2008-06-30T00:58:23 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 137:81f9d359f173 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py: text_x_arnica: bug fix use type int for size of thumbnail and webnail
2008-06-30T00:59:00 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 138:66edb441a93b 1.7-extensions/htdocs/common/arnica/arnica_remove_image.png: arnica_remove_image.png: set background transparent
2008-06-30T01:16:10 <dreimark> xorAxAx: do you have a script which can create from a local data/plugin dir a package file with the install instructions
2008-06-30T01:18:53 <xorAxAx> dreimark: no
2008-06-30T01:19:14 <xorAxAx> shouldnt be too hard to write
2008-06-30T01:20:05 <dreimark> ok
2008-06-30T01:42:38 <dreimark> good night
2008-06-30T02:58:09 <TheSheep> dreimark: please don use underscores in css class names
2008-06-30T06:00:45 <dreimark> TheSheep: will change that, did you have seen other problems I run into with it. besides the icons (I know they are ugly)
2008-06-30T06:01:06 <dreimark> bbl
2008-06-30T06:02:04 <dreimark> ehme a last question for falling asleep again
2008-06-30T06:04:33 <dreimark> Is there an other way to enable css for a parser as I did in http://moinmo.in/ParserMarket/BarChart or now in arnica by adding @import url(text_x_arnica.css); to common.css?
2008-06-30T06:04:43 <dreimark> gn
2008-06-30T06:04:55 <dreimark> s/for/before/
2008-06-30T06:10:34 <waldi> dreimark: currently not
2008-06-30T08:30:40 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: iirc you can add css files in wikiconfig
2008-06-30T10:21:38 <dreimark> moin
2008-06-30T10:37:43 <dreimark> TheSheep: is replacing _ with - ok?
2008-06-30T10:38:44 <dreimark> it is already used in definitions for diff-*
2008-06-30T11:03:18 <zenhase> moin
2008-06-30T11:40:01 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 139:2aba556fe52d 1.7-extensions/ (4 files in 3 dirs): replaced "_" to "-" in css class names
2008-06-30T11:40:01 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 140:b529fec613c2 1.7-extensions/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py: text_x_arnica: fixed doc strings
2008-06-30T12:55:28 <dennda> johill: ping
2008-06-30T12:57:40 <johill> pong
2008-06-30T13:03:06 <dreimark> cia.vc is slow
2008-06-30T13:14:50 <johill> dennda: >
2008-06-30T13:14:51 <johill> ?
2008-06-30T13:14:58 <dennda> johill: I'd be grateful if you could lead me a bit through the next step, that is connecting moin to use the new storage API
2008-06-30T13:15:15 <dennda> That's a bit difficult
2008-06-30T13:15:19 <johill> give me a minute to finish my soup then
2008-06-30T13:15:32 <dennda> Oh no need to hurry
2008-06-30T13:15:38 <dennda> If you got no time right now that's okay
2008-06-30T13:16:07 <johill> it's just as well now or rather in a few minutes, if you want
2008-06-30T13:16:08 <dennda> I am fixing the tests right now anyway
2008-06-30T13:16:14 <johill> ok
2008-06-30T13:16:17 <dennda> ok
2008-06-30T13:17:44 <dennda> I was just fixing the semantic bug I produced, that is storing an Item only if you call commit(), not when create_item is called
2008-06-30T13:18:02 <dennda> (which leads to some boilerplate code missing in the tests)
2008-06-30T13:19:23 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi: we already have a plugin module loader in wikiutil
2008-06-30T13:20:37 <waldi> ThomasWaldmann: i know, but it was not able to do what i currently need, at least i was not able to find a way to do it
2008-06-30T13:27:10 <ThomasWaldmann> why don't you name the modules srcmime_dstmime.py?
2008-06-30T13:29:21 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi:
2008-06-30T13:31:26 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, iirc import ElementTree as ET is a rather popular way to type less
2008-06-30T13:34:20 <waldi> 1. the lookup needs another parameter, 2. wildcards (image/*, */* as last resort)
2008-06-30T13:35:06 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi: do the creole_in tests pass?
2008-06-30T13:35:06 <waldi> i'm not sure which solution works better
2008-06-30T13:35:17 <dennda> Tests are just great :)
2008-06-30T13:35:30 <waldi> not all, the link generation is still broken
2008-06-30T13:35:43 <waldi> because of missing data: pagename and config
2008-06-30T13:35:58 * ThomasWaldmann wonders about the image tests expecting /a
2008-06-30T13:36:28 <waldi> bug in the testcase ...
2008-06-30T13:37:01 <waldi> hmm, didn't i fix them?
