1 2010-12-28T00:00:53 <dreimark> .oO blizard in NY
2 2010-12-28T00:00:58 <Roboraider> wow
3 2010-12-28T00:10:10 <Roboraider> The only place I can see adding it is helpers.py ,but that doesnt look specific to layout.html
4 2010-12-28T00:17:33 <Roboraider> There is also templating.py, but it also isn't specific to layout.html
5 2010-12-28T00:25:09 *** cosmos_thought
6 2010-12-28T00:25:13 <cosmos_thought> hi guys
7 2010-12-28T00:31:50 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
8 2010-12-28T00:31:51 *** cosmos_thought
9 2010-12-28T00:31:58 <ThomasWaldmann> fail :)
10 2010-12-28T00:32:04 <dreimark> yeah
11 2010-12-28T00:33:38 <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: is there a way to add something at the end of an request?
12 2010-12-28T00:34:20 <dreimark> adding clock.dump() there would be nice
13 2010-12-28T00:38:52 <ThomasWaldmann> after() ?
14 2010-12-28T00:39:08 <ThomasWaldmann> in MoinMoin/__init__.py
15 2010-12-28T00:39:27 <ThomasWaldmann> but we don't need .dump any more, right?
16 2010-12-28T00:43:20 <dreimark> Roboraider: ^
17 2010-12-28T00:43:53 <dreimark> ah, ok after - how else should it be named :)
18 2010-12-28T00:49:13 <dreimark> gn
19 2010-12-28T00:53:57 <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
20 2010-12-28T00:58:44 <Roboraider> How does this look for modifying the _init_.py and removing the .dump() in the layout.html? http://paste.pocoo.org/show/310601/
21 2010-12-28T01:07:32 *** gh_ju1
22 2010-12-28T01:08:03 *** _____
23 2010-12-28T01:14:03 *** m4k3r
24 2010-12-28T01:14:44 *** cosmos_thought
25 2010-12-28T01:23:11 *** cosmos_thought
26 2010-12-28T01:23:14 <ThomasWaldmann> Roboraider: well, if you want to do tell timings for template rendering, maybe the template name would be interesting
27 2010-12-28T01:56:29 *** rfw
28 2010-12-28T01:56:58 *** rfw
29 2010-12-28T02:13:23 *** rfw
30 2010-12-28T02:14:25 *** rfw
31 2010-12-28T03:15:00 *** kennym
32 2010-12-28T03:35:09 *** `anthony
33 2010-12-28T05:20:57 *** Roboraider
34 2010-12-28T05:43:40 *** Guest87822
35 2010-12-28T05:56:14 *** `anthony
36 2010-12-28T06:44:11 *** `anthony
37 2010-12-28T07:44:38 *** Samm
38 2010-12-28T08:13:02 *** m4k3r
39 2010-12-28T08:32:20 *** m4k3r
40 2010-12-28T09:26:59 *** skylamer`
41 2010-12-28T09:47:43 *** NikitaUtiu
42 2010-12-28T09:49:05 <NikitaUtiu> 'morning, everyone! how was the workshop yesterday?
43 2010-12-28T10:04:46 <ronny> NikitaUtiu: empty, 2 people found us, one off those by accident
44 2010-12-28T10:05:16 <NikitaUtiu> oh.. sorry to hear that
45 2010-12-28T10:15:54 <TheSheep> yeah, accidents happen
46 2010-12-28T10:16:01 <TheSheep> but I'm sure he will recover
47 2010-12-28T10:21:41 *** rfw
48 2010-12-28T10:23:51 <NikitaUtiu> anyhow, how are things at 27c3? the streams are frozen
49 2010-12-28T10:23:54 *** cosmos_thought
50 2010-12-28T10:30:09 *** cosmos_thought
51 2010-12-28T10:35:53 <ThomasWaldmann> moin
52 2010-12-28T10:36:35 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: we found one developer via the "Dating" wiki site.
