm/    page_group_regex = ur'(?P<all>(?P<key>\S+)Group)'

MoinMoin: MelitaMihaljevic/RefactoringWikidicts (last edited 2008-06-26 20:36:47 by MelitaMihaljevic)