2008-06-30T13:37:40 <ThomasWaldmann> no
2008-06-30T13:38:11 <ThomasWaldmann> line 52
2008-06-30T13:38:14 <waldi> no, i didn't
2008-06-30T13:52:08 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 141:ebee6eb7a5f7 1.7-extensions/htdocs/common/arnica/ (4 files): echanged some icons to tango icons
2008-06-30T13:53:19 <johill> dreimark: make sure to note that in some sort of license statement
2008-06-30T13:53:28 <dennda> Pushing takes quite long today
2008-06-30T13:55:21 <dennda> Am I the only one experiencing this? :)
2008-06-30T13:55:24 <waldi> cia seems to have some problems
2008-06-30T13:55:30 <dennda> No it's not CIA
2008-06-30T13:55:35 <dennda> Pushing itself is slow
2008-06-30T13:55:53 <johill> cia is called from the push script no?
2008-06-30T13:55:57 <dennda> it's still "searching for changes" for some minutes now
2008-06-30T13:56:08 <ThomasWaldmann> cia is done in a push-hook
2008-06-30T13:56:12 <dennda> Ah, I thought there was some kind of periodic check
2008-06-30T13:57:21 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 144:002df10706b5 1.7-extensions/ (2 files in 2 dirs): renamed iamge paths to the new path
2008-06-30T13:57:21 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 145:f67c48783f20 1.7-extensions/ (2 files in 2 dirs): arnica_slides: renamed duplicated defined class arnica to arnica-slides
2008-06-30T13:57:44 <CIA-52> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 3713:982e08a7be5c 1.8-dom-bblank/MoinMoin/converter2/creole_in.py: Creole input converter - Make alt attribute of image optional
2008-06-30T13:57:44 <CIA-52> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station PERIOD com> default * 4211:ad9a4c844ec6 1.8-storage-cdenter/MoinMoin/storage/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
2008-06-30T13:57:44 <CIA-52> storage: (MemoryBackend): There was a bug in my implementation. create_item
2008-06-30T13:57:45 <CIA-52> should not store the item in persistent storage already but only provide a
2008-06-30T13:57:47 <CIA-52> proxy-object to that storage. Items obtained by create_item should be stored as
2008-06-30T13:57:49 <CIA-52> soon as commit is called. Changed that. Adjusting tests to suit this new
2008-06-30T13:57:51 <CIA-52> behaviour (it implies creating a revision on an Item you create and committing
2008-06-30T13:57:53 <CIA-52> the Item)
2008-06-30T13:57:55 <CIA-52> Reimar Bauer <rb.proj AT googlemail DOT com> default * 146:bde527f275ad 1.7-extensions/htdocs/arnica/css/arnica_slides.css: arnica_slides.css: renamed all other .arnica definitions to arnica-slides
2008-06-30T13:58:24 <xorAxAx> CIA is a python-driven multitier architecture
2008-06-30T13:58:32 <xorAxAx> which has been having enterprise load scaling issues
2008-06-30T13:58:33 <dennda> PawelPacana: Check that changeset please
2008-06-30T13:59:09 <CIA-52> Bastian Blank <bblank@thinkmo.de> default * 3714:4891f47c7fab 1.8-dom-bblank/MoinMoin/converter2/_tests/test_creole_in.py: Tests for Creole input converter - Fix simple image test
2008-06-30T14:00:33 <johill> dennda: I'd rename _unlock_item_metadata and _lock_item_metadata accordingly (publish/change)
2008-06-30T14:01:20 <johill> dennda: eh, your tests aren't covering those code paths?
2008-06-30T14:04:20 <dennda> Yes I'll write more test cases
2008-06-30T14:05:32 <johill> you renamed them in membackend but not in the api code
2008-06-30T14:05:58 <johill> I just wanted to point out that publishing metadata has to create the item too if it didn't exist
2008-06-30T14:06:36 <dennda> indeed
2008-06-30T14:28:29 * johill thinks about metadata searches
2008-06-30T14:29:14 <johill> hm. I'll go shopping, thinking is hard ;)
2008-06-30T14:43:44 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi: could you maybe have some element <notimplemented what="images" /> and use that instead of raising an exception?
2008-06-30T14:44:33 <ThomasWaldmann> could be converted to html blinking "not implemented: images" :)
2008-06-30T14:46:13 * ThomasWaldmann tried to rendered HelpOnCreoleSyntax, but that's hard because you don't get anything because on that exception
2008-06-30T15:20:21 <johill> ok I think we should treat revision and item metadata as distinct in search, unlike what lanius did
2008-06-30T15:21:12 <dennda> johill: I won't be online that much today (birthday) but maybe we can have a phonecall tomorrow?
2008-06-30T15:22:13 <johill> sure
2008-06-30T15:22:22 <johill> your birthday?
2008-06-30T15:22:26 <dennda> yes
2008-06-30T15:22:33 <dennda> finally no teenager anymore :)
2008-06-30T15:22:36 <johill> happy birthday then! :)
2008-06-30T15:22:40 <dennda> thanks :)
2008-06-30T15:24:46 <johill> have fun celebrating then, and we'll talk when you're sober again ;)
2008-06-30T15:25:49 <xorAxAx> happy birthday dennda
2008-06-30T15:27:53 <xorAxAx> moin byegonweon
2008-06-30T15:28:29 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: moin
2008-06-30T15:29:39 <xorAxAx> have you had a look at the smiley problem?
