After creating an account, user get confused by preferences
After logging in, the new user sees a long list of options he doesn't understand and doesn't need really need to. He wonders, "what do I do now?" The user felt the need to look at each item and consider whether he should check or uncheck. He didn't understand most -- but did have a laugh at "Disable this account forever"
- Single observation. Technical background but not a programmer.
- User was observed over-the-shoulder while assisting with account creation.
MoinMoin 1.3.4
Internet Explorer 6. Windows XP. Sinorca4Moin theme.
-- GregWhittier
I think the the problem is again the concept of a user preferences page doing both login, creating accounts and setting preferences. When a user create an account, its because they want to edit some page that only registered users can, or subscribe to a page.
This is common situation:
User want to edit SomePage which has acl
- User create an account or login
User moved to UserPreferences page
But the user wanted to go to SomePage! editor...
This happen to me every time I visit a new wiki - quite annoying. -- NirSoffer 2005-05-12 22:35:35
Is it possible just to go back to the main page or just give a choice "main page" or "edit preferences?" -- GregWhittier
- Mediawiki returns to the last page visited before logging in.
On Daviswiki you also stay on the same page as the one you were on before logging in. Daviswiki uses a modyfied MoinMoin Version.
I observed the same confusion with my workplace and Wiki usage, even among software engineers.
The Login screen is very confusing and I have seen them stare blankly at it. If we compare this Mediawiki's implementation, it serves the same purpose but is a lot more clear. Also, it emphasises that logging in is not required (this is the alternative text when you hover over the "Create account / log in" link on the top right). The heading for the page should probably be different from "User Preferences" when they haven't logged in too.
When a person has logged in, there should also be a 'Log out' link too. Or at least call it "User Preferences / Log out"
-- JulianYap 2005-08-11 02:59:30
The monobook theme has this near the userpreferences link at the top of the page. I agree with Julian; If things for login handling are improved please make this a requirement or 'should have' for other/new themes too -- ArpKruithof 2005-10-21 16:07:49
As of moin--main--1.5--patch-487 Login is much simpler.
I have made an excellent experience with a FirstSteps page that explains a new user how to
- create a new account
- log in for the first time
- create a user page
This has even gotten easier with the new option [[UserPreferences(createonly)]]. You can see our first steps page (in German) here: -- ChristophKoenig 2007-06-01 15:51:20