Modification History

@copyright: 2006 by Reimar Bauer
@license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details.
initial version for 1.6.0-1 alpha, derived from MiniPage
1.6.0-2 2006-08-14 removed frame_ from parameter names
                   column:left and column:right removed becuse they are only floating elements
                   background_image, background_repeat, text_color, text_font_size added
1.6.0-3 2006-08-15 ported to 1.5.4 and some bug fixes: position of float element wrong used and thick command failed for float
1.6.0-4 2006-08-22 extended to use it for parsers too
1.6.0-5 2006-09-03 extended to use more as em as unit for text_font_size, thick, margin and padding
                   margin and padding extended to have up to 4 values
                   clear changed to clear:both, clear:left, clear:right
                   align=clear is an alias for clear:both
                   error exception for wrong written color name added
                   request of ZhangYunfeng to use existing CSS code added (you have to add your own css

MoinMoin: ParserMarket/Frame/History (last edited 2008-01-23 19:41:35 by FedericoLorenzi)