53 2010-12-28T10:36:57 <NikitaUtiu> that's nice
54 2010-12-28T10:37:09 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: stuff starts at 11:30 localtime (10:30 UTC)
55 2010-12-28T10:37:22 <ThomasWaldmann> (geek compatible schedule)
56 2010-12-28T10:37:45 <NikitaUtiu> that's over an hour
57 2010-12-28T10:38:41 *** gh_ju
58 2010-12-28T10:39:17 <gh_ju> /nick gh_ju
59 2010-12-28T10:39:50 <NikitaUtiu> leading whitespace ;)
60 2010-12-28T10:40:18 <gh_ju> i know ^^
61 2010-12-28T10:48:11 *** Samm
62 2010-12-28T11:00:27 *** kennym
63 2010-12-28T11:06:31 *** greg_f
64 2010-12-28T11:38:21 <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 10202:9f0891a4c531 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/converter/_tests/test_creole_in.py: fix creole transclude tests (thanks to Sam T., GCI 2010)
65 2010-12-28T11:40:02 *** cosmos_t1ought
66 2010-12-28T11:47:18 <NikitaUtiu> ThomasWaldmann: when you have time, tell me, if you have looked at my code: should i go with it or with the normal kind of auth, called before the views
67 2010-12-28T11:48:21 *** cosmos_t1ought
68 2010-12-28T12:07:34 *** cosmos_thought
69 2010-12-28T12:07:41 <cosmos_thought> back
70 2010-12-28T12:24:54 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: btw, maybe you could submit some patch url to melange, so it is easier to find
71 2010-12-28T12:34:36 <NikitaUtiu> ok
72 2010-12-28T12:36:36 <NikitaUtiu> idk what just happened
73 2010-12-28T12:36:47 <NikitaUtiu> anyhow, it's on my repo
74 2010-12-28T12:38:40 * ThomasWaldmann is still at 27c3, currently in lightning talks session
75 2010-12-28T13:30:15 <gh_ju> since its online now, I am interested in "Translation of moin2 to German (1/2)" (GCI)
76 2010-12-28T13:32:39 <ThomasWaldmann> gh_ju: cool. you are aware that it is mostly trying out and documenting, fixing the edges etc. rather than translation?
77 2010-12-28T13:33:56 <gh_ju> ThomasWaldmann: yes I am
78 2010-12-28T13:35:07 <ThomasWaldmann> ok, claimrequest it :)
79 2010-12-28T13:36:30 <gh_ju> done
80 2010-12-28T13:40:43 *** Samm
81 2010-12-28T13:41:25 <gh_ju> what i already did is fetching the source
82 2010-12-28T13:41:34 <gh_ju> what comes next?
83 2010-12-28T13:46:34 <NikitaUtiu> this is quite interesting. will moin have a lightning speech or some kind of presentation ?
84 2010-12-28T13:47:49 *** cosmos_thought
85 2010-12-28T13:48:00 *** m4k3r
86 2010-12-28T13:48:08 *** cosmos_thought
87 2010-12-28T14:01:41 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: we had that "workshop"
88 2010-12-28T14:02:03 <ThomasWaldmann> maybe I'll do a LT, let's see
89 2010-12-28T14:02:17 <ThomasWaldmann> but you can look at it on the MoinMoin2.0 page also :)
90 2010-12-28T14:02:47 <ThomasWaldmann> gh_ju: see the list in your task. if you have more specific questions, ask them.
91 2010-12-28T14:05:21 <gh_ju> ThomasWaldmann: so what is already done is to create the .pot (MoinMoin/translations) ?
92 2010-12-28T14:07:59 <skylamer`> thomas
93 2010-12-28T14:08:08 <skylamer`> do u have a bulgarian translation?\
94 2010-12-28T14:09:13 <ThomasWaldmann> gh_ju: there is a babel script in the top dir, have a look into it
95 2010-12-28T14:09:59 <ThomasWaldmann> enhance it, use it, replace it, do whatever is good for you :)
96 2010-12-28T14:10:05 <gh_ju> ok
97 2010-12-28T14:13:47 <NikitaUtiu> idk whether to continue with the code i started now or if i should keep the old one
98 2010-12-28T14:14:58 <ThomasWaldmann> NikitaUtiu: maybe you can get more/quicker feedback from some folks who are currently NOT at 27c3
99 2010-12-28T14:15:24 <NikitaUtiu> and who's not there ? :D
100 2010-12-28T14:18:00 <ThomasWaldmann> TheSheep: can you have a look?
