2006-05-01T18:19:59 <macdet> http://wiki.mobbing-gegner.de/ArbeitsSchutz/ForumsKategorien?action=raw ich möchte kuze links ins phpbb2 -forum. Gibt es da schon Überlegungen bzgl. der Integration?
2006-05-01T18:25:38 <ThomasWaldmann> you seem to already have a solution
2006-05-01T18:31:46 <macdet> it` only a quick and dirty hack:) i?id like to have an "elegante Lösung"
2006-05-01T18:31:58 <macdet> in moinmoin manner!
2006-05-01T18:32:32 <starshine> macdet: I only speak english, what was that again?
2006-05-01T18:38:01 <ThomasWaldmann> macdet: as your forum only supports numerical board numbers, it won't get better I guess
2006-05-01T18:38:44 <ThomasWaldmann> starshine: he wants nice integration for a not-nice forum :)
2006-05-01T18:39:10 <starshine> he wants to hack a moin-auth plugin for phpbb's auth setup?
2006-05-01T18:39:38 <starshine> problem becomes, how to honor its groupings?
2006-05-01T18:43:42 <starshine> fine one I am to talk, I've got someone wants me to link it into mailman
2006-05-01T18:43:49 <starshine> gotta run..
2006-05-01T19:03:11 <xorAxAx> macdet: please ask on #moin
2006-05-01T19:03:34 <xorAxAx> (ban on next off-topic question)
2006-05-01T19:16:46 * ThomasWaldmann hacks xapwrap
2006-05-01T19:20:19 <ThomasWaldmann> ... and title search starts to work :-P
2006-05-01T23:59:11 <nwp_> starshine_away: would like to talk about the grouping thing
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2006-05-01 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:13:19 by localhost)