1 2011-11-27T00:18:20  *** qxcv has joined #moin-dev
   2 2011-11-27T00:48:38  *** cdbs has joined #moin-dev
   3 2011-11-27T00:48:39  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: it's unreadable
   4 2011-11-27T00:48:53  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: here :)
   5 2011-11-27T00:49:15  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: also, the colors clash, especially the gray with the high-saturation colors like pink
   6 2011-11-27T00:50:17  <ThomasWaldmann> can we suggest a way to improve to the student?
   7 2011-11-27T00:50:31  <ThomasWaldmann> hi cdbs
   8 2011-11-27T00:56:17  <cdbs> So yeah, /me and ThomasWaldmann were discussing on what should be done about the revision IDs on the history pages
   9 2011-11-27T00:56:30  <cdbs> I'll change it to a fixed-width font, what else?
  10 2011-11-27T00:57:54  <ThomasWaldmann> shorten them
  11 2011-11-27T01:01:17  <cdbs> to just the first seven characters?
  12 2011-11-27T01:03:50  <cdbs> That's what Git does anyway
  13 2011-11-27T01:06:31  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: i put you suggestions into melange (as you did not)
  14 2011-11-27T01:07:18  <ThomasWaldmann> cdbs: yes, maybe even the first 4 or so are anough for practical purposes. if one needs to create a valid link, one will use the full revid
  15 2011-11-27T01:07:34  <ThomasWaldmann> so it is somehow just for human reference on the history page
  16 2011-11-27T01:07:52  <ThomasWaldmann> but make sure the links use the full length revid
  17 2011-11-27T01:07:59  <cdbs> okay
  18 2011-11-27T01:16:15  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: btw, first little android code works. it just records some sound file from the mic and sends me an email with it + gps coords / address + time
  19 2011-11-27T01:20:10  <ThomasWaldmann> qxcv: btw, the correct was to check for None is "if x is None"
  20 2011-11-27T01:20:38  <ThomasWaldmann> way*
  21 2011-11-27T01:21:09  <ThomasWaldmann> "not x" is also True if x == [], 0, (), or any other falsy value
  22 2011-11-27T01:21:58  <ThomasWaldmann> qxcv: you know the difference between "==" and "is"?
  23 2011-11-27T01:22:57  *** raignarok has quit IRC
  24 2011-11-27T01:23:46  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ^^
  25 2011-11-27T01:35:18  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: well you can use python/sl4a to do stuff like this but you wont be able to write something close to a native app
  26 2011-11-27T01:37:11  <ThomasWaldmann> that might be, but python is less pain than java :)
  27 2011-11-27T01:42:33  <qxcv> ThomasWaldmann: ok, fixed it
  28 2011-11-27T01:42:46  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: I would consider: 1. replace that gray color of lines with the main color of the banner, but darker, 2. Choose a more readable font, 3. Try a different font size, 4. try a drop shadow effect on the font to make it stand out more, 4. remove the pattern from the font's background
  29 2011-11-27T01:43:07  <TheSheep> ThomasWaldmann: not all of those options will look good, but some of them might help
  30 2011-11-27T01:46:54  <eSyr> TheSheep: shadow effect for figures with nontrivial border make them look dirty.
  31 2011-11-27T01:47:15  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann: sorry, i missed the tab where i wrote comment and forgot to send it -_-
  32 2011-11-27T02:01:55  <TheSheep> eSyr: if you do a very subtle shadow, it can work miracles
  33 2011-11-27T02:02:34  <TheSheep> eSyr: anyways, that's the thing that I would try doing and see if they help, I'm not saying that any of them should actally be done
  34 2011-11-27T02:18:19  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: what's the usual procedure for accepting patches? Upload a patch to melange?
  35 2011-11-27T02:20:28  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: I've already uploaded a patch to my task on melange, here: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7123370
  36 2011-11-27T02:20:33  <cdbs> tested, works well
  37 2011-11-27T02:21:44  *** nickr5 has joined #moin-dev
  38 2011-11-27T02:38:49  *** nickr5 has quit IRC
  39 2011-11-27T02:53:53  <eSyr> cdbs: http://moinmo.in/MoinDev/HowToCreatePatches
  40 2011-11-27T02:54:26  <eSyr> cdbs: to make long story short, use hg export.