2008-06-30T15:31:21 <dreimark> happy birthday dennda!
2008-06-30T15:31:46 <dreimark> johill: http://moinmo.in/ReimarBauer/HelpOnArnica beta1
2008-06-30T15:32:17 <TheSheep> dreimark: http://moin.sheep.art.pl
2008-06-30T15:33:44 <TheSheep> dreimark: but the arrows don't display in slide show mode, for some reason
2008-06-30T15:33:47 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: yes, but now I'm focus on unfinished p tag problem related with safari
2008-06-30T15:34:16 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: happy birthday, twen! :)
2008-06-30T15:34:28 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: did you find a way to clean the dom on safari?
2008-06-30T15:34:40 <dreimark> TheSheep: cool, css is missing ? Do you have enabled html_head ?,
2008-06-30T15:35:17 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: I think output well formed html first.
2008-06-30T15:35:35 <xorAxAx> "first"? :)
2008-06-30T15:35:39 <TheSheep> dreimark: not yet, btw, you could maybe iniect the style using <style type="text/css"><!-- @import url(style.css); --></style>
2008-06-30T15:35:58 <johill> dreimark: refresh? why?
2008-06-30T15:36:21 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: what I say is for the first. I should fix unfinished tag problem. :-)
2008-06-30T15:36:24 <ThomasWaldmann> don't we have some css_foo = [...] configuration?
2008-06-30T15:36:29 <dreimark> TheSheep: I have tried <!-- without and came to the conclusion to add it to the wikiconfig
2008-06-30T15:37:01 <dreimark> but if it works it will be better because no editing of wikiconfig
2008-06-30T15:37:15 <TheSheep> dreimark: maybe use a %s and use the config variable in that example on the page
2008-06-30T15:37:28 <TheSheep> for moin_static17
2008-06-30T15:37:36 <ThomasWaldmann> if you have rights to install code, you maybe also have rights to edit wikiconfig
2008-06-30T15:38:01 <dreimark> johill: because if you do want to change the thumbnail_width or webnail_width you have to remove the cache files this can be done by renew=1 or refresh
2008-06-30T15:39:14 <dreimark> TheSheep: that's better
2008-06-30T15:39:51 <johill> dreimark: oh, why don't you encode that?
2008-06-30T15:40:23 <dreimark> johill: what ?
2008-06-30T15:40:55 <johill> the widths, why can that not be detected automatically by encoding them into the web/thumbnail filename or whatever?
2008-06-30T15:41:03 <TheSheep> dennda: happy borthday from me too :)
2008-06-30T15:41:42 <TheSheep> dreimark: I have another question: why table? %)
2008-06-30T15:42:09 <dreimark> johill: we can change this and keep them, currently I thought one version is enough
2008-06-30T15:43:28 <dreimark> TheSheep: it is only because I don't know how to make different columns by css
2008-06-30T15:43:52 <dreimark> and the DataBrowserWidget was easy to use
2008-06-30T15:44:15 <dreimark> If you have a good idea how to exchange it by css feel free
2008-06-30T15:44:19 <TheSheep> dreimark: I've put html_head into wikiconfig, but no change, it's 1.8...
2008-06-30T15:44:27 <dennda> thanks guys, university now
2008-06-30T15:44:35 <dreimark> do you have the beta version?
2008-06-30T15:44:40 <dreimark> TheSheep:
2008-06-30T15:44:56 <dreimark> and restarted the wiki?
2008-06-30T15:45:03 <TheSheep> yes
2008-06-30T15:45:18 * dreimark tries 1.8
2008-06-30T15:45:35 <TheSheep> dreimark: is the patch in theme?
2008-06-30T15:45:48 <TheSheep> in ThemeBase or just in modern?
2008-06-30T15:46:04 <dreimark> it uses now arnivca/css and arnica/img
2008-06-30T15:46:20 <dreimark> I ve changed that because of PackageInstaller
2008-06-30T15:46:31 <dreimark> arnicca/css
2008-06-30T15:47:35 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: isPicture is true for png?
2008-06-30T15:48:09 <dreimark> yes
2008-06-30T15:49:42 <dreimark> browser_supported_images = ('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp', 'ico', )
2008-06-30T15:51:58 <ThomasWaldmann> because you seem to use it for jpeg detection
2008-06-30T15:53:04 <ThomasWaldmann> _get_files should call AttachFile.get_files
2008-06-30T15:53:38 <dreimark> 1.8 has a bug
2008-06-30T15:53:41 <dreimark> invalid literal for int() with base 10: '0alpha'
2008-06-30T15:53:56 <ThomasWaldmann> getCacheURL should use make_querystring (at least)
2008-06-30T15:56:20 <dreimark> get_files principle yes I can exclude afterwards tmp. and not a picture
2008-06-30T15:57:17 <dreimark> htg bbl
2008-06-30T17:21:58 <dennda> johill: Imagine you create an Item, change its metadata and publish the metadata. Is there anything wrong with this usecase?
