1 2010-07-28T00:01:49  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9117:ccfa9975338f 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (7 files in 3 dirs): merged moin/2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher
   2 2010-07-28T00:08:36  <ThomasWaldmann> and it looks like it signs the data using hmac and checks signature when reloading
   3 2010-07-28T00:09:46  *** xjjk has joined #moin-dev
   4 2010-07-28T00:11:23  <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: {{ _("edited %s by %s" % (user.getFormattedDateTime(rev.timestamp), rev|user_format )) }}
   5 2010-07-28T00:11:43  <ThomasWaldmann> you know why this doesn't make any sense? ^^
   6 2010-07-28T00:13:18  <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: this user is user module from MoinMoin ^^
   7 2010-07-28T00:13:59  <diofeher> i just following to stay the same way
   8 2010-07-28T00:14:19  <ThomasWaldmann> the parens need to close after the translatable string
   9 2010-07-28T00:15:26  <diofeher> aaaaah
  10 2010-07-28T00:17:24  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9114:d3f160f1d3f0 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/templates/show.html: [templating] fix typo in templates
  11 2010-07-28T00:24:11  *** ebo^ has joined #moin-dev
  12 2010-07-28T00:26:29  *** RogerHaase has left #moin-dev
  13 2010-07-28T00:34:47  *** ebo^ has quit IRC
  14 2010-07-28T07:19:04  *** ebo^ has joined #moin-dev
  15 2010-07-28T07:54:25  *** ebo^ has quit IRC
  16 2010-07-28T07:57:10  <ThomasWaldmann> moin
  17 2010-07-28T08:35:28  <ThomasWaldmann> http://moinmo.in/MoinMoinTalks/EuroPython-2010-07-21
  18 2010-07-28T08:46:47  *** ebo^ has joined #moin-dev
  19 2010-07-28T08:56:50  *** gwork has quit IRC
  20 2010-07-28T09:18:34  <valeuf> moin
  21 2010-07-28T09:19:29  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: without the OMG cat, it is sad :P
  22 2010-07-28T09:49:03  <dreimark> moin
  23 2010-07-28T09:50:41  <dreimark> scroll wheel of the mouse is also nice working for sliding
  24 2010-07-28T09:51:06  <dreimark> the svg cat was relative not included
  25 2010-07-28T09:51:25  <dreimark> you need to add the right url ;)
  26 2010-07-28T09:53:10  <valeuf> ok, I think I may have a solution for the conversion with two items ^^
  27 2010-07-28T10:51:39  <dreimark> valeuf: do you know something similiar for docbook etc. http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/support/latexdiff/
  28 2010-07-28T10:53:01  <valeuf> dreimark: any xml diff tools should work fine for DocBook since it is XML
  29 2010-07-28T10:53:37  <dreimark> yes, but can we render the output that one can read it?
  30 2010-07-28T10:54:41  <valeuf> dreimark: well, I read good review about :
  31 2010-07-28T10:54:43  <valeuf> http://www.logilab.org/859/
  32 2010-07-28T10:55:51  <dreimark> i think that is different
  33 2010-07-28T10:56:02  * dreimark makes an example
  34 2010-07-28T10:56:22  <valeuf> dreimark: I never tried this tool, so it is possible I say something wrong
  35 2010-07-28T11:09:07  <dreimark> valeuf: http://moinmo.in/ReimarBauer/latexdiff
  36 2010-07-28T11:09:23  <dreimark> the result is a new latex file which can be rendered like this example
  37 2010-07-28T11:09:55  <dreimark> so it is human readable in its context
  38 2010-07-28T11:12:02  <valeuf> dreimark: ahh ... ok, I did not understand what you wanted
  39 2010-07-28T11:12:15  <valeuf> dreimark: no I do not know such of tool for DocBook
  40 2010-07-28T11:13:26  <valeuf> dreimark: i did not know this tool, it is impressive
  41 2010-07-28T11:15:07  <dreimark> this is an other kind of diff similiar to the image diff. diff on rendered data instead of source
  42 2010-07-28T11:15:50  <valeuf> dreimark: people from #docbook advice me to try : http://sourceforge.net/projects/diffmk/
  43 2010-07-28T11:16:07  <valeuf> dreimark: I will give a look to tell you if it is the expected result
  44 2010-07-28T11:16:42  <valeuf> dreimark: however, since we have an internal DOM Tree representation, it could be better to try to create a visual diff tool for the DOM tree
  45 2010-07-28T11:16:48  <valeuf> so we can compare any doc
  46 2010-07-28T11:17:01  <dreimark> yes, that would be very nice
  47 2010-07-28T11:17:37  <dreimark> it should be combined with annotate