  41 2011-11-27T02:54:41  <cdbs> I used hg log -p
  42 2011-11-27T02:55:54  <cdbs> alright, exported and uploaded a new patch
  43 2011-11-27T02:56:01  <eSyr> well, a cat is fine too^W^W^W^W patch looks ok.
  44 2011-11-27T02:56:31  <eSyr> (hm, in git last 6 chars used instead)
  45 2011-11-27T03:04:02  <cdbs> eSyr: well 7 are used AFAIK
  46 2011-11-27T03:18:23  <cdbs> eSyr: So if the patch is okay, can the task be closed?
  47 2011-11-27T06:03:42  *** qxcv has quit IRC
  48 2011-11-27T08:08:35  *** qxcv has joined #moin-dev
  49 2011-11-27T08:56:11  *** greg_f has joined #moin-dev
  50 2011-11-27T10:00:57  <dreimark> qxcv: sorry that was my fault doing that in the example
  51 2011-11-27T10:13:31  <qxcv> dreimark: the import-ordering?
  52 2011-11-27T10:16:53  <dreimark> i meant the is == thing
  53 2011-11-27T10:17:02  <dreimark> qxcv: have you also some failing tests?
  54 2011-11-27T10:17:35  <qxcv> yes, a bunch of 500s in the frontend app
  55 2011-11-27T10:20:43  *** NikitaUtiu has joined #moin-dev
  56 2011-11-27T10:40:12  *** greg_f has quit IRC
  57 2011-11-27T10:43:25  <dreimark> qxcv: why do you expect  status='200 OK' for ajaxdelete and destroy if the item doesn't exists
  58 2011-11-27T10:49:15  <qxcv> dreimark: because they give 200 either way, any errors are put in the response
  59 2011-11-27T10:50:11  <qxcv> presumably it will just give {"status": false} if the item doesn't exist
  60 2011-11-27T10:55:16  <dreimark> some of failing tests behave different with existing items. e.g. indexable and sitemap. the tests found a problem in the codebase
  61 2011-11-27T10:56:48  <dreimark> qxcv: ^
  62 2011-11-27T10:57:16  <dreimark> the convert_item tests needs an input of contentype to convert too
  63 2011-11-27T11:00:52  <dreimark> the convert itselfs looks likje to need a fix too
  64 2011-11-27T11:05:00  <dreimark> diffraw can't work with non existing item, but also should not crash
  65 2011-11-27T11:08:06  <qxcv> dreimark: ok, added a contenttype for test_convert_item
  66 2011-11-27T11:15:08  <eSyr> looks like i was too rough -_-
  67 2011-11-27T11:15:58  <dreimark> qxcv: have you looked what all is sended by the browser to delete by ajax_delete for an existing item?
  68 2011-11-27T11:17:32  <dreimark> eSyr: ?
  69 2011-11-27T11:17:53  <eSyr> dreimark: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7116303
  70 2011-11-27T11:18:02  <dreimark> qxcv: or if there is a difference, I wonder the 500
  71 2011-11-27T11:18:17  <qxcv> dreimark: O
  72 2011-11-27T11:18:29  <qxcv> *I had a look at what is sent by the client
  73 2011-11-27T11:18:57  <qxcv> it should all be there
  74 2011-11-27T11:34:53  <qxcv> dreimark: so which tests need fixing now?
  75 2011-11-27T11:36:08  <dreimark> qxcv: I am compared ajax_delete test with index function
  76 2011-11-27T11:36:21  <dreimark> the index function didn't send the item_name only a list
  77 2011-11-27T11:37:02  <dreimark> add a comment to the test also then
  78 2011-11-27T11:39:09  *** greg_f has joined #moin-dev
  79 2011-11-27T11:44:00  <qxcv> dreimark: add a comment to which test, what for?