2008-06-30T17:22:12 <johill> no, why?
2008-06-30T17:22:47 <dennda> because in that case you have no uncommitted revision on the item
2008-06-30T17:22:53 <dennda> and commit will fail due to that
2008-06-30T17:23:14 <johill> hm? publish "commits" metadata
2008-06-30T17:23:20 <johill> it's pretty much entirely separate
2008-06-30T17:23:48 <dennda> uargh
2008-06-30T17:23:52 <dennda> I am just being stupid, sorry
2008-06-30T17:26:52 <gizmach> re
2008-06-30T17:27:42 <gizmach> I have still problem with committing (abort: push creates new remote branches!), I tried to merge but I got the message nothing to merge.
2008-06-30T17:28:05 <gizmach> also I reverted to an older version of code
2008-06-30T17:29:54 <waldi> and pull?
2008-06-30T17:30:06 <waldi> does hg heads already show several heads?
2008-06-30T17:30:33 <johill> gizmach: I battled hg with that a lot, I suggest you just do a local clone with a specific revision and work from that
2008-06-30T17:31:37 <gizmach> johill: huh?
2008-06-30T17:31:55 <gizmach> waldi: let me see that
2008-06-30T17:33:11 <waldi> johill: hmm, doesn't this just create a new head?
2008-06-30T17:33:36 <gizmach> waldi: 2 heads
2008-06-30T17:33:46 <waldi> so you already have them
2008-06-30T17:33:58 <johill> waldi: I meant clone your local branch-repo-checkout into a new one and give a specific revision, that doesn't copy over all heads but only the one you asked for
2008-06-30T17:35:10 <waldi> johill: okay
2008-06-30T17:36:09 <waldi> johill: she will just loose the information in the other head
2008-06-30T17:36:34 <waldi> AFAIK there are two ways: merge and the transplant extension
2008-06-30T17:37:34 <gizmach> waldi: have time to explain or some hint?
2008-06-30T17:38:38 <waldi> http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/TransplantExtension
2008-06-30T17:39:02 <ThomasWaldmann> don't make it too complicated :)
2008-06-30T17:40:31 <johill> waldi: yeah but obviously hg got confused and doesn't want to merge those two heads anyway
2008-06-30T17:51:48 <gizmach> ok lets se how will it work
2008-06-30T17:57:18 <gizmach> ThomasWaldmann: is there a possibility to pull new local repo from my repo?
2008-06-30T18:04:48 <ThomasWaldmann> gizmach: hg is rather indifferent whether a repo is local or not
2008-06-30T18:05:19 <ThomasWaldmann> so if you have a repo foo, hg clone foo bar will work
2008-06-30T18:05:38 <gizmach> ThomasWaldmann: ok
2008-06-30T18:05:53 <ThomasWaldmann> (but likely you'll have the same then in the bar repo :)
2008-06-30T18:06:53 <gizmach> but I can use -r <revision to have> ?
2008-06-30T18:07:10 <ThomasWaldmann> just try it :)
2008-06-30T18:07:33 <ThomasWaldmann> hg heads, hg log are your friends :)
2008-06-30T18:08:21 <gizmach> using heads and log :)
2008-06-30T18:11:03 <gizmach> ok cloning seemd to work
2008-06-30T18:11:44 <johill> gizmach: yeah you need to do that
2008-06-30T18:12:12 <gizmach> johill: :) but that was a good idea I think
2008-06-30T18:12:50 <ThomasWaldmann> gizmach: btw, that you have 2 heads in your repo likely means that you did not read hg's output
2008-06-30T18:13:18 <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. if you use hg pull, hg will tell you in some cases that you need to merge
2008-06-30T18:13:45 <ThomasWaldmann> if you don't do that, you still have 2 heads
2008-06-30T18:13:58 <ThomasWaldmann> (no, not you, but your repo :)
2008-06-30T18:15:01 <gizmach> but if I clone only the revision I need to my new local repo
2008-06-30T18:15:17 <gizmach> in the new one I will have exactly what I need
2008-06-30T18:15:26 <gizmach> with one hand
2008-06-30T18:15:36 <gizmach> or not?
2008-06-30T18:15:51 <ThomasWaldmann> I guess you'll have that head + all parents (grandparents, ...) then
2008-06-30T18:16:11 <gizmach> I have only what I needed
2008-06-30T18:16:16 <ThomasWaldmann> you can verify it easily using hg heads and hg log
2008-06-30T18:16:43 <ThomasWaldmann> (if you want something more pretty, you can even start hg serve and point your browser at localhost ....)
2008-06-30T18:16:58 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78201/
2008-06-30T18:21:07 <johill> gizmach: yeah
2008-06-30T18:21:14 <johill> gizmach: I repaired things like that before
2008-06-30T18:21:22 <gizmach> johill: that was what I needed ?
