Open Source meets Business 2007
The MoinMoin project will have a "Poster Session" at the "Open Source meets Business 2007" congress in Nuernberg, Germany (23.-26. January 2007).
Details about what a "Poster Session" is are here (in german) or here (in english) .
ThomasWaldmann and MichaelZeidler will be there.
Due to the location, I guess most people attending there will be from Germany. The talks at the congress are in English or German, so maybe there is also some international audience.
- TW goes there from 2007-01-23 (travelling in the morning) to 2007-01-26 (travelling back, unsure whether in the morning or afternoon after last conference day [there is no poster session that day, but the day before could get rather late])
Infos I got via email
- we will have Internet by LAN
- the table will be rather small (0.5x0.5 maybe) and besides (not in front of) the posters, so no way for a beamer
Poster (Freemind data file) (same as A4 flyer - 1,54 MB)
MoinMoinA4.pdf (same as PDF - 325 KB)
Keywords for Poster
- MM logo
- easy, distributed and open collaboration
- simple content managment
- gui editor
- access control
- email integration
- free software (GPL)
- modular design, readable code (Python)
- easily extensible (plugins)
- desktop edition to try in a minute
Another suggestion with some more details
- MM logo
- easy, distributed and open collaboration aiming primarily on intranet usage
- simple content managment
- free software (GPL) with a fast community of users (some screenshots from Fedora, Ubuntu here maybe. Most people would like to see pictures.. makes also look the poster more interesting I think.. Please do also mention, VDI, Intel and Apache here... is really a door-opener and is a must to mention here.. Put also logos of these firms on the poster as eye-catcher??)
- text and WYSIWIG editor
- access control
- support of different languages. Full support of German not only of the user's interface but also of the vast amount of help pages (TWiki doesn't have that and that's a major drawback. Important information in my eyes!!!)
- email integration (subscription to changes of pages as well as easliy merging e-mail in wikipages)
- full text and(!) full attachment search (pdf, ppt, xls files...) in Moin1.6
page templates which ease the creation of pages dramatically (MeetingTemplate, ReportTemplate..) I could also provide some page templates here, since we at the university also use e.g. the MeetingTemplate to find a meeting date by voting for different date suggestions. Very nice...
- modular design, readable code (Python)
- one of the safest wiki engines!
- easy to maintain and update
- wikifarm concept for easy parallel running of different wikis also with common shared pages and farm search (patches available)
easily extensible (plugins). Give a list of interesting plugins here for the business people like event calender, inline spreadsheet calculation, TaskPlanner, Word-Formatter, Conversion from Word to Moin pages, PDF-Support, Slideshow-Mode to do presentation directly out of the wiki, TWikiDrawPlugin/JGraphPadPlugin to change and edit images and mindmapps inline, and so on..
- desktop edition to try in a minute/to run a standalone without the need to a big webserver and internet. Also usable as personal information manager and keeping your personal notes.
- wikisyncronistation to syronise different wikis e.g. a personal, desktop wiki with a online, normal wiki
Commerical support available (WaldmannEDV and others...) + MoinBounties-Concept (pay for implementation)
An outlook to the future is maybe also very interesting if a company wants to choose the right engine:
- Support for handicaped people (in progress): very important information for governmental organisations which have since 2005 (?) to assure accessibility by law and which want to use Moin as intranet!!
- Support for mobile devices (planned).
- Storage abstraction (flat and database support)
- Better support of metadata and semantic web (However: some patches for a semantic Moin are already available!!).
- Full revision controll of attachments
- ...
Layout Ideas
Like a Mindmap or a UML diagram? I think that would be nice. -- MarkusMajer
Other Ideas
Maybe it is also possible to have a small information flyer on Moin (a copy of the posters?) people can take away, a CD with an installed DesktopEdition (needs only to be copied to the hdd for testing then).
If you give a way a CD, I think it would be the best to remaster a Linux Live CD (for example Ubuntu Live CD, because it has a good hardware recognition in general) and put the Desktop Moin Edition on it. Then the people also have the requirements for Moin also (Python, etc.) -- MarkusMajer
I can also give a helping hand in the creation of the posters and the graphical design, but I only have ppt for that available - no open office. Sorry. -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-01-18 21:43:24
- If you have Linux, you should use a vector drawing programm like Inkscape, Sodipodi, Karbon, etc. for that - because it needs to be scalable to print it in a size like 1,50 x 1,50 metres. If I print it, need a appropriate format like EPS, SVG, PDF.. -- Markus Majer
The poster looks great! Good luck in Nuremberg! -- OliverSiemoneit 2007-01-23 14:18:02
Have we been invited for Open Source Meets Business 2008? Call for Papers is open till September. See -- MartinBayer 2007-07-22 14:27:02