Discussion, Bugs and Features for SimpleMente Theme



improved breadcrumb navigation

thanks a lot for the quick fix! would it be possible to avoid two line h1 on top completely, maybe by:

Hi Thurner!

Cheers! -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-08-16 18:46:39

Notes about the improved breadcrumbs:



The MoinMoin release 1.6.1 raises an error like : Theme instance has no attribute 'linkSchemas' I changed around line 826 the following code (don't know if it's correct; but it works for me). -- MarcelHäfner 2008-02-04 10:55:10

FROM (old):
for scheme in self.linkSchemas:

TO (new):
for scheme in config.url_schemas:

Same thing happened to me in 1.6.2 and Marcel's solution worked OK... what's more, Marcel's change doesn't break 1.5.8 so maybe Eduardo would be nice enough to commit the change for us -- MarianoAbsatz 2008-03-29 20:03:47

The css for the new 1.6 'comment' class seems to be missing which means that when I use comments, they just appear as plain text! Other than this (and liking an edit button at the top of my pages), this is a lovely theme and extremely well documented: well done! :) - Tushar. (..and forgot to mention that the 'comments' link which is in the edit bar in the modern theme seems to be missing altogether also)

InterWiki name

When using interwikiname and pages with subpages, instead of showing:

it shows

(that is the inter wiki name sticks to the right of the main page name)

Here's an example... the interwikiname is ClueLess, the page is VirtualMachines/KvmQemu:



I can remove the interwikiname altoghether by setting:

show_interwiki = 0

in the config file...


-- MarianoAbsatz 2008-10-29 20:47:27

Version 1.7

I made a small patch to use the theme on my moinmoin 1.7 rc3, see: simplemente.diff. -- MarcelHäfner 2008-06-16 18:57:20

Version 1.8

Ugly Fix for 1.8:

bug fix for AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'render'

I was getting this error:

      /usr/share/moin/devwiki/data/plugin/theme/simplemente.py in msg (self=<wikiconfig.plugin.theme.simplemente.Theme instance at 0xa3bf2ac>, d={'available_actions': ['use self.request.availableActions(page)'], 'home_page': ('Self', u'xxx'), 'last_edit_info': {'editor': u'<span title="xxx">xxx</a></span>', 'time': '2008-12-10 09:23:12'}, 'logo_string': u'<img src="/cv_logo.png" alt="Clearvision Logo">', 'msg': [(<MoinMoin.widget.dialog.Status instance at 0xa3bf16c>, 'dialog')], 'navibar': ['use self.navibar(d)'], 'page': <MoinMoin.PageEditor.PageEditor object at 0xa3bf5cc>, 'page_find_page': 'FindPage', 'page_front_page': u'DevTeam', 'page_help_contents': 'HelpContents', ...})
         1. 949 else:
         2. 950 # msg is a widget
         3. 951 html = msg.render()
         4. 952
         5. 953 return u'<div id="message">\n<h1 class="screenreader_info">%s</h1>\n%s\n</div>\n' % (_('Message'), html)
          * html undefined
          * msg = [(<MoinMoin.widget.dialog.Status instance at 0xa3bf16c>, 'dialog')]
          * msg.render undefined


'list' object has no attribute 'render'

I fixed it by changing the msg() function in simplemente.py as follows (msg was being passed in as the list [(None, 'dialog')] for some reason:

    def msg(self, d):
        _ = self.request.getText
        msg = d['msg']
        if not msg:
            return u''

        if isinstance(msg, (str, unicode)):
            # Render simple strings with a close link
            close = d['page'].link_to(self.request, text=_('Clear message'))
            html = u'<p>%s</p>\n<div class="buttons">%s</div>\n' % (msg, close)
            try:                 # * FIX *
                # msg is a widget
                html = msg.render()
            except Exception, e: # * FIX *
                html = str(msg)  #  *FIX*

return u'<div id="message">\n<h1 class="screenreader_info">%s</h1>\n%s\n</div>\n' % (_('Message'), html)

Version 1.9

In v1.9 the theme didn't work at all untill I commented out this line:

pagename = request.normalizePagename(pagename)

Error was "AttributeError: 'AllContext' object has no attribute 'normalizePagename'"

In Google Chrome it was impossible to use links of Sidebar in some cases (example: http://www.wired-things.de/wiredwiki).

I replaced




in the Sidebar section of screen.css to fix it.



MoinMoin: ThemeMarket/SimpleMente/Discussion (last edited 2011-08-19 17:28:15 by KirillMikhaylov)