2008-06-30T18:21:23 <johill> gizmach: not my idea, it was pointed out to me on #hg
2008-06-30T18:21:57 <gizmach> johill: but thx
2008-06-30T18:22:22 <gizmach> and after that you worked with that fixed repo? johill :
2008-06-30T18:23:04 <gizmach> yes and in logs everything looks ok
2008-06-30T18:24:47 <johill> yeah
2008-06-30T18:24:56 <johill> well you have to copy over .hg/hgrc
2008-06-30T18:25:12 <johill> so pull/push to got the right thing again
2008-06-30T18:25:24 <gizmach> yes
2008-06-30T18:25:25 <johill> and then you can just rm -rf the messed-up one (after salvaging any data you still want from it)
2008-06-30T18:26:26 <gizmach> cool
2008-06-30T18:28:32 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: http://joomla.benzea.dyndns.org/wiki/FSE
2008-06-30T18:32:04 <gizmach> johill: but still got the message when I try to push
2008-06-30T18:32:12 <gizmach> should I ignore it?
2008-06-30T18:32:24 <johill> hm?
2008-06-30T18:32:28 <johill> that shouldn't have happened
2008-06-30T18:32:33 <gizmach> and I can't merge
2008-06-30T18:32:42 <johill> strange
2008-06-30T18:32:47 <johill> I don't know then, sorry
2008-06-30T18:33:07 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: hopefully they add RC and other important things
2008-06-30T18:33:15 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78204/
2008-06-30T18:34:13 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: hm?
2008-06-30T18:34:40 <johill> ThomasWaldmann: there is RC, it's just not linked
2008-06-30T18:35:18 <johill> because that's to be defined in the joomla part
2008-06-30T18:38:49 <gizmach> johill: will ask on their groups
2008-06-30T18:38:59 <gizmach> but thx
2008-06-30T18:45:12 <ThomasWaldmann> johill: sure, hopefully they don't forget it, because a wiki with invisible RC sucks :)
2008-06-30T19:09:13 <dreimark> re
2008-06-30T19:11:11 <dreimark> gizmach: which hg version do you use?
2008-06-30T19:11:52 <gizmach> dreimark: Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 0.9.5)
2008-06-30T19:12:26 <dreimark> please try with current 1.0.1
2008-06-30T19:12:33 <dreimark> gizmach:
2008-06-30T19:12:43 <gizmach> dreimark: ok will now, because this is not working
2008-06-30T19:14:18 * dreimark lol, forgot that an optical mouse does not work on a glass table
2008-06-30T19:16:02 <gizmach> dreimark: :)
2008-06-30T19:19:00 <dreimark> xorAxAx: Hi, the copythemefile command from PackageInstaller does this still work only on the standalone server and why has it this restriction?
2008-06-30T19:22:18 <waldi> ThomasWaldmann: okay, it can now display the HelpOnCreoleSyntax page, even if some parts are missing
2008-06-30T19:25:38 <ThomasWaldmann> nice :)
2008-06-30T19:26:00 <gizmach> dreimark: you installed version 1.0.1 without any errors?
2008-06-30T19:26:34 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: optical mice also don't work on mousepads with cat photos
2008-06-30T19:27:15 <ThomasWaldmann> (they show rather jumpy, nervous behavior then :)
2008-06-30T19:39:55 <dreimark> hehe
2008-06-30T19:40:05 <dreimark> gizmach: yes
2008-06-30T19:42:14 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi: did you see the extra table column?
2008-06-30T19:43:47 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2008-06-30T19:44:30 <waldi> ThomasWaldmann: yep, i'm already synthesizing testcases
2008-06-30T19:55:58 <waldi> yeah, too greedy re
2008-06-30T19:56:15 <waldi> \s* likes to match many newlines
2008-06-30T20:05:07 <dreimark> xorAxAx: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78208/ ok ?
2008-06-30T20:07:18 <gizmach> dreimark: after cloning, using new version of mercurial, I still have the same problem, also I suppose I can't use push -f to force
2008-06-30T20:11:02 <gizmach> also I asked on #mercurial and done like that but the problem is here
2008-06-30T20:14:36 <dreimark> gizmach: what happens if you do hg merge
2008-06-30T20:14:38 <ThomasWaldmann> gizmach: export all changesets that are not on hg.moinmo.in
2008-06-30T20:14:39 <dreimark> hg heads
2008-06-30T20:14:42 <dreimark> hg merge
2008-06-30T20:14:43 <dreimark> ?
