2007-07-20T00:00:00 <grzywacz> dreimark, maybe. :\
2007-07-20T00:00:08 <xorAxAx> lanius: you may use cpickle instead of pickle
2007-07-20T00:00:13 <xorAxAx> and a binary pickle protocol
2007-07-20T00:00:17 <xorAxAx> to speed it up
2007-07-20T00:00:23 <xorAxAx> (see other uses in the code base)
2007-07-20T00:00:58 <xorAxAx> lanius: hmm, you reopen the db for every read/write? that will be expensive i assume :)
2007-07-20T00:01:48 * grzywacz curses the string encoding madness
2007-07-20T00:01:52 <xorAxAx> + elif isinstance(value, dict):
2007-07-20T00:01:53 <xorAxAx> + keys = []
2007-07-20T00:01:57 <xorAxAx> looks weird
2007-07-20T00:02:02 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: where?
2007-07-20T00:02:17 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, in python in general, then in pyxmpp ;)
2007-07-20T00:02:38 <lanius> xorAxAx: that just means that indexes for dictionary values are not supported
2007-07-20T00:02:44 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: in python, i like it :)
2007-07-20T00:02:52 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, I like it when it works. :P
2007-07-20T00:03:02 <xorAxAx> lanius: umm, maybe some exception would be more suitable? :)
2007-07-20T00:03:10 <lanius> xorAxAx: no, why
2007-07-20T00:03:10 <grzywacz> AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'decode'
2007-07-20T00:03:13 <grzywacz> argh?
2007-07-20T00:03:25 <xorAxAx> lanius: because early failure is better than a silent one
2007-07-20T00:03:31 <lanius> it's not a real failure
2007-07-20T00:03:46 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: why do you want to decode an unicode object?
2007-07-20T00:04:01 <xorAxAx> you must be doing something wrong :)
2007-07-20T00:04:04 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, because *ONE* function in pyxmpp dies if I pass it an utf string
2007-07-20T00:04:26 <xorAxAx> that sounds like the pyxmpp you described
2007-07-20T00:04:32 <xorAxAx> so, did the author reply? :)
2007-07-20T00:04:40 <grzywacz> I didn't see him online today.
2007-07-20T00:04:53 <xorAxAx> ok
2007-07-20T00:04:57 <grzywacz> I thought I fixed this yesterday, though.
2007-07-20T00:04:58 <grzywacz> ...
2007-07-20T00:05:24 <johill> grzywacz: 'An user has subscribed...'? :)
2007-07-20T00:05:48 <grzywacz> johill, ?
2007-07-20T00:05:50 <xorAxAx> pronounced anooser? :)
2007-07-20T00:06:22 <grzywacz> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u015b' in position 2: ordinal not in range(128)
2007-07-20T00:06:25 <grzywacz> why why why?! :(
2007-07-20T00:06:39 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2540:e666e2101ab5 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/fs_moin16.py: use cPickle instead of pickle
2007-07-20T00:06:47 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: that means that you may not pass in unicode objects
2007-07-20T00:07:52 <xorAxAx> lanius: hmm, maybe it makes sense to write some kind of simple data generator after the initial index stuff so you can benchmark
2007-07-20T00:08:16 <xorAxAx> (it would generate a lot of pages with numerous revisions and many user accounts)
2007-07-20T00:08:32 <xorAxAx> and then you click randomly in the wiki and compare timings :)
2007-07-20T00:08:44 <xorAxAx> (1.7-main vs. your branch)
2007-07-20T00:09:17 <grzywacz> I'm going to make myself some tea, random apis make me unstable. :S
2007-07-20T00:09:45 <lanius> xorAxAx: it only make sense to benchmark things where indexes are actually used
2007-07-20T00:10:41 <xorAxAx> lanius: yeah, i meant this as a general advice - benchmarking all important use cases
2007-07-20T00:10:49 <xorAxAx> lanius: and those where indexes are used
2007-07-20T00:10:59 <lanius> my current reference benchmark is the PageList :-)
2007-07-20T00:11:02 <xorAxAx> so you know what you can tune in the whole bunch of code
2007-07-20T00:11:20 <xorAxAx> yeah, try page rendering as well
2007-07-20T00:11:23 <xorAxAx> and use filemon
2007-07-20T00:11:30 <xorAxAx> to compare the amount of IO done
2007-07-20T00:11:42 <lanius> filemon?
2007-07-20T00:11:48 <xorAxAx> filemon.exe
2007-07-20T00:11:51 <xorAxAx> try google
2007-07-20T00:12:05 <xorAxAx> and memorize all sysinternals tools - you will need them as a windows user
2007-07-20T00:12:22 <xorAxAx> s/user/power &/
2007-07-20T00:14:42 <johill> ah that string index bug is dumb
2007-07-20T00:18:47 <dreimark> gn
2007-07-20T00:20:51 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: from MoinMoin.util import pickle # and done
2007-07-20T00:24:00 <johill> grzywacz: how much stuff do you have changed?
2007-07-20T00:24:02 <xorAxAx> good night
2007-07-20T00:24:11 <johill> I'd like to rename subscribed_events to {jabber,email}_subscribed_events
2007-07-20T00:26:06 <grzywacz> night xorAxAx
2007-07-20T00:26:20 <grzywacz> johill, go ahead, this won't cause a conflict
2007-07-20T00:27:02 <johill> ok
2007-07-20T00:27:11 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius: please don't mix merges with new own stuff
2007-07-20T00:28:42 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2418:8ae20e588337 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/action/_tests/test_attachfile.py: Add a test for AttachFile action.
2007-07-20T00:28:45 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2419:78d745b57730 1.7-jabber-knowak/wiki/server/ (moin.cgi moin.fcg): fixing missing changes to example scripts for server and request renaming
2007-07-20T00:28:47 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2420:123974b5c8b5 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (MoinMoin/server/server_standalone.py moin.py): added cProfile support to standalone, thanks to rayvd
2007-07-20T00:28:55 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2421:d268d5467cfe 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/server/server_standalone.py: standalone server: fix AttributeError when not using cProfileProfile
2007-07-20T00:28:58 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2422:99b6222544c3 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: Fix a silly bug in userprefs thanks to johill.
2007-07-20T00:29:06 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2423:f456dc2048d1 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (8 files in 4 dirs): i18n should now work. First step, no caching yet.
2007-07-20T00:29:14 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2424:8ce2afa469a7 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (9 files in 7 dirs): Merge main.
2007-07-20T00:29:22 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2424:26fe624bdbd6 1.7/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py userprefs/prefs.py): remove notification settings from userprefs, will add back as a new plugin
2007-07-20T00:30:17 <johill> grzywacz: filter_subscriber_list should not just take for_jabber vs. email
2007-07-20T00:30:24 <johill> we might want to add more ways to get notification :)
2007-07-20T00:31:08 <xorAxAx> pigeons for example
2007-07-20T00:31:23 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, no joke, there's a RFC! :p
2007-07-20T00:31:37 <xorAxAx> yes, thats a few layers too deep, though
2007-07-20T00:32:06 <xorAxAx> they act below IP
2007-07-20T00:32:18 <grzywacz> No, why? How about h4x0r notification that you need to sniff from lan yourself?
2007-07-20T00:32:20 <grzywacz> ;->
2007-07-20T00:32:37 <xorAxAx> you mean the wide pigeon network? :)
2007-07-20T00:32:49 <grzywacz> %)
2007-07-20T00:32:50 <xorAxAx> yeah, sniffing, fun i assume
2007-07-20T00:33:05 <grzywacz> Sniffing pigeons sounds like no fun to me.
2007-07-20T00:33:06 <grzywacz> ;>
2007-07-20T00:33:12 <johill> grzywacz: what's usr.notify_by_email about?
2007-07-20T00:33:14 <johill> why??
2007-07-20T00:33:24 <grzywacz> johill, ?!
2007-07-20T00:34:13 <johill> ah I see
2007-07-20T00:34:24 <johill> you didn't have see the orthogonality at that point
2007-07-20T00:34:32 <johill> s/have //
2007-07-20T00:34:47 <ThomasWaldmann> rss notifications
2007-07-20T00:35:41 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, :)
2007-07-20T00:35:49 <johill> what's stored in user.subscribed_events?
2007-07-20T00:36:40 <grzywacz> johill, event names.
2007-07-20T00:37:08 <johill> ok
2007-07-20T00:37:11 <johill> I see in the test
2007-07-20T00:38:53 <grzywacz> %)
2007-07-20T00:39:05 <grzywacz> I've managed to crash moin moin using xmlrpc.
2007-07-20T00:39:15 <grzywacz> Kind of nasty.
2007-07-20T00:41:04 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2425:c1592d799c53 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: remove more event stuff from prefs.py
2007-07-20T00:41:14 <johill> wow you managed to make this quite weird
2007-07-20T00:41:34 <grzywacz> :S
2007-07-20T00:42:23 <grzywacz> Moin dies if I do a xml rpc call without specifying action=xmlrpc2.
2007-07-20T00:42:46 <grzywacz> That is, it's killable remotely with no problems at all...
2007-07-20T00:43:08 <grzywacz> Bug in request handling, but I don't really know how to fix it.
2007-07-20T00:44:21 <johill> fun
2007-07-20T00:44:28 <johill> quick q
2007-07-20T00:44:39 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: any xmlrpc call?
2007-07-20T00:44:56 <johill> what's the event for page changed?
2007-07-20T00:45:16 <johill> n/m
2007-07-20T00:45:24 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, wait, it actually lives, but it looks like an unhandled exception...
2007-07-20T00:45:46 <grzywacz> johill, it's conveniently named PageChangedEvent ;-)
2007-07-20T00:45:57 <grzywacz> Maybe removing "Event" from event names would make sense...
2007-07-20T00:46:26 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, I did getPageInfo("FrontPage")
2007-07-20T00:46:59 <ThomasWaldmann> with which server url?
2007-07-20T00:47:33 <grzywacz> With my localhost. Bare "http://localhost:8080".
2007-07-20T00:47:39 <grzywacz> I get:
2007-07-20T00:47:41 <grzywacz> File "/usr/lib64/python2.3/cgi.py", line 594, in keys
2007-07-20T00:47:42 <grzywacz> raise TypeError, "not indexable"
2007-07-20T00:47:42 <grzywacz> TypeError: not indexable
2007-07-20T00:48:18 <ThomasWaldmann> please look there
2007-07-20T00:48:35 <grzywacz> I did, but I don't know what to expect. :)
2007-07-20T00:49:38 <ThomasWaldmann> what is it doing there?
2007-07-20T00:49:47 <grzywacz> Iterating form fields, it seems.
2007-07-20T00:50:40 <grzywacz> s/form/post/
2007-07-20T00:50:52 <johill> grzywacz: http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/patches/moin/event-rename.patch
2007-07-20T00:50:55 <johill> see anything wrong with that?
2007-07-20T00:54:04 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: self.action = self.form.get('action', ['show'])[0]
2007-07-20T00:54:21 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe it is this line in request causing this?
2007-07-20T00:54:34 <grzywacz> johill, looks ok
2007-07-20T00:54:35 <ThomasWaldmann> with form being None maybe?
