1 2013-03-21T04:11:40 *** sharky93
2 2013-03-21T04:21:45 *** sharky93
3 2013-03-21T04:22:21 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, Issue updated, please review https://codereview.appspot.com/7897043
4 2013-03-21T04:41:29 *** Pods
5 2013-03-21T04:41:44 <Pods> dreimark: ping
6 2013-03-21T05:04:46 *** nap
7 2013-03-21T05:05:10 *** nap
8 2013-03-21T05:09:15 <Guest98725> Hello
9 2013-03-21T05:12:35 <Guest98725> is it necessary to fix bugs for moin or could i just send patch before sending gsoc proposal.
10 2013-03-21T05:32:07 *** Guest98725
11 2013-03-21T05:53:04 <dreimark> Pods: pong
12 2013-03-21T05:53:07 <dreimark> moin
13 2013-03-21T05:55:26 <Pods> dreimark : is moin a greeting here ?? :)
14 2013-03-21T05:56:51 <Pods> btw, been looking at stuff to contribute in, would you want you want to suggest anything from last time
15 2013-03-21T05:57:23 <Pods> any bugs to solve for validation of meta data or maybe dom tree contents
16 2013-03-21T05:57:40 *** sharky93
17 2013-03-21T06:01:29 *** sharky93
18 2013-03-21T06:02:47 *** AndChat|119664
19 2013-03-21T06:06:18 *** sharky93
20 2013-03-21T06:06:20 <dreimark> Pods: yes a timezone independent greeting
21 2013-03-21T06:06:44 <Pods> great !
22 2013-03-21T06:14:19 <dreimark> Pods: look at _tests/test_moinwiki_in_out.py
23 2013-03-21T06:14:32 <dreimark> the test is skipped
24 2013-03-21T06:15:31 <dreimark> you can also look on all MOINTODO, MWTODO, RSTTODO, CREOLETODO markers in the docs
25 2013-03-21T06:16:09 <Pods> yes it hasnt been written yet it seems
26 2013-03-21T06:19:23 <dreimark> http://moinmo.in/EasyToDo#Code
27 2013-03-21T06:19:31 <dreimark> 1x check the currently skipped roundtrip test MoinMoin/converter/_tests/test_moinwiki_in_out.py:131 and break it down into multiple tests. skip the currently failing part, but do not skip the currently succeeding parts.
28 2013-03-21T06:21:30 <Pods> got it :)
29 2013-03-21T06:21:45 <Pods> also modules like babel need to be installed externally , right ??
30 2013-03-21T06:25:23 <dreimark> Pods: no
31 2013-03-21T06:25:32 <dreimark> your env setup is broken
32 2013-03-21T06:25:54 <Pods> oh :\ Any fix ??
33 2013-03-21T06:26:13 <dreimark> have you posted yesterday the log ?
34 2013-03-21T06:26:55 <Pods> dont thinkso..
35 2013-03-21T06:27:11 <dreimark> install_requires has Flask-Babel>=0.7
36 2013-03-21T06:28:07 <Pods> well yes this is one of the errors and I was having to download all modules Xstatic-* etc seperately
37 2013-03-21T06:28:31 <Pods> Was trying to reconfigure the setup
38 2013-03-21T06:28:47 <Pods> looks like that is giving the same problem too
39 2013-03-21T06:30:05 <dreimark> Pods: http://dpaste.com/1029032/
40 2013-03-21T06:30:20 <dreimark> this was rihnapstor yeseterday
41 2013-03-21T06:31:32 <Pods> I am on the contrary getting an error connecting to https://pypi.python.org/simple/ I think
42 2013-03-21T06:32:12 <Pods> For each test I run I get a dozen Import errors unless I install each module seperately
43 2013-03-21T06:32:45 <dreimark> Pods: all this installation is done with the quickinstall script
44 2013-03-21T06:33:13 <dreimark> please redo it, log what it does, we have to find out why it does not do good on your site
45 2013-03-21T06:33:48 <Pods> sure will do now
46 2013-03-21T06:36:22 <Pods> http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=51yvDRJX