2008-06-30T20:14:49 <ThomasWaldmann> make a fresh clone
2008-06-30T20:14:56 <ThomasWaldmann> import what you like
2008-06-30T20:15:39 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/
2008-06-30T20:15:41 <gizmach> dre
2008-06-30T20:16:13 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78210/
2008-06-30T20:16:16 <gizmach> dreimark:
2008-06-30T20:16:41 <dreimark> what tells hg diff
2008-06-30T20:17:31 <dreimark> anyway cherry picking as ThomasWaldmann described will solve it semiautomatic
2008-06-30T20:17:58 <gizmach> dreimark: nothing because I commited code but I couldn't push it
2008-06-30T20:18:49 <gizmach> dreimark: but I maked a fresh clone from the hg.moinmo.in , only take older revision
2008-06-30T20:19:04 <gizmach> and then import the new thing
2008-06-30T20:19:31 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, there is a nice wiki and a book about hg
2008-06-30T20:19:49 <gizmach> ThomasWaldmann: I took a book and search in it
2008-06-30T20:19:55 <ThomasWaldmann> (ebook)
2008-06-30T20:19:59 <gizmach> http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbook.html
2008-06-30T20:20:01 <gizmach> yes
2008-06-30T20:21:15 <gizmach> http://hgbook.red-bean.com/hgbookch9.html#x13-1690009 probably very nice chapter :)
2008-06-30T20:23:35 <dreimark> TheSheep: sorry my mistake I have missed that CopyThemeFiles from packages are restricted to the standalone server. So there weren't proably no theme files installed on your system.
2008-06-30T20:23:52 <dreimark> s/proably/probably/
2008-06-30T20:29:42 <TheSheep> dreimark: no, I copied it manually
2008-06-30T20:29:54 <TheSheep> dreimark: but it seems you only install them for one theme
2008-06-30T20:34:55 <TheSheep> fixed
2008-06-30T20:36:26 <dreimark> TheSheep: I thought I did it independent from a theme where is the dependency ?
2008-06-30T20:37:40 <TheSheep> they are in htdocs/modern/css/
2008-06-30T20:38:07 <dreimark> TheSheep: you were to fast the css is too old, I did some changes this morning and cia didn't report it on the channel
2008-06-30T20:38:45 <dreimark> I have moved them to htdocs/arnica/css and htdocs/arnica/img
2008-06-30T20:39:12 <TheSheep> ah, ok
2008-06-30T20:39:14 * TheSheep pulls
2008-06-30T20:39:37 <TheSheep> first time I as too fast with this project ;0
2008-06-30T20:40:34 <dreimark> hehe, I have seen it on the second border because that was a failure from me using twice the same class definition for the parser and the action
2008-06-30T20:40:53 <TheSheep> btw, do you really need a separate form for every button?
2008-06-30T20:42:36 <dreimark> they are different actions how do I get which was called if I have one for many?
2008-06-30T20:43:14 <dreimark> one other thing I though about was using a image map
2008-06-30T20:43:27 <TheSheep> can't you have a single action and just check the form fields to see which button was pressed?
2008-06-30T20:44:06 <xorAxAx> dreimark: no. where does it fail?
2008-06-30T20:44:38 <dreimark> TheSheep: have to think on that, do you have an example ?
2008-06-30T20:45:48 <TheSheep> well, just put <input type="submit" name="do" value="Next"> <input type="submit" name="do" value="Prev">, etc.
2008-06-30T20:46:08 <dreimark> xorAxAx: no for which quetion? and it fails in packages.do_ensureversion
2008-06-30T20:46:18 <TheSheep> then when the user submits the form with first button, you get do=Next, and if he uses the second, you get do=Prev
2008-06-30T20:46:47 <TheSheep> I can replace the buttons with images using css
2008-06-30T20:47:46 <gizmach> dreimark: http://www.selenic.com/mercurial/wiki/index.cgi/Bazaar search: "abort: push creates new remote branches!" this was the only help to do (to use -f)
2008-06-30T20:47:57 <TheSheep> dreimark: additional benefit: it won't need any javascript to work
2008-06-30T20:48:22 <xorAxAx> dreimark: whats the version string that it fails on?
2008-06-30T20:48:40 <dreimark> xorAxAx: 1.8.0alpha
2008-06-30T20:49:16 <xorAxAx> dreimark: thats an invalid release number
2008-06-30T20:49:23 <dreimark> TheSheep: do we talk on arnica_slides or text_x_arnica ?
2008-06-30T20:49:27 <dreimark> xorAxAx: because ?
2008-06-30T20:49:52 <xorAxAx> because the patchlevel is usually holding "release". so its not normalized
2008-06-30T20:50:03 <dreimark> TheSheep: arnica_slides has already images using css, and on text_x_arnica my skills weren't enought to get them working
2008-06-30T20:50:10 <xorAxAx> i suggest to fix that in MoinMoin.version and not how you suggested it
2008-06-30T20:50:21 <TheSheep> dreimark: I meant text_x_arnica
2008-06-30T20:50:41 <TheSheep> dreimark: the html used could be considerably mre lightweight
2008-06-30T20:51:09 <TheSheep> dreimark: also, if there was an option to not use a table, the gallery would adapt to the window width
2008-06-30T20:51:18 <TheSheep> (wrapping the images as needed)
2008-06-30T20:54:11 <TheSheep> also, you couls have hrefs on those buttons in slide mode, so that they work without js too
2008-06-30T20:54:15 <TheSheep> could
2008-06-30T20:54:27 <TheSheep> the only part that requires js is the automatic slideshow
2008-06-30T20:54:33 <gizmach> dreimark: this is what I tried but now I got two heads http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78212/
2008-06-30T20:55:38 <dreimark> gizmach: did you used hg export xxxx from your old branch
2008-06-30T20:55:47 <dreimark> and them hg import xxxx on your fresh clone ?