  48 2010-07-28T11:19:04  * dreimark thinks we should destinguish between diff on raw and diff on rendered (if that is possible)
  49 2010-07-28T11:19:24  <valeuf> dreimark: that would be awsome ^^
  50 2010-07-28T11:19:28  <dreimark> it is a bit similiar to the abstraction of highlight and transclude
  51 2010-07-28T11:31:40  <valeuf> people on #docbook are really excited by the support of DocBook in the next Moinmoin version :D
  52 2010-07-28T11:32:15  <dreimark> :)
  53 2010-07-28T11:33:07  <valeuf> \o/ it works ^^
  54 2010-07-28T11:55:26  <valeuf> I maybe found a nice editor for DocBook document to replace the textarea :)
  55 2010-07-28T12:12:38  <valeuf> ok, here is the last version of the patch for convert action : http://paste.pocoo.org/show/242582/
  56 2010-07-28T12:12:50  <valeuf> with two items ^^
  57 2010-07-28T12:14:44  <valeuf> I will probably need to write tests for this code I think
  58 2010-07-28T12:43:19  <dreimark> valeuf: are the import at internal_representation necessary ?
  59 2010-07-28T12:43:22  <dreimark> there ?
  60 2010-07-28T12:44:21  <dreimark> the meaning of from_conv is ?
  61 2010-07-28T12:46:15  <valeuf> dreimark: from_conv should be probably rename like input_conv
  62 2010-07-28T12:46:48  <dreimark> yes please
  63 2010-07-28T12:47:02  <valeuf> dreimark: the import seems to be necessary, because I get variable like reg, moin_page ... so it avoid any confusion
  64 2010-07-28T12:47:09  <dreimark> ok
  65 2010-07-28T12:47:35  <valeuf> dreimark: we can put this at the top of the file, however, there is some risk someone use xlink, or reg as a variable name I think
  66 2010-07-28T12:47:39  <ThomasWaldmann> valeuf: I'll have a look for the OMG cat. It for sure is on my harddisk, I just expected it to be included in the SVG, but obviously it is not.
  67 2010-07-28T12:47:51  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: ah ah ah great ^^
  68 2010-07-28T12:48:13  <valeuf> dreimark: anyway this huge file should be split in smaller one, it will solve this pro
  69 2010-07-28T12:48:16  <valeuf> blem
  70 2010-07-28T12:52:27  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: you need to fix line 596
  71 2010-07-28T12:52:30  <dreimark> xlink:href="file:///home/tw/kitten-is-excited-about-moin2.jpg"
  72 2010-07-28T12:52:38  <dreimark> just add the url of the cat
  73 2010-07-28T13:33:14  <dreimark> valeuf: mitsuhiko pointed on http://bitbucket.org/plurk/solace/src/tip/solace/utils/formatting.py for inlin-diff
  74 2010-07-28T13:33:36  <dreimark> TheSheep: ^^
  75 2010-07-28T13:36:19  <valeuf> dreimark: it is only working with creole right?
  76 2010-07-28T13:36:44  <dreimark> for now
  77 2010-07-28T13:36:59  <dreimark> for us it needs to get changes
  78 2010-07-28T13:37:59  <valeuf> dreimark: yep, but creole is text-based format, we are using a DOM, so we have probably some interesting possibility to use for visual diff
  79 2010-07-28T13:57:34  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ah, ok, will do that later
  80 2010-07-28T14:24:07  <CIA-51> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 9118:0a633ba90f83 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/items/__init__.py: Add my name to the copyright for items module
  81 2010-07-28T14:24:10  <CIA-51> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 9119:f8b3e17abf80 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/docbook_out.py: Add useful parameter for the _factory method for docbook_out converter
  82 2010-07-28T14:24:12  <CIA-51> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 9120:e0b1db19dea1 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/ (apps/frontend/views.py items/__init__.py): Add support for conversion action for the items
  83 2010-07-28T14:24:18  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9118:f21aa01e138a 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/action/ (6 files): (log message trimmed)
  84 2010-07-28T14:24:18  <CIA-51> remove some old / unneeded actions
  85 2010-07-28T14:24:18  <CIA-51> MyPages - users can create their home pages and sub pages just as every other page/item
  86 2010-07-28T14:24:18  <CIA-51> RenderAsDocbook - should be replaced by a more generic mechanism
  87 2010-07-28T14:24:18  <CIA-51> backup - we'll use XML serialization to create backups
  88 2010-07-28T14:24:19  <CIA-51> links - old stuff, did anybody use it?