  80 2011-11-27T11:44:46  <dreimark> the ajax_delete test has two routes, one is not tested yet
  81 2011-11-27T11:45:02  <dreimark> the one without sending an item_name didn't fail
  82 2011-11-27T11:46:56  <qxcv> so you just want me to add a comment saying that the route without an explicitly specified item_name doesn't currently fail?
  83 2011-11-27T11:47:24  <dreimark> no, better make it to test the other route too
  84 2011-11-27T11:47:35  <dreimark> then we see by the test that one is failing
  85 2011-11-27T11:50:48  <dreimark> qxcv: same for ajaxdestroy
  86 2011-11-27T11:51:37  <dreimark> I add currently a comment to melange
  87 2011-11-27T11:51:52  *** jek has quit IRC
  88 2011-11-27T11:53:06  *** qxcv has quit IRC
  89 2011-11-27T11:53:22  *** jek has joined #moin-dev
  90 2011-11-27T11:53:37  *** qxcv has joined #moin-dev
  91 2011-11-27T11:53:55  *** NikitaUtiu has quit IRC
  92 2011-11-27T11:54:30  <dreimark> qxcv: wait my comment on melange
  93 2011-11-27T11:58:45  <dreimark> qxcv: done, hopefully it is understandable
  94 2011-11-27T12:01:53  <qxcv> dreimark: added extra tests for ajaxdestroy and ajaxdelete
  95 2011-11-27T12:02:26  <qxcv> should test both routes now
  96 2011-11-27T12:13:30  * dreimark looks
  97 2011-11-27T12:22:21  <dreimark> qxcv: you are done
  98 2011-11-27T12:24:19  <qxcv> sweet, ty :)
  99 2011-11-27T12:35:20  <dreimark> is Bilal Akhtar here ?
 100 2011-11-27T12:36:54  <dreimark> cdbs: please see my comment on melange
 101 2011-11-27T12:45:12  *** qxcv has quit IRC
 102 2011-11-27T12:53:26  *** MattMaker has quit IRC
 103 2011-11-27T13:11:29  *** MattMaker has joined #moin-dev
 104 2011-11-27T14:02:22  <ThomasWaldmann>     moin
 105 2011-11-27T14:17:41  *** pkumar has joined #moin-dev
 106 2011-11-27T14:21:17  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: http://moinmo.in/4ct10n/info/EasyToDo/make%20subitems%20theme%20widget%20%28modify%29?action=diff&rev2=3&rev1=1 why did you set this to 1?
 107 2011-11-27T14:22:46  <ThomasWaldmann> eSyr: pkumar: btw, hi tasks are in review state again
 108 2011-11-27T14:23:30  <pkumar> ok, will do
 109 2011-11-27T14:28:44  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: btw, find/fix bug tasks claimers need to specify what they want to work on - on melange
 110 2011-11-27T14:29:58  <ThomasWaldmann> AND, if it is a bb issue or described on a wiki bug page, they should tell THERE that they work on it
 111 2011-11-27T14:32:34  *** raignarok has joined #moin-dev
 112 2011-11-27T14:36:30  *** raignarok has quit IRC
 113 2011-11-27T14:38:54  *** raignarok has joined #moin-dev
 114 2011-11-27T14:59:48  *** raignarok has quit IRC
 115 2011-11-27T15:32:38  *** raignarok has joined #moin-dev
 116 2011-11-27T15:38:26  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: /make subitems ...
