2009-05-29T00:04:27 <amartani> moin
2009-05-29T00:06:29 *** dreimark has quit IRC
2009-05-29T00:06:33 *** dreimark has joined #moin-dev
2009-05-29T00:10:09 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: btw. that highlighted items are somehow similiar to a pastebin
2009-05-29T00:11:17 <CIA-19> Alexandre Martani <amartani AT gmail DOT com> default * 5793:3b13ec00055b 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/ (templates/modify_text.html action/mobwrite.py):
2009-05-29T00:11:17 <CIA-19> Real-time editor: New mobwrite action that act as a proxy to mobwrite server.
2009-05-29T00:11:17 <CIA-19> Modified modify_text template to use mobwrite action.
2009-05-29T00:11:18 <dreimark> may be we should make it a real pastebin and use it as items.
2009-05-29T00:12:45 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: the ui should become similiar to paste.pocoo.org/
2009-05-29T00:17:02 <dreimark> good night
2009-05-29T01:24:49 *** grzywacz has quit IRC
2009-05-29T02:15:19 *** TheSheep has quit IRC
2009-05-29T02:15:22 *** TheSheep has joined #moin-dev
2009-05-29T02:22:19 *** PawelPac1na has joined #moin-dev
2009-05-29T02:24:40 *** PawelPacana has quit IRC
2009-05-29T02:35:56 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5796:1c1e8011f18a 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 3 dirs): items: 2 phase item creation (1. ask for type, 2. offer templates for this type)
2009-05-29T02:35:57 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5797:15eaf94c9588 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/ (backends/acl.py _tests/test_middleware_acl.py): merge main
2009-05-29T06:29:14 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5794:a5dbcaaf7194 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/macro/ (4 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
2009-05-29T06:29:14 <CIA-19> removed macros: Action and EmbedObject
2009-05-29T06:29:14 <CIA-19> Action macro was used to create action links.
2009-05-29T06:29:14 <CIA-19> This can easily be done by link syntax like now, e.g.:
2009-05-29T06:29:14 <CIA-19> [[target||&do=ACTIONNAME]]
2009-05-29T06:29:16 <CIA-19> EmbedObject was used to embed multimedia objects.
2009-05-29T06:29:20 <CIA-19> This can be done by transclusion syntax now, using {{target||PARAMS}}.
2009-05-29T06:29:22 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5795:775239dc02b4 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/storage/_tests/test_middleware_acl.py: storage: Add initial version if ACLMiddleWare testcases
2009-05-29T06:29:26 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5796:4f730ebdf78f 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: first in a series of fixes for the AMW
2009-05-29T06:29:32 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5797:c331f688cbbc 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/storage/_tests/test_middleware_acl.py: storage: add another failing testcase for AMW
2009-05-29T06:29:36 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5798:fbe8c3246354 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: replace _backend reference on items that come out of create_item with a reference to the AMW instead of one to the real storage backend. (makes AMW raise NotImplementedError for _commit_item)
2009-05-29T06:29:45 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5799:8f3f50a16d31 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py:
2009-05-29T06:29:48 <CIA-19> storage: Fix for NotImplementedError thrown by _commit_item. However, this
2009-05-29T06:29:50 <CIA-19> likely requires more references to backend attributes (which isnt too different
2009-05-29T06:29:52 <CIA-19> from what we do when checking permissions and then calling the method of the
2009-05-29T06:29:56 <CIA-19> real backend)
2009-05-29T06:29:58 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5800:f196d137e8bb 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/macro/ (4 files in 2 dirs): merge remote 2.0-storage
2009-05-29T06:30:01 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5801:1c1e8011f18a 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 3 dirs): items: 2 phase item creation (1. ask for type, 2. offer templates for this type)
2009-05-29T06:30:06 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5802:15eaf94c9588 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/storage/ (backends/acl.py _tests/test_middleware_acl.py): merge main
2009-05-29T06:30:09 <CIA-19> Alexandre Martani <amartani@gmail.com> default * 5803:71143f852a80 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/ (11 files in 7 dirs): merge 2.0-storage
2009-05-29T06:37:56 *** amartani has quit IRC
2009-05-29T08:19:30 <dreimark> moin
2009-05-29T08:23:12 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
2009-05-29T08:24:05 <dimazest> moin
2009-05-29T08:29:40 * ThomasWaldmann will work on the hgcia dupefilter today
2009-05-29T08:37:23 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, any ideas how non-text mimetype templates should work?
