Older Discussions
about the current beta5 release
Hello, and thanks for sharing an awesome extension! I have found a couple of minor issues:
columns parameter seems to be, by default when omitted, 1 and not 4 as described.
that is strange because for me it is 4 and also defined at the parser Is the css working?
- In slideshow mode, some icons seems to me a bit confusing, and should IMHO be changed as follows:
Current icon
Change proposal
Play (should indicate possible action and not current state, to be consistent with pause ||)
johannes had shown me some replacements for the icons, I have to remember where the site is ;)
Thank you! -- PascalBauermeister 2011-01-30 18:02:26
future planned extensions (after the current refactoring is finished)
tags for images
Currently we do use a simple method to exchange the filename of the image with an alias text * [[file|alias]]
If we want more tags added we will need a different syntax. Currently i do think about a similiar separation than we have in SinglePageSlideShow based on the title, e.g.
= image1.jpg = alias:: the image describes author:: who has done the image licence:: what license = image2.jpg = alias:: the image describes author:: who has done the image licence:: what license
sharing cache data
umlauts in filenames are not working
If you add a filename with an umlaut arnica plugin shows an error.
-- MarcelHäfner 2009-07-14 09:50:40
Thx for reporting -- ReimarBauer 2009-07-26 16:03:51
Reimar, this is really a nice extension, thanks. I have a few comments. First, since this extension seems to require Python Image Library (PIL), it might be helpful for new users if this point is mentioned in the installation section.
Second, it takes some time to render a page with this macro: about 30 sec for 1 MB x 30 images in my environment. Is there any way to make it work a few times faster?
what environment do you use? my standalone server developing wiki needs only a few seconds. The wsgi server also. Anyway I wish it becomes faster too.
30 images in a few second is already fast enough I think. My environment is something like this, plus Xeon 3.2 GHz single core and 2 GB RAM. Is it simply due to my old hardware setup?
likly not that should be fast enough
- You mean my hardware is not fast enough, right? What is your environment, and what do you recommend (just an example is fine) for about 10 users with lots of image data (~50 MB/page)?
we're running also a wiki for our Intranet, with an old pentium4 and 3.2GB Memory and I have also a photo page with around 78MB attachments. Normally I have 5 (Apache/WSGI)-processes running with each has 15 threads and my usage of memory is around 40MB per process. Even if I press many times f5 (refresh) the images will be displayed in a few seconds. I only know that if the plugin arnica needs to (re)-build the thumbnails it takes very long and can use a lot of memory (note: normally only the first time, if you just uploaded some images)... but I'm "suspecting" that if some time passed (weeks, month,...) without visiting this gallery/page, the arnica plugin starts to rebuild the thumbnails/cache again and this will take some time... if then the user starts to hit f5 (reload) many times... arnica will start to build thumbnails in a "multiple" way and this can maybe lead to a higher usage of memory and cpu. I did not crosscheck this "assumption" (lack of time), but maybe this helps you for future investigations. -- MarcelHäfner 2009-07-29 10:25:48
- Now the problem seems to be that my moin re-builds the thumbnails every time when the page is visited or refreshed by f5. When f5 is pressed, httpd occupies the CPU for about 20 to 30 sec before the browser starts displaying thumbnails. Does this mean that something is wrong with my arnica installation or moin configuration? I will do further investigation before making any investment.
please verify if the cache files for your images will be recreated on every request in wiki/data/cache/wikiconfig/sendcache
- Yes, they are recreated on every request.
And you haven't set the renew flag? (I guess, just want to be clear) Please tell also something about the FS you use on the fileserver.
No, I haven't set the renew flag. Just <<arnica(show_tools=1)>>. Even if renew=0 is specified, it renews every time. What do you mean by FS? Is it about file system such as NTFS? I am using NTFS.
ok Seems we have a problem with fuid then on your system (called from cache). Let's see if we can get a bit closer what is wrong. Fuid.py is a macro which should be called on a TestPage <<Fuid(example.jpg)>>\n<<Fuid(example.jpg)>> (you have to add an example.jpg attachment to the page) It returns then some values on the page. For me it looks like
fuid: st_mtime: 1249301342 st_ino: 84501220 st_size: 711592 fake_mtime: 1249301342 key: df7584240d4dc7ceb8acc167ca401067b594b1ca fuid: st_mtime: 1249301342 st_ino: 84501220 st_size: 711592 fake_mtime: 1249301342 key: df7584240d4dc7ceb8acc167ca401067b594b1ca
Both show the same result. Also a refresh on my linux box does not change these values. I don't have a windows system handy. let us look on your results.The result in my environment (WinVista) was as follows. Another environemnt (WinXP) also gave similar result with st_ino: 0. Refreshing didn't change the result in either environment.
