2008-04-02T08:50:24  <dreimark> moin
2008-04-02T08:50:35  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I can't reproduce the gui problem in 1.7
2008-04-02T08:53:36  <dreimark>  I don't get the gui editor link#
2008-04-02T08:55:44  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2008-04-02T08:56:10  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: the creole default markup gui editor converter missing bug?
2008-04-02T08:57:10  <dreimark> yes
2008-04-02T08:57:31  <dreimark> it is already done somewhere similiar to the discussed solution
2008-04-02T08:58:04  <dreimark> if default markup is creole or #format creole is used you don't get the gui editor
2008-04-02T08:59:15  <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, why does the bug report tell it also happens in 1.7?
2008-04-02T08:59:52  <TheSheep> how would I write such a converter?
2008-04-02T09:00:32  <dreimark> TheSheep: see for an example MoinMoin/converter/text_html_text_moin_wiki.py
2008-04-02T09:00:34  <TheSheep> it would just be converter/text_html_text_creole.py
2008-04-02T09:00:42  <TheSheep> ?
2008-04-02T09:00:45  <ThomasWaldmann> yes
2008-04-02T09:00:51  <TheSheep> great
2008-04-02T09:01:13  <ThomasWaldmann> but it is not trivial :)
2008-04-02T09:01:40  <ThomasWaldmann> (thanks to browser differences, people pasting from MS apps, etc.)
2008-04-02T09:01:59  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: well, I'll give i a try
2008-04-02T09:02:33  <dreimark> TheSheep: :)
2008-04-02T09:03:12  <ThomasWaldmann> TheSheep: good luck :) you'll have to relax the checks for 'wiki' markup at some places then
2008-04-02T09:09:09  <gizmach> morning
2008-04-02T09:10:10  * gizmach has a half an hour for updating her project proposal
2008-04-02T09:16:04  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: hehe, maybe I could add a 'full-blown creole support' as a gsoc project idea? :P
2008-04-02T09:16:16  <TheSheep> but it's too small I guess
2008-04-02T09:17:53  <ThomasWaldmann> not sure. but the gui editor stuff needs other updates more urgently.
2008-04-02T09:18:30  <ThomasWaldmann> ff3 is not very happy with the old fckeditor we use.
2008-04-02T09:18:55  <ThomasWaldmann> the gui editor / converter has quite some bugs needing fixing.
2008-04-02T10:19:16  * gizmach updated gsoc application and is away for the most of the day
2008-04-02T11:04:31  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: will do
2008-04-02T11:05:55  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: anything you have in mind?
2008-04-02T11:47:25  <johill> I don't see any obvious conflicts
2008-04-02T11:47:30  <johill> or were you referring to the DOM stuff?
2008-04-02T11:51:23  <TheSheep> are function decorators against pep8?
2008-04-02T11:52:17  <johill> hm?
2008-04-02T11:53:17  <TheSheep> the python.vim from the moin site highlights decorators as errors, I thought that maybe I'm doing something wrong
2008-04-02T11:53:53  <johill> what sort of decorators? maybe it just doesn't know python 2.5?
2008-04-02T11:54:10  <xorAxAx> johill: you mean 2.4? :)
2008-04-02T11:54:21  <zenhase> moin
2008-04-02T11:54:24  <johill> uh, maybe :)
2008-04-02T11:54:30  <johill> I don't really keep track of python versions
2008-04-02T11:54:33  <TheSheep> or it was done intentionally because moin is supposed to be 2.3-compatible
2008-04-02T11:54:48  <johill> how old is 2.4? :)
2008-04-02T11:59:10  <ThomasWaldmann> python.vim was written by a chinese guy i met at europython, I didn't modify it
2008-04-02T11:59:40  <TheSheep> maybe he just didn't like decorators :)
2008-04-02T11:59:58  <TheSheep> I was just surprised, tested sevral ways of formatting them but no dice
2008-04-02T12:01:33  <ThomasWaldmann> johill: what i meant are your recent changes to e.g. the search query parsing, the storage stuff, ...
2008-04-02T12:02:34  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: oh ok, well search query parsing should be mostly equivalent with the 1.6 code just nicer code, and storage I've mostly written down ideas/design proposals
2008-04-02T12:13:41  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: hence, I don't see any obvious conflicts, though I would of course hope that whoever ends up working on storage looks at my design proposals
2008-04-02T12:13:44  <johill> :)
2008-04-02T12:25:17  <ThomasWaldmann> johill: btw, i had slight trouble with translating the OpenID stuff, maybe have a look at http://master17.moinmo.in/MoinI18n/de
2008-04-02T12:27:33  <johill> k
2008-04-02T12:28:33  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: "Für den OpenID-Login" den login?
