Administration of personal MoinMoin application

See also:


The configuration can work like Samba web configuration. You run the server and visit special location like localhost:8008, and submit a form. We can write this using standalone server by adding another webserver listening to the configuration port, or maybe use a magic address like localhost:8000/config, just like we use magic localhost:8000/wiki to serve static files.

Actions available

Make these options available only on the local machine, or make it secure enough to do it from a remote machine. Maybe as the first step, allow only local operation.


Just restricting such a configuration dialog to "Personal" editions is quite pointless, having such a thing in the main install is as good as in a PersonalMoinMoin/the DesktopEdition. Other wikis have such a thing already, other webapplications as well.

It make sense to have eaiser administration for the general release, but the general release is based on Python moudles for configuration, which give it unlimited power and flexibility, needed for a server application. The personal version does not need all this power and focused on being easy to use by the general user. Developing admin tool that can work with Python modules and support both edit by hand and edit by admin tool is much harder, therfore, I want to develope a simple solution first. --Nir

MoinMoin: PersonalMoinMoin/AdminInterface (last edited 2007-10-29 19:05:59 by localhost)