
The new feature "double click and open the texteditor on the clicked line" fails, if you click on margin and not the word/line itself. it looks like the doubleclick will just mark the word and not open the text editor. this problem appears with the 1.9.x MoinMoin Version, with 1.8.x we had never this problem.

If your theme use big margin for some elements, you got lesser chances to been able to open the text editor with a simple doubeclick :-)

Steps to reproduce

  1. See the PrintScreen, if you click in the red/yellow the editor will not be open.

  2. You need to click on the word or the text line itself, to open the text editor.



Component selection


MoinMoin Version

this wiki

OS and Version

Browser (Firefox 3.6.11 under Windows XP or Windows 7

Python Version

Server Setup

Server Details

Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences)




See This is a side effect of the auto scroll the editor text area feature implemented in 1.9.3 ( The dblclick event was removed from the html body element and replaced with dblclick events on multiple elements within the page content area. As noted above, the page header, footer, and margins are now double-click dead space. -- RogerHaase 2010-10-25 21:12:25



MoinMoin: MoinMoinBugs/DoubleClickOnMarginFails (last edited 2010-10-25 22:17:54 by RogerHaase)