Hi, I installed MoinMoin at a previous company I worked for. This was on the intranet (accessible via the internet) as a knowledge base system. I use the term 'knowledge base' as you already know MoinMoin is a wiki system but it was explicitly used as a knowledge base system.

I checked out the other open-source wiki solutions but MoinMoin was IMHO the best suited. On the side, I learnt Python (and continually learning).

As was company policy, I could only run the webserver on Windows (running IIS). I since made inroads and the wiki now runs on Linux (Fedora Core 3). I was also looking at doing other things like installing Dot Net Nuke which is an ASP.net solution but that's crap so I did some work with Plone.

Also, the MoinMoin installation runs with mod_python and is so damn fast it's amazing.

I am also the author of a theme called rightsidebarsmaller. I have also created a leftsidebarsmaller theme which is similar to this. Please address any discussion of these themes below.

I have also created a RSS/XML feed of the last 15 Moin Moin Patchs. This is feed is updated daily.

Moin Moin Patchs feed

Last setup I installed:

Python version:

Python 2.3.4


Linux Fedora Core 3, Apache 2 (with mod_python)

MoinMoin Release:


Discussion / Comments / Suggestions / Messages to me:

On the page MoinMoinBugs/InternetExplorer you say that the rightsidebarsmaller theme does not show any float: bugs. Can you confirm that? Can you check what your change was in order to accomplish that? -- AlexanderSchremmer 2005-02-24 19:58:11

... actually, that might not be 100% true. -- JulianYap

MoinMoin: JulianYap (last edited 2013-06-05 05:58:46 by ThomasWaldmann)