47 2013-03-21T06:36:29 <Pods> This is what the log gives me
48 2013-03-21T06:36:36 <Pods> *quickinstall
49 2013-03-21T06:37:39 <dreimark> Pods: you used the existing env
50 2013-03-21T06:37:47 <dreimark> disable it and rename it
51 2013-03-21T06:38:20 <Pods> okay meaning using any of the virtual enviornments will work
52 2013-03-21T06:43:15 <Pods> http://moinmo.in/HowTo/UbuntuQuick#Install_MoinMoin, The documentation here does the installation directly
53 2013-03-21T06:43:23 <dreimark> Pods: no
54 2013-03-21T06:43:36 <dreimark> we develop moin2
55 2013-03-21T06:43:37 <Pods> Following this gives me an error too
56 2013-03-21T06:44:01 <dreimark> if you install moin-1 from the archive please follow the docs
57 2013-03-21T06:44:09 <Pods> yes, I am sorry this is moin1.9
58 2013-03-21T06:44:17 <dreimark> in cocs
59 2013-03-21T06:44:21 <dreimark> in docs
60 2013-03-21T06:44:49 <dreimark> Pods: deactivate the (env)
61 2013-03-21T06:45:01 <dreimark> move it to backup.env
62 2013-03-21T06:45:14 <dreimark> run quickinstall and log its output
63 2013-03-21T06:45:36 <Pods> okay will do
64 2013-03-21T06:49:14 <dreimark> brb
65 2013-03-21T06:51:20 *** ronny_
66 2013-03-21T06:58:23 *** sharky93
67 2013-03-21T06:58:25 *** AndChat|119664
68 2013-03-21T07:09:59 <dreimark> re
69 2013-03-21T07:14:56 <Pods> dreimark : http://dpaste.com/1029850/
70 2013-03-21T07:15:43 <Pods> these are the error messages i get at the end http://dpaste.com/1029851/
71 2013-03-21T07:28:59 <dreimark> Pods: have you renamed env?
72 2013-03-21T07:29:17 <dreimark> http://dpaste.com/1029850/ this didn't look like so
73 2013-03-21T07:29:35 <dreimark> Not overwriting existing python script env/bin/python (you must use env/bin/python2.7)
74 2013-03-21T07:29:53 <dreimark> Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade)
75 2013-03-21T07:33:07 <dreimark> on a fresh clone is starts like this http://dpaste.com/1029865/
76 2013-03-21T07:43:14 *** sharky93
77 2013-03-21T07:55:02 *** haseeb
78 2013-03-21T08:01:26 <Pods> dreimark : yes, i had forgotten to remove the copy of it earlier, sorry .
79 2013-03-21T08:03:39 <Pods> This is the new paste http://dpaste.com/1029891/
80 2013-03-21T08:03:52 <Pods> ^log for quickinstall
81 2013-03-21T08:05:56 <Pods> dreimark: the errors still pertain while running test_moinwiki_in_out.py
82 2013-03-21T09:04:51 *** greg_f
83 2013-03-21T09:36:54 <dreimark> Pods: have you done source /tmp/moin-2.0/env/bin/activate
84 2013-03-21T09:37:00 <dreimark> moin index-create -s -i
85 2013-03-21T09:37:05 <dreimark> make test ?
86 2013-03-21T09:51:02 *** haseeb
87 2013-03-21T10:10:17 *** Guest67654
88 2013-03-21T10:10:28 <Guest67654> hello
89 2013-03-21T10:14:18 *** haseeb
90 2013-03-21T10:35:32 <dreimark> hi Guest67654
91 2013-03-21T10:36:10 *** ashutosh1461
92 2013-03-21T10:37:44 <Guest67654> dreimark: can i submit a patch with gsoc proposal or is it necessary to do bug fixes ?
93 2013-03-21T10:45:55 <Guest67654> dreimark: ?
94 2013-03-21T10:57:22 <Guest67654> can i submit a patch with gsoc proposal or is it necessary to do bug fixes ?
95 2013-03-21T11:21:15 <ThomasWaldmann> Guest67654: put your changeset on codereview.appspot.com please
96 2013-03-21T11:39:14 *** Guest67654
97 2013-03-21T11:44:57 <ashutosh1461> ThomasWaldmann, final code, https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/#ps15001 RoggerHasse checked it btw.