2007-07-20T00:54:50 <johill> grzywacz: ok
2007-07-20T00:55:19 <grzywacz> johill, global toggle for notification types is not needed if you're going to implement the approach you mailed me about :)
2007-07-20T00:55:33 <grzywacz> (or leave it for me to do, or whatever)
2007-07-20T00:55:37 <grzywacz> ;)
2007-07-20T00:55:58 <johill> I am doing that right now
2007-07-20T00:56:09 <johill> but what do you mean with global toggle?
2007-07-20T00:56:17 <johill> oh you mean notify_by_*?
2007-07-20T00:56:30 <grzywacz> Yes.
2007-07-20T00:56:45 <grzywacz> These were check-boxes to easily notify one kind of notification.
2007-07-20T00:56:49 <grzywacz> s/notify/disable/
2007-07-20T00:56:57 <grzywacz> :S
2007-07-20T00:57:34 <johill> yeah, deleted
2007-07-20T00:58:07 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2426:5d1c31b0c6b5 1.7/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 4 dirs): make jabber/email notification types configurable orthogonally
2007-07-20T00:59:32 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, don't bother yourself with this
2007-07-20T01:08:15 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: if the server process dies because of this, we have to fix it in older versions, too
2007-07-20T01:13:51 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, no, the exception is handler somewhere at the end, the display of backtrace mislead me.
2007-07-20T01:33:29 <johill> grzywacz: almost there
2007-07-20T01:33:39 <grzywacz> johill, cool :)
2007-07-20T01:33:50 <johill> just need to add back the trivial checkbox
2007-07-20T01:34:49 <johill> or maybe that should be a separate event?
2007-07-20T01:34:59 <johill> so you can subscribe to trivial changes via email and regular ones via jabber
2007-07-20T01:36:08 <grzywacz> Hm.
2007-07-20T01:36:16 <grzywacz> Maybe. :)
2007-07-20T01:37:07 <johill> well? :)
2007-07-20T01:37:23 <ThomasWaldmann> As a superuser, you can temporarily assume the identity of another user.
2007-07-20T01:37:40 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: and?
2007-07-20T01:37:40 <ThomasWaldmann> some native english speaker here?
2007-07-20T01:38:03 <ThomasWaldmann> i suspect assume was a false friend here
2007-07-20T01:38:08 <johill> quite possible
2007-07-20T01:38:12 <grzywacz> johill, I like the idea. If you leave it as is, I'll do it tomorrow.
2007-07-20T01:38:37 <johill> but my dictionary lists 'appropriate' as a synonym which means "sich etw. aneignen"
2007-07-20T01:38:40 <johill> :)
2007-07-20T01:38:55 <johill> heh well it can be changed easily :)
2007-07-20T01:39:08 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, nice cleanup :)
2007-07-20T01:39:14 <johill> :)
2007-07-20T01:39:17 <grzywacz> Yup.
2007-07-20T01:39:20 <grzywacz> johill++; :D
2007-07-20T01:39:22 <johill> will commit the notify prefs in a minute
2007-07-20T01:39:36 <johill> unless grzywacz says he wants to split out a new trivial event
2007-07-20T01:39:40 <johill> what would you prefer?
2007-07-20T01:39:50 <johill> grzywacz: oh btw, how do we translate event names??
2007-07-20T01:39:57 <johill> I mean event descriptions
2007-07-20T01:40:03 <grzywacz> Oh crap. :)
2007-07-20T01:40:05 <johill> you know
2007-07-20T01:40:08 <grzywacz> I know.
2007-07-20T01:40:08 <johill> I'll commit this and let you see
2007-07-20T01:40:15 <grzywacz> Go ahead.
2007-07-20T01:40:27 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2427:dd138b728c1f 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: initial cut at a notification prefs dialog
2007-07-20T01:41:06 <johill> it lists things that have no email notification yet...
2007-07-20T01:41:19 <johill> no way to determine...
2007-07-20T01:41:27 <grzywacz> johill, subscribable_events has a description field.
2007-07-20T01:41:32 <grzywacz> I think i18n won't be an issue.
2007-07-20T01:41:32 <johill> yes
2007-07-20T01:41:38 <grzywacz> It's separate from event's name, no?
2007-07-20T01:41:41 <johill> but if I say _(event_description)
2007-07-20T01:41:50 <johill> then i18n won't be happy as it doesn't know what string is translated
2007-07-20T01:41:59 <johill> and it won't be in the po file etc
2007-07-20T01:42:10 <grzywacz> Ah, right.
2007-07-20T01:42:28 <johill> deal
2007-07-20T01:42:34 <grzywacz> You have to use _ in even classes.
2007-07-20T01:42:39 <grzywacz> event even
2007-07-20T01:42:40 <johill> you say description = _(...) everywhere
2007-07-20T01:42:49 <johill> with _ = lambda x:x
2007-07-20T01:42:55 <johill> and I use request.getText directly
2007-07-20T01:43:11 <johill> that way they end up in the po file and gettext doesn't complain about the _(non-const) usage
2007-07-20T01:43:18 <grzywacz> Okay.
2007-07-20T01:47:19 <grzywacz> johill, http://kolos.math.uni.lodz.pl/~grzywacz/diff.txt
2007-07-20T01:47:20 <grzywacz> ?
2007-07-20T01:48:15 <johill> maybe del _ at the end of the file
2007-07-20T01:48:20 <johill> so people importing * don't get it
2007-07-20T01:48:43 <grzywacz> We get bashed for importing * anyway, but ok ;)
2007-07-20T01:48:50 <johill> hehe
2007-07-20T01:49:09 <johill> and say "A user" instead of "An user" while at it :)
2007-07-20T01:49:17 <johill> oh and why do you use """ instead of "?
2007-07-20T01:49:46 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: what would you think about moving the systemadmin macro into userprefs too?
2007-07-20T01:50:12 <grzywacz> johill, for no reason
2007-07-20T01:50:30 <grzywacz> johill, why not "an"?
2007-07-20T01:52:23 <johill> depends on the pronounciation not the spelling
2007-07-20T01:52:48 <johill> and it's pronounced more like 'you' :)
2007-07-20T01:54:14 <grzywacz> Oh well, I've been thought to use "an" if the next word begins with a vowel
2007-07-20T01:54:28 <grzywacz> erm
2007-07-20T01:54:30 <grzywacz> Wrong word.
2007-07-20T01:55:27 <johill> taught :)
2007-07-20T01:55:41 <johill> yeah, but like I said, it depends on how you pronounce it not how you spell it
2007-07-20T01:56:02 <grzywacz> Yes.
2007-07-20T01:56:49 <johill> http://www.googlefight.com/index.php?lang=en_GB&word1=%22an+user%22&word2=%22a+user%22 :P
2007-07-20T01:57:20 <grzywacz> I did the search by hand. :P
2007-07-20T01:59:50 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2425:920089399dfa 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/i18n/jabberbot/pl.JabberBot.po: Initial Polish translation for the notification bot.
2007-07-20T01:59:52 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2426:3c5b329afe4b 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py: Add a pseudo-getText function to that strings can get into .po files
2007-07-20T01:59:55 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2427:059054049961 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/auth/openidrp.py: don't use parenthesised imports in openid code
2007-07-20T02:00:01 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2428:2142eea37033 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (action/userprefs.py userprefs/__init__.py): fix userpreferences links
2007-07-20T02:00:11 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2429:76bf8b6b3061 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/ (changepass.py oid.py prefs.py suid.py): use formatted=False for userprefs titles
2007-07-20T02:00:14 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2430:26fe624bdbd6 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py userprefs/prefs.py): remove notification settings from userprefs, will add back as a new plugin
2007-07-20T02:00:23 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2431:c1592d799c53 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: remove more event stuff from prefs.py
2007-07-20T02:00:32 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2432:5d1c31b0c6b5 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 4 dirs): make jabber/email notification types configurable orthogonally
2007-07-20T02:00:40 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2433:dd138b728c1f 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: initial cut at a notification prefs dialog
2007-07-20T02:00:46 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2434:474b7a1fc031 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (14 files in 7 dirs): Merge main.
2007-07-20T02:01:04 <johill> grzywacz: btw, the vocal rule is also interesting with abbreviations
2007-07-20T02:01:25 <grzywacz> johill, sorry, I don't know it :)
2007-07-20T02:01:27 <johill> if you say have an abbreviation "FOO" and pronounce that as "eff-oh-oh" then you have to write An FOO
2007-07-20T02:01:38 <grzywacz> Good to know.
2007-07-20T02:01:38 <johill> but if you prounce it as "foo" then it's "a foo"
2007-07-20T02:02:20 <johill> ok so what would you prefer? a trivial event or a trivial checkbox?
2007-07-20T02:02:32 <johill> the former being more flexible and the latter being easier to implement? :)
2007-07-20T02:03:55 <grzywacz> Both are easy, I'd say, but using an event seems to be cleaner.
2007-07-20T02:04:55 <johill> ok
2007-07-20T02:05:00 <johill> then I won't add a checkbox now
2007-07-20T02:05:30 <johill> it'll come up automatically
2007-07-20T02:08:06 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2428:3ddef6c321b1 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: small fixes to notification userprefs
2007-07-20T02:09:19 <johill> guess I should install a jabber bot now and test
2007-07-20T02:09:35 <grzywacz> I can test it as well :D
2007-07-20T02:11:13 <grzywacz> http://www.newscientisttech.com/article/dn12296-checkers-solved-after-years-of-number-crunching.html
2007-07-20T02:13:29 <johill> no email revert noficiation yet I guess
2007-07-20T02:14:07 <grzywacz> No.
2007-07-20T02:15:01 <johill> but attachments. cool
2007-07-20T02:15:07 <johill> I need to upgrade my wiki again and enable that
2007-07-20T02:16:17 <grzywacz> :)
2007-07-20T02:16:25 <johill> hmmm
2007-07-20T02:16:30 <johill> then again
2007-07-20T02:16:34 <johill> how do we handle that?
2007-07-20T02:16:41 <johill> we now lose all notification settings when we upgrade
2007-07-20T02:17:28 <johill> I guess I should read the existing subscribed_events into email_subscribed_events
2007-07-20T02:17:57 <johill> not even
2007-07-20T02:18:10 <johill> if somebody has subscribed that currently means they want page changed event
2007-07-20T02:19:44 <grzywacz> Yes.
2007-07-20T02:20:05 <johill> maybe cfg.subscribed_events_default should default to that then to smooth the upgrade?
2007-07-20T02:20:22 <johill> that's new from your code too, right?
2007-07-20T02:20:26 <johill> so I can change that again
2007-07-20T02:22:42 <grzywacz> Yes, it's mine,
2007-07-20T02:22:47 <johill> or rather change to PageCopiedEvent, PageChangedEvent, PageRevertedEvent, PageRenamedEvent
2007-07-20T02:22:47 <grzywacz> Before that there was no notion of event.
2007-07-20T02:23:21 <johill> right
2007-07-20T02:23:28 <johill> so how do we handle the upgrade now?
2007-07-20T02:26:18 <grzywacz> I guess I should write a migration script.
2007-07-20T02:26:31 <grzywacz> Or exist an existing one, if there's anything like that. ThomasWaldmann?
2007-07-20T02:27:04 <grzywacz> johill, wait. when is subscribed_events_default used?
