This is a list of things that are to be implemented. If you miss a feature, have a neat idea or any other suggestion, please put it on MoinMoinIdeas.
To discuss the merit of the planned extensions, or new features from MoinMoinIdeas, please use MoinMoinDiscussion.
The following subpages show the planned features for the next releases, so you get an impression of the future development. Each page features a contributions and a wishes section; contributions are things you are working on and want to announce, wishes should refer to this or other pages like MoinMoinIdeas, where you can describe your wish in detail. A more general overview which also includes far-fetched goals is on MoinMoinRoadmap.
/Release 1.1 - released 2003-11-29
/Release 1.2 - released 2004-2-20, see also /Release 1.2.1, /Release 1.2.2, /Release 1.2.3, and /Release 1.2.4
/Release 1.3 - released 2004-12-06, see also /Release 1.3.1, /Release 1.3.2, /Release 1.3.3, /Release 1.3.4 and /Release 1.3.5
/Release 1.4 - will never exist. The current 1.4 tla branch will get 2.0.
/Release 1.5 - planned for End of 2005
/Release 1.6 - planned for late 2007, see also /Release 1.6.0
/Release 1.7 - released 2008-06-21
/Release 1.8 - released 2008-11-02
/Release 1.9 - released 2009-12-06
MoinMoin2.0 - planned for when it is ready
We will release more often in future and try to do a release every quarter.
HelpForDevelopers contains a short introduction into developer issues, MoinDev collects all developer docs on code internals and development procedures.
Easy TODOs
See EasyToDo.
Outdated content.
/PlannedFeatures holds rough (one-line) ideas for features that have a chance to get into the core distribution.
The following pages contain more detailed descriptions on features that might be implemented sometime and that need more than a single line to be explained:
MoinMoinIdeas/AttachmentBackups (patch available, SimonKågedal)
/CalendarWidget (1.3?, --)
/SimpleWidgets (1.3?, --)
/WikiMaintenance (1.3?, --)
MoinDev/UnitTests (all developers)
/LinkRefactoring (much work)
Each item should mention the person planning to implement it, which is also the moderator for the page. You can always opt in to work on items of JürgenHermann, which gets them done faster.
See MoinMoinBugs.