2009-05-29T08:40:54 <ThomasWaldmann> (I think we could just fill in the template's metadata into the metadata editarea, but we can't use the data)
2009-05-29T08:44:19 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: you mean the data which needs plugins?
2009-05-29T08:44:58 <ThomasWaldmann> the data that can't be edited in our online editor, that can just be uploaded
2009-05-29T08:48:09 <dreimark> may be we should show an default image for the data type. (video.png, audio.png) which an overlayed can't edit sign
2009-05-29T08:48:22 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, we could offer a download link to the template data
2009-05-29T08:49:03 <dreimark> http://localhost:8080/?do=modify&mimetype=text/plain <- should that work currently?
2009-05-29T08:49:20 <ThomasWaldmann> as we don't show an editor for non-text stuff, we don't need a no-edit sign
2009-05-29T08:49:24 <dreimark> I get NotImplementedError
2009-05-29T08:50:04 <ThomasWaldmann> where does it link to that url?
2009-05-29T08:50:24 <dreimark> I tried to create a plain text item
2009-05-29T08:51:06 <dreimark> from scratch entered text and save gives in /moin-2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/__init__.py", line 173, in _get_revision
2009-05-29T08:51:44 <ThomasWaldmann> ah, when saving. I can reproduce...
2009-05-29T08:51:56 <dreimark> if we look at an image item we can offer a resizing
2009-05-29T08:52:05 <dreimark> which is saved in the cache
2009-05-29T08:52:16 <dreimark> or is the default used on a page
2009-05-29T08:53:22 <ThomasWaldmann> cache-resizing is done via url args
2009-05-29T08:54:27 * ThomasWaldmann suspects dennda broke it :)
2009-05-29T08:55:56 <dreimark> the idea of the default image data type was that the geometry of the item templates doesn't look much different
2009-05-29T08:56:03 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: if you want a resized image (that is cached with MoinMoin.caching), you just use {{image||&w=234}}
2009-05-29T08:56:50 <dreimark> ok, but do we want to have the original sized image used after uploading
2009-05-29T08:57:15 <dreimark> e.g. one uploads a 200MB image
2009-05-29T08:57:23 <ThomasWaldmann> we and also the wiki user can create any image url he wants
2009-05-29T08:58:01 <ThomasWaldmann> for our default image do=show, we can use ...&w=640
2009-05-29T08:58:32 <ThomasWaldmann> (or even less, when showing some metadata to the right of the image)
2009-05-29T09:00:03 <dreimark> ok
2009-05-29T09:03:09 <dreimark> I would prefer snapshot of a non text item similiar for images (or at least the meta data and a place holder)
2009-05-29T09:03:49 * dimazest booking tickets to go to europython
2009-05-29T09:04:18 <ThomasWaldmann> ?
2009-05-29T09:04:44 <dimazest> i'll be in in Birmingham from Mon, 29 Jun 09 to Mon, 6 Jul 09
2009-05-29T09:05:00 <dreimark> :)
2009-05-29T09:05:02 <ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: ok, see you there :)
2009-05-29T09:09:13 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: in the do=show rendering we can show anything for any item type. you just have to define _render_data (or so)
2009-05-29T09:10:19 <ThomasWaldmann> (but my question was about editing with template)
2009-05-29T09:14:38 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: 1.35 + access = "noaccess"
2009-05-29T09:14:56 <dreimark> my problem is currently I can't look at an item which I want to edit.
2009-05-29T09:15:07 <ThomasWaldmann> please don't use confusing attribute names. what you call "access" is an item name.
2009-05-29T09:15:33 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: sure, just go to the item
2009-05-29T09:15:51 <ThomasWaldmann> then look at it, then click modify
2009-05-29T09:16:04 * dreimark can't create a new item
2009-05-29T09:16:42 <dreimark> the current version gives on all items Internal Server Error
2009-05-29T09:18:03 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: you can go to a version without dennda's latest changes
2009-05-29T09:19:14 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: i don't think you should continue on that road.