2008-06-30T20:56:22 <gizmach> dreimark: will try that now
2008-06-30T20:56:35 <dreimark> TheSheep: It is not clear now. javascript is currently only used in arnica_slides, text_x_arnica calls by POST arnica_slides
2008-06-30T20:57:20 <dreimark> did your change mean we have no reason to use columns=x because it looks always good?
2008-06-30T20:57:56 <dreimark> and I do prefer lightweight use of html
2008-06-30T20:59:57 * ThomasWaldmann uses hg on XO
2008-06-30T21:00:29 <dreimark> TheSheep: columns=x is on different screens a problem so I it is not implicitly necessary if you have a better solution
2008-06-30T21:00:54 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: py.test wil take mre than 30mins ;)
2008-06-30T21:01:45 <ThomasWaldmann> i guess I'll only run single tests :)
2008-06-30T21:13:34 <dreimark> bbl
2008-06-30T21:29:46 <TheSheep> dreimark: I must check which browsers support the block-inline display
2008-06-30T21:30:09 <TheSheep> dreimark: in the worst case, we can use floats
2008-06-30T21:31:38 <TheSheep> http://www.quirksmode.org/css/display.html <-- as usual, msie sucks
2008-06-30T21:32:19 <ThomasWaldmann> no news :P
2008-06-30T21:32:35 <TheSheep> ff2 too
2008-06-30T21:32:46 <TheSheep> -moz-inline-box? wtf?
2008-06-30T21:33:10 <TheSheep> I guess floats are the way to go then
2008-06-30T21:33:32 <TheSheep> dreimark: the thumbnails can have all the same max-height, right?
2008-06-30T21:34:34 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: hmm, you added new files to the repo for smileys even though there is already a smiley dialog, i am a bit confused
2008-06-30T21:35:28 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: because of legacy smiley dialog dosen't provide title and alt attribute for img tag.
2008-06-30T21:35:47 <TheSheep> dreimark: we could do something like this: http://gallery.sheep.art.pl/gallery.py/2006
2008-06-30T21:36:09 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: key of smiley problem is when we use smiley with gui editor
2008-06-30T21:37:20 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: editor only insert smiley img. but converter need title attribute to parse that img.
2008-06-30T21:37:55 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: I don't want to change fckeditor's source tree.
2008-06-30T21:38:35 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: so make new moinmoin fckeditor plugin name smiley. and add customize dialog.
2008-06-30T21:39:30 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: ok
2008-06-30T21:39:36 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: but i didnt see you removing the old stuff
2008-06-30T21:39:55 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: what kind of old stuff?
2008-06-30T21:40:15 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: original smiley dialog on fckeditor source tree?
2008-06-30T21:40:26 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: its in the fckeditor tree? why?
2008-06-30T21:40:33 <xorAxAx> those are moin specific smileys :)
2008-06-30T21:40:48 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: I don't know why :)
2008-06-30T21:40:56 <TheSheep> no other app has sch a set ;)
2008-06-30T21:41:00 <TheSheep> such
2008-06-30T21:41:13 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: but what I tell you is original smiley system use fckeditors
2008-06-30T21:41:40 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: it just change smile image set of original fckeditor's
2008-06-30T21:42:10 <johill> since cia is down... I just committed http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.8/rev/8c5fbc62dd1d: user storage: hash stored passwords, upgrade on use, remove charset magic
2008-06-30T21:42:30 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: ah, then i didnt see you removing the code that modifies fckeditors smiley table
2008-06-30T21:42:59 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: yes. I don't need that process.
2008-06-30T21:45:01 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: make well formed html code seem like quite complicated job.
2008-06-30T21:45:29 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: I was looking codes about wiki->html formatter few hours.
2008-06-30T21:46:08 <xorAxAx> byegonweon: i was thinking about some function of safari that tidies up the DOM tree
2008-06-30T21:46:19 <xorAxAx> and emulates firefox' default behaviour
2008-06-30T21:46:36 <xorAxAx> of course a dirty workaround but indeed, the formatter situation isnt good in this regard
2008-06-30T21:47:23 <ThomasWaldmann> CIA-52: wake up
2008-06-30T21:48:16 <byegonweon> xorAxAx: what I found on there is paragraph process routine has fundamental problem.
