Older Discussions

about the current beta5 release

Hello, and thanks for sharing an awesome extension! I have found a couple of minor issues:

Thank you! -- PascalBauermeister 2011-01-30 18:02:26

future planned extensions (after the current refactoring is finished)

tags for images

Currently we do use a simple method to exchange the filename of the image with an alias text  * [[file|alias]]

If we want more tags added we will need a different syntax. Currently i do think about a similiar separation than we have in SinglePageSlideShow based on the title, e.g.

= image1.jpg =
  the image describes
  who has done the image
  what license

= image2.jpg =
  the image describes
  who has done the image
  what license

sharing cache data

umlauts in filenames are not working

If you add a filename with an umlaut arnica plugin shows an error.


-- MarcelHäfner 2009-07-14 09:50:40

Reimar, this is really a nice extension, thanks. I have a few comments. First, since this extension seems to require Python Image Library (PIL), it might be helpful for new users if this point is mentioned in the installation section.

Second, it takes some time to render a page with this macro: about 30 sec for 1 MB x 30 images in my environment. Is there any way to make it work a few times faster?

Third, is it possible to extend this macro to handle .bmp files? I know that bmp and tiff are not popular image formats on the web, but I often need to use these uncompressed file formats for scientific presentation. -- TakeoKatsuki 2009-07-26 14:08:00

(!) The max_staleness value is in seconds, thus 3600 = 1h.

Hi Reimar. After I migrated (copied) all data from one server to another, arnica doesn't show images (no thumbnails, no images in slideshow). It shows images normally when the macro is newly put in a page. It doesn't work only when the macro was used in a page before migration. So I think it is a cache-related issue. How can I solve this problem? Thanks. -- TakeoKatsuki 2010-09-28 04:21:43

about the beta3 release

I cannot install arnica in 1.7.2, I get a message You are not allowed to edit this page! (I checked acl). Installing a different package (i.e. maps.zip) works without problems, so this could be arnica specific. -- CarstenLemmen 2008-09-12 13:36:54

see below (packages know who the owner of the page was and I have probably no rights in your wiki, solution is on that page) cheers ReimarBauer/Photo/img.png -- ReimarBauer 2008-09-12 21:30:12

about the beta2 release

compatibility with IE7

The arnica is not working correctly with IE7 (well same old story f%& microsoft), well...

  1. sometimes the thumbnail view just disappears and you see only a blank page (well with the normal moinmoin theme stuff around). A keypress F11 (for Fullview) helps...
  2. the icons on the webnail view for browsing forward/backward is missing.
  3. macro css should not change global/main elements

bye -- MarcelHäfner 2008-07-25 17:26:46

Please test beta4 -- ReimarBauer 2008-09-22 21:56:46

  • === 1. thumbnail ===

I only disabled in the css file " text_x_arnica.css" the position relative in "div.arnica"

div.arnica {
    /* position: relative; */
    display: block;
    text-align: center;
    margin: 0em;
  • (!) This one is fixed by changeset 282:e2a1a128f925

2. missing icons

I believe the problems lays in this "content: url" sytnax (file arnica_slides.css), witch IEX is not supporting! CSS 2.1: Generierter Inhalt... maybe this could be a workaround

a.first_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_first_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}
a.first_slide_disabled:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_first_slide_disabled.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}

a.previous_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_previous_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}
a.next_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_next_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}
a.last_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_last_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}
a.last_slide_disabled:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_last_slide_disabled.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}

... so better would be to generate <a> tag around the <img> tag, well IMHO

  • (!) this is hopefully fixed by the same workaraound as we did for other before elements by changeset 283:a78aa5f8faf7

3. html and body

The css for changing something on html and body I just dislike because a macro should not try to change my theme css.

html { height: 100%; background: #fff; }
body { min-height: 100%; position: relative; }
  • (!) This one is fixed by changeset: 279:b0b6555e77e3






Sie dürfen diese Seite nicht editieren!