fuid: st_mtime: 1249305863 st_ino: 0 st_size: 7626 fake_mtime: 1249305863 key: bfecccc36f01d101344ab646c2ce5eed65c556ba \n fuid: st_mtime: 1249305863 st_ino: 0 st_size: 7626 fake_mtime: 1249305863 key: bfecccc36f01d101344ab646c2ce5eed65c556ba
- Yes, they are recreated on every request.
- Now the problem seems to be that my moin re-builds the thumbnails every time when the page is visited or refreshed by f5. When f5 is pressed, httpd occupies the CPU for about 20 to 30 sec before the browser starts displaying thumbnails. Does this mean that something is wrong with my arnica installation or moin configuration? I will do further investigation before making any investment.
- You mean my hardware is not fast enough, right? What is your environment, and what do you recommend (just an example is fine) for about 10 users with lots of image data (~50 MB/page)?
good that means it gets the same key always and if you would add now <<arnica>> on that page you would find corresponding image_jpeg_*bfecccc36f01d101344ab646c2ce5eed65c556ba* files in the sendcached folder. Now we need to investigate why cache.exists can fail.
What do you get by adding Cachetest.py <<Cachetest(example.jpg)>> to the TestPage (below the arnica macro)?
I got something like this. But the strange thing is that now I get different key value and fake_mtime every time I press f5, which I believe didn't happen last night...
fuid: st_mtime: 1249314770 st_ino: 0 st_size: 66937 fake_mtime: 1249341124 key: 5930b4c60cbe32ad9f2a0b7b6b689b41336bb7b1 \n fuid: st_mtime: 1249314770 st_ino: 0 st_size: 66937 fake_mtime: 1249341124 key: 5930b4c60cbe32ad9f2a0b7b6b689b41336bb7b1 IMG Cache key: 5930b4c60cbe32ad9f2a0b7b6b689b41336bb7b1 Key: image_jpeg_128_128_5930b4c60cbe32ad9f2a0b7b6b689b41336bb7b1 Cache exists: False Meta cache exists: False Needs Update: 1
some light in the darkness. To workaround that problem change filesys.py#l105 max_staleness to a very big value on your system. To get this fixed we need to get something from windows which definitly changes if a file is overwritten. On linux we get a new inode number. windows does not follow the inode concept. please help testing if this changeset solves the problem http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.8/rev/a6b0b1fcd463 -- ReimarBauer 2009-08-04 22:14:56
Both the workaround and the new changeset work! Either setting max_staleness to 3600000 or changing fake_mtime = now to fake_mtime = int(now / max_staleness) * max_staleness in filesys.py solved the problem. Now refreshing TestPage doesn't change the Key value; refreshing the page with arnica doesn't generate new cache files; and arnica shows images in a few seconds. Thank you very much!
But it starts generating cache after sometime (~1 hr?) if only fake_mtime = int(now / max_staleness) * max_staleness is specified. If max_staleness = 3600000 is used, it doesn't generate cache at least within 2 hrs.
You mean doing the changeset alone works only 1 hr and afterwards it creates again new cachefiles on each request or once after each hour?
- I mean once after each hour. Doing the changeset alone allows arnica work without creating new cachefiles for about 1 hr, then cachefiles need to be created once before displaying images, and then arnica works without creating new cachefiles for the next 1 hr again, and so on. I haven't checked this interval very precisely, but at longest 1 hr.
Third, is it possible to extend this macro to handle .bmp files? I know that bmp and tiff are not popular image formats on the web, but I often need to use these uncompressed file formats for scientific presentation. -- TakeoKatsuki 2009-07-26 14:08:00
will look at it -- ReimarBauer 2009-07-26 16:03:51
looks like PIL BmpImagePlugin does not support all possible compressions of bmp files and it looks like my examples do always have this compression type.