  89 2010-07-28T14:24:19  <CIA-51> titleindex - old stuff, did anybody use it?
  90 2010-07-28T14:24:53  <valeuf> I commited the code for conversion, since I think that the code I wrote was enough generic
  91 2010-07-28T14:25:00  <valeuf> I am working on tests actually
  92 2010-07-28T14:31:07  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: RenderAsDocbook is now : +convert/ItemName?mimetype=application/docbook%2Bxml
  93 2010-07-28T14:37:51  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9119:bfe442c7d1c4 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (__init__.py apps/misc/__init__.py apps/misc/views.py): new 'misc' view package, stub for xml sitemap
  94 2010-07-28T14:38:03  <ThomasWaldmann> valeuf: yeah :)
  95 2010-07-28T15:11:35  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: titleindex is a complete index of everything
  96 2010-07-28T15:11:44  <dreimark> we have it at FindPage
  97 2010-07-28T15:12:40  *** valeuf has quit IRC
  98 2010-07-28T15:12:41  <dreimark> hm no
  99 2010-07-28T15:13:30  *** valeuf has joined #moin-dev
 100 2010-07-28T15:13:45  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: titleindex wasni think it was used by sisterwikis
 101 2010-07-28T15:13:57  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: titleindex wasn't that called  by sisterwikis
 102 2010-07-28T15:15:12  <valeuf> I am having some trouble to write test for the convert code in the items module
 103 2010-07-28T15:16:02  <valeuf> I'd like to find a way to create item from data, is it ok to use some plain text file aside of the test for that?
 104 2010-07-28T15:37:28  <valeuf> grrr, the docbook document I produce are not valid...
 105 2010-07-28T15:38:29  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: no, there is separate sistersites stuff
 106 2010-07-28T15:44:22  <valeuf> validating Test
 107 2010-07-28T15:44:22  <valeuf> the document is valid.
 108 2010-07-28T15:44:22  <valeuf> validating Test
 109 2010-07-28T15:44:22  <valeuf> the document is valid.
 110 2010-07-28T15:44:26  <valeuf> \o/
 111 2010-07-28T15:44:44  *** RogerHaase has joined #moin-dev
 112 2010-07-28T15:54:14  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: I am thinking about something really nice
 113 2010-07-28T15:54:52  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: do you think we can do something like +convert/Item1,Item2,Item3?mimetype=application/DocBook+xml ?
 114 2010-07-28T15:55:01  <valeuf> having a list of item is possible in flask?
 115 2010-07-28T16:07:13  <dreimark> valeuf: can it be a regex ?
 116 2010-07-28T16:10:25  <valeuf> dreimark: probably
 117 2010-07-28T16:11:03  <valeuf> dreimark: I just realize that it become quite simple to get the DOM Tree of all thes object, and then concatenate all in one object for the final conversion
 118 2010-07-28T16:11:27  <valeuf> dreimark: so I found the solution for Docbook document with multiple page :)
 119 2010-07-28T16:31:15  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9120:26851900ea78 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (3 files in 3 dirs): new google sitemap implementation, removed old action
 120 2010-07-28T16:32:39  <ThomasWaldmann> valeuf: not sure whether , is a valid char in item names, so it maybe can't be used as separator
 121 2010-07-28T16:33:21  <ThomasWaldmann> also, item names can be rather long, and that list of items could also have many items
 122 2010-07-28T16:33:40  <ThomasWaldmann> btw, the sitemap is made with jinja2 :)
 123 2010-07-28T16:33:53  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: well, maybe we could give the list of item in POST request?
 124 2010-07-28T16:47:12  <ThomasWaldmann> yes
 125 2010-07-28T16:52:47  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9121:3ea7ba46306b 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (3 files in 3 dirs): implemented /+misc/urls_names, can be used for sisteritems
 126 2010-07-28T17:10:56  <valeuf> What about some standard attribute for our DOM Tree like title, id, class, style?