I've checked permissions more than twice, but the problem still exists. Error in more detail:


      /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/packages.py in installPackage (self=<MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>)
         1. 455 commands = self.getScript().splitlines()
         2. 456
         3. 457 return self.runScript(commands)
         4. 458
         5. 459 def getScript(self):
          * self = <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>
          * self.runScript = <bound method ZipPackage.runScript of <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>>
          * commands = [u'MoinMoinPackage|1', u'EnsureVersion|1.7.0', u'AddRevision|HelpOnArnica.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer|description of arnica', u'AddAttachment|result1.png|result1.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result2.png|result2.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result3.png|result3.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result4.png|result4.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result5.png|result5.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result6.png|result6.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result7.png|result7.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result8.png|result8.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result9.png|result9.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result10.png|result10.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|CHANGES_arnica|CHANGES.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'InstallPlugin|text_x_arnica.py|local|parser|text_x_arnica.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica_slides.py|local|action|arnica_slides.py', u'InstallPlugin|refresh.py|local|action|refresh.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica.py|local|macro|arnica.py', u'SetThemeName|arnica', ...]

      /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/packages.py in runScript (self=<MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>, commands=[u'MoinMoinPackage|1', u'EnsureVersion|1.7.0', u'AddRevision|HelpOnArnica.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer|description of arnica', u'AddAttachment|result1.png|result1.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result2.png|result2.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result3.png|result3.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result4.png|result4.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result5.png|result5.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result6.png|result6.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result7.png|result7.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result8.png|result8.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result9.png|result9.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result10.png|result10.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|CHANGES_arnica|CHANGES.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'InstallPlugin|text_x_arnica.py|local|parser|text_x_arnica.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica_slides.py|local|action|arnica_slides.py', u'InstallPlugin|refresh.py|local|action|refresh.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica.py|local|macro|arnica.py', u'SetThemeName|arnica', ...])
         1. 424
         2. 425 try:
         3. 426 fn(*elements[1:])
         4. 427 except ScriptExit:
         5. 428 break
          * fn = <bound method ZipPackage.do_addrevision of <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>>
          * elements = [u'AddRevision', u'HelpOnArnica.txt', u'HelpOnArnica', u'ReimarBauer', u'description of arnica']

      /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/packages.py in do_addrevision (self=<MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>, filename=u'HelpOnArnica.txt', pagename=u'HelpOnArnica', author=u'ReimarBauer', comment=u'description of arnica', trivial=False)
         1. 302 page = PageEditor(self.request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0, uid_override=author)
         2. 303 try:
         3. 304 page.saveText(self.extract_file(filename).decode("utf-8"), 0, trivial=trivial, comment=comment)
         4. 305 self.msg += u"%(pagename)s added \n" % {"pagename": pagename}
         5. 306 except PageEditor.Unchanged:
          * page = <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc>
          * page.saveText = <bound method PageEditor.saveText of <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc>>
          * self = <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>
          * self.extract_file = <bound method ZipPackage.extract_file of <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>>
          * filename = u'HelpOnArnica.txt'
          * ).decode = <built-in method decode of unicode object at 0x8a11c68>
          * trivial = False
          * comment = u'description of arnica'

      /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/PageEditor.py in saveText (self=<MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc>, newtext=u'<<TableOfContents>>\r\n\r\n= arnica =\r\narnica is bas...y remove the thumbnail and webnail cache files.\r\n', rev=0, **kw={'comment': u'description of arnica', 'trivial': False})
         1. 1049 if not request.user.may.save(self, newtext, rev, **kw):
         2. 1050 msg = _('You are not allowed to edit this page!')
         3. 1051 raise self.AccessDenied, msg
         4. 1052 elif not self.isWritable():
         5. 1053 msg = _('Page is immutable!')
          * self = <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc>
          * self.AccessDenied = <class 'MoinMoin.PageEditor.AccessDenied'>
          * msg = u'Sie d\xfcrfen diese Seite nicht editieren!'


Sie dürfen diese Seite nicht editieren!

    * args = ()
    * message = u'Sie d\xfcrfen diese Seite nicht editieren!'

-- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-05 23:02:26


cannot import name cache

If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.

and I can't delete the Cache via the "Delete Cache"-Action in the whole wiki, without getting the same error. -- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-06 11:17:22


/usr/local/share/moin/schreiben/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py in ()

   1. 19
   2. 20 from MoinMoin import caching, config, wikiutil
   3. 21 from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile, cache
   4. 22 from MoinMoin.packages import packLine
   5. 23 from MoinMoin.Page import Page

    * MoinMoin undefined
    * AttachFile = None
    * cache undefined

-- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-06 11:47:57

-- BrianGallew 2025-03-28 22:06:27


MoinMoin: ReimarBauer/HelpOnArnica/Discussion (last edited 2011-06-13 06:47:55 by ReimarBauer)