2009-05-29T09:19:55 <dreimark> sure, will do
2009-05-29T09:19:57 <ThomasWaldmann> IMHO what you need to do is to write an item acl wrapper (you have already a backend acl wrapper)
2009-05-29T09:21:14 <ThomasWaldmann> that iaw has same api as a storage item and forwards the method calls to the storage item, after checking ACLs
2009-05-29T09:21:54 <dennda> and rather than replacing item._backend it'd return the wrapped item?
2009-05-29T09:22:02 <ThomasWaldmann> yes
2009-05-29T09:22:42 <dennda> i'll try
2009-05-29T09:24:38 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: when do we want meta data altered in general. What is the usecase?
2009-05-29T09:24:47 <ThomasWaldmann> btw, did you implement that "do nothing ACL middleware" already?
2009-05-29T09:24:57 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda:
2009-05-29T09:25:17 <dennda> ThomasWaldmann: I was wondering whether we really want that
2009-05-29T09:25:26 <ThomasWaldmann> that would be nice for us who don't want the NotImplementedErrors :)
2009-05-29T09:25:44 <dennda> ah ;)
2009-05-29T09:26:20 <ThomasWaldmann> and it should be rather trivial to do and have that as default as long as your stuff isn't yet functional
2009-05-29T09:26:25 <dennda> one minor change would have the same effect
2009-05-29T09:26:52 <dennda> i.e. request.data_backend = request.cfg.data_backend
2009-05-29T09:27:13 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: we alter it all the time (save comment, editor, edit time, sha1 hash, ...)
2009-05-29T09:27:58 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: I mean the current meta data. mimetype: image/png could be changed to image/jpg
2009-05-29T09:28:34 <ThomasWaldmann> yes, that is valid. especially if you upload a jpg at the same time.
2009-05-29T09:29:02 <dreimark> that has useability issues
2009-05-29T09:29:04 <dennda> there's no doubt a better interface is needed
2009-05-29T09:29:08 <ThomasWaldmann> of course noone currently keeps you back from doing nonsense :)
2009-05-29T09:29:53 <ThomasWaldmann> the current interface is just for developers and geeks
2009-05-29T09:30:20 <dreimark> I know but also we should talk about it
2009-05-29T09:31:33 * ThomasWaldmann will first make it functional for devs and geeks and delay cosmetics and beginner usability until later
2009-05-29T09:32:14 <dreimark> I am not sure if the mimetype is changed that this should be in a revision done.
2009-05-29T09:32:34 <dreimark> diff will have fun
2009-05-29T09:32:37 <ThomasWaldmann> you can't edit history
2009-05-29T09:32:46 <ThomasWaldmann> no, diff has no problem with that
2009-05-29T09:32:58 <dreimark> if you change from text to image?
2009-05-29T09:33:04 <ThomasWaldmann> try :)
2009-05-29T09:35:18 <ThomasWaldmann> i am also thinking about the placeholder expansion (like -- <<DateTime(2009-05-29T22:00:03Z)>>). currently we do that on save, but I think we should do some stuff before loading editor and some stuff at save time.
2009-05-29T09:35:52 <dreimark> "The items have different data. " :)
2009-05-29T09:36:15 <ThomasWaldmann> and that's even super efficient :)
2009-05-29T09:36:29 <ThomasWaldmann> (it just compares the hashes)
2009-05-29T09:38:01 <dreimark> it can compare text/csv with text/plain.
2009-05-29T09:38:51 <ThomasWaldmann> brb
2009-05-29T09:40:03 <dreimark> while it knows image/svg+xml is different to image/png
2009-05-29T09:40:21 <dreimark> but I think for text that is currently ok.
