Marketplace for themes
Here you can find additional themes that are not included in MoinMoin. If a theme got included in MoinMoin it's listed under the last version for which is has to be downloaded separately. The included themes are compatible with every version in which they are included.
For more information on themes, see HelpOnThemes. For older themes, see ThemeMarketArchive. You can find other extensions on CategoryMarket. If you are a theme developer, please look at MoinDev/ThemeDevelopment and ThemeGuidelines about how to write or update your theme.
The discussion moved to /AuthorNotes. There are also various patches and icons available at /ThemeResources.
These items are organized by the most recent MoinMoin version they have been tested with; they may also be compatible with older versions. Please state the compatibility on the page for the theme.
1. Compatible with moin 2.0.0
To create your own moin2 theme see
Contributed themes are not supported by the moin developers. But you may use the moin2 issue tracker on GitHub to report problems with moin2 contributed themes. See:
2. Compatible with 1.9.x (and possibly older)
3. Compatible with 1.8.x (and possibly older)
4. Compatible with 1.7.x (and possibly older)
5. Compatible with 1.6.x (and possibly older)
6. Compatible only with 1.5.x or older
7. No Compatibility Stated