If you are a user with disabilities and have special needs, this is the place to add requests and comments. If you are an expert this area will like to here your comments and improvements ideas.
See also MoinMoinExtensions/HotKeys, AccessibleHtmlLayout, AccessibleMoin, and some notes in ThemeMarket/MonoBook.
please add a date and the version number of Moin for each test. -- 2005-10-02 12:52:06
What screen readers say
Using a screen reader will show you where you really have edges in your application. AlexanderSchremmer tried one and realised that the navigation at the top is annoying if it is read every time. We should place a link to be able to skip it.
- Better yet would be to send all the navigation at the end of the page - the CSS can display it first for visual browsers.
- If this is possible without sacrificing browser compatibility, it is a good idea.
Additionally, we should mute the lower cloned navigation to avoid confusion.
Moin fail in some tests
Moin fails one of the WAI/WCAG 2.0 checks. Some good tools to check some of these are on http://checker.atrc.utoronto.ca/servlet/Submit?file=http://&error=5
known problems
2 Known problems found are actually one, this code, missing "for" attribute in the select label:
<form class="actionsmenu" method="get" action=""> <div> <label>More Actions:</label> <select name="action" onchange="if ((this.selectedIndex != 0) && (this.options[this.selectedIndex].disabled == false)) { this.form.submit();
Found more problems:
Test 90, Known Problem: (line 112) SCRIPT must have a NOSCRIPT section. Repair: Add a NOSCRIPT section immediately following the SCRIPT that provides the same functionality as the SCRIPT.
We used noscript in the past, but it did not work on waldi browser. Seems that noscript is not supported well by all browsers. Anyway we use another system - the forms as a label and a button to submit the form in the html. A browsers that support javascript will remove those elements because they are not needed. In the actions menu, if you have javascript, you can select an element with one click, and invalid values are automatically ignored. If you don't use javascript, you will have to select an option, then click on "Do", then, if you selected an invalid option, like a separator line, you will have to wait for a response from the server. The search button use javascript to filter stupid input like , and enable the buttons only when there is some non space data in the search box. Also the search box show the localized string "Search" each time you leave the search box empty, and empty itself when you focus on it. Of course all this can't work without javascript, when you get simple Search, a box and two submit buttons. You can try to search for empty string or few spaces without the javascript code and you will have to wait for the server and get an error. Life without javascript suck.
So both browsers with or without javascript can use this element, but without javascript it suck. No way to fix that.
This "error" happen 3 times, one for each select element.
Test 92, Known Problem: (line 150) SELECT element is auto-submit. Repair: Remove the ONCHANGE attribute from the SELECT element.
What can we say about this? This select element SHOULD be auto submit, its is user abuse to make the user select an action and click a button each time. We will not change that. Can we hide this from the checkers in some way? maybe add the onChange function dynamically
Test 138, Known Problem: (line 105) INPUT element, TYPE of "text", missing a tab index. Repair: Add a TABINDEX attribute to your INPUT element. <INPUT alt="Search" id="searchinput" name="value" onblur="searchBlur(this)" onchange="searchChange(this)" onfocus="searchFocus(this)" onkeyup="searchC...
We can add this, but its not very useful. This is not a form the you feel from top to bottom, this is a site search box.
Test 48, Known Problem: (line 2) Document language not identified. Repair: Add a LANG attribute to the HTML element of your document. The LANG attribute must be set to a valid 2 or 3 letter language code as defined in the ISO specification 639.
Hmm, we have the language on the body, and thats always passed the w3c validator. Should check what the standard say about this.
Test 63, Known Problem: (line 105) INPUT element, TYPE of "text", missing default text. Repair: Add a "value" attribute to the INPUT element. Set the text in the "value" attribute to the default text for the control. <INPUT alt="Search" id="searchinput" name="value" onblur="searchBlur(this)" onchange="searchChange(this)" onfocus="searchFocus(this)" onkeyup="searchC...
This is the search box, its value is set by javascipt to "Search", and emptied automatically when you click in the field. Without JS, you get a clean empty box, which is what a search box should be. Check if default value auto delete itself when you click in a text input without javascript (I don't remember such behavior).
-- NirSoffer 2005-04-19 17:28:33
I have some concerns about the Javascript and the drop-down menu but I'm not a screen-reader user so I don't know if they are problems in reality or only theory.
- The javascript should not be a problem (hope so).
- There are some other interesting issues like missing labels that should be fixed and should be easy to fix
potential problems
Other 2 potential problem are wired. I can't get what they want:
PRE - <form class="actionsmenu" meth Test 154, Potential Problem: (line 258) PRE element may be misused to create tabular layout.
What is to be done?
- Add a NOSCRIPT section immediately following the SCRIPT that provides the same functionality as the SCRIPT.
- What script?
- Remove the ONCHANGE attribute from the SELECT element.
- We are not going to remove it, we want one click access to actions. This can be done by 3rd party theme authors.
Aural stylesheet
Add aural stylesheet so we can define what is read! -- ThiloPfennig 2006-12-03 13:48:14