2007-07-20T02:27:05 * grzywacz looks
2007-07-20T02:27:49 <johill> when a user instance is created
2007-07-20T02:28:18 <grzywacz> Then this can't be used in migration.
2007-07-20T02:28:46 <johill> why not?
2007-07-20T02:29:10 <johill> the load is done afterwards
2007-07-20T02:29:20 <grzywacz> Because we want to migrate old users who are subscribed to pages, but not force new ones to use it?
2007-07-20T02:29:22 <johill> and if it's not present in the file then it won't override it
2007-07-20T02:29:40 <johill> but new users will have no subscribed_pages
2007-07-20T02:29:52 <johill> so nothing happens until they add pages
2007-07-20T02:30:17 <johill> at which point they've either seen the dialog
2007-07-20T02:30:25 <johill> or they have just clicked 'subscribe' and expect it to work
2007-07-20T02:30:26 * grzywacz is a little bit too tired to think clearly...
2007-07-20T02:30:38 <grzywacz> You may be right. :)
2007-07-20T02:31:02 <johill> in fact, I'd almost argue that all page events should be enabled
2007-07-20T02:31:12 <johill> yeah, then users will suddenly get notificdation about attachments after the upgrade
2007-07-20T02:31:15 <johill> but hey
2007-07-20T02:31:18 <johill> they can turn that off if it bothers them
2007-07-20T02:32:19 <grzywacz> I see nothing wrong with getting notified about attachments.
2007-07-20T02:32:28 <johill> me neither
2007-07-20T02:33:49 <johill> this seems to work for the upgrade
2007-07-20T02:33:59 <johill> just tested with some older users locally
2007-07-20T02:34:06 <grzywacz> :)
2007-07-20T02:34:17 <grzywacz> Are you upgrading a live wiki somewhere on the Internet?
2007-07-20T02:34:27 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2429:0cd1152b8da5 1.7/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py user.py): default to email notification of all events to ease migration from old scheme
2007-07-20T02:34:35 <johill> no, locally
2007-07-20T02:34:42 <johill> well I'm also upgrading all the wikis on sipsolutions.net :)
2007-07-20T02:34:45 <johill> moin-test.sipsolutions.net
2007-07-20T02:35:04 <ThomasWaldmann> http://test17.wikiwikiweb.de/TestWiki17MainBranch try to create an account with a unsecure password
2007-07-20T02:35:31 <johill> heh
2007-07-20T02:35:38 <johill> it could give you a hint as to what the requirements are ...
2007-07-20T02:35:51 <johill> guess you're having fun with the cleanups I made? :P
2007-07-20T02:35:54 <grzywacz> Password not acceptable: it's WAY too short
2007-07-20T02:35:57 <grzywacz> ;< :D
2007-07-20T02:36:20 <johill> Password not acceptable: it is too simplistic/systematic
2007-07-20T02:36:37 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, it's just accepted "qwerty" :P
2007-07-20T02:36:52 <johill> haha
2007-07-20T02:37:24 <ThomasWaldmann> FascistCheck from cracklib2 :)
2007-07-20T02:37:32 <johill> it also accepts 'asdfjkl;'
2007-07-20T02:38:05 <grzywacz> cracklib2 fails ;P
2007-07-20T02:38:14 <johill> I guess email notification isn't enabled
2007-07-20T02:38:18 <johill> no "Notification" preferences link :)
2007-07-20T02:38:24 <ThomasWaldmann> then we have to improve cracklib :)
2007-07-20T02:38:36 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, I'd rather improve notifications. ;p
2007-07-20T02:38:49 <johill> yeah go write the trivial one
2007-07-20T02:38:56 <johill> and please do add it to multiconfig.py
2007-07-20T02:39:08 <grzywacz> johill, for trivial changes? Sure.
2007-07-20T02:39:16 <johill> please :)
2007-07-20T02:39:22 <grzywacz> But fear the code I write when I'm tired. :D
2007-07-20T02:39:27 <johill> heh
2007-07-20T02:40:07 <grzywacz> johill, do you think I should remove "Event" from event names?
2007-07-20T02:40:15 <grzywacz> They can be qualified with the module's name anyway.
2007-07-20T02:40:21 <johill> hm
2007-07-20T02:40:25 <grzywacz> So events.PageChanged instead of events.PageCHangedEvent
2007-07-20T02:40:25 <johill> dunno
2007-07-20T02:40:25 <grzywacz> ;]
2007-07-20T02:40:39 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, help ;)
2007-07-20T02:40:43 <johill> but now the class name is already stored in my config so I'd rather not you touch it ;)
2007-07-20T02:41:32 <johill> maybe you shouldn't have used the classname
2007-07-20T02:41:36 <johill> but instead some other name
2007-07-20T02:41:43 <johill> in fact, it's probably not too late to change that :)
2007-07-20T02:42:40 <grzywacz> So, an additional "name" field.
2007-07-20T02:43:09 <johill> yeah just to decouple the internal class name from what gets stored into the user config files
2007-07-20T02:44:11 <grzywacz> I think my solution was too much of a hack.
2007-07-20T02:44:21 <grzywacz> Fortunately I'm going to learn a thing or two from that. ;)
2007-07-20T02:44:37 <johill> :)
2007-07-20T02:44:53 <johill> I'm not going to do the name thing, that would badly break your description change and make things unmergable
2007-07-20T02:45:37 <johill> but luckily with the current state I'll only have to search'n'replace through all user files to change the event names if you decide for other ones :)
2007-07-20T02:46:44 <grzywacz> Nah, I don't think any changes will be necessary.
2007-07-20T02:46:59 <grzywacz> But being able to change class name any time is going to be good.
2007-07-20T02:47:07 <grzywacz> Well, it was a dangerous idea.
2007-07-20T02:47:25 <grzywacz> Normally you should never worry about changing something like that.
2007-07-20T02:47:31 <johill> yeah
2007-07-20T02:48:46 <johill> something's odd with themes
2007-07-20T02:49:46 <johill> ohhhh
2007-07-20T02:49:48 <johill> bugger
2007-07-20T02:49:50 <johill> farms are broken
2007-07-20T02:50:19 <grzywacz> Why so?
2007-07-20T02:50:47 <grzywacz> Please do take a look, I don't trust myself atm: http://kolos.math.uni.lodz.pl/~grzywacz/diff.txt
2007-07-20T02:51:13 <johill> I guess because of http://hg.thinkmo.de/moin/1.7/rev/b8b87daf7cc4
2007-07-20T02:51:31 <johill> e = None seems useless
2007-07-20T02:51:55 <grzywacz> right @_@
2007-07-20T02:52:22 <johill> and why do you copy the constructor for all descendents of pagechangedevent?
2007-07-20T02:52:38 <johill> no wait I mean
2007-07-20T02:52:53 <johill> all pagechanged events should have the page no?
2007-07-20T02:52:58 <johill> but anyway
2007-07-20T02:53:01 <johill> for this changeset yeah
2007-07-20T02:53:03 <grzywacz> I didn't want to subclass PageChangedEvent, because isinstance is getting dangerous then.
2007-07-20T02:53:12 <johill> if isinstance(event. TrivialPageChangedEvent):
2007-07-20T02:53:14 <johill> could be elif
2007-07-20T02:53:26 <grzywacz> should be X_x
2007-07-20T02:53:28 <johill> ah right
2007-07-20T02:53:29 <grzywacz> No, no more code today.
2007-07-20T02:53:46 <johill> other than that looks good
2007-07-20T02:54:34 <grzywacz> Nope, there's a dot instead of a comma in one place and missing imports. xD
2007-07-20T02:54:37 * grzywacz fixin'
2007-07-20T02:57:07 <johill> and a wrong space: event.request ,
2007-07-20T02:58:08 <johill> ok that commit did break things
2007-07-20T02:58:12 <johill> now as for the fix.. hm
2007-07-20T02:58:34 <grzywacz> johill, write an unit test xD
2007-07-20T03:00:35 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2430:c7bb078d3318 1.7/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: commit b8b87daf7cc4 broke farms because one dict was shared, fix it
2007-07-20T03:01:12 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2435:474448e88c24 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (14 files in 7 dirs): Merge main.
2007-07-20T03:01:13 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2436:31b3d03bd1ea 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/events/__init__.py: s/An/A/
2007-07-20T03:01:17 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2437:3ddef6c321b1 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: small fixes to notification userprefs
2007-07-20T03:01:23 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2438:4a199a4c5d31 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: Pull some more johill's changes from main.
2007-07-20T03:01:36 <johill> heh
2007-07-20T03:01:46 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2439:663867be4afc 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Add a separate TrivialPageChangedEvent users can subscribe to.
2007-07-20T03:01:46 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2440:f15b9bf952d4 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Merge devel.
2007-07-20T03:05:03 <johill> ok, except for the trivial I think everything's working as required again :)
2007-07-20T03:07:24 <johill> which is pretty good for an unstable devel branch :)
2007-07-20T03:07:54 <grzywacz> What's wrong with trivial? ;)
2007-07-20T03:08:27 <johill> it's in your branch not main ;)
2007-07-20T03:09:57 <johill> hah
2007-07-20T03:10:10 <johill> 03:07 < *rehges> the gentoo way of starting the morning, you have to build your office first thing every day
2007-07-20T03:10:13 <johill> 03:07 < *rehges> and many days it breaks down mysteriously
2007-07-20T03:10:16 <johill> 03:07 < *rehges> so you try to go back to yesterdays office
2007-07-20T03:10:18 <johill> 03:08 < *rehges> ...but, you got to build it again, first :-)
2007-07-20T03:10:21 <johill> 03:08 < *rehges> ...and then it is lunch time
2007-07-20T03:10:23 <johill> 03:08 < *rehges> sounds fun, actually!
2007-07-20T03:12:22 <grzywacz> ;-)
2007-07-20T03:12:59 <johill> ah well, gotta get some sleep
2007-07-20T03:13:00 <johill> night all
2007-07-20T03:14:24 <grzywacz> night :)
2007-07-20T03:16:52 <johill> oh hm
2007-07-20T03:16:56 <johill> now we do have an upgrade issue
2007-07-20T03:17:09 <johill> I guess the trivial event should be added if want_trivial was set previously
2007-07-20T03:21:04 <grzywacz> Hm, yeah, I think I remember such a checkbox...
2007-07-20T03:47:11 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2431:58260d360f5c 1.7/ (4 files in 4 dirs): password_checker (simple builtin test, optionally using python-crack lib)
2007-07-20T03:47:19 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2432:81afe010284f 1.7/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py user.py userprefs/notification.py): merged main
2007-07-20T03:50:32 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2433:738c0c3d001c 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: fix exception when saving userprefs with empty jabber id
2007-07-20T04:00:30 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, ding dong, this has already been fixed in my branch. ;)
2007-07-20T04:00:49 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, please push it when you're around, all test should be ok.
2007-07-20T08:29:20 <dreimark> moin
2007-07-20T08:30:33 <dreimark> johill: using acls it is not wanted that a user could change his username for him
2007-07-20T08:32:14 <dreimark> may be we should have a flag in wikiconfig which easily sets the name field in Preferences to RO
2007-07-20T08:34:23 <dreimark> s/him/himself/g
2007-07-20T08:37:57 <dreimark> Time zone may be we should show always the real time nearby this list and not the one where Preferences was called.