98 2013-03-21T12:03:42 *** haseeb
99 2013-03-21T12:22:31 *** greg_f
100 2013-03-21T12:24:03 *** ronny_
101 2013-03-21T12:24:09 *** greg_f
102 2013-03-21T12:26:02 *** ronny
103 2013-03-21T12:26:03 *** ronny
104 2013-03-21T12:51:26 <Pods> dreimark : make test gives me an error ImportMismatchError: ('MoinMoin.conftest', '/tmp/moin-2.0/MoinMoin/conftest.py', local('/tmp/moin-2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/moin-2.0.0a0-py2.7.egg/MoinMoin/conftest.py'))
105 2013-03-21T12:55:33 <ashutosh1461> Pods, delete the build directory if present and then run.
106 2013-03-21T12:56:19 <Pods> ashutosh1461: why is build poing problems here anyways ??
107 2013-03-21T12:59:41 <Pods> Error still pertains :\
108 2013-03-21T12:59:59 <ashutosh1461> Pods, i faced the same issue few days back, it is on the tracker, #116 removing the build directory worked for me, dont know what causes the error
109 2013-03-21T13:00:08 <ashutosh1461> check out #116
110 2013-03-21T13:01:06 <Pods> sure thanks
111 2013-03-21T13:04:18 *** ashutosh1461
112 2013-03-21T13:26:36 *** rihnapstor
113 2013-03-21T13:29:38 <Pods> dreimark : can you suggest something for this #116 issue, removing build doesnt seem to work for me
114 2013-03-21T13:42:45 <rihnapstor> Pods: whats the issue btw?
115 2013-03-21T13:43:29 <Pods> the issue is that make gives me the error "ImportMismatchError: ('MoinMoin.conftest', '/tmp/moin-2.0/MoinMoin/conftest.py', local('/tmp/moin-2.0/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/_tests/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/moin-2.0.0a0-py2.7.egg/MoinMoin/conftest.py'))"
116 2013-03-21T13:43:40 <Pods> *make tests
117 2013-03-21T13:43:52 <Pods> running make test
118 2013-03-21T13:46:02 <dreimark> rihnapstor: your paste bin showd that you have a md5sum error for babel
119 2013-03-21T13:46:19 <dreimark> have you fixed that?
120 2013-03-21T13:46:45 <rihnapstor> yes dreimark i will just show you the complete output.
121 2013-03-21T13:47:28 <rihnapstor> i had no issues after rebuilding the env directory
122 2013-03-21T13:48:08 <rihnapstor> dreimark: here you go http://dpaste.com/1029096/
123 2013-03-21T13:50:01 *** ronny
124 2013-03-21T13:52:33 * rihnapstor will be right back
125 2013-03-21T13:52:35 <dreimark> rihnapstor: moin index-create -s -i
126 2013-03-21T13:52:40 <dreimark> done ?
127 2013-03-21T13:53:26 *** RogerHaase
128 2013-03-21T13:54:54 <rihnapstor> yeah and even loaded some items
129 2013-03-21T13:56:01 <rihnapstor> i am studying #347 issue
130 2013-03-21T13:56:36 * rihnapstor will be back
131 2013-03-21T13:56:38 *** rihnapstor
132 2013-03-21T14:04:36 *** ronny
133 2013-03-21T14:36:28 *** bruno_
134 2013-03-21T15:05:04 *** ashutosh1461
135 2013-03-21T15:19:01 *** vaishaks
136 2013-03-21T15:20:20 *** sharky93
137 2013-03-21T15:23:00 *** Pods
138 2013-03-21T15:37:39 *** rihnapstor
139 2013-03-21T15:40:10 *** Pods
140 2013-03-21T15:40:47 *** Pods
141 2013-03-21T15:59:41 *** puneet
142 2013-03-21T16:00:08 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, please review this https://codereview.appspot.com/7897043, complete with tests( 2 fails, 1 in ticket.py, 1 in blogs) both of which exist in a fresh clone.
143 2013-03-21T16:05:04 <ThomasWaldmann> hi sharky93
144 2013-03-21T16:05:29 <ThomasWaldmann> i am looking at it. btw, to make selecting, copy and paste easier, always have a blank before/after urls
145 2013-03-21T16:08:07 <sharky93> ok, will keep that in mind!