2008-04-02T12:29:21  <johill> "während dem Anmelden" -> "des Anmeldens", oder?
2008-04-02T12:29:36  <ThomasWaldmann> fix es direkt dort :)
2008-04-02T12:29:40  <johill> ah ok
2008-04-02T12:30:15  <ThomasWaldmann> im schwaebischen ist auch das Linke ok :P
2008-04-02T12:31:12  <johill> :)
2008-04-02T12:31:23  <johill> ansonsten gut, danke
2008-04-02T12:31:50  <johill> I have to read the tnraslation tutorial if I can find it :)
2008-04-02T12:32:04  <ThomasWaldmann> ich meinte eher so die komplizierteren formulierungen
2008-04-02T12:32:33  <johill> naja, hm
2008-04-02T12:32:46  <johill> guck ich vielleicht spaeter nochmal an, ich finde es so eigentlich ganz ok
2008-04-02T12:32:52  <johill> erstmal mittagessen!
2008-04-02T12:35:50  <xorAxAx> johill: rettet dem dativ
2008-04-02T12:36:45  <ThomasWaldmann> der dativ ist dem genitiv sein tod :)
2008-04-02T13:12:56  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: oh. I just found why that cookie_lifetime appeared changed
2008-04-02T13:13:23  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: thing is that I based the updates on version 192 and then in 201 it was changed to the >=0 stuff but not in the todo version
2008-04-02T13:13:38  <johill> so I didn't change anything, but the older changes weren't merged in
2008-04-02T13:14:14  <johill> ThomasWaldmann: I guess we'll need to merge everything from 192 to 211 (or so) into the current version
2008-04-02T13:14:30  <johill> and we should add a note that whoever edits 1.6 should update 1.7 too!
2008-04-02T13:15:05  <johill> unfortunately, I don't have time right now, I'll put it on the todo list for now
2008-04-02T13:18:49  <xorAxAx> 192?!?
2008-04-02T13:19:37  <johill> ?
2008-04-02T13:19:45  <johill> yes, the page has 212 revisions now
2008-04-02T13:20:08  <johill> I started from 192 (according to the log comment I put in when copying it to moinmo.in from master)
2008-04-02T13:26:25  <xorAxAx> johill: ah
2008-04-02T18:00:25  <gizmach> re
2008-04-02T18:04:35  <kikka1> Moin
2008-04-02T18:09:54  <dreimark> hi kikka1
2008-04-02T18:10:03  <dreimark> which os do you run on your n770 ?
2008-04-02T18:12:24  <kikka1> ITOS2006
2008-04-02T18:12:31  <kikka1> No Hacker Edition.
2008-04-02T18:13:17  <kikka1> dreimark: Do you have one?
2008-04-02T18:14:00  * dreimark has one too (OS2006 too)
2008-04-02T18:15:33  <kikka1> Cool.
2008-04-02T18:15:46  <dreimark> kikka1: I do like the maemo mapper
2008-04-02T18:16:08  <dreimark> MM runs on it too :)
2008-04-02T18:16:25  <kikka1> I have some problems with the osso-app-manager. But, so what, apt-get works.
2008-04-02T18:17:12  <kikka1> Uh.
2008-04-02T18:17:19  <kikka1> I don't know maemo mapper. :o
2008-04-02T18:18:01  <kikka1> Hm, cool.
2008-04-02T18:19:25  <dreimark> kikka1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=698iql3B824
2008-04-02T18:23:08  <kikka1> FBreader is cool, but it can't open pdfs.
2008-04-02T18:27:34  <dreimark> and you should try Xournal
2008-04-02T18:32:10  <xorAxAx> " South America is over eight times as large as Greenland, but the Mercator projection shown in Figure 1 shows Greenland as being larger than South America!"
2008-04-02T18:33:47  <gizmach> xorAxAx: where did you read it?
2008-04-02T18:36:18  <xorAxAx> http://welcome.warnercnr.colostate.edu/class_info/nr502/lg2/projection_descriptions/mercator.html
2008-04-02T18:36:41  <dreimark> xorAxAx: not new
2008-04-02T18:36:43  <dreimark> ;)
2008-04-02T18:36:45  <xorAxAx> there is a thread on the mentors list that discusses the projection used for the image on the gsoc08 shirts
2008-04-02T18:36:49  <xorAxAx> dreimark: hehe
2008-04-02T18:36:54  <xorAxAx> dreimark: for me it is :-)
2008-04-02T18:37:59  <dreimark> that projection "bug" is quite nice. the shortest way by aircraft isn't the linear connection between two points
2008-04-02T18:40:57  <dreimark> on those maps.