 117 2011-11-27T15:38:51  <dreimark> because if we have only one chance to add tasks we should do it
 118 2011-11-27T15:41:15  <dreimark> bbl
 119 2011-11-27T16:42:13  *** grzywacz has joined #moin-dev
 120 2011-11-27T17:07:10  *** KrisBerov has joined #moin-dev
 121 2011-11-27T17:07:12  *** KrisBerov has left #moin-dev
 122 2011-11-27T17:07:27  *** Donald95 has joined #moin-dev
 123 2011-11-27T17:08:37  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: ah, ok
 124 2011-11-27T17:09:01  * ThomasWaldmann suspected that was the reason. btw, iirc, we get a second chance some time in december maybe
 125 2011-11-27T18:04:37  <cdbs> Fixed my patch, re-uploaded it to melange: http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7123370
 126 2011-11-27T18:27:16  <ThomasWaldmann> hi cdbs
 127 2011-11-27T18:28:52  <ThomasWaldmann> cdbs: looking at the improved2 changeset
 128 2011-11-27T18:29:12  <ThomasWaldmann> first thing one notices it that your userid looks a bit strange.
 129 2011-11-27T18:29:19  <cdbs> uhmm, why?
 130 2011-11-27T18:29:25  <cdbs> should it be my e-mail address?
 131 2011-11-27T18:29:31  * cdbs is new to mercurial
 132 2011-11-27T18:29:37  <ThomasWaldmann> in case you want to be correctly credited in repo history, you should configure name/email correctly in .hgrc
 133 2011-11-27T18:29:55  <ThomasWaldmann> currently it is just "bilal"
 134 2011-11-27T18:29:55  <cdbs> aaand if I don't? :)
 135 2011-11-27T18:30:49  <ThomasWaldmann> if you want to stay anonymous or just bilal, you can leave it as is. but it is no good in case there are questions later or in case you want to show your FOSS contributions some time.
 136 2011-11-27T18:31:32  *** raignarok has quit IRC
 137 2011-11-27T18:31:55  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: Alright, if you want to import that patch you can take it as: Bilal Akhtar <bilalakhtar@ubuntu.com> for now
 138 2011-11-27T18:32:12  <cdbs> since if I edit the patch, I'll need to upload a new one instead, which will add noise for no big change
 139 2011-11-27T18:32:47  <cdbs> I've set my hgrc so future patches will be formatted properly
 140 2011-11-27T18:33:49  <ThomasWaldmann> i think we need another iteration anyway
 141 2011-11-27T18:34:34  <ThomasWaldmann> at one place you are using a function and map() to put that revidshort into the history_item
 142 2011-11-27T18:34:47  <ThomasWaldmann> but at most places, you just use [:7]
 143 2011-11-27T18:35:04  <ThomasWaldmann> the mixture and using a hardcoded constant at multiple places is a bit ugly
 144 2011-11-27T18:36:21  <ThomasWaldmann> so, i think for simplicity, we'll just use a shorten_revid function that is available in the template environment
 145 2011-11-27T18:36:37  <ThomasWaldmann> or rather shorten_id even (there are other such ids)
 146 2011-11-27T18:37:11  <ThomasWaldmann> shall I give you some pointers about how to implement it?
 147 2011-11-27T18:37:51  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: hmm
 148 2011-11-27T18:38:03  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: I'm using map because in the history case, its an array
 149 2011-11-27T18:38:11  <cdbs> an array of many docs which contain revids
 150 2011-11-27T18:38:16  <cdbs> so it gets somewhat complicated
 151 2011-11-27T18:38:35  <ThomasWaldmann> if you do it at the place where it is rendered, you will have a simple value to shorten
 152 2011-11-27T18:38:40  <cdbs> hmm
 153 2011-11-27T18:38:47  <cdbs> ThomasWaldmann: is there a template function for it?
 154 2011-11-27T18:39:40  <ThomasWaldmann> look into MoinMoin.themes.setup_jinja_env
 155 2011-11-27T18:40:13  <ThomasWaldmann> see there shorten_item_name there? just do it in the same way with shorten_id.