146 2013-03-21T16:09:48 <dreimark> sharky93: done
147 2013-03-21T16:10:12 <dreimark> sharky93: yeah, second time I struggeld by the , too
148 2013-03-21T16:10:59 <sharky93> hmm, my bad
149 2013-03-21T16:12:36 <ThomasWaldmann> (on linux, one can usually select urls by double-click, but it also selects the trailing comma)
150 2013-03-21T16:12:52 <ThomasWaldmann> done with review
151 2013-03-21T16:13:21 <ThomasWaldmann> structurally you are on the right way, but you need to make it working still
152 2013-03-21T16:14:27 <ashutosh1461> dreimark, hello, i wanted some initials on the item bug, and please review this one https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/#ps15001 .
153 2013-03-21T16:18:05 <ThomasWaldmann> what do you mean with "initials"?
154 2013-03-21T16:24:40 <ashutosh1461> i had an idea of adding a new base-item(or parent-item ) id in the meta, which would help in correcting the bug, Also implementing sorting of sub-items would become a bit easier on that basis.
155 2013-03-21T16:25:48 <dreimark> ashutosh1461: please keep in mind name can be a list
156 2013-03-21T16:27:48 <ashutosh1461> so, should we change patches of code in each and every file that deal with sub-items ?
157 2013-03-21T16:28:29 <dreimark> and the subitems name is always in name saved
158 2013-03-21T16:28:38 <dreimark> and the delimiter is a /
159 2013-03-21T16:29:14 <dreimark> ashutosh1461: i don't think you need a new meta var
160 2013-03-21T16:29:57 *** spy
161 2013-03-21T16:30:22 *** spy
162 2013-03-21T16:31:06 *** Guest69537
163 2013-03-21T16:44:16 *** Pods
164 2013-03-21T16:44:25 *** Pods
165 2013-03-21T16:58:29 <rihnapstor> RogerHaase: i am trying to fix issue #347,can you tell me more about it.
166 2013-03-21T16:59:28 *** haseeb
167 2013-03-21T17:05:11 <RogerHaase> rihnapstor: you added item_root = "FrontPage" to your wikiconfig_editme as we discussed before?
168 2013-03-21T17:06:15 <rihnapstor> yes
169 2013-03-21T17:06:23 <rihnapstor> admin access granted
170 2013-03-21T17:08:28 <RogerHaase> dreimark: per my test, ashutosh1461's fix works even if both target and item being renamed have aliases. what do you mean "name can be a list"
171 2013-03-21T17:11:30 <RogerHaase> rihnapstor: the admin access via superuser and item_root are not related. Did you click Home link or moin logo and see FrontPage is not defined?
172 2013-03-21T17:11:37 *** rihnapstor
173 2013-03-21T17:11:40 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, dreimark added comment, with the review -> https://codereview.appspot.com/7897043/diff/28001/MoinMoin/themes/__init__.py
174 2013-03-21T17:14:22 *** haseeb
175 2013-03-21T17:21:14 <ashutosh1461> RogerHaase, ThomasWaldmann updated :D https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/#ps19001 , checked the error part.
176 2013-03-21T17:23:48 *** rihnapstor
177 2013-03-21T17:24:04 *** rihnapstor
178 2013-03-21T17:25:07 <dreimark> RogerHaase: the name attribute in meta is a list
179 2013-03-21T17:25:27 *** rihnapstor
180 2013-03-21T17:25:27 *** rihnapstor
181 2013-03-21T17:26:00 <rihnapstor> RogerHaase: how can i get on with issue #347
182 2013-03-21T17:26:32 <dreimark> RogerHaase: https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/issue/335/subitem-links-are-incorrect-due-to-name
183 2013-03-21T17:26:50 <dreimark> isn't it that issue?
184 2013-03-21T17:27:27 <RogerHaase> rihnapstor: the admin access via superuser and item_root are not related. Did you click Home link or moin logo and see FrontPage does not exist?
185 2013-03-21T17:28:46 <rihnapstor> yes RogerHaase i saw the FrontPage doesn't exist.
