
The new storage code must support or be extendable to support the following requirements:

Proposed Storage Design


Internal Interface

Implementation for 1.6 compatibility

External Interface

Using the External Interface

The entry point to the external interface is the ItemCollection which takes two arguments: the backend to operate on and a request object which can be None. To initialize the ItemCollection use the following code:

   1 item_collection = ItemCollection(request.cfg.data_backend, request)

The ItemCollection behaves like a dictionary and has an additional operation to create an item:

   1 # get an item
   2 item_test = item_collection["test"]
   4 # delete an item
   5 del item["test2"]
   7 # create a new item
   8 item_test = item_collection.new_item("test3")

Now you have an Item object which contains all revisions accessable like a dictionary again, for creating revisions there is a new method. Before you do any write operation on an item you have to lock it to avoid concurrent modifications. When you forget to lock the item you will get a LockingError when trying to modify the item. Don't forget to unlock the item at the end.

   1 # get revision one
   2 revision_one = item_test[1]
   4 # lock item
   5 item_test.lock = True
   7 # create new revision
   8 revision_two = item_test.new_revision()

The revision has two important properties, metadata and data. The metadata is a dictionary again, the data a file like object. After changing the data and metadata you have to call save() on the revision.

   1 # write metadata
   2 revision_one.metadata["key"] = "value"
   4 # write data
   7 # save
  10 # unlock the item
  11 item_test.lock = False

Error Hierarchy

Metadata Keys

There current set of metadata keys is described in the following. They are accessible as properties of a Revision.

Per Item Metadata:

Per Revision Metadata:


See HelpOnConfiguration/Storage.


ACL checking is done on every access to the Metadata, Data, Revision and Item methods. When the user, which can be taken from the request which is passed to the ItemCollection, does not have the correct access rights an ACLError will be raised. Currently you can already get the ACLs by the corresponding property on the Item. The checking and exception raising is not yet implemented.


Locking is done on two levels. On the Item level and on the Backend level

Only one thread can modify an Item simultaneously, which is indicated by the lock property of an Item. This avoids transactional corruptions. Other threads will have to wait for the lock getting released or an LockingError will be raised. Reading the item data is still possible.

The Backend implementation itself has to make sure that the operations are atomic and consistent. For unix this is true in the code, for windows not. See further comments there.


The current status is described here:

MoinMoin: StorageRefactoring/SOC2007 (last edited 2008-03-21 16:51:03 by JohannesBerg)