What about TIFF files? It seems PIL can handle tiff file format. It would be great if arnica could generate jpg thumbnails and slideshow from tiff files, and a link to original tiff file from slideshow (which is currently the case for jpg images). This would enable to quickly preview attached tiff images, and if wished, the original attachments can be viewed using some browser plugins (e.g. AlternaTiff). -- TakeoKatsuki 2010-09-29 00:49:40
and which plugin can be used for some not so broken browsers?
What do you mean broken browsers? AlternaTiff (and maybe Quicktime?) can be used on Firefox, Chrome, and IE on windows. Safari on MacOS natively supports Tiff. I am not very sure about Linux, but maybe Plugger can be used? I think viewing Tiff is more widely supported than GUI Mode. hmm, is that backdoor fixed in quicktime? However if you like it a patch is welcome. -- ReimarBauer 2010-09-29 08:28:18
I would be more than happy to contribute to this great macro. So I will start learning Python! -- TakeoKatsuki 2010-09-30 04:41:00
The max_staleness value is in seconds, thus 3600 = 1h.
- I have set max_staleness = 3600000 (1000 hr), and this workaround seems to work so far, but is there any side effects in setting this value so big? What is the purpose of this value?
If you change "very fast" images and your windows filesystem has a bad filesystem time granularity then it could happen that we can't detect that you have updated a file. Then you don't get a new cache file. With that max_staleness you can control to have on a regular period new cache files.
- Hmm, but it works without any obvious problems on my system. I added a new image, then arnica immediately generated cache files for it, while leaving the cache files for other images already there unrefreshed. Deletion of images also worked...
Well it depends on the granularity of your filesystem some FS on Windows could have 2 seconds. Then a change within 2 seconds gives no update btw. #moin at chat.freenode.net is faster for QA.
- Hmm, but it works without any obvious problems on my system. I added a new image, then arnica immediately generated cache files for it, while leaving the cache files for other images already there unrefreshed. Deletion of images also worked...
Hi Reimar. After I migrated (copied) all data from one server to another, arnica doesn't show images (no thumbnails, no images in slideshow). It shows images normally when the macro is newly put in a page. It doesn't work only when the macro was used in a page before migration. So I think it is a cache-related issue. How can I solve this problem? Thanks. -- TakeoKatsuki 2010-09-28 04:21:43
clean the cache in data/cache/wikiconfig/sendcache. -- ReimarBauer 2010-09-28 06:50:15
- Clearing 'sendcache' didn't solve the problem. Reloading the page generated new cache, but no images appeared. If I change the name of an image in the attachment view by using a move button, this image appears, but only this image. By the way, this wiki is running on a Ubuntu Server.
- did you restart the moin server process ?
- Oh, I forgot to do that. Restarting httpd after deleting all files from sendcache allowed arnica to regenerate correct images. Thanks!
- clear page cache (more actions menue)
about the beta3 release
I cannot install arnica in 1.7.2, I get a message You are not allowed to edit this page! (I checked acl). Installing a different package (i.e. maps.zip) works without problems, so this could be arnica specific. -- CarstenLemmen 2008-09-12 13:36:54
see below (packages know who the owner of the page was and I have probably no rights in your wiki, solution is on that page) cheers -- ReimarBauer 2008-09-12 21:30:12
about the beta2 release
compatibility with IE7
The arnica is not working correctly with IE7 (well same old story f%& microsoft), well...
- sometimes the thumbnail view just disappears and you see only a blank page (well with the normal moinmoin theme stuff around). A keypress F11 (for Fullview) helps...
- the icons on the webnail view for browsing forward/backward is missing.
- macro css should not change global/main elements
bye -- MarcelHäfner 2008-07-25 17:26:46
Please test beta4 -- ReimarBauer 2008-09-22 21:56:46
- === 1. thumbnail ===
I only disabled in the css file " text_x_arnica.css" the position relative in "div.arnica"
div.arnica { /* position: relative; */ display: block; text-align: center; margin: 0em; }
This one is fixed by changeset 282:e2a1a128f925
2. missing icons
I believe the problems lays in this "content: url" sytnax (file arnica_slides.css), witch IEX is not supporting! CSS 2.1: Generierter Inhalt... maybe this could be a workaround
a.first_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_first_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;} a.first_slide_disabled:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_first_slide_disabled.png); margin: 0 0.1em;} a.previous_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_previous_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;} a.next_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_next_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;} a.last_slide:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_last_slide.png); margin: 0 0.1em;} a.last_slide_disabled:before {content: url(../../arnica/img/arnica_last_slide_disabled.png); margin: 0 0.1em;}
... so better would be to generate <a> tag around the <img> tag, well IMHO
this is hopefully fixed by the same workaraound as we did for other before elements by changeset 283:a78aa5f8faf7
3. html and body
The css for changing something on html and body I just dislike because a macro should not try to change my theme css.