186 2013-03-21T17:29:05 <dreimark> RogerHaase: ignore i mixed it up. that is another issue
187 2013-03-21T17:29:15 <RogerHaase> dreimark: I thought he was fixing https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/issue/346/item-rename-allows-new-name-to-reuse
188 2013-03-21T17:30:09 <rihnapstor> RogerHaase: i am trying to fix https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/issue/347/navibar-link-for-home-should-be-item_root
189 2013-03-21T17:30:25 *** greg_f
190 2013-03-21T17:30:30 <dreimark> RogerHaase: i looked what he has claimed
191 2013-03-21T17:30:36 <dreimark> that was the mistake
192 2013-03-21T17:31:23 * dreimark please students add in the review message the issue number of the tracker
193 2013-03-21T17:31:50 <RogerHaase> rihnapstor: so when you click on Home link, you get FrontPage, so "Home" should say "FrontPage"
194 2013-03-21T17:32:04 <RogerHaase> dreimark: ok
195 2013-03-21T17:32:18 <ashutosh1461> RogerHaase, I was also fixing that issue (#346 ), but also wanted to solve for the sub-item one(#335) .
196 2013-03-21T17:37:04 <rihnapstor> so what i understood is that the Home link which is wrapped in <li></li> should be changed to FrontPage ?
197 2013-03-21T17:44:20 <RogerHaase> rihnapstor: yes, but you must get the value from item_root
198 2013-03-21T17:45:51 *** chetna
199 2013-03-21T17:45:59 *** chetna
200 2013-03-21T17:52:31 <rihnapstor> ok thanks RogerHaase ,i will try to solve that bug.
201 2013-03-21T18:00:08 <sharky93> why is the use of "has_key()" for dictionaries, deprecated, MoinMoin runs on Python 2.7 ? iirc has_key was deprecated only in 3.1 ?
202 2013-03-21T18:16:38 <RogerHaase> sharky93: http://moinmo.in/Python3
203 2013-03-21T18:18:34 <sharky93> ah, so support for Python3 in MoinMoin has begun :)
204 2013-03-21T18:25:49 <ThomasWaldmann> sharky93: has_key is deprecated in python since long. some apis might require it still, though.
205 2013-03-21T18:26:02 <ThomasWaldmann> using "in" is just easier
206 2013-03-21T18:26:56 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, yeah, btw i used it for -> https://codereview.appspot.com/7897043/diff/33001/MoinMoin/themes/__init__.py
207 2013-03-21T18:38:02 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, i uploaded the patch, sorry for so many patches!, i'll try my best to identify and fix rather easy bugs henceforth, please review -> https://codereview.appspot.com/7897043
208 2013-03-21T18:39:40 <ThomasWaldmann> sharky93: no you don't
209 2013-03-21T18:40:47 <ThomasWaldmann> please think more before coding. in projects like gsoc, you have to do most of the work and your mentor is just there to advise you (but not line-by-line for each line in the code)
210 2013-03-21T18:42:35 <ThomasWaldmann> and the review frequency should be much lower / the amount of useful changes much higher than in the current one
211 2013-03-21T18:43:19 *** ashutosh1461
212 2013-03-21T18:47:27 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, i understand, this being my first fix with MoinMoin has been rather messy
213 2013-03-21T18:48:15 <ThomasWaldmann> no, that's not about moin, rather about how you code in general
214 2013-03-21T18:49:03 <ThomasWaldmann> try to do less adhoc hacking and trial and error, more thinking "what do I want to achieve here" first until it is completely clear, then code, then test
215 2013-03-21T18:51:35 <sharky93> yeah, true that!, getting the first fix got me a bit more excited!, i'll surely try to keep improving
216 2013-03-21T18:56:52 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, could you please advise just once more, with the mistake in the last patch
217 2013-03-21T18:59:52 <ThomasWaldmann> it's just wrong. e.g. think about why you set item_name = None - do you ever want to have it None?
218 2013-03-21T19:00:15 <ThomasWaldmann> also, you are modifying stuff in cases you do not want to modify anything.