2007-07-20T08:38:05 <dreimark> and only offsets
2007-07-20T08:38:56 <dreimark> in the form
2007-07-20T08:40:39 <dreimark> General options: in alphabetical order Disable this account forever is quite on the top and its not harmful for your account
2007-07-20T08:42:21 <dreimark> that should be separated and probably marked as dangerous action
2007-07-20T08:45:06 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: changing username is no problem as long as the system checks that it is unique
2007-07-20T08:45:59 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: but if you use a Group page to divide rights then the user is kicked out
2007-07-20T08:46:36 <ThomasWaldmann> of course one has to change the Group page also then
2007-07-20T08:47:18 <dreimark> johill: Switch user if the user is not in list superuser he should not get shown the dialog with an empty selection list
2007-07-20T08:52:00 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: I looked at TZ stuff some time ago, but doing this correctly is a pita and needs quite some code. The time offsets are much easier to handle and correct by definition. :)
2007-07-20T08:57:24 <dreimark> hmm, I was wondering about a clock problem because I stayed 8mins on that page and was comparing with my clock. For a moment I believed the clock on the server is wrong.
2007-07-20T08:57:59 <dreimark> We don't need to show seconds in the form
2007-07-20T09:02:29 <dreimark> johill: selecting Preferences edit_bar should be empty / hidden
2007-07-20T09:08:17 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: its not easy to understand for an user that he is rejected if he changes his name and its not forbidden.
2007-07-20T09:08:37 <dreimark> using an alias is ok
2007-07-20T09:11:00 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: we want to allow name changes nevertheless. people get married and change names.
2007-07-20T09:11:01 <dreimark> johill: show userlist for superuser (from SystemAdmin) fits on the new preferences page too
2007-07-20T09:15:17 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: right, the other appoach is to get Group pages changed too by changing the name
2007-07-20T09:20:21 <johill> dreimark: he doesn't get an empty dialog if he's not superuser
2007-07-20T09:20:33 <dreimark> johill: I get it
2007-07-20T09:20:41 <johill> huh
2007-07-20T09:20:43 <dreimark> using standalone
2007-07-20T09:20:49 <johill> oh desktop edition?
2007-07-20T09:20:55 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: i dislike the class renames you thought about
2007-07-20T09:20:57 <johill> everybody's superuser there I guess
2007-07-20T09:21:03 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: and please merge main
2007-07-20T09:21:22 <dreimark> johill: then I should get a list, the list is empty
2007-07-20T09:21:38 <lanius_> moin
2007-07-20T09:22:35 <dreimark> I guess we are not on default superuser because then we don't neet to log in
2007-07-20T09:22:58 <dreimark> we could use su
2007-07-20T09:23:36 <johill> dreimark: yeah because you can't su to yourself
2007-07-20T09:24:06 <johill> what am I not understanding?
2007-07-20T09:25:11 <johill> ok I get an empty list now
2007-07-20T09:25:14 <johill> it's hard to catch that
2007-07-20T09:25:27 <johill> I really don't want to check "how many users do we have in the system" every time
2007-07-20T09:26:36 <johill> dreimark: you said "selecting Preferences edit_bar should be empty / hidden"
2007-07-20T09:26:38 <johill> what do you mean?
2007-07-20T09:26:40 <dreimark> johill: its ok, I missed that point that everyone again is superuser on default in standalone, this is wrong
2007-07-20T09:27:02 <johill> ok
2007-07-20T09:27:52 <dreimark> xorAxAx: johill ThomasWaldmann: I thought we have had fixed that bug some time ago in 1.6
2007-07-20T09:28:51 <dreimark> johill: selecting preferences is gives not a real page. So editing makes no sense because you try to edit the frontpage
2007-07-20T09:29:37 <xorAxAx> dreimark: i think you planned to do so, maybe it was not merged from 1.6?
2007-07-20T09:30:20 <johill> oh
2007-07-20T09:30:25 <johill> how do I turn that off then?
2007-07-20T09:30:28 <johill> all actions do that
2007-07-20T09:30:48 <johill> I mean you always see 'edit' even if you're in say 'info'
2007-07-20T09:31:00 <johill> so this isn't something I feel I should override locally
2007-07-20T09:32:25 <johill> we could introduce the concept of 'per-page action' and 'global action' or such to differentiate
2007-07-20T09:32:31 <johill> and then just set a flag in each action
2007-07-20T09:33:41 <johill> and about your acl/name change point: I don't think I changed the behaviour anywhere, did I?
2007-07-20T09:35:53 <dreimark> chatlogs MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-05-01 superuser was different before. the fix is in 1.7 and johill is right everyone logged in is superuser in DE
2007-07-20T09:39:00 <dreimark> johill: acls are the same as usual, no changes to the current behaviour but sometimes I think we should have the possibility to have changing names blocked or on request.
2007-07-20T09:39:06 <johill> xorAxAx: even if you disagree with renaming the events I'm sure you don't disagree that the classnames shouldn't be in the user prefs ;)
2007-07-20T09:39:27 <johill> dreimark: oh ok. yeah, that's easy though, just disable the entry field
2007-07-20T09:39:56 <johill> I've been thinking if we should start allowing user IDs in ACLs
2007-07-20T09:39:58 <dreimark> johill: is that documented somewhere ?
2007-07-20T09:40:01 <johill> they are no longer secret
2007-07-20T09:40:08 <johill> need no longer be secret
2007-07-20T09:40:36 <dreimark> johill: or a dict for mapping and a history of names
2007-07-20T09:40:50 <johill> dreimark: not really, but http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/HelpOnConfiguration/UserPreferences lists how it generally works, the field is named 'name'
2007-07-20T09:41:01 <johill> nah, then you get into name crossing problems
2007-07-20T09:41:16 <johill> A renames to B, C renames to A, ...
2007-07-20T09:41:52 <dreimark> bad
2007-07-20T09:42:41 <johill> we'd need an acl editor I guess
2007-07-20T09:43:16 <dreimark> johill: if the list result is empty for only one user then you need not to show it
2007-07-20T09:43:45 <johill> yeah, I can do that
2007-07-20T09:43:54 <johill> but I don't want to check it every time the 'settings' page is invoked
2007-07-20T09:43:57 <johill> only when the user clicks
2007-07-20T09:44:04 <dreimark> yeah
2007-07-20T09:46:41 <dreimark> if I do use user_form_remove is the name field readonly or removed ( I guess its removed )
2007-07-20T09:47:57 <johill> removed, yes
2007-07-20T09:48:44 <dreimark> ok will use that
2007-07-20T09:49:31 <johill> hm can you not lowercase a unicode string?
2007-07-20T09:50:03 <johill> oh never mind
2007-07-20T09:54:44 <dreimark> modern_cms does not have an edit_bar for non known users
2007-07-20T10:02:28 <johill> dreimark: try suid now
2007-07-20T10:02:56 <johill> eh once I can push
2007-07-20T10:06:51 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2434:b4aa8a40f754 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/suid.py: clean up suid a bit
2007-07-20T10:07:02 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2435:5742ec1cbb37 1.7/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge main
2007-07-20T10:08:14 <johill> there
2007-07-20T10:12:24 <johill> dreimark: yes, I think user browser could be there
2007-07-20T10:12:31 <johill> but why not attachment browser?
2007-07-20T10:13:03 <johill> or maybe we should have something like this for superusr things
2007-07-20T10:13:12 <johill> not userprefs but admin plugins or such
2007-07-20T10:14:57 <johill> also, should we have this sorted in a different way? it always seems to be alphabetically now
2007-07-20T10:17:09 <xorAxAx> johill: yes!
2007-07-20T10:17:21 <xorAxAx> johill: i readded the according todo item
2007-07-20T10:17:37 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2436:c8a3a74953f6 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/changepass.py: remove bogus {SHA} check from changepass
2007-07-20T10:17:38 <johill> where?
2007-07-20T10:17:59 <xorAxAx> on grzywacz' page about soc
2007-07-20T10:18:12 <johill> ok
2007-07-20T10:18:23 <johill> I thought he had that
2007-07-20T10:23:30 <xorAxAx> he removed it
2007-07-20T10:23:42 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: grrr grr
2007-07-20T10:23:50 <johill> oh, no
2007-07-20T10:23:52 <johill> you're confused
2007-07-20T10:24:04 <johill> he didn't have it
2007-07-20T10:24:06 <johill> and by
2007-07-20T10:24:14 <johill> 'fix i18n' he was referring to the descriptions
2007-07-20T10:24:17 <johill> which he did fix
2007-07-20T10:26:41 <johill> event names musn't be translated
2007-07-20T10:38:18 <xorAxAx> ?
2007-07-20T10:38:28 <xorAxAx> no, he said that i18n is working even though its unfinished
2007-07-20T10:38:46 <xorAxAx> he hasnt working on translated event description nor solved the event name problem
2007-07-20T10:38:51 <xorAxAx> johill:
2007-07-20T10:39:01 <johill> he has
2007-07-20T10:39:22 <johill> http://hg.thinkmo.de/moin/1.7-jabber-knowak/rev/3c5b329afe4b
2007-07-20T10:40:03 <xorAxAx> hmm, ok
2007-07-20T10:40:26 <johill> http://hg.thinkmo.de/moin/1.7/rev/3ddef6c321b1
2007-07-20T10:41:40 <johill> hm, moving 24k mails takes a while :)
2007-07-20T10:42:18 <xorAxAx> johill: so you agree that event names still need to be translated?
2007-07-20T10:42:28 <johill> yes, they cannot be translated
2007-07-20T10:42:36 <johill> they need to be saved into the user files
2007-07-20T10:42:38 <xorAxAx> so why did you remove it again, gaaaa
2007-07-20T10:42:45 <xorAxAx> for display reasons
2007-07-20T10:42:52 <xorAxAx> name != internal key
2007-07-20T10:42:52 <johill> ehm
2007-07-20T10:42:56 <johill> no, they cannot be translated
2007-07-20T10:42:57 <johill> :)
2007-07-20T10:43:04 <xorAxAx> why the hell not?
2007-07-20T10:43:18 <johill> well ok, we thought of name == key
2007-07-20T10:43:23 <johill> since name is never shown anywhere
2007-07-20T10:43:46 <xorAxAx> i said event name, not class name
2007-07-20T10:43:55 <johill> well we don't want to store the class name
2007-07-20T10:43:57 <johill> that's the thing
2007-07-20T10:44:20 <johill> it makes changing the code a nightmare because a slight class rename or such will mean all userprefs files are invalidated
2007-07-20T10:44:48 <xorAxAx> thats an orthogonal issue
2007-07-20T10:45:00 <johill> yeah but that's why we said we need 'event names'
2007-07-20T10:45:11 <xorAxAx> also a classname is bad because a class could sit in different modules
2007-07-20T10:45:24 <xorAxAx> so a dotted full qualified name would be necessary anyway
2007-07-20T10:45:35 <johill> and now you come along and say event name should be translated which isn't true
2007-07-20T10:45:55 <johill> if we'd talked about event IDs
2007-07-20T10:46:03 <johill> then you could rightfully claim we need event names that are translated :)
2007-07-20T10:46:12 <johill> but so far, we don't even need event names as susch
2007-07-20T10:46:25 <johill> and then I'd probably call them displayname or so
2007-07-20T10:46:53 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: "We return a default
2007-07-20T10:46:54 <xorAxAx> + of "en" if user is not found."