101 2010-12-28T14:23:58 <NikitaUtiu> gotta go, bbl
102 2010-12-28T14:24:01 * ThomasWaldmann + xorAxAx + ronny + waldi are at 27c3
103 2010-12-28T14:24:04 *** NikitaUtiu
104 2010-12-28T14:41:24 *** maker__
105 2010-12-28T14:42:09 *** m4k3r
106 2010-12-28T14:49:04 *** maker__
107 2010-12-28T14:49:27 *** m4k3r
108 2010-12-28T14:50:11 *** cosmos_thought
109 2010-12-28T14:59:25 *** cosmos_t1ought
110 2010-12-28T15:04:29 *** NikitaUtiu
111 2010-12-28T16:09:32 *** skylamer`
112 2010-12-28T16:37:32 <gh_ju> how can i compile those docs in "docs"?
113 2010-12-28T16:38:51 *** cosmos_t1ought
114 2010-12-28T16:39:45 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: have you looked over my code?
115 2010-12-28T16:41:52 <gh_ju> i get http://pastebin.com/D9f1X8Fr
116 2010-12-28T16:52:45 *** NikitaUtiu
117 2010-12-28T16:55:21 <ThomasWaldmann> gh_ju: make html or so
118 2010-12-28T16:56:08 <gh_ju> ThomasWaldmann: is solved, thx; i still get errors but the documentation gets created ^^
119 2010-12-28T17:07:28 *** m4k3r
120 2010-12-28T17:08:02 *** cosmos_thought
121 2010-12-28T17:08:27 <cosmos_thought> back
122 2010-12-28T17:12:35 *** cosmos_t3ought
123 2010-12-28T17:37:14 *** m4k3r
124 2010-12-28T17:39:55 <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 10203:27569d20d678 2.0-dev/MoinMoin/ (apps/frontend/views.py items/__init__.py):
125 2010-12-28T17:39:55 <CIA-56> dom view: added converters url argument to specify which converters it shall call
126 2010-12-28T17:39:55 <CIA-56> Examples:
127 2010-12-28T17:39:55 <CIA-56> .../+dom/Foo?converters=smiley,link # input -> smiley -> link (default)
128 2010-12-28T17:39:55 <CIA-56> .../+dom/Foo?converters=smiley # input -> smiley
129 2010-12-28T17:39:56 <CIA-56> .../+dom/Foo?converters=link # input -> link
130 2010-12-28T17:39:57 <CIA-56> .../+dom/Foo?converters= # only input converter
131 2010-12-28T17:42:48 *** maker__
132 2010-12-28T17:45:21 *** m4k3r
133 2010-12-28T17:54:07 *** cosmos_t3ought
134 2010-12-28T17:54:48 *** cosmos_thought
135 2010-12-28T18:01:04 *** cosmos_thought
136 2010-12-28T18:01:21 <cosmos_thought> back
137 2010-12-28T18:05:52 *** NikitaUtiu
138 2010-12-28T18:21:46 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: when you have time, tell me if you've checked my code(no need to hurry if you're busy);)
139 2010-12-28T18:21:48 *** cosmos_thought
140 2010-12-28T18:23:20 *** gh_ju
141 2010-12-28T18:49:00 *** skylamer`
142 2010-12-28T18:49:19 *** kennym
143 2010-12-28T18:55:51 *** kennym
144 2010-12-28T19:19:14 <NikitaUtiu> also, how should the login work: each user should be able to add an bind to their account or simply login with the openid?
145 2010-12-28T19:48:46 *** cosmos_thought
146 2010-12-28T19:51:03 *** rfw
147 2010-12-28T19:51:03 *** rfw
148 2010-12-28T19:53:44 *** greg_f
149 2010-12-28T20:25:56 *** NikitaUtiu
150 2010-12-28T20:33:53 *** skylamer`
151 2010-12-28T20:37:08 *** gh_ju
152 2010-12-28T21:05:07 *** NikitaUtiu
153 2010-12-28T21:09:42 <dreimark> moin
154 2010-12-28T21:10:16 <dreimark> NikitaUtiu: sorry i have done a lot different things today, offline
155 2010-12-28T21:11:20 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: np ;), i just need to know if i can continue with that code or keep the previous revision
156 2010-12-28T21:11:36 <dreimark> i have not reviewed but will do. currently my opinion is show a way how openid can be implemented
157 2010-12-28T21:12:12 <dreimark> i wished xorAxAx will help, but he seems to be busy too
158 2010-12-28T21:13:21 <NikitaUtiu> well, with my code, i may be able to use the third party flask openid else i would probably need to go for python openid
159 2010-12-28T21:13:22 <dreimark> if there are others not yet implemented auth which need a different handling it must be done at that time when they are reimplemented
160 2010-12-28T21:14:50 <dreimark> check with your code if the current moin auth works too
161 2010-12-28T21:15:01 <NikitaUtiu> it works, i've checked it
162 2010-12-28T21:17:40 <dreimark> http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.9/file/15da7c614e45/wiki/config/more_samples/openid_sreg_wikiconfig_snippet
163 2010-12-28T21:18:04 <dreimark> in the past one can do have openid together with an other method too
164 2010-12-28T21:18:26 <dreimark> how can it be configured with youe change
165 2010-12-28T21:18:29 <dreimark> r
166 2010-12-28T21:23:46 <NikitaUtiu> so you say one could either login with a moin account or with his openid ?
