A WikiWikiWeb works best if as many people as possible help to deliver or improve content. According to experience most people only read in a wiki and very few are editing. So it is a good idea to attract a lot of traffic in a wiki. Search engines can help you to achieve this aim. Search_engine_optimization (SEO) is quite sophisticated, but there are also some quite easy to realise rules.

On this page we can discuss how to improve MoinMoin in order that wikis driven with MoinMoin are better ranked in Google & Co.


It is a good idea to concentrate the traffic on one URL. For example a HTTP_301 should redirect to http://www.moinmo.in/ if someone types in http://moinmo.in/ (or vice versa).

In the Google Webmaster Tools you can chose wich is the Main-Domain.


MoinMoin delivers an XML-Sitemap you can use at the Google Webmaster Tools, see ActionMarket/SiteMap .

Page structure

/!\ You have to take care that the AccessibleMoin do not suffer by the optimization.


It is a good idea to put important words in a heading. This is a task for the editor of a page. In the newest Revision of MoinMoin the title of a page is marked as h1. This is fine. :-)

A good tool to check the Headings is the web developer toolbar of firefox: Information | View Document Outline.

Content first

The page should begin with content. The Logo and the Navigation-Links should moved in the source-code of a site to the end. It can be showed on the top with CSS.

see also SuchmaschinenOptimierung (german), SearchEngineMarketing.

MoinMoin: SearchEngineOptimization (last edited 2009-01-25 19:43:10 by ThomasWaldmann)