html { height: 100%; background: #fff; } body { min-height: 100%; position: relative; }
This one is fixed by changeset: 279:b0b6555e77e3
I like your new gallery (thx for your extension development) but there is one thing missing: it's not possible to return from the image to the thumbnail view. a return button (icon and text) would be better (so the user not have to use the browser navigation), thx -- MarcelHäfner 2008-07-05 17:53:22
Which theme do you use? Using modern theme the backlink navigation is in the navigation tabs.
a few themes from sinorca4moin to simplemente; but the point is that I think that a user should have the possibly to return from a "full" image view to the thumbnail list. and the navibar don't tell him that he can return to his previous view, well maybe because of my theme... see here: example1.png. I remember that the gallery2 had some buttom for this "request". well just my 5cents! bye Marcel
What happens when you click on the Foto/2007-06-28 in the left side bar?
- right; that's the only way! But how I user should now that he have to click on the menu to comeback to the thumbnail overview? that's why I would prefer a "back button". well this is just what I want, don't know how others see this gallery navigation stuff.
hmmm, it is the same way than going back from the AttachFile form. I thougt it is a known common way. Well we will probably work on arnica on the ep sprint. And we will discuss your point.
I use now for myself something like this bildschirm.png...
one thing more; about your css including; I needed to change the DefaultConfig.url_prefix_static to url_prefix_static
Another questions; first you see the thumbnail, then the webnail but how you can get the original image? in the gallery2 you had to click on the webnail and wait.... or did I miss something and need to config something (I just use <<arnica>> -- MarcelHäfner 2008-07-11 18:22:11
More Info: I would need this to offer the user an image gallery and the possibility to download the "high-res" image. the parameter image_for_webnail = 1 is not working for my case because I do not want to show the end user some 5-10mb files (just after the thumbnail view); just a possibility to download the big file (even a link would be enough) from the webnail view... well it sound like a new feature request, or what do you think. thx for your patience with me, bye Marcel
I've added a link to the attachment from the alias text of the webnail view, but you should wait until 1.7.1 to try out / play with it, because we will backport the required cache action from 1.8 to 1.7.1.
I just downloaded your latest release (Fri Jul 11 19:17:44 2008 +0200 / http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.7-extensions/rev/3d5773a1e24b), and recived in arnica parser an error like cannot import name sendcached . Replacing this parser with the beta1 release version it works! seems you maybe fixed something only for 1.8? don't know; I use 1.7. thx -- MarcelHäfner 2008-07-11 18:21:24
The module you miss exist already in 1.8 and will soon be added to 1.7 or into the arnica repository too. It does replace the arnicas cache method. We work currently on this part.
If you use a pagename with "spaces" then the webnail-view (pagelocation) will translate this to %20 see bug_arnica_pagelocation-whitespaces.jpg -- MarcelHäfner 2008-07-15 14:07:47
Thanks for reporting fixed with 175:377e5f674c66
- I've downloaded the arnica beta 2 release, uploadet it into the wiki and tried to install it via package installer. The message I've gotten:
AccessDenied Sie dürfen diese Seite nicht editieren!
