Logfiles were loaded completely for every request which needs to read them. To get this faster and to consume less memory the log file handling was completly rewritten.

Implementation Log

The new logfile classes use double buffer for sequential access. Line numbers are calculated if possible.

   1 class LogFile
   2     def __init__(self, filename):
   3         self.filter = None
   4     def next(self):
   5         ...
   6         return self.parser(line)
   8     def previous(self):
   9     def __iter__(self):
  10         return self
  11     def reverse(self):
  12         self.to_end()
  13         while 1: yield self.previous()
  14     def to_begin(self):
  15     def to_end(self):
  16     def seek(self, position, lineno=None):
  17         # position is an implementation depending value that can be printed with backtick and the rebuild
  18         # Integer for a plain text file 
  19     def peek(self, lines): # moves position by lines
  20         # O(|lines|) in cached area O(1)
  21     def lineno(self):  # returns None if acual lineno is unknown
  22     def position(self):
  23     def calculate_line_no(self): # may be expensive
  25     def add(self, *data):
  26     def parser(self, line):

There are now three logfile classes:


The logfile stuff moved into it's own subdir (MoinMoin/logfile).


Ideas and Disscussion

Iterate from a date on

for entry in logfile.from_date(timestamp):


Another question is if the log file class should keep loaded entries or not. If entries are accessed twice this is faster, if we process whole files it takes much more memory (with the current implementation this is in the range of xxx MB!).

The only part were log entries are processed several times is the RecentChanges macro. This operates in a short end part of the log file. Perhaps it is a goog idea to cache a relative small areas (50 kB) around the actual file position (must be done for moving backwards anyway, so we can make this buffer a bit bigger).

Additional implementation ideas are welcome.

MoinMoin: MoinMoinTodo/Release 1.2/LogfilesTodo (last edited 2007-10-29 19:08:32 by localhost)