BibTeX Parser (version 1.5.3)

MoinMoin processor for BibTeX entries.

Copyright (C) 2004-2007 Jun Hu <>

Copyright (C) 2004 Alexandre Duret-Lutz <>

Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Bruno Lopes

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;



This module will run BibTeX blocks such as the following through bibtex2html (removing the whitespace between each "{" and "}").

{ { {#!bibtex
  author= {Alfred V. Aho and John E. Hopcroft and Jeffrey D. Ullman},
  title = {The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms},
  publisher= {Addison-Wesley},
  year  = {1974},
} } }

Several BibTeX entries can be listed into the same block (and they can \cite each other). The 'comment' element can be used to display a comment below each entry.


If your wiki contains a page named HlinsDatabase, then the output of bibtex2html will be processed to add hyperlinks, using the contents of HlinsDatabase as input. It will search for:

to build a mapping list.

For example, if there is a line

 * [ Google]


 * Google =



All the appearance of 'Google' in the bibtex2html output will be replaced with '<a href="">Google</a>'. The white spaces around mapping pairs will be stripped.

HTML tags are not allowed to appear in the keywords to prevent abuse.

Bibtex2html uses some additional fields such as "ftp", "http", "url", "ps" ,"dvi", "rtf", "pdf", "documenturl", "urlps" and "urldvi" in bibtex database. Web links are automatically inserted. The link name depends on the nature of the link:

This parser also supports moin attachment links in these fields. for example:

{ { {#!bibtex  abstract=off usekeys=off keywords=off style=alpha
  author    = {Hu, J. and Janse, M.D. and Kong, H.},
  title     = {User Evaluation on a Distributed Interactive Movie},
  booktitle = {HCI International 2005 (accepted)},
  year      = {2005},
  pdf       = {attachment:HCII2005.pdf},
  ps        = {},
} } }


style = [plain|unsrt|alpha|abbrv]

default style is plain.

hlinsdb = <WikiPage>

<WikiPage> will be used as input, instead of the default HlinsDatabase

keywords = [on|off]
whether to show keywords (if any),

default is on

abstract = [on|off]
whether to show abstract (if any),

default is on

usekeys = [on|off]
whether to use the cite keys from the BibTeX input file (and not the ones generated by the BibTeX

style file). default is on.


Revision history

MoinMoin: ParserMarket/BibTex2/ReleaseNotes (last edited 2011-09-07 12:01:54 by BrunoLopes)