I've checked permissions more than twice, but the problem still exists. Error in more detail:
4. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/packages.py in installPackage (self=<MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>) 1. 455 commands = self.getScript().splitlines() 2. 456 3. 457 return self.runScript(commands) 4. 458 5. 459 def getScript(self): * self = <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c> * self.runScript = <bound method ZipPackage.runScript of <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>> * commands = [u'MoinMoinPackage|1', u'EnsureVersion|1.7.0', u'AddRevision|HelpOnArnica.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer|description of arnica', u'AddAttachment|result1.png|result1.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result2.png|result2.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result3.png|result3.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result4.png|result4.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result5.png|result5.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result6.png|result6.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result7.png|result7.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result8.png|result8.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result9.png|result9.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result10.png|result10.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|CHANGES_arnica|CHANGES.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'InstallPlugin|text_x_arnica.py|local|parser|text_x_arnica.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica_slides.py|local|action|arnica_slides.py', u'InstallPlugin|refresh.py|local|action|refresh.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica.py|local|macro|arnica.py', u'SetThemeName|arnica', ...] 5. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/packages.py in runScript (self=<MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>, commands=[u'MoinMoinPackage|1', u'EnsureVersion|1.7.0', u'AddRevision|HelpOnArnica.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer|description of arnica', u'AddAttachment|result1.png|result1.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result2.png|result2.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result3.png|result3.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result4.png|result4.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result5.png|result5.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result6.png|result6.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result7.png|result7.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result8.png|result8.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result9.png|result9.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|result10.png|result10.png|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|htdocs_arnica-1.7.1beta2.zip|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'AddAttachment|CHANGES_arnica|CHANGES.txt|HelpOnArnica|ReimarBauer', u'InstallPlugin|text_x_arnica.py|local|parser|text_x_arnica.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica_slides.py|local|action|arnica_slides.py', u'InstallPlugin|refresh.py|local|action|refresh.py', u'InstallPlugin|arnica.py|local|macro|arnica.py', u'SetThemeName|arnica', ...]) 1. 424 2. 425 try: 3. 426 fn(*elements[1:]) 4. 427 except ScriptExit: 5. 428 break * fn = <bound method ZipPackage.do_addrevision of <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>> * elements = [u'AddRevision', u'HelpOnArnica.txt', u'HelpOnArnica', u'ReimarBauer', u'description of arnica'] 6. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/packages.py in do_addrevision (self=<MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>, filename=u'HelpOnArnica.txt', pagename=u'HelpOnArnica', author=u'ReimarBauer', comment=u'description of arnica', trivial=False) 1. 302 page = PageEditor(self.request, pagename, do_editor_backup=0, uid_override=author) 2. 303 try: 3. 304 page.saveText(self.extract_file(filename).decode("utf-8"), 0, trivial=trivial, comment=comment) 4. 305 self.msg += u"%(pagename)s added \n" % {"pagename": pagename} 5. 306 except PageEditor.Unchanged: * page = <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc> * page.saveText = <bound method PageEditor.saveText of <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc>> * self = <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c> * self.extract_file = <bound method ZipPackage.extract_file of <MoinMoin.packages.ZipPackage instance at 0x8a1d30c>> * filename = u'HelpOnArnica.txt' * ).decode = <built-in method decode of unicode object at 0x8a11c68> * trivial = False * comment = u'description of arnica' 7. /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/MoinMoin/PageEditor.py in saveText (self=<MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc>, newtext=u'<<TableOfContents>>\r\n\r\n= arnica =\r\narnica is bas...y remove the thumbnail and webnail cache files.\r\n', rev=0, **kw={'comment': u'description of arnica', 'trivial': False}) 1. 1049 if not request.user.may.save(self, newtext, rev, **kw): 2. 1050 msg = _('You are not allowed to edit this page!') 3. 1051 raise self.AccessDenied, msg 4. 1052 elif not self.isWritable(): 5. 1053 msg = _('Page is immutable!') * self = <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0x8a1decc> * self.AccessDenied = <class 'MoinMoin.PageEditor.AccessDenied'> * msg = u'Sie d\xfcrfen diese Seite nicht editieren!' AccessDenied Sie dürfen diese Seite nicht editieren! * args = () * message = u'Sie d\xfcrfen diese Seite nicht editieren!'
-- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-05 23:02:26
That is becaue of a feature and a bug. I used my name in the package file. I have to redo it, because if one has set acl rights then package pages may become not be able to write the pages into the wiki. The bug is that it shows a traceback for that case, a msg of AccessDenied is right. A workaround for the current package is to unzip it and to replace my name referring to your acl settings in the file MOIN_PACKAGE. Then zip all files again together and install it. Another option is to clone the http://hg.moinmo.in/moin/1.7-extensions repository and copy the files to the right places -- ReimarBauer 2008-08-06 10:28:33
Now the installation works, but it seems it has broken the cache. On the page on which i've includet the <<arnica>> macro, i'm getting the error:
ImportError cannot import name cache If you want to report a bug, please save this page and attach it to your bug report.
and I can't delete the Cache via the "Delete Cache"-Action in the whole wiki, without getting the same error. -- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-06 11:17:22
Looks like this issue is my fault. Fixing. -- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-06 11:40:11 No. refresh.py causes the trouble. Deleting it restores the Standard "Delete Cache"-Functionality. But Arnica doesn't work.