2009-05-29T09:44:10 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5798:3653778ad68c 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/_tests/test_middleware_acl.py: storage: tests: use non-confusing variable name
2009-05-29T09:44:12 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5799:ab9f0d7fdd93 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: Backed out changeset 8f3f50a16d31 (passing through method calls to the real backend)
2009-05-29T09:44:15 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5800:a33db3d28c7e 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: backout
2009-05-29T09:44:16 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5801:16a07731d015 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: Backed out changeset fbe8c3246354; (manual replacing of item._backend attribute)
2009-05-29T09:44:18 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5802:56c695215a1e 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: backout
2009-05-29T09:44:21 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5803:430a38406212 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: Backed out changeset 4f730ebdf78f; (manual replacing of item._backend)
2009-05-29T09:44:27 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5804:1d34d79b8cea 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: backout
2009-05-29T09:44:30 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5805:8cc97414fd7d 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/ (5 files in 3 dirs): merged remote 2.0-storage
2009-05-29T09:44:40 <dennda> dreimark: ^^ try again
2009-05-29T10:13:55 <ThomasWaldmann> saving works now
2009-05-29T10:16:05 <dennda> well of course, i just reverted it
2009-05-29T10:16:20 <dennda> but it works with the itemwrapper i just wrote now, too
2009-05-29T10:17:48 <dreimark> http://wave.google.com/
2009-05-29T10:24:50 <TheSheep> yeah
2009-05-29T10:24:56 <TheSheep> we can start packing :P
2009-05-29T10:35:31 <dennda> !"§!"$&/"§(/%&
2009-05-29T10:35:41 <dennda> the bloody busdrivers are on a strike in the whole city today
2009-05-29T10:37:34 <dennda> and I need to get to the university twice today
2009-05-29T10:37:37 <dennda> hmn
2009-05-29T10:52:13 <ThomasWaldmann> good news: the "org/mentor" payment cheque from google for gsoc 2008 arrived :)
2009-05-29T10:52:28 <dennda> lol
2009-05-29T10:54:48 <dennda> ThomasWaldmann: do you see any reason to keep the AclWrapperBackend methods _create_revision, _rename_item, ...? (I.e., the methods that one needs to implement when writing a backend which are then called by the item/revision classes)
2009-05-29T11:02:51 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: iirc that are methods of the item, right? so they should be in the item acl wrapper, not in the storage backend acl wrapper
2009-05-29T11:04:25 <dennda> ThomasWaldmann: there's Backend._commit_item and Item.commit_item(). The latter dispatches to the former so when you write a backend you only need to implement the Backend class. You are free to implement Item too, however, in which case no dispatching takes place. I think the same, just making sure
2009-05-29T11:05:25 <dennda> It should be sufficient to wrap around the public API
2009-05-29T11:19:56 <dennda> hah, i can get a mate's bicycle
2009-05-29T14:35:32 <ThomasWaldmann> does someone have his crystal ball ready to read the future eur/usd exchange course from it? :)
2009-05-29T14:37:09 <ThomasWaldmann> the usd is currently rather cheap compared to the EUR, but that means if you have dollars, you currently get less EURos for them
2009-05-29T14:37:40 <dennda> indeed
2009-05-29T14:37:50 * dennda used to look at yahoos finance page
2009-05-29T14:37:54 <dennda> they revamped it lately
2009-05-29T14:38:05 <ThomasWaldmann> so the question is: cash now or later? :)
2009-05-29T14:38:23 <dennda> dunno, but cash all at once
2009-05-29T14:38:53 * dennda lost at least 100EUR last year because he didn't know that every withdrawal costs at least 7,50EUR or 3%
2009-05-29T14:39:06 <dennda> no idea whether that applies to the check as well
2009-05-29T14:40:19 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: xorAxAx: TheSheep: any opinion about that?
2009-05-29T14:42:50 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: i guess you can not partially cash a cheque anyway
2009-05-29T14:43:16 <dennda> yup
2009-05-29T14:50:55 * dreimark reads
2009-05-29T14:52:47 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: 14:35
2009-05-29T14:53:02 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: thinks about waiting what the decisssion for GM or OPEL will give
2009-05-29T14:54:01 <dreimark> soory me thinks
2009-05-29T14:58:51 <dreimark> hmm 1 US$ = 0,713114E
2009-05-29T14:59:58 <dennda> http://de.ichart.yahoo.com/z?s=USDEUR=X&t=5d&l=on&z=m&q=l
2009-05-29T15:00:16 <dennda> looks rather dramatical, but take note of the scale
2009-05-29T15:00:47 <dennda> 2 years: http://de.ichart.yahoo.com/z?s=USDEUR=X&t=2y&l=on&z=m&q=l
2009-05-29T15:00:52 <dennda> (the first was 5 days)
2009-05-29T15:02:24 <devilsadvocate> http://www30.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=EURO+vs+USD
2009-05-29T15:20:09 *** rkerr has joined #moin-dev
2009-05-29T17:12:44 <ThomasWaldmann> dimazest: all you get is names, the uniqueness of those names has to be assured otherwise, the group code can't know or detect if it gets a name twice whether that is the same person or not.