2008-06-30T21:48:16 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: #cia
2008-06-30T21:48:17 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: i suggest not putting too much effort in formatter workarounds
2008-06-30T21:48:23 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: yes
2008-06-30T21:48:47 <ThomasWaldmann> waldi's stuff already starts working :0
2008-06-30T21:48:50 <ThomasWaldmann> :)
2008-06-30T21:49:55 <xorAxAx> working is a pretty bad state
2008-06-30T21:50:06 <xorAxAx> being sound is more important for such kind of essential things :)
2008-06-30T22:32:09 * johill ponders storing the trail in the cookie
2008-06-30T22:33:20 <johill> nah
2008-06-30T22:33:20 <xorAxAx> how old fashioned :)
2008-06-30T22:34:37 <johill> heh
2008-06-30T22:37:57 <zenhase> johill: i was wondering about that one too ;)
2008-06-30T22:38:51 <zenhase> but then it's the only thing sessions are used for right now besides login data if i saw it correctly
2008-06-30T22:39:14 <johill> and openid stuff when you enable openid auth (which needs anon sessions)
2008-06-30T22:39:29 <johill> which is the part I'm worried about, it might be large
2008-06-30T22:39:34 <zenhase> hmm
2008-06-30T22:39:49 <zenhase> you can store quite a lot in a cookie
2008-06-30T22:40:23 <johill> up to something a bit below 4k, yeah
2008-06-30T22:40:25 <zenhase> i've seen frameworks having 'cookie-sessions' by default
2008-06-30T22:41:05 <zenhase> they store encrypted and hmacced pickle-data in a cookie :P
2008-06-30T22:41:23 <zenhase> or marshal-data in this case, was a ruby framework
2008-06-30T22:42:09 <johill> yeah that works, I was just reading the stateless secure cookies paper
2008-06-30T22:42:25 <zenhase> hmm?
2008-06-30T22:42:30 <zenhase> does it work the same way?
2008-06-30T22:43:31 <zenhase> brb, shower
2008-06-30T22:45:21 <johill> it adds some other stuff so you cannot fake sessions either
2008-06-30T23:00:05 <zenhase> isn't that ensured through the hmac?
2008-06-30T23:01:10 <johill> yeah, but the secure session paper assumes an attacker with read-only database access
2008-06-30T23:01:21 <johill> (because wordpress does that a lot ;) )
2008-06-30T23:01:59 <zenhase> have you got a link to the paper?
2008-06-30T23:08:58 <gizmach> dreimark: I think I finally solved my problem :|
2008-06-30T23:11:07 <gizmach> ok works
2008-06-30T23:11:44 <johill> zenhase: http://www.lightbluetouchpaper.org/2008/05/16/hardened-stateless-session-cookies/
2008-06-30T23:33:24 <dreimark> re
2008-06-30T23:34:02 <dreimark> TheSheep: arnica can trigger surge protection
2008-06-30T23:46:04 <ThomasWaldmann> if it used sendcached, it would be less expensive :)
2008-06-30T23:47:26 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: it does use my send_cache I do wonder why this can become expensive
2008-06-30T23:48:08 <dreimark> gizmach: :)
2008-06-30T23:51:49 <dreimark> 21:35 TheSheep looks good it resizes with browser dimensions :)
2008-06-30T23:52:17 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: as moin does not have special treatment for arnica,
2008-06-30T23:52:49 <ThomasWaldmann> you don't call a AttachFile url (but copied the code),
2008-06-30T23:53:14 <ThomasWaldmann> thus, surge prot will count it in the "all" category
2008-06-30T23:53:36 <ThomasWaldmann> if you have lots of thumbnails, that's maybe too much
2008-06-30T23:54:01 <dreimark> ah ok, then it will be solved automaticly when we we adapt it to 1.8
2008-06-30T23:55:13 <ThomasWaldmann> you could try sendcached.py with 1.7
2008-06-30T23:55:38 <ThomasWaldmann> should work and is cheap enough to be excluded from SP
2008-06-30T23:55:49 <dreimark> SP ?
2008-06-30T23:55:57 <ThomasWaldmann> surge prot
2008-06-30T23:56:03 <dreimark> hehe yeah
2008-06-30T23:56:12 <ThomasWaldmann> (or get a high limit)
2008-06-30T23:56:37 <gizmach> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/78227/ do I need to be more verbose? also can I name some numbers of groups defined as a set? (I started this but just to check and I looked at the other docstring in mm code)
2008-06-30T23:56:45 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: yeah will do before beta2
2008-06-30T23:57:34 <zenhase> hmm, i have a strange problem :o
2008-06-30T23:58:05 <zenhase> i use properties extensively on those context-objects
2008-06-30T23:58:46 <zenhase> while in normal wiki operation, they work ... in py.test he often complains about the context-object not having the attribute
2008-06-30T23:59:14 <ThomasWaldmann> gizmach: GM is not a set of groups
2008-06-30T23:59:26 <zenhase> is there some py.test magic i am not aware of particular to lookup of descriptors?
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2008-06-30 (last edited 2008-06-29 23:00:02 by IrcLogImporter)