167 2010-12-28T21:28:55 <NikitaUtiu> but i din't modify anyway how the auth process works, all methods will work, but it doesn't need to be called at every request, just on 'demand'
168 2010-12-28T21:32:22 <dreimark> ok
169 2010-12-28T21:32:55 <dreimark> how is on demand defined, i mean when will it be checked again.
170 2010-12-28T21:33:25 <dreimark> what not should happen is that e.g. if ldap is used, a user was removed from ldap
171 2010-12-28T21:33:34 <dreimark> and stays forever logged in
172 2010-12-28T21:36:55 <NikitaUtiu> a, so ldap is not to be called by the login view ? if i get it right
173 2010-12-28T21:37:26 <dreimark> it is at the login view
174 2010-12-28T21:37:55 <dreimark> but currently not implemented
175 2010-12-28T21:38:37 <dreimark> i think on every request verifies that the auth method used has that user defined
176 2010-12-28T21:38:51 <dreimark> or that the user is defined
177 2010-12-28T21:39:59 <NikitaUtiu> if you mean that if it checks whether the user is logged in, i left that code in setup_user so it's always run before request
178 2010-12-28T21:53:01 <NikitaUtiu> well it behaves well practically, i can login, logout, and i get logout if i clear my cookies
179 2010-12-28T21:54:08 <NikitaUtiu> dreimark: also, well talk tomorrow, it's late here
180 2010-12-28T21:54:15 <NikitaUtiu> bye
181 2010-12-28T21:59:28 *** NikitaUtiu
182 2010-12-28T22:12:58 * dreimark some discussion about points on the ML
183 2010-12-28T22:29:44 *** cosmos_thought
184 2010-12-28T22:31:53 *** aa__
185 2010-12-28T22:41:02 <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: easy: add to meta data who has contributed
186 2010-12-28T22:41:52 <ThomasWaldmann> what exactly does that mean (we already have editor metadata "edit_log_userid")
187 2010-12-28T22:45:45 <dreimark> the question is if we need it in logging later or want it in meta only
188 2010-12-28T22:46:02 <dreimark> if it is meta it is accessible by the ui
189 2010-12-28T22:47:02 <dreimark> having it in meta allowes social aspects e.g. showing who has contributed
190 2010-12-28T22:47:15 <dreimark> or accumulating points
191 2010-12-28T22:48:18 <dreimark> i am quite tired
192 2010-12-28T22:48:20 <dreimark> gn
193 2010-12-28T22:52:22 <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
194 2010-12-28T22:57:02 *** Samm
195 2010-12-28T22:57:30 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: there was somebody at our desk who was looking forward to see a moin lightning talk tomorrow
196 2010-12-28T22:57:36 <xorAxAx> ThomasWaldmann: will you give one?
197 2010-12-28T23:06:55 <ThomasWaldmann> i requested a slot
198 2010-12-28T23:07:43 *** maker__
199 2010-12-28T23:08:33 *** maker__
200 2010-12-28T23:09:15 <xorAxAx> cool
201 2010-12-28T23:09:50 <ThomasWaldmann> xorAxAx: you mean the moin hackcenter table by "desk"?
202 2010-12-28T23:11:05 <xorAxAx> yes
203 2010-12-28T23:18:19 <ThomasWaldmann> well, such a lt is rather to get someone to our desk. if he was already there, he could've gotten more infos in more than 4 minutes. :)
204 2010-12-28T23:20:31 *** cosmos_thought
205 2010-12-28T23:20:34 <cosmos_thought> back
206 2010-12-28T23:25:47 *** cosmos_thought
207 2010-12-28T23:39:02 *** cosmos_thought
208 2010-12-28T23:44:29 *** maker__
209 2010-12-28T23:45:20 *** maker__