2009-05-29T17:27:02 <CIA-19> Alexandre Martani <amartani AT gmail DOT com> default * 5804:81117912bba8 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/action/mobwrite.py: Real-time editor: Better comments on mobwrite action.
2009-05-29T17:27:05 <CIA-19> Alexandre Martani <amartani AT gmail DOT com> default * 5805:56828dd87a31 2.0-storage-editor-amartani/MoinMoin/action/mobwrite.py: merged remote
2009-05-29T17:30:07 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5806:26b09e362a5d 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: Introducing AclWrapperItem. Not really functional yet.
2009-05-29T17:30:10 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5807:d1b02cc816bf 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: AclWrapperItem refactoring. Introduce require_privilege decorator
2009-05-29T17:30:12 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5808:a6f0334b9965 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: AclWrapperItem: Now completely covered the public Item interface
2009-05-29T17:30:13 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5809:7ca81a8e9ac0 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: Adding myself to authors for MoinMoin.storage.backends.acl
2009-05-29T17:30:20 <dennda> RFC ^
2009-05-29T17:30:36 <dennda> bbl
2009-05-29T18:45:46 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: handling of non-hierarchic default acl is missing, please check / add test
2009-05-29T18:46:25 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: nice idea using a decorator, but for rename, it is broken like it is (it checks name, not newname)
2009-05-29T18:47:18 <ThomasWaldmann> and maybe s/priviledge/capability/ (not sure)?
2009-05-29T18:47:47 <ThomasWaldmann> -d
2009-05-29T18:53:07 <ThomasWaldmann> hmm, not sure about the default acl. it has to get checked and tested for both implementations.
2009-05-29T19:06:07 <ThomasWaldmann> dennda: history needs to give only items that may be read
2009-05-29T19:09:54 *** grzywacz has joined #moin-dev
2009-05-29T19:13:56 <ThomasWaldmann> and when thinking about it, you might find __delitem__ is not checking the right capability
2009-05-29T20:27:21 <dennda> sure it's not complete
2009-05-29T20:32:26 <dimazest> dreimark: i need to pass request object to the wiki pages backend __init__. Because of that, it is not possible to create GroupManager and Backend objects like i did in the tests, because there is not request object, which to pass. They are needed to be created, i suppose, somewhere in http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9-groups-dmilajevs/file/d85a2b2f120b/MoinMoin/wsgiapp.py#l242 , but if i write something like request.group_manager = GroupManager()
2009-05-29T20:37:27 <dreimark> too much lines. the last line for me is request.group_manager = GroupManager()
2009-05-29T20:37:58 <dennda> dimazest: you need to split your question up into chunks. irc has a character limit per message
2009-05-29T20:38:00 <dimazest> ...request object in tests does not have group_manager property. Where am i doing wrong?
2009-05-29T20:38:53 <dreimark> tests use conftest
2009-05-29T20:40:04 <dreimark> e.g. def init_test_request(given_config=None, static_state=[False]):
2009-05-29T20:40:15 <dreimark> request = TestRequest()
2009-05-29T20:40:21 <dennda> like so:
2009-05-29T20:40:38 <dennda> http://paste.pocoo.org/show/119796/
2009-05-29T20:40:41 <dennda> @ dimazest
2009-05-29T20:40:41 <moinBot> dennda: Error: "dimazest" is not a valid command.
