Questions and Tips
What is the difference between align=left and align=float:left?
What is the difference between padding and margin?
Margin is extra space placed around the outside of the frame. Padding is extra room left inside, between the frame's border and its contents.
When 4 parameters are passed in a padding or margin parameter, what order is used?
- Top, right, bottom, left.
What if I pass less than 4 params to padding/margin, how are they handled?
If you pass 2 parameters, the first is for top and bottom, the second for right and left.
If you pass 3 parameters, the first is for bottom, the second for right and left, the third for bottom.
Is Frame parser compatible with the GUI editor?
- Although the contents of the frame will be parsed using the default parser, the GUI editor will show it as a regular plain-text code block. This will be the case until the Frame parser is part of the standard release and is recognized by the wiki-html translators.