This Processor is obsolete in version 1.3. Please use the current parser version from ParserMarket instead. -- ReimarBauer 2005-04-23 19:37:12
- you need to have Attachment enabled in your
e.g. allowed_actions = [ 'AttachFile']
- check if in the data dir of your wiki a directory tmp is created with write permissions to the httpd_user name. e.g.
/usr/share/moin/mywiki/data/tmp drwxr-xr-x 2 wwwrun nogroup 48 2004-04-09 18:57 tmp
{ { {#!latex \begin{equation} x^3 =\int_{0}^{\infty} f(x,y) dy \end{equation} } } }
The space in { { { and } } } must be removed!
If the processor is installed you see the following result instead of the code above.
MoinMoin - Processor for a LaTeX syntax @license: GNU GPL, see COPYING for details. @copyright: 2002 by Won-kyu Park <> @copyright: 2003 by Benny Siegert (added config.latex_header) Modified: 2004-03-22 R.Bauer replaced config. by config_ and imported AttachFile 2004-04-09 imported patch from Daniel Hottinger (pagestyle{empty}, -E switch of dvips, input of latex text replaced) 2004-04-09 R.Bauer improvement in speed, because only if the image name is different a new image must be created 2004-07-31 imported patch from Phil West (imgname = imgname + "_latex") 2004-07-31 R.Bauer improvement to handle multipage postscript files as result of dvips. The number of pages is read from the resulting postscript file The last extension must be png to show the resulting image files. Therefore we need to move/rename the png files given from convert. 2004-08-16 R.Bauer bug removed if only wiki text is changed in previous version a single page latex image was not shown again; reported first by Peter Kleiweg. 2004-08-16 R.Bauer added break to the for loop
I just deleted the attachment and edited the equation, but a new attachment was not created. -- NirSoffer 2004-07-12 21:06:28
Do you already have refreshed the page cache ? -- ReimarBauer 2004-07-31 10:18:41
I have this in a page, without the space in { { { and } } }:
{ { { #!latex $$x^3 =\int_{0}^{\infty} f(x,y) dy + c$$ } } }
This works fine. I save the page, and the formula appears in the page. But if I make another change to the page, without changing the formula, the formula no longer appears. I have to change the formula to have it reappear. -- PeterKleiweg 2004-08-09 16:35:39
Thanks for this hint I'll fix this. It was easy to fix only a missing else condition. -- ReimarBauer 2004-08-16 11:04:34
I needed to change the filename from to to make it work (took me some time to figure out!) Also, the image produced looks really bad for me, I don't know why. -- StefanLangerman
Yes thats right always rename the filename. The -bla.bla.bla is only the version number. Please give some more information. which version of the programs are you using. -- ReimarBauer 2004-09-17 06:58:05
Note: under debian you need packages: tetex-bin gs imagemagick
Might be worthwhile to have a version that would use mimetex instead of all of the above
The convert commandline needs single quotes around %(vartmp)s/%(imgname) and %(outpath)s or else trying to use the processor on a subpage will break (due to the shell getting an unescaped ( in the filename)
I use Moin-1.3.3 There are some bugs in
- getAttachDir(pagename,create=1) change it to
1 attach_dir=AttachFile.getAttachDir(request, pagename, create=1)
- if you use UTF-8(i use chinese) attech_dir contain '(' and ')' in debian it's a wrong path,so, I change
1 attach_dir=AttachFile.getAttachDir(pagename,create=1)
1 attach_dir=AttachFile.getAttachDir(request, pagename, create=1).replace('(', '\(').replace(')','\)')
Welcome to my MoinSite:, it's run as standalone server.
This Processor is obsolete in version 1.3. Please use the current parser version from ParserMarket instead. -- ReimarBauer 2005-04-23 19:37:12