I want to integrate MoinMoin into my webpage using a frameset or an iFrame, but I experinced some troubles with the GUI editor then. In the IE I also found out that any login Informations where lost when using MoinMoin in a frameset :/
Steps to reproduce
go to (it a frameset calling the MoinMoinSandbox)
- Try to edit the page using the GUI Editor.
Recognize that no GUI Editor apears
- Chech the HTML-Source. Code for the Editor is there
- abort the editing (click "abort") to return to the Sandbox
- Now hold the SHIFT-Key an Click on "Edit (GUI)" again. A new Browserwindow opens and the GUI Editor is visible.
Component selection
- general
MoinMoin Version |
1.5.8 |
OS and Version |
Suse Linux 9.3 |
Python Version |
2.4 |
Server Setup |
Server Details |
Language you are using the wiki in (set in the browser/UserPreferences) |
german, english |
Do it like does it - without frames (and please also without layout tables). Frames (also iFrames) are not nice for an AccessibleMoin -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-08-24 19:21:07
I don't if it is technically possible what you want.
Maybe check if you can run the standalone FCKeditor (see download on ) in your IFrame. Please report back on the outcome, whether this works or not.
I want to integrate a MoinMoin Wiki in my existing webpage by using a frameset or an iframe. It works perfekt standalone, but not in Frames. I chekced it with the standalone FCKeditor and it works perfektly. No problems with the Editor in a frame environment. Any Ideas?
- See workaround for a suggestion. Since quite some time it is desideratum to update fckeditor in Moin to a newer version. Maybe this and some moin code reviewing and refactoring could fix that..
Thanks for the fast answers but the solution of the Xen-site doesn't fit. Ok, shame on me, but I am using an old PHPNUKE for quite some time and I have writen some mods to personalize it to my needs and so I want to go on with it. I will then wait for the next version of MoinMoin and use it outside if my current page for now. Again, thx for your support and "keep it comming!"
Running gui editor in an iframe works, see MacroMarket/ (Note: iframes are not compliant with HTML strict standard.)
As I stated above, I have testet the FCK Editor in a frame environment an it workes fine. My Problem ist, that when I use MoinMoinWiki in a frame, the Editor will not initialize. I compared the output of both editpages (with an without frames) and the are exactly the same. So, why doesn't the Editor show up?
- Priority:
- Assigned to:
Status: editor not initialising is most likely fckeditor bug. -- JohannesBerg