I have got a MoinMoin on my homepage at http://wiki.catesfamily.org.uk/ on which I am playing with a bit with the kids.

One thing I have done is put up some simple Mazes with my five year old: there's been a discussion on MeatBall on using simple Mazes to get kids into Wiki.

However, I could not find a way to get larger typeface, except headers. Small kids don't like small type. In the end I have had to load the HTML Macro onto the Wiki but then the whole thing is too vulnerable to attack and I've had to restrict editing to users I know.

Nir has suggested "creating another wiki instance, clone my favorite theme, and edit the CSS files. Then when you finish your MathMazeWiki, make a tarball and put it on WikiMaket, so others could enjoy this too." Thats a bit technical.. Has anyone done a Macro for the typefaces already? If so may I copy it --AndrewCates

Try appending this to your screen.css:

body, table, td, th {
    font-size: large; /* or x-large, or xx-large */

For gory details, get them at the w3.org site--JohnMcDonnell

There is no need for a new wiki instance, just "clone my favorite theme, and edit the CSS files" and set this theme for your children. Or simply use a larger font setting in the browser... -- FlorianFesti 2004-09-13 16:05:48

I think there is a need for a new wiki instance, becuase the kids don't want big type to read the boring stuff we write. So if Adrew setup some nice theme and pages, I would like to get them too for my 4 years old daughter. Of course there is no need for the help and system pages, only the kids specific pages. -- NirSoffer 2004-09-13 18:08:33

Don't know about technicalities but Nir is definitely right about what is required: small edit etc but big output text. As has currently been done using the HTML macro. See 5X5 Maze to get the idea--AndrewCates

MoinMoin: KidsMoinMoin (last edited 2007-10-29 19:06:40 by localhost)