2007-07-20T10:47:03 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: can you return something else instead please?
2007-07-20T10:47:09 <xorAxAx> a new string for example
2007-07-20T10:47:15 <xorAxAx> s/new/empty/
2007-07-20T10:47:43 <xorAxAx> johill: well, the display name of the event = the event name from the pov of the user :-p
2007-07-20T10:48:00 <johill> yeah except he never sees it anyway
2007-07-20T10:48:04 <johill> he only sees the desription
2007-07-20T10:48:11 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: how often do you call getBotTranslations?
2007-07-20T10:48:13 <xorAxAx> johill: hmm
2007-07-20T10:48:18 <xorAxAx> good point
2007-07-20T10:48:37 <johill> so *iff* you feel we need to show the name anywhere I'd prefer to call it displayname
2007-07-20T10:48:41 <johill> (and have it translated)
2007-07-20T10:49:17 <xorAxAx> if the description is complete, its enough
2007-07-20T10:49:28 <johill> well, it's assumed to be :)
2007-07-20T10:49:35 <johill> if it's not go fix it ;)
2007-07-20T10:49:46 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: please reorder your xmlrpc methods according to "
2007-07-20T10:49:47 <xorAxAx> # XXX END WARNING XXX"
2007-07-20T10:50:03 <xorAxAx> johill: thats not my task
2007-07-20T10:50:58 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: explain the reason for: "+ # get the matching entry in the mapping table
2007-07-20T10:51:01 <xorAxAx> + translated = original"
2007-07-20T10:51:34 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: "+ log = logging.getLogger("log")
2007-07-20T10:51:37 <xorAxAx> + log.debug("Initialising i18n...")"
2007-07-20T10:51:46 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: in a function looks weird, usually its global
2007-07-20T10:53:13 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: "+ _ = self.getText(command.jid)" please move that in front of the if-elif chain
2007-07-20T10:54:11 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: "+ # to provide an unicode string. Maybe this should be fixed upstream..." incorrect comment, you mean an utf-8 string
2007-07-20T10:55:31 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: hmm, its indeed better to return "en" than an empty string for security reasons, so ignore the comment above :)
2007-07-20T10:56:23 <xorAxAx> johill: so whats your idea for that subscribed events migration?
2007-07-20T10:56:30 <johill> oh it already works
2007-07-20T10:56:41 <xorAxAx> are you doing it at user loading time?
2007-07-20T10:56:54 <johill> I set the default to have all page events so a new user or an old user gets all events
2007-07-20T10:57:19 <xorAxAx> umm
2007-07-20T10:57:20 <johill> which really is the right thing to do so that the 'subscribe' link works right away
2007-07-20T10:57:26 <xorAxAx> did you also change the name of the pagelist?
2007-07-20T10:57:42 <johill> no
2007-07-20T10:57:44 <xorAxAx> ok
2007-07-20T10:57:45 <johill> why would I?
2007-07-20T10:57:50 <xorAxAx> no idea :)
2007-07-20T10:57:59 <johill> I don't have one list for jabber and one for email
2007-07-20T10:58:07 <johill> thought that would be overkill
2007-07-20T10:58:07 <xorAxAx> yes
2007-07-20T10:58:30 <johill> so new users get all events for no pages
2007-07-20T10:58:36 <xorAxAx> yep
2007-07-20T10:58:40 * xorAxAx gone to the dentist
2007-07-20T10:58:41 <johill> and existing users get all events for pages they were previously suscribed to
2007-07-20T10:58:47 <johill> (both via mmail, not jabber)
2007-07-20T10:58:57 <johill> later
2007-07-20T11:03:49 <dreimark> johill: :)
2007-07-20T11:04:37 <dreimark> did one tried to create a user homepage in 1.7 standalone ? I didn't get it
2007-07-20T11:04:51 <grzywacz> http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/goto.png
2007-07-20T11:04:57 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, why so?
2007-07-20T11:05:17 <johill> :)
2007-07-20T11:05:25 <johill> dreimark: homepage? huh
2007-07-20T11:05:37 <dreimark> btw. the homepage creation dialog has no edit_bar
2007-07-20T11:06:01 <johill> oh
2007-07-20T11:06:01 <johill> I see
2007-07-20T11:06:01 <johill> funky
2007-07-20T11:06:27 <johill> [[Action(edit&template=HomepageTemplate,Create my home page now!)]] doesn't work
2007-07-20T11:07:45 <johill> well
2007-07-20T11:08:08 <johill> &... just doesn'twork
2007-07-20T11:08:24 <johill> it htinks the action is 'edit&template...' and that's not in the premitted list
2007-07-20T11:08:24 <johill> permitted even
2007-07-20T11:09:42 <johill> dreimark: your fault: http://hg.thinkmo.de/moin/1.7/rev/2560c2182307
2007-07-20T11:10:15 <dreimark> when why looking
2007-07-20T11:11:21 <johill> indeed, this is quite impossible to solve
2007-07-20T11:13:32 <johill> http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/patches/moin/action-macro.patch
2007-07-20T11:13:34 <johill> that works
2007-07-20T11:13:37 <johill> but not sure if it's desirable
2007-07-20T11:13:47 <johill> not sure why you did that commit above in the first place :)
2007-07-20T11:13:58 <ThomasWaldmann> you can have A&O as pagename
2007-07-20T11:14:19 <dreimark> needs to be fixed in 1.6 too
2007-07-20T11:14:47 <johill> oh the action macro can link to another page as well?
2007-07-20T11:14:53 <johill> I thought it only linked to the current one
2007-07-20T11:15:47 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: please can you show the description on patch level too
2007-07-20T11:15:50 <johill> hm, it only links to the current page so what's the problem?
2007-07-20T11:15:55 <ThomasWaldmann> (somewhere in the string)
2007-07-20T11:16:12 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: its there already missed it yesterday
2007-07-20T11:16:18 <dreimark> sorry
2007-07-20T11:16:22 <johill> well in that case we need to extend the action macro to take more parameters
2007-07-20T11:16:47 <johill> [[Action(edit, blabla, template=xyz, ...)]] or something
2007-07-20T11:17:37 <zenhase> moin
2007-07-20T11:20:27 <dreimark> johill: if you have entered an action which is not valid for your wiki e.g. top of http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/ReimarBauer it should not be rendered clickable and shows an ugly error using it
2007-07-20T11:20:39 <johill> right
2007-07-20T11:21:43 <johill> but this way you tricked yourself :)
2007-07-20T11:21:43 <johill> because 'edit&template=..' is not a valid action
2007-07-20T11:21:52 <dreimark> yeah unfortunatley
2007-07-20T11:25:15 <dreimark> a separator of , for parameters would be better.
2007-07-20T11:30:01 <johill> except then you need to quote it inside the description text
2007-07-20T11:34:21 <dreimark> hmm, I don't get an idea for that case ThomasWaldmann is telling
2007-07-20T11:34:51 <johill> well if you split up parameters it's not a problem
2007-07-20T11:35:04 <johill> but it really wants some quoting system to work in all cases
2007-07-20T11:37:29 <dreimark> I have a similiar problem with the alt keyword of ImageLink. that could only solved by quoting too. Unfotrtunately all plugins we currently use don't use quoting
2007-07-20T11:37:44 <johill> yeah
2007-07-20T11:38:14 <johill> work on that args parser and make it have quoting :)
2007-07-20T11:38:24 <dreimark> and for 1.6 we can't introduce it now (because feature stop) so we should use your patch there
2007-07-20T11:38:42 <johill> feel free
2007-07-20T11:40:36 <dreimark> I will work on that arg parser after vacation
2007-07-20T11:40:47 <johill> :)
2007-07-20T11:41:16 <dreimark> lunch time
2007-07-20T11:41:16 <johill> I suggest you use quoting with doulbe-quotes (") and quote those by doubling them like with page names
2007-07-20T11:41:51 <dreimark> yes
2007-07-20T11:43:27 <dreimark> I have used it in Hits already to get some inspiration how much work it is and if it is in principle working. It does work, but has some restrictions which will not go well with ImageLink currently
2007-07-20T12:10:31 <ThomasWaldmann> lanius_: http://storage.wikiwikiweb.de/aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
2007-07-20T12:11:54 <johill> heh
2007-07-20T12:12:12 <johill> not much you can do about that though
2007-07-20T12:18:38 <ThomasWaldmann> except catch the error and avoid showing the traceback
2007-07-20T12:19:21 <johill> sure
2007-07-20T12:24:59 <grzywacz> Breakfast time.
2007-07-20T12:25:03 <grzywacz> johill, do you ever sleep? :P
2007-07-20T12:27:08 <johill> once a while :P
2007-07-20T12:31:27 <johill> gah, my dsl throughput is horrible. what is this
2007-07-20T12:38:39 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: hmm?
2007-07-20T12:39:48 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, yes?
2007-07-20T12:40:34 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: you had a question that i didnt understand :)
2007-07-20T12:41:16 <grzywacz> Yeah, I looked at the beginning of today's conversation only and saw the 'don't use "en"' stuff.
2007-07-20T12:41:32 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: i had ~ 10 comments this morning
2007-07-20T12:41:38 <xorAxAx> would be nice if you read them all :)
2007-07-20T12:41:43 <grzywacz> I did now.
2007-07-20T12:41:46 <xorAxAx> ok
2007-07-20T12:41:58 <xorAxAx> involving questions as well
2007-07-20T12:42:03 <xorAxAx> so i am waiting for the answers :)
2007-07-20T12:42:10 <grzywacz> I'll take care of them when I finish my morning (heh ;>) activities. :)
2007-07-20T12:42:21 <xorAxAx> yeah
2007-07-20T12:42:40 <grzywacz> How was the dentist? ;F
2007-07-20T12:42:53 <xorAxAx> refreshing
2007-07-20T12:42:58 <xorAxAx> nearly no pain :)
2007-07-20T12:43:06 <grzywacz> I feared that you'd say "pleasant". xD
2007-07-20T12:43:11 <xorAxAx> %-)
2007-07-20T12:43:37 <xorAxAx> seriously, the worst thing about the dentist is the anaesthesia for me
2007-07-20T12:43:49 <xorAxAx> i tried it 2 times in last few years and couldnt cope with it
2007-07-20T12:44:06 <xorAxAx> so i have to say "no" every time they ask me if i want some
2007-07-20T12:44:35 <grzywacz> Hm. No. The worst is pain without anesthesia. Fortunately I have rather healthy teeth, so recent years my visits consist of cavity removal and some cleaning only. ;]
2007-07-20T12:44:56 <grzywacz> (Ok, there are different levels of pain, of course.)
2007-07-20T12:46:15 <grzywacz> Like one time when a piece of old tooth emerged from my palate O_o; and it had to be removed from the living tissue. ;]
2007-07-20T12:46:45 <grzywacz> s/palate/gum/ maybe ;)
2007-07-20T12:47:52 <xorAxAx> you mean it was one of those first generation teeths?