 127 2010-07-28T17:11:01  <valeuf> it would be useful for DocBook
 128 2010-07-28T17:11:21  <valeuf> waldi: ↥↥↥
 129 2010-07-28T17:15:02  <waldi> just use them in the html-namespace, thats what I have planned
 130 2010-07-28T17:15:36  <valeuf> waldi: ok, for the id, we could maybe use the xml namespace?
 131 2010-07-28T17:18:11  <waldi> the xml namespace only defines the attributes lang and space, no id
 132 2010-07-28T17:18:42  <valeuf> waldi: really, in DocBook specification, they are using xml:id
 133 2010-07-28T17:19:09  <waldi> ah, a different spec
 134 2010-07-28T17:19:16  <valeuf> http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/
 135 2010-07-28T17:19:19  <waldi> http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-id/, then yes
 136 2010-07-28T17:19:24  <valeuf> :)
 137 2010-07-28T17:20:45  <valeuf> ok then, I will progressively add the support for the following attributes http://moinmo.in/ValentinJaniaut/GSoC/TreeOutputModification#Attributes in the HTML and DocBook converter
 138 2010-07-28T17:21:04  <valeuf> anyway, I need at list title for different element in DocBook
 139 2010-07-28T17:24:34  <dreimark> bbl
 140 2010-07-28T17:37:51  <CIA-51> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 9121:db485bd904b7 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/items/__init__.py: Fix type in item module
 141 2010-07-28T17:38:12  <CIA-51> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 9122:3ffb25b3724b 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/ (_tests/test_docbook_out.py docbook_out.py): Add an info section at the start of an article
 142 2010-07-28T17:38:21  <CIA-51> Valentin Janiaut <valentin.janiaut@utbm.fr> default * 9123:1a15d66823d1 2.0-dev-docbook-html-vjaniaut/MoinMoin/converter2/ (_tests/test_docbook_out.py docbook_out.py): Add <caption> child to <table> to get valid DocBook v5 document with the DocBook_OUT converter
 143 2010-07-28T17:44:31  <valeuf> \o/ I got quite nice result with the DocBook conversion : http://moinmo.in/DOM%20DocBook%20and%20HTML%202010/DocBook-DOM/Tests
 144 2010-07-28T17:45:12  <valeuf> I have a lot of other test, but my HTML and DocBook converter are working not so badly \o/
 145 2010-07-28T17:47:32  <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: what's up?
 146 2010-07-28T18:40:01  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: what's up with dmitry?
 147 2010-07-28T18:41:49  <ThomasWaldmann> ei-grad: your diary of july shows much more non-work days than work days, what's up?
 148 2010-07-28T18:44:59  <ThomasWaldmann> (and also communication from/to russian guys is rather lacking recently)
 149 2010-07-28T18:59:09  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9122:69eda9126662 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (6 files in 4 dirs):
 150 2010-07-28T18:59:09  <CIA-51> implemented admin index, reimplemented userbrowser and userprofile, stub for mail_recovery_token
 151 2010-07-28T18:59:09  <CIA-51> TODO:
 152 2010-07-28T18:59:09  <CIA-51> POST still makes trouble
 153 2010-07-28T18:59:09  <CIA-51> parent template (layout) gets static stuff from wrong URL
 154 2010-07-28T18:59:10  <CIA-51> add superuser checks
 155 2010-07-28T18:59:10  <CIA-51> userbrowser: displaying of groups
 156 2010-07-28T19:14:39  <diofeher> ThomasWaldmann: sup
 157 2010-07-28T19:16:05  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9123:cc0c6d43a9ba 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/apps/ (admin/views.py frontend/views.py): simplify redirect: import it from flask, remove code=302, it is default
 158 2010-07-28T19:16:51  <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: hi. merge before starting to work.
 159 2010-07-28T19:17:00  <ThomasWaldmann> gtg/brb
 160 2010-07-28T19:17:35  <diofeher> ok, bye ThomasWaldmann ^^
 161 2010-07-28T19:18:32  <valeuf> hi diofeher, it would be nice in the template to have a page to hande conversion
 162 2010-07-28T19:18:48  <valeuf> diofeher: something which allow the user to choose document, mimetype, and launch the conversion
 163 2010-07-28T19:23:49  <valeuf> waldi: btw, did you apply this patch http://paste.pocoo.org/show/237023/ to EmeraldTree?