 156 2011-11-27T18:40:20  *** greg_f has quit IRC
 157 2011-11-27T18:40:54  <cdbs> oh nice
 158 2011-11-27T18:42:48  <ThomasWaldmann> also, try to do that shorten_id() late, so you do not need to give additional params to functions/macros
 159 2011-11-27T18:43:08  <cdbs> okay
 160 2011-11-27T18:43:20  <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. you modified show_meta macro args, this is not needed, you can just do it in show_meta
 161 2011-11-27T18:43:34  <cdbs> yup I got it
 162 2011-11-27T18:47:30  <cdbs> will upload an improved patch later today
 163 2011-11-27T18:47:51  <ThomasWaldmann> ok
 164 2011-11-27T19:25:06  <pkumar> ThomasWaldmann : seems fine to me, though it lacks proper hindi grammar at few places due to machine translation errors. Though message is conveyed from sentences.
 165 2011-11-27T19:26:09  <pkumar> eSyr : ^
 166 2011-11-27T19:26:49  <eSyr> pkumar: how many of those places are?
 167 2011-11-27T19:27:46  <eSyr> (i think, if it's only 3-5 of them, just accept student's work and sincerely ask you to fix them yourself, i think it would be quicker)
 168 2011-11-27T19:30:05  <pkumar> those are quite a few, more or less grammatically incorrect. Though in my view the task is acceptable keeping in mind that Hindi is having very flexible grammar.
 169 2011-11-27T19:30:11  <dreimark> re
 170 2011-11-27T19:32:06  <pkumar> so little diversion is all right, still few needs to be taken care of
 171 2011-11-27T19:32:48  <pkumar> eSyr : ^
 172 2011-11-27T19:34:06  <eSyr> aha, ok.
 173 2011-11-27T19:38:42  <pkumar> bbl
 174 2011-11-27T19:38:42  *** pkumar has quit IRC
 175 2011-11-27T19:51:59  <eSyr> ehrrrm.
 176 2011-11-27T19:52:07  <eSyr> having problems with merging -_-
 177 2011-11-27T20:14:20  <ThomasWaldmann> make sure you are working on the right branch
 178 2011-11-27T20:27:56  <izibi> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7180243 is it possible to extend the deadline of this task? i guess i won't finish this until tomorrow. too much stuff to do for school :(
 179 2011-11-27T20:29:01  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5795:7b6a5e274264 1.9/contrib/googleimport/driver.py: googleimport: only use first work for some entries, be flexible with 'Type'/'Types'
 180 2011-11-27T20:29:03  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 5796:77502530f348 1.9/wiki/data/intermap.txt: updated interwiki map, thanks to Dimitar Dimitrov
 181 2011-11-27T20:31:12  <ThomasWaldmann> izibi: +2d
 182 2011-11-27T20:31:46  <izibi> ThomasWaldmann: thx, should be enough ;)
 183 2011-11-27T20:57:42  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: the stuff of qxcv needs more work
 184 2011-11-27T21:10:37  <dreimark> hmm, then i closed it to early. otherwise we have also two reports about diff and diffraw problems
 185 2011-11-27T21:11:11  <dreimark> convert and indexable have also issues
 186 2011-11-27T21:13:15  <eSyr> ThomasWaldmann: well, i meant merging hi po files.
 187 2011-11-27T21:15:02  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: i don't mean that some tests are failing, but rather the reason why they fail.
 188 2011-11-27T21:15:32  <ThomasWaldmann> e.g. it does many tests with a non-existing item. and then calls destroy or whatever on it.
 189 2011-11-27T21:15:51  <ThomasWaldmann> it would've made more sense with an existing item.
 190 2011-11-27T21:16:10  <dreimark> true, those would need to create two revisions of an item.
 191 2011-11-27T21:16:33  <ThomasWaldmann> also, the view tests use 2 different ways now and the view test methods have content_type and content_types - not very consistent.
 192 2011-11-27T21:16:36  *** grzywacz has quit IRC
 193 2011-11-27T21:20:32  <dreimark> i be more carefully the next time.
 194 2011-11-27T21:20:38  <dreimark> -ly
 195 2011-11-27T21:21:12  * ThomasWaldmann fixed the easy bugs discovered by it
 196 2011-11-27T22:11:26  *** raignarok has joined #moin-dev
 197 2011-11-27T22:15:56  <dreimark> http://www.google-melange.com/gci/task/view/google/gci2011/7177225
 198 2011-11-27T22:16:41  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: what is he telling about the slashes in the comment
 199 2011-11-27T22:25:54  <dreimark> ThomasWaldmann: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Events/CeBIT-Open-Source-2012-Call-for-Projects
 200 2011-11-27T22:41:01  <ThomasWaldmann> dreimark: I'll look at the slashes. i suspect he fixed the wrong place.