2007-07-20T12:49:06 <grzywacz> A part of it, yes. Me, my doctor and my dentists were like "wtf" ;)
2007-07-20T12:49:16 <grzywacz> (It was like 2 years ago :D)
2007-07-20T12:49:22 <grzywacz> s/sts/st/
2007-07-20T12:50:20 <xorAxAx> hehe
2007-07-20T12:51:01 <xorAxAx> i somehow have the impression that my dentist is the most active business man that i know in terms of sales activity
2007-07-20T12:52:44 <johill> hm. would it make sense to pre-compile the huge_and_ugly?
2007-07-20T12:52:54 <johill> there's only one setting that influences it
2007-07-20T12:55:34 <xorAxAx> would make sense, yes
2007-07-20T13:10:59 <johill> then again, it sucks for cgi
2007-07-20T13:11:30 <johill> and it doesn't take long anyway
2007-07-20T13:12:24 <johill> maybe cache it
2007-07-20T13:18:55 <johill> hm
2007-07-20T13:18:59 <johill> if no event is generated
2007-07-20T13:19:06 <johill> why do we still load all possible event plugins?
2007-07-20T13:22:11 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2441:0cd1152b8da5 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py user.py): default to email notification of all events to ease migration from old scheme
2007-07-20T13:22:16 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2442:c7bb078d3318 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: commit b8b87daf7cc4 broke farms because one dict was shared, fix it
2007-07-20T13:22:19 <grzywacz> getBotTranslations is called once, when bot starts.
2007-07-20T13:22:27 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2443:58260d360f5c 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (4 files in 4 dirs): password_checker (simple builtin test, optionally using python-crack lib)
2007-07-20T13:22:33 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2444:81afe010284f 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py user.py userprefs/notification.py): merged main
2007-07-20T13:22:41 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2445:738c0c3d001c 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: fix exception when saving userprefs with empty jabber id
2007-07-20T13:22:49 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2446:b4aa8a40f754 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/suid.py: clean up suid a bit
2007-07-20T13:22:55 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2447:5742ec1cbb37 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge main
2007-07-20T13:23:01 <johill> grzywacz: what does that have to do with it?
2007-07-20T13:23:03 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2448:c8a3a74953f6 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/userprefs/changepass.py: remove bogus {SHA} check from changepass
2007-07-20T13:23:11 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2449:572f8ce1adff 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (7 files in 5 dirs): Merge main.
2007-07-20T13:24:31 <xorAxAx> johill: nothing
2007-07-20T13:24:38 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: he asked you :)
2007-07-20T13:24:57 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2437:0b2a95feb672 1.7/MoinMoin/wikidicts.py: wikidicts surely doesn't need copy
2007-07-20T13:25:41 <johill> but then that statement had no context did it? :)
2007-07-20T13:26:27 <xorAxAx> it has
2007-07-20T13:27:33 <johill> hm
2007-07-20T13:27:38 <johill> what's the best way to trace import statements?
2007-07-20T13:28:01 <johill> i.e. print a message each time a file is loaded
2007-07-20T13:28:13 <johill> I strongly suspect we load far too many modules
2007-07-20T13:28:31 <grzywacz> johill, sorry, I answered xorAxAx'x earlier question.
2007-07-20T13:29:29 <johill> ah ok, I must've missed that
2007-07-20T13:31:36 <xorAxAx> johill: python -v
2007-07-20T13:33:59 <johill> oh :)
2007-07-20T13:36:36 <johill> but it's not as bad as I thought
2007-07-20T13:37:27 <johill> except I don't understand why we preload all notification plugins :)
2007-07-20T13:37:53 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: make that lazy, like with any other plugin
2007-07-20T13:37:59 <xorAxAx> dont forget the locks :-)
2007-07-20T13:38:10 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2450:4e9370e2e8f1 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/xmlrpc/__init__.py: Move xmlrpc_getBotTranslations() out of warning's scope.
2007-07-20T13:38:11 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2451:754e3eedb9e5 1.7-jabber-knowak/jabberbot/i18n.py: Remove stray code and comment left from a mix of refactoring and copypasta.
2007-07-20T13:38:21 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2452:d08d65a19718 1.7-jabber-knowak/jabberbot/xmppbot.py: Make _. This assumes that all commands have jid attr, which makes sense here.
2007-07-20T13:38:29 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2453:639a122cbc54 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Merge devel.
2007-07-20T13:38:31 <grzywacz> s/Make/Move/
2007-07-20T13:38:40 <grzywacz> I think I'm going back to sleep. -_-;
2007-07-20T13:38:55 <xorAxAx> good night
2007-07-20T13:39:12 <johill> is moinmoin.support somehow earlier?
2007-07-20T13:39:21 <johill> we have things like 'import copy'
2007-07-20T13:40:11 <ThomasWaldmann> we store fixed stdlib stuff there (and also other 3rd party libs)
2007-07-20T13:40:12 <johill> and I definitely do not understand this:
2007-07-20T13:40:18 <johill> copy.copy({})
2007-07-20T13:40:48 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: I know but is it actually loaded instead of the actual copy file?
2007-07-20T13:41:12 <ThomasWaldmann> only if you import from there
2007-07-20T13:41:45 <xorAxAx> johill: thats a secret trick to confuse the python interpreter, i already hinted ThomasWaldmann at its usefulness
2007-07-20T13:43:03 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: then we can get rid of copy as I just deleted the last user :)
2007-07-20T13:43:05 <johill> xorAxAx: hm?
2007-07-20T13:44:14 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: I guess those copy.copy are not needed (but I was obviously unsure/confused at the time I wrote that code)
2007-07-20T13:44:37 <johill> as far as I know each instance of {} in the code creates a new empty dict
2007-07-20T13:44:43 <johill> otherwise basically nothing would work ;)
2007-07-20T13:44:49 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah :)
2007-07-20T13:45:17 <ThomasWaldmann> I guess I had integers in my mind and didnt think too about it
2007-07-20T13:46:53 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2438:609ef7393a14 1.7/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py: remove bogus copy statements
2007-07-20T13:47:29 <johill> now only tarfile still uses copy. I guess it actually does get the one from support because it lives in support itself
2007-07-20T13:48:57 * ThomasWaldmann looks at history
2007-07-20T13:52:49 <johill> I think I'm fairly happy with the preferences now
2007-07-20T13:52:56 <johill> much easier than before :)
2007-07-20T13:53:35 <johill> of course prefs.py is still quite some crufty thing
2007-07-20T13:54:08 <johill> better actually than I thought! :)
2007-07-20T13:55:04 <xorAxAx> usability 0.1, we are coming :)
2007-07-20T13:55:17 <ThomasWaldmann> http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de/MoinMoinBugs/DeepCopyError this was the initial reason for own copy
2007-07-20T13:56:21 <ThomasWaldmann> but I guess we don't need it any longer, no deepcopy
2007-07-20T13:56:43 <johill> yeah
2007-07-20T13:56:57 <johill> I'll delete it
2007-07-20T13:57:34 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2439:08f64645042e 1.7/MoinMoin/support/copy.py: we no longer use copy.deepcopy() so no need to have a fixed version of that
2007-07-20T13:57:59 <xorAxAx> yeah, the wikidicts simplification dropped the dependency
2007-07-20T13:58:56 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, any more comment on password_checker?
2007-07-20T13:59:10 <xorAxAx> i would dislike it as a default option
2007-07-20T13:59:21 <xorAxAx> but i think its disabled, right?
2007-07-20T13:59:29 <johill> it's enabled by default
2007-07-20T13:59:34 <xorAxAx> hmm, thats bad
2007-07-20T13:59:37 <ThomasWaldmann> no, but you can disable it by = None
2007-07-20T14:00:03 <johill> maybe it'd be nicer to require it to be enabled, by, say,
2007-07-20T14:00:14 <johill> from MoinMoin.security import simple_password_check
2007-07-20T14:00:21 <johill> cfg.password_checker = simple_password_check
2007-07-20T14:00:35 <johill> easy enough to document :)
2007-07-20T14:00:51 <xorAxAx> well, a boolean is more user friendly
2007-07-20T14:00:58 <xorAxAx> if its true, call the default handler internally
2007-07-20T14:01:01 <ThomasWaldmann> the rather fundamental question is if you want to require effort to have a secure system
2007-07-20T14:01:20 <johill> uh huh
2007-07-20T14:01:33 <ThomasWaldmann> i didnt use a boolean to make the fn user configurable
2007-07-20T14:01:42 <johill> mind you, it might be a lot better to actually add an email verification step as security first ;)
2007-07-20T14:02:06 <johill> I plan to do that though
2007-07-20T14:02:14 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: feel free :) but this is rather unrelated to pw checking
2007-07-20T14:03:03 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: i suggested a tri-state
2007-07-20T14:03:22 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: if its a function call it, if it is true, call the default, otherwise dont
2007-07-20T14:03:37 <johill> xorAxAx: eek, something like if checker: if callable(checker): checker() else default()
2007-07-20T14:03:40 <johill> ?
2007-07-20T14:03:53 <xorAxAx> johill: for example
2007-07-20T14:03:59 <xorAxAx> callable is deprecated, though
2007-07-20T14:04:04 <johill> not too bad, but still
2007-07-20T14:04:05 <johill> huh?
2007-07-20T14:04:08 <xorAxAx> AFAIK
2007-07-20T14:04:14 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, good idea
2007-07-20T14:04:27 <ThomasWaldmann> what's the alternative to callable()
2007-07-20T14:04:45 <xorAxAx> calling it and catching the exception
2007-07-20T14:04:55 <ThomasWaldmann> %)
2007-07-20T14:05:03 <xorAxAx> thats the python-dev answer
2007-07-20T14:05:07 <xorAxAx> by gvr even
2007-07-20T14:05:21 <xorAxAx> one could call it duck-calling
2007-07-20T14:05:31 <johill> heh
2007-07-20T14:05:51 <johill> seems useless but it's not speed-sensitive either
2007-07-20T14:06:03 <johill> how many people are going to be changing their passwords at the same time :)
2007-07-20T14:06:07 <johill> anyway, I gotta go
2007-07-20T14:24:10 <vpv> omg I love fnmatch.filter() ;)
2007-07-20T14:25:33 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, thinking about that tristate stuff: what do we win? you canÄ't do anything else than it currently do.
2007-07-20T14:26:30 <ThomasWaldmann> and for "pw_checker", "None" is a more natural wording (or it would have to be "password_checking", which fits bad when used with a selfmade function)
2007-07-20T14:27:12 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: its easier to use the default - no need for an import
2007-07-20T14:31:14 <ThomasWaldmann> you don't need an import now either
2007-07-20T14:31:29 <xorAxAx> but i dislike the defualt value
2007-07-20T14:31:35 <xorAxAx> its certainly annoying
2007-07-20T14:31:36 <ThomasWaldmann> why?
