Sota Kado
Hi Team, Im very new to MoinMoin and actually Wiki's in general, but have been given a task at work to organize a ton of online documents. As of right now, Im focusing primarily on the small group im i'm in, there's about 8 of us that interact with all the various departments. Its a small to medium Data Center and as you can imagine every department has their own way for storing/archiving/referencing their documents.
Anyways, since im the new guy here they've tossed me the job to clean it all up. Starting here in the NOC. i was wondering if there is a method where like Google Maps API allows someone to zoom in/out and pan left/right on a Map if it was possible to implement that same feature but on a HUGE AutoCAD-like Adobe Schematic?
Im currently all over the web trying to find a simple way to do this. Any suggestions on where to start?
Email: <sotatale AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com>
messages to me
Hi Sota,
welcome here and congrats to that job.
I can't help you with the schematic stuff, but if you need help with (moin) wiki, just ask here or join us on the MoinMoinChat.
-- ThomasWaldmann 2009-02-20 08:27:59