 201 2011-11-27T22:57:53  <ThomasWaldmann> ok, i commented there
 202 2011-11-27T23:28:47  *** Donald95 has quit IRC
 203 2011-11-27T23:29:47  *** Donald95 has joined #moin-dev
 204 2011-11-27T23:37:32  <dreimark> gn
 205 2011-11-27T23:38:04  <ThomasWaldmann> gn dreimark
 206 2011-11-27T23:44:32  *** ronny has quit IRC
 207 2011-11-27T23:44:33  *** izibi has quit IRC
 208 2011-11-27T23:45:00  *** izibi has joined #moin-dev
 209 2011-11-27T23:45:07  *** ronny has joined #moin-dev
 210 2011-11-27T23:59:13  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1089:8c86c3649c74 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/ (5 files in 5 dirs): Add high-level view tests for all views.
 211 2011-11-27T23:59:14  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1090:39411515903a 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/ (admin/_tests/test_admin.py frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py): Unroll test parameterisation, they all run now.
 212 2011-11-27T23:59:14  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1091:6c852dc342e3 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: Fix more test HTTP statuses
 213 2011-11-27T23:59:15  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1092:890d8d48e30d 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: Fix up the POST tests, add a debug print for testing
 214 2011-11-27T23:59:16  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1093:d37908dbf793 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/ (4 files in 4 dirs):
 215 2011-11-27T23:59:16  <CIA-56> Fix ordering of imports (as per PEP-8) and make sure there are no mutable
 216 2011-11-27T23:59:16  <CIA-56> default arguments
 217 2011-11-27T23:59:17  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1094:e8b9c71bcc6d 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: fix more default arguments, re-order the imports
 218 2011-11-27T23:59:17  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1095:9d8a9b973276 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: use "is" instead of "not"
 219 2011-11-27T23:59:18  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1096:84360f7f80d1 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: add a contenttype for item conversion test
 220 2011-11-27T23:59:22  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1097:70f94ab2a956 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: add a second test for the other route in ajaxdelete
 221 2011-11-27T23:59:22  <CIA-56> Sam Toyer <samATqxcvDOTnet> default * 1098:afcc778f8536 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: fix ajaxdestroy also
 222 2011-11-27T23:59:23  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 1099:2068f99501c5 2.0/MoinMoin/ (apps/frontend/views.py items/__init__.py): fix a few bugs exposed by the new view tests
 223 2011-11-27T23:59:26  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 1100:b2cd15ea13df 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py:
 224 2011-11-27T23:59:26  <CIA-56> frontend tests: make get/post helper api more consistent, fix bug, cosmetic changes
 225 2011-11-27T23:59:26  <CIA-56> the post helper was accidentally doing a substring test for the content-type
 226 2011-11-27T23:59:26  <CIA-56> (at the same place in the get helper it uses a list/tuple-member test).
 227 2011-11-27T23:59:29  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 1102:a342026de13f 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/test_frontend.py: fix diff/diffraw view tests (gives 404 for invalid rev1/rev2 now), add TODO
 228 2011-11-27T23:59:29  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 1103:ed265a8018bf 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py: fix indexable/sitemap views for non-existing items
 229 2011-11-27T23:59:30  <CIA-56> Thomas Waldmann <tw AT waldmann-edv DOT de> default * 1101:030ea64d4670 2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py: diff views: utility function to get rev1/rev2 from values (fails early if not given)
 230 2011-11-27T23:59:50  <ThomasWaldmann> 2 tests failing now

MoinMoin: MoinMoinChat/Logs/moin-dev/2011-11-27 (last edited 2011-11-26 23:45:02 by IrcLogImporter)