219 2013-03-21T19:07:36 <sharky93> my thinking is that, finally we have to generate the same URL as in the address bar, so things need to work as here -> https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/src/d47f2665684a/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py?at=default#cl-78
220 2013-03-21T19:09:21 *** ashutosh1461
221 2013-03-21T19:09:35 <sharky93> and when i'm requesting for the URL for a particular view, it is not an "item", hence item_name = None, so that in the end when there is a call to 'url_for', it helps in removing duplication of code
222 2013-03-21T19:10:53 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, ^
223 2013-03-21T19:13:48 <ThomasWaldmann> you can never give item_name = None. the item name is either not needed or is expected to be unicode
224 2013-03-21T19:14:26 <ashutosh1461> RogerHaase, in relation with https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/ , i initially made a function in __init__.py so as to reuse the function if similar situation arises in some other case and also tw told me handle errors through exceptions ,so what for now ? should I check the conditions in views.py ?
225 2013-03-21T19:22:23 *** puneet
226 2013-03-21T19:22:29 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, in the case when it is not needed, setting it as None, ignores it ? as mentioned here -> http://flask.pocoo.org/docs/quickstart/#url-building
227 2013-03-21T19:23:48 <ThomasWaldmann> why do you modify behaviour for cases where you don't need to do anything. that's the fundamental question.
228 2013-03-21T19:26:20 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, the only reason being trying to remove code duplication, since I could have used url_for_item() for "frontend.show_root", and url_for() for all other cases, as was previously
229 2013-03-21T19:28:49 <sharky93> Since item_name is compulsory for the url_for_item() method, using a None, helps ignore it then and also in the url_for() it implements internally.
230 2013-03-21T19:29:51 <ashutosh1461> RogerHaase, checking the conditions in views.py also does work, :D https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/diff/19002/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py
231 2013-03-21T19:33:44 <ThomasWaldmann> sharky93: just systematically think through the 2 cases
232 2013-03-21T19:34:03 <ThomasWaldmann> and what you need to do for these
233 2013-03-21T19:37:50 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, since the URL in the address bar and the hyperlink of the item_root needs to match, i absolutely have to match the hyperlink to "url_for_item(app.cfg.item_root)" as in here -> https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/src/d47f2665684a/MoinMoin/apps/frontend/views.py?at=default#cl-78
234 2013-03-21T19:37:58 <sharky93> is there anything wrong in this ?
235 2013-03-21T19:40:08 <RogerHaase> ashutosh1461: well, I like #7 better. item.rename is only called from one place currently. As ThomasWaldmann will do the commit, it is up to him.
236 2013-03-21T19:40:34 <ThomasWaldmann> sharky93: somehow i have the impression you are not reading what i say.
237 2013-03-21T19:41:18 <ThomasWaldmann> i didn't say that you are doing the special case (root item) wrong, but that you are modifying behaviour for cases where no modification is required.
238 2013-03-21T19:47:13 <ashutosh1461> ThomasWaldmann, please look at https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/#ps19002 , i guess that is the final patch.
239 2013-03-21T19:55:41 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, okay, but just one more doubt, if item_name is not defined in the arguments ( for atleast some cases other than the special case (root item) ), and then i define it item_name as None, why is that an issue, it anyway will be ignored ?
240 2013-03-21T19:57:46 <ThomasWaldmann> ashutosh1461: do you think that is the right place to fix that issue?
241 2013-03-21T19:59:17 <ThomasWaldmann> sharky93: the point is that you don't have to modify behaviour of anything except than the special case.
242 2013-03-21T19:59:37 <ThomasWaldmann> -than
243 2013-03-21T20:01:36 <sharky93> hmm, I seemed to be missing this point.
244 2013-03-21T20:04:21 <ashutosh1461> ThomasWaldmann, i initially made another patch, https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/#ps19001 but RogerHaase told me check the conditions in view.py itself.
245 2013-03-21T20:07:11 <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: why "avoid try/except"?
246 2013-03-21T20:08:13 <ThomasWaldmann> i think it should be checked at the lower level (item.rename) and a exception should be thrown if the new name is not unique
247 2013-03-21T20:10:07 <ThomasWaldmann> that exception should not be done by assert (that can be switched off), but some special exception (ValueError("duplicate item name") or so)
248 2013-03-21T20:10:43 <ThomasWaldmann> at the higher level, catch that specific exception
249 2013-03-21T20:11:10 <ThomasWaldmann> that way, also other callers of the low level code get that behaviour (which is also required for all other callers)
250 2013-03-21T20:12:24 <ashutosh1461> ThomasWaldmann, but item.rename is called currently from one place only ?