 164 2010-07-28T19:26:22  <diofeher> hi valeuf
 165 2010-07-28T19:27:31  <diofeher> yes, it would be nice! we can work together to make this work :)
 166 2010-07-28T19:27:49  <diofeher> btw, anyone here knows how to put hg diff colorful?
 167 2010-07-28T19:28:28  <valeuf> diofeher: /+convert/Item?mimetype=mimetype already works
 168 2010-07-28T19:28:46  <valeuf> diofeher: add this to your hgrc :
 169 2010-07-28T19:28:50  <valeuf> [extensions]
 170 2010-07-28T19:28:54  <valeuf> color =
 171 2010-07-28T19:29:18  <diofeher> oh, worked \o/
 172 2010-07-28T19:29:21  <diofeher> thanks valeuf
 173 2010-07-28T19:29:36  <valeuf> diofeher: so the conversion action can handle only one item, however the way I wrote conversion action can easily accept more than one item
 174 2010-07-28T19:30:01  <valeuf> diofeher: I thought that we could give the list of the item in a POST request, do you think it is ok ?
 175 2010-07-28T19:30:46  <diofeher> i would prefer to put this in a GET request
 176 2010-07-28T19:31:48  <valeuf> diofeher: why?
 177 2010-07-28T19:33:18  <diofeher> well, i'm just using the principle basic that you use GET to return a document
 178 2010-07-28T19:33:30  <diofeher> if you want to modify something in server, you use POST
 179 2010-07-28T19:34:28  <valeuf> diofeher: yes but GET is 255 char max, I am afraid that the list of the item will be too long
 180 2010-07-28T19:34:35  <diofeher> valeuf, i can make a new action + template to handle this ^^
 181 2010-07-28T19:34:55  <valeuf> diofeher: that would be nice :) so I can make test after
 182 2010-07-28T19:35:24  <diofeher> valeuf, hmm mimetype is not too long... what you mean with document?
 183 2010-07-28T19:35:40  <diofeher> nice
 184 2010-07-28T19:36:20  <valeuf> diofeher: well, if you have about 20 items of 10 chars each, you will need 200 char just for the list of items...
 185 2010-07-28T19:36:55  <diofeher> oh, this conversion will work with a list of items? i thought that only one
 186 2010-07-28T19:36:59  <valeuf> diofeher: but we can start with GET, it won't be a big change to switch to POST
 187 2010-07-28T19:37:09  <diofeher> it's true ^^
 188 2010-07-28T19:38:15  <valeuf> well, it is not big emergency, but if you get time for that, I would be happy :)
 189 2010-07-28T19:39:10  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9125:d330b2be1647 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/ (27 files in 9 dirs): [templating] merge with main repo
 190 2010-07-28T19:39:39  <diofeher> i'm behind schedule, but i'm trying to speed up :(
 191 2010-07-28T19:39:43  *** diofeher has left #moin-dev
 192 2010-07-28T19:41:06  *** diofeher has joined #moin-dev
 193 2010-07-28T19:41:10  <diofeher> ops, missed click =p
 194 2010-07-28T19:43:49  <dreimark> diofeher: install pygments
 195 2010-07-28T19:45:11  <diofeher> dreimark pygments work with mercurial?
 196 2010-07-28T19:46:02  <dreimark> yes
 197 2010-07-28T19:46:12  <dreimark> it is the reason for the highlighting
 198 2010-07-28T19:46:46  <diofeher> nice, going to install
 199 2010-07-28T19:47:09  <dreimark> http://mercurial.selenic.com/wiki/HighlightExtension
 200 2010-07-28T19:47:13  <diofeher> i just wanted to colorful diff, but coloring python code would be awesome too
 201 2010-07-28T19:47:32  <valeuf> bbl
 202 2010-07-28T19:47:37  <dreimark> ok
 203 2010-07-28T19:48:04  <diofeher> thx dreimark
 204 2010-07-28T19:50:44  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9126:79ff7fca5d75 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/__init__.py: [templating] fixed rtype documentation of ThemeBase
 205 2010-07-28T19:52:06  *** ebo^ has quit IRC
 206 2010-07-28T20:08:53  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9127:b562c5c802db 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/ (templates/base.html theme/__init__.py wikiutil.py): [templating] changed parent_page to parent_item in ThemeBase and ParentPageName to ParentItemName in wikiutil
 207 2010-07-28T20:19:29  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9128:a6f46bdf5ac5 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/theme/__init__.py: [templating] changed some variables from page to item in ThemeBase
 208 2010-07-28T20:49:33  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9129:8fc60e4e9a5f 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/ (apps/frontend/views.py templates/base.html): [templating] added global feed icon to global history view
 209 2010-07-28T20:56:33  <ThomasWaldmann> re
 210 2010-07-28T21:18:08  <diofeher> do_diff deprecated?
