
Changed license terms to comprise "GPL v2 or later", in order to ease inclusion in MoinMoin distribution.


Promoted status of 1.5rc6 to 1.5 final - the RC has been stable long enough now.

This revision adds some more flexibility to the system.
  • Added option DEFAULT_SORT_ORDER to MoinRatings/main.py that denotes default sorting for ALL ranking tables.

  • The ranking table macro, Ratings, accepts an extra parameter to specify the default sort ordering for THAT ranking table. The macro may now be invoked like this: <<Ratings([key],[subject_pattern],[page_pattern],[sortby=column])>>, for example <<Ratings([Overview],relevance|urgency,Ideas/*,sortby=rank)>>.

  • Users not allowed to vote do not see the (useless) "mine: none yet" information any more. (Reported by AnkeHeinrich)


Unfortunately, some oversights slipped into the last release. Hence this release, which fixes these issues:

  • Formatting was not two decimal places max, as stated, but just one. Now it is.
  • Due to a (sort of) misspelling in the template, SHOW_ATTENDANCE_IN_FORM had no effect. Now it has.
  • Due to a violation of the DRY principle, users w/o vote permission would still see long numbers for ranks. (I should do what I preach :o )

  • Found workaround for Moin 1.5 issue that led to a state when anonymous rating would be accidentally enabled immediately after logout - but not after the next page update (i.e., the next HTTP request). (Reported by AnkeHeinrich)

  • Rank is now displayed with at most 2 decimal places in rating forms.

  • Added option SHOW_ATTENDANCE_IN_FORM in MoinRatings/main.py so that users won't have to mess around with template files just to change whether the total number of votes is shown in the rating form or not. The option is preset to False (for reasons discussed elsewhere).

  • Fixed some minor template bugs.

Many thanks to AnkeHeinrich for the valuable hints that helped in shaping this release.

  • The rating form respects write permissions now. Users with no write permissions will not be able to rate.
  • As a consequence, anonymous ratings are now enabled by default.

  • When a rating is rejected, a (hopefully) appropriate message is shown, depending on anonymous rating inhibition and user log-in state.
  • The ranking table has got a new column, 'Votes', showing the total number of votes, too. The column is clickable, providing for 'sort by attendence'.
  • The rating form has been prepared to show the total number of votes. However, I consider that information as psychologically questionable, so that this feature is disabled in the form template. Users may enable it by simply uncommenting the corresponding line near the end of the form template file.

  • Anonymous votes are now disabled by default (but may be easily enabled by users). I'll keep it this way until I find a way to take ACL's into account properly.
  • Fixed some minor bugs (there are no major bugs, as it seems ;) )


Version 1.5 is major leap forward. The rating concept was radically changed, and so was the storage concept. The system now "remembers" individual user ratings, so a user can change his/her mind and re-rate without falsifying the rating (only his/her vote is changed). Also, the system optionally accepts anonymous votes now (but still only one per computer). However, there is a caveat: The old storage format is no longer valid. Hence, old rating data is (currently) being ignored, with the effect that existing rating subjects will apear unreated after the switch. If you have severe issues with this, contact me for help on a transition path (just drop me note in the discussion).

(In)Formaly promoted last stable RC to final.
  • Workaround for buggy (in moin 1.3.4) method Page.getPageText that caused some ratings to not appear in rank tables (now using get_raw_body() or '')

  • Some code cleanup
  • Fixed missing references in the package (something went wrong when packaging the 1.0rc1 zip file)
  • Added row numbers to rank tables
  • initial public release

MoinMoin: RatingSystemForMoin/ChangeLog (last edited 2008-09-09 15:22:17 by e178018060)