2007-07-20T14:31:46 <xorAxAx> because it might conflict with existing password policies
2007-07-20T14:32:03 <xorAxAx> on the other hand, those are relevant in different realms than the moin password
2007-07-20T14:32:15 <ThomasWaldmann> if you have a different pw policy, you will have to assign your own function anyway
2007-07-20T14:32:23 <ThomasWaldmann> but you won't use it switched off
2007-07-20T14:32:50 <xorAxAx> hehe, unenforced policies exist :)
2007-07-20T14:33:08 <ThomasWaldmann> switching it off might be good for "doesn't matter" internet wikis
2007-07-20T14:33:37 <ThomasWaldmann> but we can put a # password_checker = None in the sample config for that
2007-07-20T14:33:59 <ThomasWaldmann> then at least noone can say moin allows unsecure passwords by default
2007-07-20T14:34:27 <xorAxAx> yeah
2007-07-20T14:37:02 <ThomasWaldmann> another open question is what to do if python-crack throws exceptions other than ValueError
2007-07-20T14:37:36 <ThomasWaldmann> (e.g. if admin forgot to initialize the word dicts)
2007-07-20T14:38:49 <ThomasWaldmann> we could either catch and reraise ValueError with some hint internally (refusing the password),
2007-07-20T14:39:07 <ThomasWaldmann> not catch (and crash, also not accepting pw),
2007-07-20T14:39:31 <ThomasWaldmann> or catch and nevertheless accept any password that got through our builtin test
2007-07-20T15:10:59 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2440:19bf80768b8a 1.7/wiki/config/wikiconfig.py: wikiconfig: add comment about how to disable password_checker
2007-07-20T15:11:10 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2441:f45f9712ee30 1.7/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge main
2007-07-20T15:17:03 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2537:059054049961 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/auth/openidrp.py: don't use parenthesised imports in openid code
2007-07-20T15:17:06 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2538:2142eea37033 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (action/userprefs.py userprefs/__init__.py): fix userpreferences links
2007-07-20T15:17:08 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2539:76bf8b6b3061 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/ (changepass.py oid.py prefs.py suid.py): use formatted=False for userprefs titles
2007-07-20T15:17:18 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2540:26fe624bdbd6 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py userprefs/prefs.py): remove notification settings from userprefs, will add back as a new plugin
2007-07-20T15:17:22 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2541:c1592d799c53 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: remove more event stuff from prefs.py
2007-07-20T15:17:29 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2542:5d1c31b0c6b5 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 4 dirs): make jabber/email notification types configurable orthogonally
2007-07-20T15:17:39 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2543:dd138b728c1f 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: initial cut at a notification prefs dialog
2007-07-20T15:17:45 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2544:3ddef6c321b1 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/notification.py: small fixes to notification userprefs
2007-07-20T15:17:53 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2545:0cd1152b8da5 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py user.py): default to email notification of all events to ease migration from old scheme
2007-07-20T15:18:03 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2546:c7bb078d3318 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/config/multiconfig.py: commit b8b87daf7cc4 broke farms because one dict was shared, fix it
2007-07-20T15:18:12 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2547:58260d360f5c 1.7-maninfo-vpv/ (4 files in 4 dirs): password_checker (simple builtin test, optionally using python-crack lib)
2007-07-20T15:18:20 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2548:81afe010284f 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (config/multiconfig.py user.py userprefs/notification.py): merged main
2007-07-20T15:18:28 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2549:738c0c3d001c 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/prefs.py: fix exception when saving userprefs with empty jabber id
2007-07-20T15:18:35 <CIA-27> moin: Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs DOT helsinki DOT fi> * 2550:06fcacff350d 1.7-maninfo-vpv/ (17 files in 9 dirs): merge from main
2007-07-20T15:18:40 <CIA-27> moin: Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs DOT helsinki DOT fi> * 2551:7c4139ff806b 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/script/xmlrpc/manimport.py: Implement handle_srpm(). I wanted to make this commit before changing make_wikipage() too much
2007-07-20T15:18:45 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: your branch isnt merged
2007-07-20T15:18:51 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2552:b4aa8a40f754 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/suid.py: clean up suid a bit
2007-07-20T15:18:59 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2553:5742ec1cbb37 1.7-maninfo-vpv/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge main
2007-07-20T15:19:04 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2554:c8a3a74953f6 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/userprefs/changepass.py: remove bogus {SHA} check from changepass
2007-07-20T15:19:11 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2555:0b2a95feb672 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/wikidicts.py: wikidicts surely doesn't need copy
2007-07-20T15:19:19 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2556:609ef7393a14 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py: remove bogus copy statements
2007-07-20T15:19:26 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2557:08f64645042e 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/support/copy.py: we no longer use copy.deepcopy() so no need to have a fixed version of that
2007-07-20T15:19:33 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2558:19bf80768b8a 1.7-maninfo-vpv/wiki/config/wikiconfig.py: wikiconfig: add comment about how to disable password_checker
2007-07-20T15:19:41 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2559:f45f9712ee30 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge main
2007-07-20T15:19:48 <CIA-27> moin: Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs DOT helsinki DOT fi> * 2560:74e127db024a 1.7-maninfo-vpv/ (6 files in 5 dirs): merge from main
2007-07-20T15:20:10 <vpv> I think it's done now ;)
2007-07-20T15:23:11 <ThomasWaldmann> CIA is a real spammer :)
2007-07-20T15:23:21 <xorAxAx> no, you are the spammer :)
2007-07-20T15:23:37 <xorAxAx> because you operate the script that advises CIA to rpint the lines
2007-07-20T15:23:56 <ThomasWaldmann> :)
2007-07-20T15:25:20 <ThomasWaldmann> i guess when we finally merge the student branches into 1.7-main, I'll switch it off temporarily :)
2007-07-20T15:27:34 <xorAxAx> maybe adding some pickle cache is a nice idea for the long run
2007-07-20T15:28:03 <ThomasWaldmann> hm?
2007-07-20T15:29:29 <xorAxAx> the notify script pickles all hashes that it transmitted to CIA and doesnt show duplicates
2007-07-20T15:30:05 <xorAxAx> except if the duplicates go into the main branch and the revno is dividable by 5
2007-07-20T15:30:29 <ThomasWaldmann> and it's sunny outside
2007-07-20T15:30:40 <xorAxAx> well, thats pointless
2007-07-20T15:31:00 <xorAxAx> that would reduce the useless CIA prints by 99%
2007-07-20T15:31:16 <xorAxAx> and it would still inform you of any important operation by the students and us
2007-07-20T15:41:30 <grzywacz> xorAxAx, sure it isn't *now* if after my every merge someone manages to add more stuff to 1.7 :P
2007-07-20T15:41:47 <xorAxAx> grzywacz: ?
2007-07-20T15:41:58 <xorAxAx> hmm, yes
2007-07-20T16:10:02 <xorAxAx> gah gah, the rain starts when i want to go by bike to the train station and stops when the train would start
2007-07-20T16:10:42 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2442:bd145a2629aa 1.7/MoinMoin/config/_tests/test_multiconfig.py: add tests for password_checker
2007-07-20T16:11:15 <xorAxAx> wooot, CSS finally introduces "orange"
2007-07-20T16:11:24 <xorAxAx> people must have been color blind before
2007-07-20T16:14:19 <dreimark> johill: py.test sourcebug in suid.py
2007-07-20T16:14:29 <dreimark> whitespace
2007-07-20T16:15:08 <dreimark> too late already fixed :)
2007-07-20T16:20:22 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: a comment about length of password would be nice
2007-07-20T16:28:09 <CIA-27> moin: Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> * 2118:81caa865cae3 1.6/MoinMoin/macro/Action.py: macro.Action.py: fixed bug in in using Parameters for e.g. Edit (thanks to Johannes Berg)
2007-07-20T16:50:47 <dreimark> bbl , shopping
2007-07-20T17:18:39 <CIA-27> moin: Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs DOT helsinki DOT fi> * 2561:bad5f9370411 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/script/xmlrpc/manimport.py: some more info handling implemented
2007-07-20T17:18:41 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2562:bd145a2629aa 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/config/_tests/test_multiconfig.py: add tests for password_checker
2007-07-20T17:18:44 <CIA-27> moin: Ville-Pekka Vainio <vpivaini AT cs DOT helsinki DOT fi> * 2563:9525aaa280a0 1.7-maninfo-vpv/MoinMoin/config/_tests/test_multiconfig.py: merge from main
2007-07-20T17:24:11 <grzywacz> http://iwantmyopenid.org/bounty
2007-07-20T17:24:12 <grzywacz> :D
2007-07-20T17:26:26 <vpv> does this apply to Moin "Have at least 200,000 public internet users and 5,000 downloads per month."
2007-07-20T17:30:02 <grzywacz> I wonder as well. 5000 downloads doesn't sound probable, though. ;)
2007-07-20T17:43:55 <grzywacz> blah, storm...
2007-07-20T17:44:29 <grzywacz> going offline
2007-07-20T17:45:24 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2443:b4c44e5be9e8 1.7/MoinMoin/config/ (_tests/test_multiconfig.py multiconfig.py): password_checker: more builtin checks, more tests
2007-07-20T17:53:00 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2444:12854ba50c0d 1.7/MoinMoin/ (config/_tests/test_multiconfig.py userprefs/suid.py): password_checker test: add the usual set import magic for py 2.3, small whitespace fix
2007-07-20T18:31:42 <ThomasWaldmann> tests in neagulms branch crash if there is no spambayes module installed
2007-07-20T18:33:37 <ThomasWaldmann> 2 failing sourcecode tests for grzywacz
2007-07-20T18:35:09 <ThomasWaldmann> 14 failing for lanius
2007-07-20T18:36:19 <ThomasWaldmann> tests in zenhase's branch crash if there is no genshi.template module installed
2007-07-20T18:39:38 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2445:2dc7a3be8ec9 1.7/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): test_sourcecode: check for some silly comparisons with None/True/False
2007-07-20T18:47:58 <lanius> ThomasWaldmann: my sourcecode tests say they are all ok
2007-07-20T18:48:30 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, i wasnt referring to sourcecode in your case :)
2007-07-20T18:48:53 <ThomasWaldmann> but I currently add some new, so we'll see if it stays at 0 :))
2007-07-20T18:49:02 <lanius> hehe, but the other tests work for me as well
2007-07-20T18:49:14 <lanius> maybe delete your test wiki and create indexes and tmp dir?
2007-07-20T18:50:54 <ThomasWaldmann> tests finished: 296 passed, 15 failed (deleted test wiki before)
2007-07-20T18:51:09 <lanius> strange
2007-07-20T18:51:10 <ThomasWaldmann> there shouldnt be a need to do manual steps except that
2007-07-20T18:51:33 <ThomasWaldmann> did you push everything?
2007-07-20T18:59:55 <lanius> i did
2007-07-20T19:00:36 <ThomasWaldmann> and if you delete your test wiki, it doesnt fail tests?
2007-07-20T19:00:49 <lanius> it doesn't
2007-07-20T19:01:24 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, I'll upload the output somewhere
2007-07-20T19:04:28 <lanius> maybe this two dirs are still missing since mercurary seems not to checkout new dirs
2007-07-20T19:05:10 <ThomasWaldmann> it is mostly due to missing dirs, see http://docs.moinmo.in/files/storage.txt
2007-07-20T19:05:41 <ThomasWaldmann> see how it is handled for other data/* dirs
2007-07-20T19:06:58 <lanius> i added them to the repository but mercurrary does not seem to care
2007-07-20T19:08:14 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2541:b9742b732108 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/storage/fs_moin16.py: use moinmoin pickle magic
2007-07-20T19:08:16 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2542:d0c2922fcddb 1.7-storage-hwendel/wiki/data/ (indexes/README tmp/README): add README so mercurary accepts the directories
2007-07-20T19:09:11 <lanius> please try again
2007-07-20T19:15:30 <ThomasWaldmann> works!