 211 2010-07-28T21:39:37  <ThomasWaldmann> I'll try to get rid of the do_* stuff
 212 2010-07-28T21:40:12  <ThomasWaldmann> you fixed emit_custom_html?
 213 2010-07-28T21:41:30  <diofeher> didn't find a replacement... i think i'm gonna put it back
 214 2010-07-28T21:42:17  <diofeher> i'm working on atom view
 215 2010-07-28T21:44:14  <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: if you "put something back" you don't remove it from todo, but move it within the todo
 216 2010-07-28T21:45:43  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: do you know who fsbot is?
 217 2010-07-28T21:46:37  <ThomasWaldmann> why does the global_history template get a global_history flag?
 218 2010-07-28T21:47:01  <ThomasWaldmann> fsbot is a bot :P
 219 2010-07-28T21:47:07  <diofeher> because of feed icon :P
 220 2010-07-28T21:47:18  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: then he behaves strange
 221 2010-07-28T21:48:35  <ThomasWaldmann> diofeher: why do you think global_history.html is called global_history.html?
 222 2010-07-28T21:55:10  <diofeher> because show global_history =p but feed icon is in base.html
 223 2010-07-28T21:55:36  <diofeher> i can replace by a block instead pass a variable, and extend this block in global_history
 224 2010-07-28T21:57:20  <ThomasWaldmann> how about using a block for that?
 225 2010-07-28T21:57:47  <ThomasWaldmann> because if it is in base, it would also render for stuff that is neither an item, nor global changes
 226 2010-07-28T21:58:41  <ThomasWaldmann> (that might be also the case for misc other stuff)
 227 2010-07-28T22:01:49  <diofeher> yea, block would be better than variable ^^ we gonna extend other parts this way too
 228 2010-07-28T22:05:00  <ThomasWaldmann> (in general, such stuff should be built in an extensible way)
 229 2010-07-28T22:13:16  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9130:94216d06dcbf 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/apps/feed/views.py: [templating] added atom view
 230 2010-07-28T22:13:18  <CIA-51> Diogenes Augusto Fernandes Herminio <diofeher@gmail.com> default * 9131:624824bd108d 2.0-dev-jinja2-plugins-dfeher/MoinMoin/ (3 files in 2 dirs): [templating] refactored feed in templates
 231 2010-07-28T22:22:34  <ThomasWaldmann> i guess I'll kill newpage action, that thing looks somehow superfluous
 232 2010-07-28T22:23:33  <dreimark> ei-grad: ping
 233 2010-07-28T22:24:15  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: only if you don't want to use a template for item creation
 234 2010-07-28T22:24:21  <dreimark> by default
 235 2010-07-28T22:24:31  <dreimark> but also this could be an optional parameter
 236 2010-07-28T22:28:46  <ThomasWaldmann> i killed the action (the macro might be useful)
 237 2010-07-28T22:35:49  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9124:b7572acea97b 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/action/newpage.py:
 238 2010-07-28T22:35:49  <CIA-51> kill crap newpage action
 239 2010-07-28T22:35:49  <CIA-51> new items can be created by following a link like this:
 240 2010-07-28T22:35:49  <CIA-51> .../+modify/Item_Name?mimetype=text%2Fx.moin.wiki&template=SomeTemplate
 241 2010-07-28T22:47:10  <CIA-51> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 9125:d9c22c28e3c0 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/action/__init__.py: remove ActionBase, not used any more
 242 2010-07-28T22:59:28  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: -> #moin
 243 2010-07-28T23:27:20  <ThomasWaldmann> we need something new for LikePages, it is based on CamelCase splitting
 244 2010-07-28T23:30:47  <ThomasWaldmann> something based on Levenshtein distance maybe?
 245 2010-07-28T23:57:35  <valeuf> ThomasWaldmann: you want to compute Levenshtein distance on the itemname?
 246 2010-07-28T23:58:45  <ThomasWaldmann> on given item name vs. all existing ones

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2010-07-28 (last edited 2010-07-27 22:45:02 by IrcLogImporter)