After creating an account, user get confused by preferences


After logging in, the new user sees a long list of options he doesn't understand and doesn't need really need to. He wonders, "what do I do now?" The user felt the need to look at each item and consider whether he should check or uncheck. He didn't understand most -- but did have a laugh at "Disable this account forever" :)

-- GregWhittier


I think the the problem is again the concept of a user preferences page doing both login, creating accounts and setting preferences. When a user create an account, its because they want to edit some page that only registered users can, or subscribe to a page.

This is common situation:

  1. User want to edit SomePage which has acl

  2. User create an account or login
  3. User moved to UserPreferences page

But the user wanted to go to SomePage! editor...

This happen to me every time I visit a new wiki - quite annoying. -- NirSoffer 2005-05-12 22:35:35

Is it possible just to go back to the main page or just give a choice "main page" or "edit preferences?" -- GregWhittier

I observed the same confusion with my workplace and Wiki usage, even among software engineers.

The Login screen is very confusing and I have seen them stare blankly at it. If we compare this Mediawiki's implementation, it serves the same purpose but is a lot more clear. Also, it emphasises that logging in is not required (this is the alternative text when you hover over the "Create account / log in" link on the top right). The heading for the page should probably be different from "User Preferences" when they haven't logged in too.

When a person has logged in, there should also be a 'Log out' link too. Or at least call it "User Preferences / Log out"

/!\ As of moin--main--1.5--patch-487 Login is much simpler.

I have made an excellent experience with a FirstSteps page that explains a new user how to

  1. create a new account
  2. log in for the first time
  3. create a user page

This has even gotten easier with the new option [[UserPreferences(createonly)]]. You can see our first steps page (in German) here: -- ChristophKoenig 2007-06-01 15:51:20


MoinMoin: UsabilityObservation/User confused by preferences on first login (last edited 2007-10-29 19:15:30 by localhost)