2007-07-20T19:17:38 <lanius> yeah
2007-07-20T19:32:47 <CIA-27> moin: Heinrich Wendel <h_wendel@cojobo.net> * 2543:fdba4f3fdcc2 1.7-storage-hwendel/MoinMoin/ (Page.py config/multiconfig.py storage/fs_moin16.py user.py): make use of indexes for page change subscription user lookup event
2007-07-20T19:33:00 <lanius> rayvd: i implemented the index thing for your use case, maybe you can test it?
2007-07-20T19:33:07 <lanius> have to go now, bye
2007-07-20T19:38:12 <rayvd> very cool lanius.. i will
2007-07-20T19:38:19 <rayvd> been sick the last few days so my plans have been on hold
2007-07-20T19:39:35 <rayvd> 1.7-storage-hwendel i'm guessing is your branch
2007-07-20T19:42:13 <grzywacz> rayvd, yes
2007-07-20T19:52:40 <grzywacz> Hm, does anyone know if it's legal in EU to refuse sending of certain goods to specific member countries?
2007-07-20T19:53:06 <grzywacz> Like, Internet shops refusing to send software to Poland, but having no problems with Germany, for example?
2007-07-20T19:59:55 <rayvd> someone refusing to ship you something?
2007-07-20T20:00:52 <grzywacz> amazon.co.uk
2007-07-20T20:02:12 <rayvd> weird. just because you're in poland?
2007-07-20T20:02:17 <grzywacz> yes
2007-07-20T20:04:52 <rayvd> maybe they are mad about the missile defenses :)
2007-07-20T20:07:30 <grzywacz> Maybe I'll ask them via email first. :>
2007-07-20T20:08:37 <rayvd> hehe
2007-07-20T20:08:49 <rayvd> hey, haven't checked out a dev version before... which moin.py do i use?
2007-07-20T20:08:54 <rayvd> the top-level one in the source tarball?
2007-07-20T20:09:27 <rayvd> the moin.py's installed by python setup.py do not appear to be like the ones in 1.5.8 :)
2007-07-20T20:10:12 <vpv> the top-level one, at least in a hg checkout
2007-07-20T20:10:17 <rayvd> k
2007-07-20T20:16:25 <rayvd> anything special about the python setup.py process? or can i just sys.path.insert the MoinMoin dir in the top-level of my hg checkout?
2007-07-20T20:16:58 <rayvd> (lanius' storage/ subdir doesn't get installed by python setup.py -- i'll just copy it)
2007-07-20T20:17:52 <vpv> I think you don't necessarily need the setup.py step, I haven't done it myself, I run Moin directly from the hg checkout
2007-07-20T20:18:02 <rayvd> that would be easier.
2007-07-20T20:18:03 <rayvd> thanks :)
2007-07-20T20:18:59 <grzywacz> So do I, works with no problems.
2007-07-20T20:19:32 <vpv> all the wiki data then goes in the checkout directory, under wiki/, but that should be handled by default .hgignore
2007-07-20T20:20:15 <rayvd> ahh i see
2007-07-20T20:20:42 <grzywacz> Just make sure to have your checkout dir in PYTHONPATH. ;)
2007-07-20T20:27:49 <rayvd> oops
2007-07-20T20:27:58 <rayvd> guess i should untar underlay.tar.bz2 :)
2007-07-20T20:28:50 <grzywacz> Yes. :)
2007-07-20T20:29:03 <vpv> yup, but I think pythonpath modifications are not needed, Moin does that automatically once you run it...
2007-07-20T20:29:34 <rayvd> yeah it does
2007-07-20T20:29:39 <rayvd> moinpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.normpath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])))
2007-07-20T20:29:39 <rayvd> sys.path.insert(0, moinpath)
2007-07-20T20:29:41 <rayvd> :)
2007-07-20T20:30:33 <grzywacz> Oh, ok.
2007-07-20T20:33:05 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2446:70b1a82ec75b 1.7/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): test_sourcecode: add pep8 test for 1 space on each side of an operator
2007-07-20T20:33:07 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2447:45641cbe7729 1.7/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 4 dirs): enable new PEP8 test, fixes where it failed
2007-07-20T20:34:31 * rayvd copies his 3500 users over
2007-07-20T20:35:10 <grzywacz> 8)
2007-07-20T21:15:04 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: please move test_events to MoinMoin/events/_tests/
2007-07-20T21:44:07 * ThomasWaldmann adds coverage info
2007-07-20T21:54:46 <rayvd> lanius: i think the unit test runs, but from the actual wiki, when trying to add a subscriber i get:
2007-07-20T21:54:56 <rayvd> File "/net/leoray/leoray1/users/ray5147/src/moin/moin-index/MoinMoin/user.py", line 615, in subscribe
2007-07-20T21:55:07 <rayvd> self.subscribed_pages.append(pagename)
2007-07-20T21:55:13 <rayvd> AttributeError: 'unicode' object has no attribute 'append'
2007-07-20T21:55:20 <rayvd> probably still loading from the plain-text file...
2007-07-20T21:55:28 <rayvd> will try tracking it down after lunch
2007-07-20T22:06:06 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, k
2007-07-20T22:09:03 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2454:0b2a95feb672 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/wikidicts.py: wikidicts surely doesn't need copy
2007-07-20T22:09:06 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2455:609ef7393a14 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/request/__init__.py: remove bogus copy statements
2007-07-20T22:09:12 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2456:08f64645042e 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/support/copy.py: we no longer use copy.deepcopy() so no need to have a fixed version of that
2007-07-20T22:09:18 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2457:19bf80768b8a 1.7-jabber-knowak/wiki/config/wikiconfig.py: wikiconfig: add comment about how to disable password_checker
2007-07-20T22:09:31 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2458:f45f9712ee30 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 4 dirs): merge main
2007-07-20T22:09:39 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2459:bd145a2629aa 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/config/_tests/test_multiconfig.py: add tests for password_checker
2007-07-20T22:09:49 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2460:b4c44e5be9e8 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/config/ (_tests/test_multiconfig.py multiconfig.py): password_checker: more builtin checks, more tests
2007-07-20T22:09:58 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2461:12854ba50c0d 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (config/_tests/test_multiconfig.py userprefs/suid.py): password_checker test: add the usual set import magic for py 2.3, small whitespace fix
2007-07-20T22:10:07 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2462:2dc7a3be8ec9 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): test_sourcecode: check for some silly comparisons with None/True/False
2007-07-20T22:10:15 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2463:70b1a82ec75b 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/_tests/ (pep8.py test_sourcecode.py): test_sourcecode: add pep8 test for 1 space on each side of an operator
2007-07-20T22:10:21 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2464:45641cbe7729 1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/ (4 files in 4 dirs): enable new PEP8 test, fixes where it failed
2007-07-20T22:10:29 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2465:8a118b01df5a 1.7-jabber-knowak/ (11 files in 9 dirs): Merge main.
2007-07-20T22:10:36 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2466:76f87ae87759 1.7-jabber-knowak/jabberbot/xmppbot.py: Initialize _ later, as NotificationCommand doesn't have `jid` attr
2007-07-20T22:10:41 <CIA-27> moin: Karol 'grzywacz' Nowak <grzywacz@sul.uni.lodz.pl> * 2467:0242ded135e9 1.7-jabber-knowak/jabberbot/xmppbot.py: Merge devel.
2007-07-20T22:10:55 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: now run the tests :)
2007-07-20T22:20:04 <grzywacz> ok...
2007-07-20T22:23:27 <ThomasWaldmann> in test_sourcecode, there is some commented RECENTLY = 0 <-- use that!
2007-07-20T22:25:13 <grzywacz> What is that supposed to do?
2007-07-20T22:25:50 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, I can see quite a few failed tests not related to my changes in any was?
2007-07-20T22:25:53 <grzywacz> s/was/way/
2007-07-20T22:27:23 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2448:c9949c55ff5e 1.7/MoinMoin/ (29 files in 14 dirs): add coverage_modules attribute for coverage testing
2007-07-20T22:27:31 <ThomasWaldmann> it will check complete sourcecode, not only what you touched recently
2007-07-20T22:27:59 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: for example?
2007-07-20T22:28:32 <grzywacz> Why would you want to run tests only on stuff recently touched?
2007-07-20T22:28:39 <grzywacz> There may be breakage in dependencies afterall.
2007-07-20T22:28:51 <grzywacz> ThomasWaldmann, /home/karol/programowanie/soc/1.7-jabber-knowak/MoinMoin/server/server_twisted.py:209:17: E225 operators shall be surrounded by a single space on each side timeout = 15*60
2007-07-20T22:29:10 <grzywacz> /MoinMoin/search/results.py:399:34: E225 operators shall be surrounded by a single space on each side hitsTo = hitsFrom+request.cfg.search_results_per_page
2007-07-20T22:29:12 <grzywacz> And so on.
2007-07-20T22:29:17 <ThomasWaldmann> grzywacz: if you did not touch sourcecode, i dont need to test pep8
2007-07-20T22:29:29 <ThomasWaldmann> except when the test was extended, like now
2007-07-20T22:30:10 <ThomasWaldmann> strange, i guess I also have to rerun it :D only fix your stuff.
2007-07-20T22:31:22 <grzywacz> I see no failed tests in my stuff. :P
2007-07-20T22:37:57 <johill> dread, I shall need to fix that
2007-07-20T22:44:36 <CIA-27> moin: Johannes Berg <johannes AT sipsolutions DOT net> * 2449:fa3aca6aacd4 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/suid.py: make pep8 checker happy
2007-07-20T22:53:56 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2450:3d08f1cb4429 1.7/MoinMoin/ (10 files in 9 dirs): pep8 whitespace fixes
2007-07-20T22:53:58 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2451:ac7f57165c9a 1.7/MoinMoin/userprefs/suid.py: merged main
2007-07-20T22:54:29 <ThomasWaldmann> the pep8 operator whitespace checker still needs improvement
2007-07-20T23:30:50 <neagulm> hello xorAxAx
2007-07-20T23:31:17 <neagulm> xorAxAx, what is your opinion about implementing a recommendation system in MoinMoin?
2007-07-20T23:31:33 <neagulm> starshine, hello
2007-07-20T23:31:41 <neagulm> starshine, some news about that icons ?
2007-07-20T23:31:46 <neagulm> starshine, :D
2007-07-20T23:36:06 <starshine> I'm at work right now..
2007-07-20T23:36:16 <starshine> what timezone are you on?
2007-07-20T23:37:20 <rayvd> looks like he is GMT+3 :)
2007-07-20T23:37:24 <neagulm> starshine, UTC+3
2007-07-20T23:37:55 <neagulm> starshine, you?
2007-07-20T23:39:26 <starshine> pacific/US BST-8
2007-07-20T23:54:11 <CIA-27> moin: Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> * 2452:839b360413a9 1.7/MoinMoin/filter/_tests/test_filter.py: tests: add some basic filter tests
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2007-07-20 (last edited 2007-10-29 19:20:38 by localhost)