251 2013-03-21T20:12:42 <ThomasWaldmann> "currently"
252 2013-03-21T20:12:52 <ashutosh1461> oh fine :D !
253 2013-03-21T20:13:25 <ThomasWaldmann> you could even look at _rename, maybe some checks should be done there
254 2013-03-21T20:14:16 <RogerHaase> ThomasWaldmann: less code
255 2013-03-21T20:14:27 <ThomasWaldmann> think about invalid modifications of the NAME list
256 2013-03-21T20:15:01 <ThomasWaldmann> RogerHaase: but in case we get more callers of item.rename, each caller would have to duplicate that
257 2013-03-21T20:15:02 *** dwcramer
258 2013-03-21T20:17:34 <RogerHaase> ThomasWaldmann: tried to think of situation of when rename would be reused elsewhere in the future, seemed unlikely
259 2013-03-21T20:18:23 <ThomasWaldmann> network api maybe (or use by some script that doesn't use the web ui)
260 2013-03-21T20:21:46 <RogerHaase> well, then maybe make it even more complex by creating a special exception rather than just AssertionError?
261 2013-03-21T20:22:56 <RogerHaase> where "more complex" is not that hard
262 2013-03-21T20:24:56 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, i think i get it now! , https://codereview.appspot.com/7897043/#ps40001
263 2013-03-21T20:25:08 <sharky93> No change to anything else, other than the special case!
264 2013-03-21T20:27:20 *** AndChat|119664
265 2013-03-21T20:31:53 <ThomasWaldmann> yeah, better now
266 2013-03-21T20:32:44 <sharky93> A good lesson learnt :)
267 2013-03-21T20:33:22 *** AndChat|119664
268 2013-03-21T20:38:07 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, ran "make test", 2 fails (1 in blogs and 1 in ticket.py). Issue updated. URL: http://codereview.appspot.com/7897043
269 2013-03-21T20:38:25 <sharky93> +merged the lines
270 2013-03-21T20:51:25 <ThomasWaldmann> sharky93: see comment there
271 2013-03-21T20:52:28 <sharky93> Roger That!
272 2013-03-21T20:52:31 <sharky93> :)
273 2013-03-21T21:10:26 *** vaishaks
274 2013-03-21T21:23:19 *** vaishaks
275 2013-03-21T21:32:52 <ashutosh1461> ThomasWaldmann, done with the exception handling part, https://codereview.appspot.com/7856046/
276 2013-03-21T21:37:34 *** spy_
277 2013-03-21T21:46:28 <ThomasWaldmann> ashutosh1461: done
278 2013-03-21T21:47:56 * dreimark too
279 2013-03-21T21:48:43 <dreimark> quite at the same time, unfortunately one can't see someone else commenting
280 2013-03-21T21:53:27 *** ronny
281 2013-03-21T21:53:40 *** rihnapstor
282 2013-03-21T22:01:41 <ashutosh1461> what is the use of this line https://bitbucket.org/thomaswaldmann/moin-2.0/src/4307c3e76076/MoinMoin/items/__init__.py?at=default#cl-473 ? i think there should be "delete or name in oldname " rather than not in ?
283 2013-03-21T22:02:49 *** RogerHaase
284 2013-03-21T22:03:32 *** RogerHaase
285 2013-03-21T22:13:37 <ashutosh1461> RogerHaase, ^^ ?
286 2013-03-21T22:15:53 <dreimark> gn
287 2013-03-21T22:18:44 *** ashutosh1461
288 2013-03-21T22:20:56 *** RogerHaase
289 2013-03-21T22:35:32 *** dwcramer
290 2013-03-21T22:45:16 <sharky93> gn
291 2013-03-21T22:46:23 <sharky93> ThomasWaldmann, do you have any suggestions for selecting Issues to fix ?
292 2013-03-21T22:50:37 <ThomasWaldmann> try to find some easy stuff
293 2013-03-21T22:53:14 <sharky93> hmm, lets see. Godspeed! :)
294 2013-03-21T22:56:00 *** sharky93
295 2013-03-21T22:59:52 *** sharky93
296 2013-03-21T23:30:00 *** AndChat|119664
297 2013-03-21T23:30:01 *** sharky93
298 2013-03-21T23:53:39 *** vaishaks
299 2013-03-21T23:55:20 *** DasIch-m