2009-05-29T20:41:08 <dimazest> :)
2009-05-29T20:42:11 <dreimark> :)
2009-05-29T20:42:16 <dimazest> dennda: thanks
2009-05-29T20:43:19 <dimazest> but how to configure, it wont work if someone in wikiconfig.py writes group_manager = GroupManager(request)
2009-05-29T20:43:34 * dimazest just thins about future
2009-05-29T20:45:23 <dennda> oh, by the way, when you write tests that are executed by py.test, then there's an attribute self.request that's patched onto the testclass automatically
2009-05-29T20:46:58 <dreimark> dimazest: not sure what problem you mean. you can look at wiki.config.more_samples e.g. snippet of http_auth
2009-05-29T20:49:29 <dreimark> in wikiconfig request is undefined
2009-05-29T20:52:15 <dimazest> dreimark: http://localhost:8000/file/149cfc054b05/MoinMoin/auth/http.py#l66 request method gets request object
2009-05-29T20:52:35 <dimazest> what i wan is to pass request object to the __init__
2009-05-29T20:53:27 <dimazest> because it is not possible to pass request to the __contains__
2009-05-29T20:53:41 <dimazest> * what i want
2009-05-29T21:04:34 <dennda> boy
2009-05-29T21:04:43 <dennda> ACM is one spamming organization
2009-05-29T21:04:51 <dennda> they're already annoying me
2009-05-29T21:05:13 <dimazest> and membership hasn't even started, it is from 1 june
2009-05-29T21:05:41 <dennda> yeah
2009-05-29T21:05:48 <dreimark> group_mananger = lambda dummy, request: GroupManager([BackendManager(groups, request), ]) something like this without dummy
2009-05-29T21:05:50 <dimazest> i do not know why, but plone based websites is a mess for me
2009-05-29T21:07:24 <dimazest> dreimark, and then in the code e.g. in acl related write if 'GroupName' in group_manager(request)
2009-05-29T21:14:41 <dreimark> s/'GroupName'/member ?
2009-05-29T21:17:21 <dimazest> no, to check for a member it is like 'member in' group_manager(request)['GroupName']
2009-05-29T21:19:42 <dreimark> ok, but what do you want to check with 'GroupName' in group_manager(request) ?
2009-05-29T21:20:01 <dreimark> (acl related)
2009-05-29T21:22:26 <dimazest> is the group with name GroupName defined in some backend
2009-05-29T21:23:14 <dreimark> ok
2009-05-29T21:24:26 <dimazest> like here http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9-groups-dmilajevs/file/d85a2b2f120b/MoinMoin/security/__init__.py#l318
2009-05-29T21:26:44 <dreimark> correct for a moment I missed that we will have more than one group backend at the same time
2009-05-29T21:30:50 <dimazest> dreimark: this lambda, should it be in request.group_manager or in request.cfg.group_manager
2009-05-29T21:31:22 <dimazest> i think in cfg it is more appropriate
2009-05-29T21:31:36 <dreimark> yes in cfg.
2009-05-29T21:31:57 <dimazest> thanks
2009-05-29T21:32:32 <dreimark> may be you can find a way for not needing that dummy
2009-05-29T21:33:48 * dreimark has to run soon
2009-05-29T21:34:05 <dreimark> will be back in some hours or tom morning
2009-05-29T21:39:32 <dimazest> dreimark: actually dummy is self, because it is method of a class Config, at least for me
2009-05-29T22:02:46 *** rkerr has quit IRC
2009-05-29T22:03:45 <CIA-19> Christopher Denter <moin GUESSWHAT the DASH space DASH station ROUNDTHING com> default * 5810:160e1c83245e 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/storage/backends/acl.py: storage: Make AclWrapperBackend.history only return readable revisions. Fix 2 permission checks
2009-05-29T22:12:46 <dimazest> good night, i'll update mine wikipage tomorrow
2009-05-29T22:16:01 * ThomasWaldmann updated hgcia with the dupechecker patch
2009-05-29T22:23:34 *** rkerr has joined #moin-dev
2009-05-29T23:08:23 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5811:bf161902212e 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/ (17 files in 8 dirs): items: move metadata key constants from Page to items
2009-05-29T23:18:40 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5812:d547e5d363ed 2.0-storage/TODO: items: updated TODO
2009-05-29T23:33:10 <CIA-19> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5813:da631e8a8d15 2.0-storage/MoinMoin/ (9 files in 8 dirs): remove 'revert' capability (makes no sense, equivalent to 'write')
MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2009-05-29 (last edited 2009-05-28 22:15:02 by IrcLogImporter)