# /usr/local/share/moin/schreiben/data/plugin/parser/text_x_arnica.py in () 1. 19 2. 20 from MoinMoin import caching, config, wikiutil 3. 21 from MoinMoin.action import AttachFile, cache 4. 22 from MoinMoin.packages import packLine 5. 23 from MoinMoin.Page import Page * MoinMoin undefined * AttachFile = None * cache undefined
-- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-06 11:47:57
Beta2 requires 1.7.1 the cache action was added to this release. Please make sure that you have 1.7.1 installed -- ReimarBauer 2008-08-06 14:49:35
I was absolutely sure the last portupgrade updates moin to 1.7.1 .. but I'm wrong. The actual version ist 1.7.0_1. So I have to wait a little bit. Thanks. -- MelaEckenfels 2008-08-07 13:40:46
Ok, next time please attach the traceback as an html file. That makes this page easier to read. And at the bottom of the traceback we also see moins version number
-- ReimarBauer 2008-08-07 13:55:44
-- BrianGallew 2025-03-28 22:06:27
I just installed 1.7.2beta5 on my MoinMoin-1.8.1 instance and I'm getting empty thumbnails. You'll find an example [http://family.gallew.org/EdAndMaryAnneGallew/NewCar/WreckedIt here].
- I've looked in the cache, and all the data files are empty, while the meta files have appropriate content. Any ideas?
- Is PIL (python imaging library) installed?
- can i specify const height (instead of width) ?
yes the tip version in the repo arranges it similiar to http://johannes.sipsolutions.net/Photos
the autoguessing on splitting long names isn't very good, as actual fonts may be wildly different. i suggest to use soft-hyphen ­ instead of space, and insert it at say every 10 characters.
good point I look on that, needs probably tested on various browsers.
- can the image-name be a link to webnail (or whatever the image points to)? else there's no way to click if u have no mouse or want to click with middle button
may be an accesskey instead of a click? Currently I don't want to switch from POST to GET.
- why is it POST anyway? IMO general usability has to be top priority, so more ppl use it with fun - special cases should be.. special.
because of the amount of data it has to send to the action currently.
- maybe whole "thumbnailing" scheme can be separate func/class so one can tweak it - e.g. text instead of toolicons, diff. arrangement etc
yes, for moin-2.0 it needs a lot of refactoring too. Because of unifying pages and attachments and because of using a template engine. Some of the refactoring can be done on this roadmap before 2.0 is ready. Help is welcome!
- why is it POST anyway? IMO general usability has to be top priority, so more ppl use it with fun - special cases should be.. special.
- can there be default settings - in wikiconfig or else? overrideing the lastresort in code
Can you please be more verbose on that question. Sorry, I can't understand what "overrideing the lastresort in code" means
- currently there are 2 levels: user-specified values and default values. defaults are hardcoded in the arnica_settings() keywordargs. These are lastresort defaults. A (subset) dict of those can come from, say, wikiconfig, and fit inbetween user-specified arguments and lastresort ones. So if i want to make default width 234 everywhere, i dont have to change the source.
ok, that is maybe more a feature request for the argument parser. It looks to me we want to have currently a dictionary of key value pairs for any plugin we use, which could be overwritten or initialized by a setting in wikiconfig. e.g. DefaultConfig.plugin.parser.arnica['width'] = 300 (PluginConceptOverhaul)
- currently there are 2 levels: user-specified values and default values. defaults are hardcoded in the arnica_settings() keywordargs. These are lastresort defaults. A (subset) dict of those can come from, say, wikiconfig, and fit inbetween user-specified arguments and lastresort ones. So if i want to make default width 234 everywhere, i dont have to change the source.
another nasty thing; if one does a navigational Next (alt-RightArrow) on a page with images, it goes to 1st image (why?), and then one more Next removes it! The effect is that going back in browser history then forward becomes dangerous..
browser navigation has on many parts problems. e.g. going back to an edit window will load old data into an edit box and if you save you overwrite changes already saved or from someone else. Also you will set a lock (if state is not warning). Anyway good question why it changes the state in this case. Also me omits to use browser navigation on sites using forms.
thanks, -- SvilenDobrev 2009-05-29 19:47:53