2008-04-02T18:42:11  <ThomasWaldmann> with a flat earth, that would be easier :P
2008-04-02T18:42:55  <ThomasWaldmann> see bildblog for a similar topic :D
2008-04-02T18:46:58  <xorAxAx> yes :)
2008-04-02T18:48:24  <dreimark> we should find another 20 students ;)
2008-04-02T19:18:06  <dreimark> bbl
2008-04-02T19:28:52  <gizmach> back
2008-04-02T19:47:35  <dennda> ThomasWaldmann: there?
2008-04-02T19:47:47  <kikka1> The OpenPandora project is cool (:
2008-04-02T19:50:21  <xorAxAx> kikka1: does it work from germany?
2008-04-02T19:50:24  <xorAxAx> s/from/in/
2008-04-02T19:50:59  <kikka1> Why not?
2008-04-02T19:51:25  <xorAxAx> pandora only allows access if the ip is american
2008-04-02T19:51:53  <dennda> hey there
2008-04-02T19:52:02  <xorAxAx> hi dennda
2008-04-02T19:52:02  <dennda> thomas asked me to put up some more recent code of my own
2008-04-02T19:52:43  <dennda> I started writing a new script for incremental backups with rsync yesterday and got a few lines. It has no OO this far. Is it ok anyway?
2008-04-02T19:52:55  <dennda> (Just meant to be my little script)
2008-04-02T19:53:19  <kikka1> xorAxAx: I mean the mobile-gaming-linux-console. see openpandora.org
2008-04-02T19:53:38  <kikka1> :)
2008-04-02T19:58:40  <xorAxAx> kikka1: ah, there seem to be  at least 2 projects with the same name :)
2008-04-02T19:58:48  <kikka1> yepp.
2008-04-02T20:08:08  <dennda> anyway, I'll add my code tomorrow if it's ok
2008-04-02T21:40:46  <kikka> gn
2008-04-02T21:57:41  <dreimark> night kikka
2008-04-02T22:10:16  * dreimark wonders if line 65 to 70 is wanted in PageHits
2008-04-02T22:10:49  <dreimark> hits[page] = hits.get(page, 0) + 1 ???
2008-04-02T22:11:53  <dreimark> or the whole addHitsFromLog
2008-04-02T22:28:02  <dreimark> hitcounts is broken
2008-04-02T22:29:42  <dreimark> hitcounts.get_data increases with every call zje number of hits
2008-04-02T22:30:16  <dreimark> s/zje/the/
2008-04-02T22:30:27  <dreimark> hi cb22
2008-04-02T22:31:08  <dreimark> I think only send_page should change the counter
2008-04-02T22:37:11  <dreimark> ah, I got why addHitsFromLog is needed in PageHits but I think it should be changed to http://paste.pocoo.org/show/37220/
2008-04-02T22:38:59  <zenhase> re
2008-04-02T22:39:18  * zenhase is getting rid of TODO items
2008-04-02T22:41:30  * dreimark has more fun with hits 
2008-04-02T22:41:44  <zenhase> still strange counters?
2008-04-02T22:43:18  <dreimark> yeah using break is wrong
2008-04-02T23:34:04  <ThomasWaldmann> re
2008-04-02T23:39:17  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: what's unclear about that line?
2008-04-02T23:42:03  <dreimark> the problem is that clincking on PageHits counts always twice the PageHits page
2008-04-02T23:42:39  <ThomasWaldmann> yes, but that is not related to that line
2008-04-02T23:43:09  <dreimark> learned that too
2008-04-02T23:43:32  <dreimark> and in Hits the call of hitcounts increments it always +1
2008-04-02T23:44:04  <dreimark> so you have more hits by Hits as by PageHits
2008-04-02T23:44:41  <dreimark> for a page using Hits
2008-04-02T23:46:14  <dreimark> and sometimes I have no idea why it is not incremented
2008-04-02T23:53:25  <dreimark> maint cleancache will need a fix for purging page cache hitcounts too
2008-04-02T23:58:44  <dreimark> good night

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-04-02 (last edited 2008-04-02 07:00:02 by IrcLogImporter)