I registered http://moin.wiki, but it isn't used yet - let's use this page for thinking about what it should become.
I'ld like a fresh start for MoinMoin 2.0+ on that domain:
leave all old stuff that related to < 2.0 behind on moinmo.in.
- https only
- there must be no code (like plugins/extensions) in the community wiki, but just references to whereever the code is kept (repository, pypi, external site).
Sites / Subdomains
- moin.wiki == main site, points to other stuff
- could be, but not necessarily has to be a wiki
- maybe just some pretty site made with bootstrap?
needs help from a web designer (pretty gfx, colours, fonts, arrangement, UX).
- rather clean, only important and up-to-date stuff
- docs.moin.wiki
- our docs on readthedocs (IIRC one can use own domain, if not: links or redirect)
- moin.moin.wiki? community.moin.wiki?
- community wiki for moin2 (require login, less spam)
- try.moin.wiki
- sandbox wiki (for random playing, initialized daily to stay clean)
Mailing List
- move away from sourceforge
- google groups?
- mailman?
- better ideas?
Any other ideas?